
2nd Day

---Holy Grail War
A grand ceremony that's been repeatedly performed since a few hundred years ago
Once you join the war, you have to bet your life on the line and murder the other six for survival

Don't know when did it begin
It's only a legend, there used to be a Holy Grail on the land of Fuyou, many Mages competed with one another in the past
There was only one goal, to obtain the treasure so-called Holy Grail

However, no one can confirm the origin of the Holy Grail
We know this is not the chalice that once held the blood of Christ, but its awesome power can match that of the legendary Holy Grail easily

There's no doubt
In the legend, Holy Grail can grant any wish

However that ownership is only for one person
One Holy Grail can only grant, one man's wish
But to summon the Holy Grail on this land requires seven Mages

One miracle, and seven assistants

......To put it simply
It was only a matter of time before the war broke out

The beginning was just like all those stories about power struggle
Seven Mages share the power of Holy Grail evenly, compete with one another with Servants

Only one Mage can obtain the Holy Grail
In the end, they treated their old comrades as enemy, and began a miserable slaughter

That is the ceremony namely Holy Grail War, the battle among Mages in order to obtain Holy Grail

A Mage selected by the Holy Grail is entitled Master
Master is able to obtain powerful Servants because of the benevolence act of the Holy Grail

---There are two testaments of Master

Summons a Servant, makes him obey
And restricts the Servant, possesses three command spells

There is no need to talk about the previous
Yesterday......No, more correctly a few hours ago......the summoned Archer became my Servant
The later
The command spells that restrict the Servants must be kept to the end
This is the most important lesson as a Master

Upon summoning Archer, the emblem engrave on my right hand
Is the command spells
The stigmata obtained through Holy Grail, the testament of Masters that appears upon the summoning of a Servant

The engravement that condense formidable magical power, is not eternal, but ephemeral
Just as the pattern suggested, one stroke symbolize one time, it disappears once used
In another word, there are only three chances
Master who lost the three command spells would not be able to make the Servant obey him, and have to face death

Command spells are like one's life, should be treated sincerely until the end
It's really a pain to cast away one command spell this early, but at least it didn't completely go to waster
However you put it, it's no surprise for Servants to betray their Masters at any given time
Fasten a collar around his neck with just one command spell is by mere luck

......Enough highlightings

When seven Servants are gathered, the war will begin
By that time I won't be able to sleep well
I have no idea when will the last Master show up, but it should be soon, so----


"Hm----it's already, morning......?"
......So tired
I look outside of the window with dizziness, the sun is already out

"......It's already passed nine......this is not a matter of tardiness anymore......"
I look at the alarm clock half asleep, mumbles let's not go to school today, and then nods to myself

"......Body is so heavy......must be at least one half times heavier than usual"
I wake up from bed, breath deeply
......The reason my body is this tired is not because of my problem with waking up in the morning
That Archer mentioned before
Magus who just summoned a Servant cannot move around freely

"----Oh right. I summoned Archer instead of Saber"
Now I recall everything clearly
Of course if it's possible, I don't want to recall this, but even if I refuse, there's still no way to repeat everything again

"......Does it require an entire day for regenerating magical power. Let's try it out today"
I crawl out of my nest slowly
......Battling with the relatively warm air for winter, and the desire to crawl back to my bed
After taking out the temptation of going back to sleep, I make sure there's nothing wrong with me physically in front of a figure mirror. Other than there is only half of the normal magical power flowing inside of my body

"---Anyway, it's impossible to have anything wrong"
In brief, I want to take this chance to confirm the current situation
The Servant I summoned was Archer
An impolite individual that insults his own summoner and Master
And he doesn't even know who he is
......Aw. My head suddenly starts to hurt

"......Is his Noble Phantasm sealed off before he recovers his memories......You can't use it as long as you can't remember what it is"

Granted Servants already are very capable familiars, but the reason why they are the strongest, is because all of them possess a powerful 'last resort'

Unfortunately, Archer said he couldn't remember his last resort

"---Oh well, it's my fault too, just have to think of something"

Unmistakeably, we are both in this together
I can only pray for him to at least organize his distorted memories already, but it doesn't seem to be any time soon

I see so much trouble ahead of us----


"......Wow. I am impressed"
Living room looks exactly the same as before
I only hoped he could at least tidy up the rubbles, but to recover to this point, I am deeply touched beyond admiration

Maybe that guy did mind what he has done to the living room. Otherwise he wouldn't push it this far
Should I say this is praise-worthy, or he is a really nice guy----

"Sun has been up there for a while now. You are so clumsy"
I take back my words
There is nothing about this shameless guy worth praising

"---Morning. Aren't you relaxed. Just messing around with other people's living room casually"
"How so, I already stayed over for a night. I can pretty much tell where everything is. Aah, I tidied up the kitchen by the way. I thought it would be a bit more sloppy, but it turned out to be a very well organized kitchen. Very high class for a single unit mansion"

My head hurts
Why do I have to let a Servant examining my house's arrangement
Aren't Servants a lot that don't think of anything else besides fighting
is this guy really not a defect among Servants

"I see, it seems you are not completely awake yet. Though you were very spirited yesterday, but started to feel weariness after sleeping, right. ---Hm. Drink it if you like black tea"
He figured out my house without my consent
Archer stands up, take out a new tea cup in one smooth motion, brewing black tea that surfaces an elegant red color

There are many things I can criticize, but for some inconceivable reason I don't feel like interrupting
Archer's sequence of movements are very well-trained, hm, I guess you can call him agile

"......Whatever. It's true that I am tired, I will drink it all right"
I sit down on a chair
The tea cup is passed over silently, I take a sip

----Ah, so delicious

Of course, this is the spring pick Chinese black tea. The most delicious one of my favorite tea-leaves
I would be angry if it was not brewed properly
Then again, I would be angry if my favorite tea-leaves are brewed without my consent
Angry is one thing, but it was brewed so well, I am filled with joy before giving any complaint

"Heh. Heh heh"
"......Hold on. What are you laughing at"
"Nothing, I was waiting for some feedback, but thought there was no point to ask after looking at your expression"
Clang, I put down the tea cup on table

"What a shame. It tastes better while it's hot. If you think I am a eyesore, I can just disappear"
"Thanks for the kind welcome, but no thanks. I am not a Master looking for some servant boys to brew tea. You too, don't mind things out of your duty"

"Is that so. True, I didn't sign the contract to brew tea and do house cleaning. Since you mention it, I will be more careful from now on"
"Hm. What I need is a familiar that can fight. Never heard of a Servant that is good at housework, and there's no special need to do it"

"? No special need, what does that mean"
"Nothing. Whatever you think it means. More importantly---have you recalled your real identity yet?"

Archer shakes his head
......Sure enough, the problem is very serious
If he can't recall it after a night, meaning it's not so simple. Even if we can work on many experiments today, but still----

"I see, I will think of ways to retreat your memories. Get prepared, Archer, we are going out. You are still unfamiliar with this city after just summoning here, right? I will guide you through the streets"
"Get prepared? No, that's not necessary. I can move out at any moment"

"Are you sure you can go out with this outfit? It stands out so much, other Masters can tell you are a Servant right away with one glance, no. I can't just announce that I am a Master by myself, right?"

"Aah, that. That's no big deal either. I do have to change, but that's only when I am materialized. Servants are in spirit forms to begin with. It reduce the burdens of the Master to return to spirit forms while not fighting"

"Ah, so that's the case. Summoned Heroic Spirits are still spirits. The power to materialize the spirit forms are provided by the Masters, if I cut down the supply"

"Naturally, we will return to spirit forms. Thus Servants can be something like a guardian angel. No one can observe us besides the Master that is connected with us through a thread of mana. But, there is no problem for scouting, because we can still converse"

"Wow, so convenient. Then it must be really hard to find other Masters"
"Aah. But Magi can sense other Magi, right? Servants can sense other Servants as well. If a Servant is well-acquainted with Magecrafts, he can grasp the exact location of another Servant from afar"

Archer is right
Masters are originally outstanding Magi
A Magus with powerful Magecraft can sense mana easily
But as far as I know, there is no one with such power in this town

"Humph......So, how about you? Do you know the locations of other Servants?"
"Master, have you forgotten my attribute. Is it possible for a knight to look for enemy faraway"
......Enough, that's true
Archer doesn't have strong magical power
The kind of magical power that search for enemies faraway, is probably only possessed by a Magus class Servant

"I see. Just follow me for the time being then, Archer. I will show you the world in which you were summoned"
"Doesn't seem to be interesting. ---Above all. Master, did you forget something very important"
"Huh? What important thing?"
"......Seriously. You are not fully awake yet. The most important exchange regarding the contract, we are not done yet"

"The most important exchange regarding contract---?"
Equivalent exchange?
No, the Servant's reward is joining Grail War
We shouldn't have anything else that need to be exchanged---

"......You. Are very clumsy in the morning, indeed"
Archer appears to be very astonished
That sarcastic tone reminds me of one thing
......Now that I think about it
This guy, has not called my name yet

"---Ah. Shoot, name"
"Finally remember it. Oh well, it's not too late for now. Master, what is your name? What should I call you from now on"
Archer seems to be throwing a tantrum

----Surely. This guy, is a nice guy

Hm, it's for sure
Because there is no real meaning behind exchanging names
Servant and Master are forced to be in this situation because of the command spells
If it's only a contract with ordinary familiars, exchanging names has a important meaning, but Master and Servant don't need this sort of intimidates affection

But Archer did refer to it as an important thing
That's different from command spells, it's purely a proof of trusting each other in tomorrow's battles

".........I, am Tohsaka Rin. You can call me however you want"
I hide my true emotions, purposely speaking in an indifferent tone

......Enough, it is easier for some outsider like you to call me Master, this guy will definitely stick with this too
Archer after pronouncing 'Tohsaka Rin,' as if he's grinding the words in his mouth
"Then Rin it is. ......Aah, actually this sound matches you pretty well"
Saying something so exaggerated
"Rin? What's wrong, the color of your face seems strange"
"----Shut, shut up! Let's hurry, Archer! A, anyway there's no time to be at ease......!"

Making a Humph sound, I turn my face to walk outside
I don't want to accept this. I don't know what it is, but I just don't want to accept this
That Archer, did he say that so he can make me feel like this

"......It's possible. It's definitely possible if it's from that guy"
Yeah, this must be it
All the blushing on my face and increased heart beats are that guy's evil plan
Watch out for it, Rin
You are going to work with some dishonest man from now on


I take Archer outside
To the city we live in, Fuyuki City is made of two very large towns
Made of streets and roads from the old time, here is Miyama town
And across from a river, the developing modernized New City

My house is on an ancient street, close to Miyama town

Miyama town can be divided into two large sections

On one side is for the early foreign immigrants, near the Western style streets
Then the other side, the Japanese style residential area is lean close to the mountains

Since both sides are on the hills, I guess you can call here outskirts
The street sandwiched by the Western style and Japanese style is rather ordinary
How ordinary

This ordinary

This is where Miyama town forks out, from here to my house is the hill road of the Western residential area
The other side is the hill roads of the Japanese style residential area
Passing the neighboring town New City's bridge, school, shopping district, and finally arriving at the Ryudo Temple on the mountain

And here, is the main bridge connecting New City and Miyama town

A few years ago New City built a stupendous train station, it's been developing rapidly
Though located in the same city, Miyama town and New City can be viewed as different towns

The name Fuyuki City, or Winter Wood, seems to come from the long winter season
So to speak, the winter season in this town is really long
However, on the other hand, the climate here is very warm, the February of Fuyuki is about the same temperature as elsewhere's December
Some hot springs will probably gush out if you just dig around randomly

Then again, this weather is not cold enough to qualify for a hot spring district
Winters pass by casually in Fuyuki town, without realizing, it's already spring in April, the climate here is just odd like this

The appearance of New City is as such
Rapidly developing streets, only built more and more office buildings and edifices as if it's catching up to something, eventually it became an artificial city
This just took place in the span of a decade
The residential areas were burned down in the fire ten year ago
Edifices were built to take advantage of that, since the land became unsuitable for men to live

--------And so
Here, is the center of that fire

"This is the park of New City. I intend to walk around starting from this place, what do you think?"
I talk to the one besides me, Archer
Of course there's no sign of his presence anywhere

"---Quite a spacious park. But there aren't many people around, is there a reason"
"Does it seem that way? Hm, there is a legend in this place"

I turn around in a circle, looking at the park
With such an enormous land, the park should be the playground of local children naturally
But only a handful of people show up, there's only air flowing around leisurely

"It happened ten years ago. There was a huge fire in this region. The fire continued to burn for a whole day, until it started to rain.
After that, though the City was able to restore itself, but this place never changed. The field that was burned down, nothing is here, a perfect place for a park"

Archer says nothing
I can't see his expression to say the least, but I can tell he sense something extraordinary

"......You seem to notie it. Sure enough, this is where the final battle took place in the last Grail War.
I don't know how exactly, but the Grail War was brought to an end here.
"---I see. No wonder this place is filled with regrets"

"Humph. You can tell?"
"Servants are also spirits. Its existence is very close to regret, and determination. Therefore we are very sensitive to strong emotions. There are places in town that have a similar thickness, but this place is special. Here looks just like Reality Marble to us"
Without lingering, Archer speaks of a rare vocabulary

----Reality Marble, or Innated Bounded Field
The goal of many Mages, it's said to be the closest Magecraft to Magic
In the most recent couple hundreds of years, 'Field' is thought to be seals that protect Mages
Simply put, it's some ultimate home security systems

Reinforce one's land and buildings, protecting oneself and keeping away the enemy is a Field
At most it is only a variation of reinforcing 'something that's already existed'

But Innated Bounded Field is different
Innated Bounded Field, is an imagination to erode reality
Materializing the Mage's inner world---the shape of mind, and conceal reality
Such Field is named Innated Bounded Field

A broad range spell that----manipulates the world according to the thoughts of Mages
No, creating and changing according to the thought of Mages

"Rin? What's wrong, are you daydreaming?"
"Eh......? No, just a little surprise. Reality Marble, even though you are only an Archer, but to know such a rare vocaburary"
"Is it strange to know such thing"

"Isn't it. Reality Marble to Mages, is the taboo of taboos, and the essence of essences. There's no reason for an Archer like you to know"
Am I right? I question him with my eyes
Then I hear a very loud sigh besides me

"Rin. Heros are people who specialize in both swordsmanship and Magecraft. If you think just because I am an Archer so I can only use bow and arrows is your own freedom, but please don't be so optimistic toward other Servants as well"
True, that's how it is

"I, I get it already. That was a brash comment. I will be careful next time, end discussion"
"....... Rin, let me say this straightforwardly. You are certainly talented, but your drawback is underestimating others. You must retrain yourself before reaching adulthood"

Re, retrain? As in retraining horses that have weird habits......!

"Oh, that was rude of me. I am not implying Rin is a Bronco. It's just a figure of speech that resembles the image most truthfully"
"Aah, that's even worse----, ouch......!?"
Without warning, my right hand starts to hurt

"............Hold on, don't open your mouth Archer"
The command spells engraved on my right hand is in pain
As if reminding the Master, a sluggish warning
"----Someone is watching us"

......I extend my senses to the surrounding
Cover the region with threads braided by my consciousness, searching for the enemy through park
"......I can't locate him. How about you, Archer?"

"---Very difficult. I can't even sense its sight"
"......In another word, the one watching us is a Master"

I have no idea who this guy is, but if Archer can't sense him, the opponent should be a Master
Even though not all seven are gathered yet, but you can start the war whenever you want
Does this guy spying on me intended to start a skirmish---

"......Comand spells are reacted to other command spells. If it's a Master, you can sense him when you meet him face to face. But this way, you can identify the opponent as well, right?"

"Hm. But a high ranking spellcaster is able to to conceal his own power. Command spells are reacting to each other because of the magical power. If the Master who is the source, turns off the magical circuit voluntarily, then it would be extremely difficult to find"

"......So troublesome. Then, is it fine just let him know our location"
"True. I can probably find some device to conceal my own power if I look for it in my house, but---"
"There is no need?"
"Correct. The opponent will approach me if I don't conceal, right? This is a lot easier than to find them"
Is he astonished, Archer becomes dead silent

"......What is it. Do you want to say don't overestimate myself?"
Thinking back on our conversation earlier, I ask him
Archer answers no way, and then

"You are the strongest in your way. Aah, just let those boring stalkers do what they want"

Archer says so as he trying to hold back the laughters

......Not exactly flattered by Archer's words, we just walk around the town like this without any concealment

Passed the relevant spots, lost the stalker, done with dinner along the way, then came to the final destination
After walking for a long time, the time already passed seven at night
At this hour, our next site should have the best view


The wind is blowing
The highest edifice of New City
Looking down the streets from all the way up here, marks the end of today well

"How about it? Isn't the sight fantastic, Archer"
"......Man. I really sympathize with the man accompanying you in the future. That's some stamina"
"Huh? What did you say, Archer?"
"Just a little honest opinion. ...This is a great place. If we come here the first place, there wouldn't be a need to walk around"

"What are you talking about. Sure the sight here is not bad, but you can only see the overview of the town from here, isn't it.
How can you know the structure of the town if you don't go there physically"
"---That's not always true. Archer class is not just for show. An Archer can't work properly if he doesn't have good eyesight"

"Really? Then can you see my house from here, Archer?"
"No, it's impossible for me to see the next town. At most to the bridge. I can count the number of ceramic tiles on there"

"No way, ceramic tiles as in the ceramic tiles on that bridge......!?"
This is not a matter of good eyesight anymore. This is on the level of those binoculars that often installed on the roof

"I am shocked. Archer really is an Archer"
"......Rin. Though I doubt it, but you are not taking me for a fool, are you"
"How's that possible. It's just that though you are an Archer, but you don't seem to go well with bow and arrows, I was a little confused"
"That's a very problem opinion. I will ask you again when we go back"

Does Archer really enjoy the views here, he became silent afterward
Perhaps he is grasping the structure of the town
......I shouldn't hinder his precocious investigation
I leave Archer's side, for the other end of the edifice

All my sight can see, is the lighted region directly underneath this edifice
The headlights of moving vehicles are flowing around, there are only people going home after works spotted on the sidewalk
I can't tell what kind of vehicles those are, and who are those people

It's a state of barely seeing them, but can't see clearly
The same as not long ago, when I noticed I was spied, but can't see the opponent

"----At least, one of them is based in New City"
I concentrate my mind on looking at the ground
......In total, there are seven Masters
Who are these people, and what Servants they have are still unclear
For the time being, all the Masters should be wondering around in the town gathering the intelligences of other Masters

Suddenly, I sense someone's looking at me
No reaction coming from command spells
Just simply, a look at me

"Down below----?"
I look at the ground
......There are crowd of people walking back and forth on the streest
Among them, there is one man
This man appears to be overlooking the moon, raises his head and looks at me

I can't determine who he is exactly
Though can't determine exactly, but I do recognize him
......I am shocked
That guy, what is he doing at a time like this

"Rin. Did you spot an enemy"
Does he notice the killing intents coming from me, Archer speaks

"---No. Just someone I know of. Just a commoner, he is no concern of us"
I reply without hiding my angers, leave that place immediately
There is no way anyone can see me from the ground level
That guy probably raises his head to look at the edifice by chance
There's no way for him to make out of me

......It's just
I felt nervous when I was seen by that guy as a Mage

When we return to Miyama town, it's already passed nine
Miyama town is different from New City, it has always been a residential area
You can't see a ghost after nine at night, inside the town is quiet like midnight

"That's that. You understand most of the town's structure?"
"......Hm? Oh, I understand the town's structure. Just need to grasp it gradually"
"Then let's stop here for today. I am still not fully-recovered yet, let's rest at my place"

I step on the relaxing hillroad
......At this time
There seems to be some shadows before us
"......Aah, Sakura......?"
Right now is not a good time to meet with her

"Rin. What are you hiding for"
"Shush! ......Uh, um, it's an acquaintance. I don't want to meet her since I didn't go to school today"
I observe the shadows before us, as I talk

The ones on the road are
The first year student that I know
And a foreigner I've never seen

Appearently they are having a conversation
......Not really, only the foreigner is talking, the female student doesn't seem to enjoy it

"Rin, is the foreigner your acquaintance?"
"No, no idea. There are many Western mansions around here, he's probably here for vacations?"
After this, I reflect upon myself, don't loosen up just from dealing something related that child

"......Archer. Is that guy, a human?"
"Don't know. He should be a human since he has real body. At least not a Servant"
"......That's true. He is not a Master either, perhaps it's just a lovers' quarrel"
......However, I also know that child is not a girl who would have troubles with men

"Both are gone. The female went on the hillroad. The male----"
The man with blonde hair, left from the road we came up


"All yours. I am going to sleep, any question?"
"Nothing in particular. Your decision of avoiding fighting for now is correct. Tonight should be used to recover the magical power"
"Hm. Then tommorow, please make the red tea same as this morning"

The moment I returned to my room, all the fatigues came over me at once
"----Oh yeah. I have to contact Kireibefore going to bed"
That whining priest
He should be preparing the back up Mages by now
I don't really care about that, but he is my guardian afterall. I have to return some favors in the least

"Phone, phone......"
I press the dial number on my handset phone
The fake priest pick it up immediately

"Kirei? It's me, I made a contract with Archer yesterday. Please register me as an official Master"
A slight silent
From the pressure of Kirei's silent, even the receiver feels heavier

"......Fine. Then what are you going to do. Are you not going to visit here even once. Your parents leave something here in my custody. They ask me to hand over to you when you become a Master, or before full-grown"

"Aah, you mean the will of father? I already decipher that so it's not needed anymore. Then, I will come by when I want to, see you"
"Hold on. Rin, since you become a Master----"
I hang up the phone before listening to the end
If I have to listen to Kirei's lecture in this tiresome state, even the magical power can't be recovered

"---And then. It's time to wrap it all up......."

There's only going to bed after that
After I wake up, the morning will be different from the past
......Because ten years ago
The Grail War father joined as a Master, and defeated
I will soon be engulfing in that war
