
3rd Day

After breakfast, I clearly stated the policy from now on

"Are you going to school?"
"Uh huh. You got a problem with it, Archer"
"......Not really, but"

Archer hesitates, but doesn't go againt it
After yesterday whole day, he already understand that Tohsaka Rin is not someone who would going back on her own decisions
He doesn't say, but Archer though enjoys being sarcastic, but he is also honest, and he wouldn't say another word once he agrees to something

Hm. In another word, he is a clumsy loyalist
This is the conlcusion I arrived at after observing Archer yesterday for an entire day, but it's only an intuition though

"Rin. After you become a Master, you must be on guard for other Masters the whole time. School, is not exactly a location that is good for guarding against ambushes"

"That's not true. Listen, Archer? I do not intend to change my life style because of becoming a Master. In addition, battles between Masters should be avoid attracting notices from public, right? I wouldn't be attacked if I am inside of school, with that many people"

"......Is that right. I can only obey if that's what Rin decided. But, at least let me protect you in spirite form. You wouldn't let me stay here while you are away, are you"

"Of course. Not only in school, you should be right beside me everytime I walk out of this door. It's the Servant's duty to protect their Masters, I am in your debts"
"I am reassured by your words. Replying one's trust is the duty of a knight, please expect as much as possible"

"However, Rin. This is only an assumption, if there are enemies in that safe place, what then"
"? What, you mean assuming there are Masters inside school already?"
"Correct. Indeed people other than students and teachers would be difficult to enter school buildings, but wouldn't it be troublesome if there are already Masters inside"

"That's not possible. The only Magus clans in this town are the Tohsakas, and another clan. But that clan has been in a downfall since long time ago, they can't become Masters either"

"How do you know they can't become Masters"
"I know, because if there are Magus clans beside of the Tohsakas, surely I confirmed it already. That guy didn't become a Master, the heir of that clan doesn't even have the mana to become a Master, that's why it's not possible"

"I see, which means there is one more Magus in Rin's school. But he doesn't have the power to become a Master?"

"That's right. I supposed all the other Masters would come from other places. Those people couldn't possibly come to school, right"
"......True enough, for now. But Rin, there is an exception to every rule. If there is a Magus in the school that you're not awared of, what then"

"I already told you there's none. Magi are sensitive to their own kind. We stayed in the same school for a whole year, I will sense another Magus's existence no matter how well he conceals them. I can say for sure, there are only two Magi in our school. One of them is me, the other once is a novice who doesn't have enough mana to beome a Master. You understand now? You are worring too much, Archer. That kind of scenario is impossible"

"I said it was an asumption. There are usually more than one side to things. Things that are impossible by nature happen is also fate. If things turn out that way, don't blame it on me"

Humph, Archer laughed dryly
......That attitude ticks me off, but if I keep talking to him I would be late

"How can that happen. Assumption are called assumptions because they don't happen. If it turns out that way, that just means my ability to examine my surroundings is still immature"

"Okay, I did hear that. Be on your way, Rin. It takes you thirty minutes to school, it's about time if you don't leave now you won't make it"


"I am in shock. The assumption comes true"
"Aah, I am surprised as well. Assume the worst situations for everything. I can't believe it acutally help"

Through the front gate of school, we throw jokes at each other
Students heading classrooms are all around us
It's almost time for the beginning of homeroom
Among the crowd that hurries toward classrooms, Archer and I stand still at one stroke

"This is not just a matter of dense air. The Field is already set, isn't it?"
"Not complete still, but it's setting up already. To this bombastic extent, some formidable......"

"Complete amatuer. Field that can be noticed so easily is only third-rate. If you really want to set one up, the first-rate should conceal it until finish"
"---So. What do you think, Rin"

"No idea. I shouldn't care whether it's first-rate or third-rate. Someone dares to mess around in my domain with something this cheap, needless to say, I will defeat him"

I snort and go across the school campus
As long as it's a Magus, I don't plan to pretty things up. But to the guy that sets up this Field, I won't be satisfied untill I return him what he deserves


By the end of fourth period, on my way back from the music classroom
I see a first year student walking unsteadily on the hallway
The first year student seems to be carrying some portfolios, just from looking at it feels dangerous

"Let me help, Sakura"
"Ah, Tohsaka, senpai----"
"What's this, lecture notes? World History, isn't it taught by our homeroom teacher.That Kuzuki, what is he thinking to let a female student runs errand for him. Come, share me half of it"

"Ah............Yes. Thank you, senpai"
"No problem, no problem. So is this, going to Sakura's class?"
"......No, it's to Kuzuki sensei's. He said there is a misspelled word so all of these are going to be recycled"

"......I get it now. Kuzuki is very inflexible. He would stop an exam because of a typo"
"......? Exam, as in an exam for the entire school?"

"That's right, it was the midterm last year. When everyone was focusing on filling out the answer sheet, he just walked in, said there was a misspelled word in a question, the exam was postponed until the day after tomorrow, like it was nothing. Not only us were shocked, even the teachers were shocked, it's still a popular topic today"

"That's very like Kuzuki-sensei. Sensei is standing on a educator's point of view, can't afford any errors"
"In Kuzuki's case, it's overkill. Sakura will see what I mean soon, Kuzuki is as upright as mountains"

"Ha ha. Tohsaka-senpai seems to like Kuzuki-sensei. It's rare for senpai to say something like this"
"Is it? ......Hm, it's true if Kuzuki can be a bit more flexible......"
......But I also feel, that teacher is fine with the way he is

Some teachers in our school are very intimated to students, and others are feared by the students
Because the balance is maintained so well, I don't consider the strictness of Kuzuki-sensei a bad thing. It's like the whip in candy and whip

"Oh well, you will have more chances to meet with Kuzuki. That guy listens to reason, too. ......By the way, Sakura. Can I ask you something?"
"Eh? What is it, senpai"
"It's about yesterday. Did Sakura talk to some foreign stranger?"

"Ah......Did sen, senpai see it"
"By chance. Who is that. Do you know him?"
"......No. That's, someone I am not familiar with. That man, seems to be lost. Though he asked me many questions, but I couldn't understand what he was trying to tell me, that......" Aah, and then she ran away

"So that's it. Sorry, I was just curious"
"No, it's okay. ......To here is fine, senpai. I just need to take this to the teacher afterwards"
"Is that so. Then see you"
I return the lecture notes to Sakura
I intended to walk back to my class right after this but I linger a little longer

"Sakura, how are you doing recently?"
"Uh......fine, there's no problem. I am very energetic"
"......Really. If Shinji did something again just tell me. That guy doesn't know when to stop, silent will only make things worse"

"No problem, don't worry about me senpai. Brother, is very gentle recently"
......Sakura talks while smiling, I can't even say anything
I bid so long again, turn my back against my acquainted kouhai


The day ends
The number of shadows of students are decreasing, the school buildings are becoming dusted
Sunset is coming soon
When the crimson sunset falls, night comes, there shouldn't be anyone stay in school

"It's beginning, Archer. First of all, the precocious investigation of the Field. After investigating what kind of Field it is, then decide whether to destroy or leave it alone"
I talk to the invisible partner
Did Archer get it, I sensed his nods replying to me

Field as in something protecting the spell casters
More accurately, a net fabricated with mana spread out on the ground, a terrain Magecraft that process inwardly
There are a thousand different kinds of effects inside a Field
From an intercepting Field that block the sights of outsiders, to limit Magecraft inside the Field, there are all sorts
There are also Fields for attacking purpose, that oppress the living activities inside the Field

The Field set in school is such kind
It's not finish yet, but once it's finish, all the people in school will fall unconscious

However, it has no influence on me
Field is nothing but something, that doesn't interfere with me as an individual, but only interfere with the environment I am in
This sort of indirect interference of magical power, is ineffective against Magi that already have mana flowing inside their bodies
For the faint electric currents floating in the air, are bounced off before even touch me, the powerful electric currents

Therefore, there is an alternative purpose of this Field
Though I have no idea who is setting up the Field in this school, but that guy's goal is not defeating Masters
Though hard to believe, that guy is making everyone inside the school his targets
......There is only reason to do this
I still doubt it, but that guy----

After close investigation inside the school building, we arrived at the rooftop in the end
Outside has already completely fallen into darkness
It's already passed the curfew, at six, the time is eight
There are only me, and the Archer in spirit form beside me stay in school

"Is this the seventh one. Looks like here is the starting point"
The seal is drawn with seven strokes on the rooftop fragrantly
The red-and-purple-ish script that only be seen by Magi, is written in a style I have never seen, and I never heard anyone uses them to carve a seal

"......I am beat. There is no way I can't erase this with my hands"
The guy that set up this Field didn't plan out anything
Though he didn't plan out anything, but this Field is a Magecraft of a different rank
I can eliminate the mana on this seal temporarily, however the seal itself will not be eliminated
The spell caster can revive this Field by re-activating here with mana


Archer said nothing
......Since he saw the seal on the rooftop, perhaps he noticed the reality of this Field
This Field is not for depriving physical strength
Once activate, people inside of the Field will be literally 'melted'

Some Fields deprive the physical strength and vitality from the people inside
But, the Field set up in school now is a special case
This is a soul-eating Field. It's a blood fort that melts the human bodies inside of the Field, and then collects the straining souls forcibly

Since ancient times, souls are a difficult matter to deal with
It is an essential element for Magecrafts, however there is only one Magus can be certain of the souls

Souls can only stay as the 'things that investigate the contents', or 'things to be exchange inside the container'
To extract that thing continuously, and concentrate on one single spot is unreasonable
Because, even if these non-interchangeable energies are concentrated, Magi have no use of them
The only meaningful way of using it, would be

"Archer. You are made of that things, aren't you?"
Unconsciously, I ask with an indifferent tone

"......Just as you deducted. I already mentioned that we are essentially spirits. Our food are either the second, or the third element. Such as yourselves take nutrients through meat, Servant take vitality and souls as nutrients. Our basic attributes will not raise even if we absorb nutrient, however we become stronger the more we absorb---as in our reservoir of mana will be filled up"

......Without a doubt
To strengthen one's own Servant, the best way would be attacking humans blindly

"---Did you mean to say there is not enough mana supply from the Master?"
"Enough, but not to the point of filling up. In times of need, cover the shortcoming with supply goods, such is war. Seize the energies from surrounding humans is the basic strategy of a Master. From this standpoint, the Field is definitely efficiency"

What Archer is saying, is in order to win must acquire the power from murdering men
What a simpleton
That kind of thing, I knew it as well
Which is why, I intended to decide on the road I am going to take by myself

"That makes me angry. Don't ever repeat it again, Archer"
I say this as I look at the seal carved on the floor
Archer for some reason, is a little agitated
"Same here. I don't intend on resorting this way as well"
Like so, stress his reply

"......And next. Let's get rid of this. Though there's no use, but we can at least hold it back a little while"
I stick out my left hand, near the seal drawn on the floor
The magical mark on my left hand is the 'Book of Magecraft' passed down from the Tohsakas

Click, I turn on the switch of my conscience
I pass the mana through magical mark, enchant a verse of spells, all it left for me to do is activate the spell in one swift strike

"Abzug Bedienung Mittelstnda(Dispel. Operation of extraction, the second verse)"
My left hand is close to the ground, I pour in the mana at once
This way I can wash away the color of this seal---

"What the. Was it erased, what a shame"

As if holding me back from erasing the seal, the voice of a third person sounded

I stand up at once, turn my head
On the water tower
From ten meters higher, that guy lowers his gaze at me

A dark blue that melts into the night
The corner of his mouth lifts up, brutally, the scent of a beast is spreading the winds
......The sights of the beast is ice-cold
A man with a blue body, under the peculiar conditions, he looks at me as if I am his long time friend---

"---Did you, do this?"
"No. It's the Magi's job to do little tricks. We just fight following the orders. Isn't that right, my buddy over there?"

His voice is frivolous, but full of killing intents
This man, can see Archer......!


"As I expected, a Servant......!"
"That's right. The Miss that knows I am a Servant, may I treat you as my enemy?"
My back breaks out in a cold sweat
The frivolous voice of that man, does not sound like he is taking it seriously
But for some reason, those words are colder than anything I heard before, horrid to the point of making me feel like vomit---

Not sure how to act, not sure what to do
But, my rational mind is telling me, do not fight this guy over here----!

"......Oh. Very impressive, you caught it even though you don't seem to know much. Aa-h, this means failure. I did not speak up just for the fun of it"
The man raises his hand
In an instant
The hand that had nothing previously
Is holding a lethal weapon, colored in red, two meters in length

Body is jumping to the side faster than thoughts
There is no time to think about the danger of jumping at full steam on the rooftop
It is simply a spare no efforts, endeavor jump that smashes the body to the metal grid......!

The whirlwinds puff up my hair
---Literally in a hairsbreadth
That thing thrusts in an instant, mercilessly cuts up the metal grid, along with the space where I were

"Ha, your legs are pretty fast, Miss......!"
---The blue whirlwinds are tracing me
There is no room for maneuver
My back is metal grid, left, right---No way, there is no way I can make it......!

"Es ist gros, Es ist klein............!!(Lighten, Gravitation)"
With a quick reaction
I activate the magical circuit on my left hand, compelte a short verse of Magecraft
The lighten of body and the adjusting of gravity
In a flash, My body turns to feather-weight and jumps----

"I know, you take care of it......!"
I fly across the metal grid, falling from the rooftop

Wind pressure and gravity is pulling the body
There is fifteen meters left to the ground, 1.7 seconds until landing----Too slow, I will definitely
get caught up by that guy......!

"vox Gott Es Atlas----!(Adduce from the Commandments, return pressure to the ground......!)
Archer, take care of the landing......!"

"----, Huh----!"
The impacts from landing is canceled out by Archer, the moment my feets touch the ground I start to run
---I have to change the battle field
Not somewhere cramped like the rooftop, but a place where we can move more feely
We have to shift to somewhere with no obstructions, where Archer and I can bring our strengths into full play......!

"Huh, huh----!"
From rooftop to campus, took me not even seven seconds
With a distance beyond one hundred meters, is a speed that only leaves a trail of afterimages in a commoner's eyes

But, this kind of speed

"Hey, that's some feet of yours. It's shame to finish you off right here and now"

To Servants, are meaningless

At the same moment I step back, Archer materialzes in front of me
A clouded night
On Archer's hand, is a single short sword that minutely reflects the moonshines

The man's lips crooked in a way that make others feel uncomfortable
"......Very good, this is the way to do things. I don't like ignorant fools"
The whirlwind is blowing
......The lethal weapon swang on the rooftop, the one that desired to murder me mercilessly, the lance that is crimson as blood

"Servant, Lancer----"
"No doubt. Then your Servant should be Saber......or not. Who are you"
The laid back attitude just now has vanished completely
Even facing with the creature of solidified killing intents, namely Lancer, Archer still hasn't spoken a word

......The distance between those two are not even five meters
The lethal weapon on Lancer's hand comes near two meters
For the man that emitting the scent of a beast, I don't supposed the rest of the three meters mean anything to him at all

"......Humph. You are not the type to solo out front. Must be an Archer"
Archer remains silence in the face of a mock as well
A strange confrontation between red and blue
The similar yet different knights of twin colours, are already speculating each other's last resort

"......Very well, though I am not fond of you, but since we met there's only one way to end this. Come, take out your weapons, Archer. Despite my looks, I do care about proprieties, I will wait for you"
Archer does not reply
There is nothing to say to a enemy that must be defeated
As if his back, that resembles iron and steel, is saying such

Then I notice at last
......Silly me. Archer is only waiting for my words

I keep the distance, speak to the sight of his back
"I will not help you. Let me see what you are made of"

Is he smiling
As if echoing my words, he raises the corner of his lips, the crimson knight moves in an unspeakable speed

The whirlwinds become a storm
He is dashing while carrying a short sword in red like a bullet


The head-on shot of lance
If the dashing Archer is like a storm, then the intercepting point of the lance can be called the divine wind

The rushing blade, one blow
Thrust out with a high speed, is parried off by Archer's short sword

The red cape is blocked
His enemy would not allow Archer to dash within the range of the lance, not even a mere two meters radius
For weapons of great length and size, keep a distance from your enemy is common sense
Lancer, who carries a weapon nearly two meters long, only needs to counter-attack an enemy who enters his range
Because it's much easier to penetrate an intruding enemy than be on the offense

However, apparently he is not abided by common sense
Lancer shorten the distance by himself, he doesn't even allow Archer's advancement

"Fool, what kind of Archer dares to challenge me on a melee battle----!"
That attitude, is like flames
Lancer cuts down the distance with one blow after another, without knowing when to stop

......For weapons of great length and size, shorten distance is suicidal
Take advantage of long distance to suppress the enemy, dominating the field is the way of a Lancer
There is no chance of winning for Lancer, who keeps approaching

"----No way"
That is after all, only a common sense
Throat, shoulder, between the eyebrows, heart, Lancer's consistent thrusts are without a break
Not an interval for rebound

Even the afterimages are vanishing, such speed
Each blow forces Archer to spring aside, pushing him back, the lance of Lancer, just might claim anyone's life with one thrust

Even though an Archer, he's not just anyone, he's also a Servant
Common techniques are not possible to take him out.......!

Deflects the lance points at between his eyebrows, Archer steps forward with the same speed as Lancer's lance

---Even though from a epithetic perspective, Lancer is focusing on thrusting, but the basic strategy for lance really is brandishing a pole weapon with a wide range, that's nearly impossible to dodge

If you can't retreat fast enough, you can't escape from the lance, if you attemp to counter and give up dodging, your abdomen will be cut open in no time
Even if you can manage to approach him, once you are smashed by the pole, your ribs will be pulverized without too much effort
Archer and Lancer have a similar build
On top of that, Archer is not armed with heavy armors, to step within the radius of a lance---the attacking range filled with swings like cyclones

---However, thrusting is another story

A lightening thrust, that accurately penetrate through a vital part is frightening indeed
But since the course is only a point, there are many ways to dodge it if you can see it coming
Just as Archer did, deflected the lance aimed at his vital part, and slightly changed its course to create an opening

Maybe he underestimates the enemy because his opponent is an Archer
The advantages of pole weapon is the long range and distance. The moment he shorten that advantage, surely the defeat of Lancer is----

The red cape is blocked

---As if I am reliving through the past in a nightmare

The next blow of Lancer, is even faster than the previous thrusts......!

Archer who intended to change the course of the lance to avoid contact, now even his short sword is knocked off
Lancer's lance doesn't show any interval between draw backs
No, with the sharpness and power that increase without knowing limits alone, is able to kill off a Servant......!

The one who underestimated the enemy was us
On the lance of that Servant---Lancer, common sense does not apply

Not anyone can deal with a series of attacks without stoping for a breath
Archer backs off slightly to bounce off the lance, the distance between them is increased by a bit
In that interval
Lance rashes again in the gap that is pulling apart, gives another intense blow

The storming consecutive attacks are repeated just like that
But even that, is a technique on a divine level
Ten exchange of blows already
No, in reality there are probably several times of that number
A torrential rain of lance in straight lines, gradually increase in strength as he attacks Archer continuously

......Not speed, but pure masterful skills
There are no fast or slow in Lancer's lance, the blows are like waterfall
Caught on the defensive side, what can Archer do
That sort of short sword can barely parries the lance aside
Receding still, Archer has no way to clos up on Lancer

An iron and steel realm of vacuum is unfolding
Help---I should be helping Archer, but my throat wouldn't make a sound
I am still too immature to attack with my Magecraft
If Archer is not apart from Lance for a distance, Archer will be involved as well
That extra split second, will only be more favorable for Lancer


And, for sure
To be honest, I am dumbfounded
This is the battle between Servants
This is the highest ranking of familiars that we Magi cannot enslave---the Grail War of the Heroic Spirits

Each obey in the respect of one of the seven Masters, familiars with various techniques
Summon by the Holy Grail itself, the highest ranking familiars namely Heroic Spirits

---However, calling them familiars is a wrong choose of words

By nature, familiar are only substitues that can fill in for Magi occasionally
Often appears as a cat wearing boots
Or a pure white lovely bird
Or a black dog that doesn't listen the words of its Master, and such

The familiars that can be controlled by a Magus are only about this level
Familiars are only familiars
They are only pets who can run errands for Masters, but never exceed the power of its Master

But Servants are different
As the letters suggest, they are the most powerful existences among humans
Even the only remaining five Magicians, cannot control them

Not for they are hard to summon, neither because of the Servants' abilities are far superior than Magi

The existence of a Servant itself, has exceeded the principles of Magecraft

Honestly speaking
Servants are really heroes from the past
Myths, legends, fables, histories
Whether genuine or fake, the people who have been in the legends, comes to life through people's dreams and become the 'super human beings' are called heroes

Heroes that never changed for an eternity, disengaged from the dimension of humans after their death, and ascend into another existence

......Performing miracles, saving people, accomplish great deeds, worshipped as a hero while living, or after death
Those who were worshipped, ascend into the spirits named Heroic Spirits, the guardians of humanity

It doesn't matter whether they are characters from genuine history or mythology

What constitutes a hero is the yearning of men

The thoughts "if he can..." mold their images, and treating them as real existing people to worship
Genuine or fake has nothing to do here
They can be materialized as long as they gain enough fame and faith from their respective legends

The ultimate ideal of men, the perfect existence among men

That is a hero, and that is a Heroic Spirit

And so of course, they who exceeded humans, can never be manipulated by humans
Magi can only borrow a portion of their power, imitate their appearances
It is absolutely impossible to summon the Heroic Spirits themselves and order them around

However, the Holy Grail makes the impossible possible
Completely summon the Heroic Spirits that men couldn't even touch, even force them into familiars that serve Masters
This preposterous, further proves the omnipotent of Holy Grail

Disregard eras, Heroic Spirits are summoned from the most recent couple hundred of years ago, to the time of myths
Seven Heroic Spirits serve seven Masters, guard their own Masters, banish the enemy of their Masters

......From different eras, different states, heroes are awaken in modern time, slaughter one another to struggle for dominion

This is perhaps, the reason this ceremony is named the War of Holy Grail

......But, it seems Holy Gail also has limit after all
Even the almighty Holy Grail, can't just call out Heroic Spirits, which closely resembles elementals, in a whim
Just as the so-called devils, the sixth imagining element requires the 'physique created by men'
Heroic Spirits, also need a physical body to move about in this earthly world

That is their alias, a way of existing that is accepted by this world
Holy Grail constitutes the 'classes' that make the Heroic Spirits to be materialize easier, only the Heroic Spirits that coform to the classes can be summoned
In another word, a passport for coming to modern age, to prepare the job for a familiar beforehand, and the summoned Heroic Spirit can attached to that job, and temporarily obtained materialization

There are seven Masters chosen by the Holy Gail, and seven Seven Herioc Spirits respectively

There are seven classes prepared beforehand
Knight of Sword, Saber
Knight of Lance, Lancer
Knight of Bow, Archer
Cavalry, Rider
Magus, Caster
Stabber, Assassin
Insane Warrior, Berserker
Only the Heroic Spirits possess one of these seven classes will be summoned to modern age, become the familiar serving Masters---Servants

This is the System of Servants
In order to obtain the 'Holy Grail' that surpasses humans, granted by its awesome power, the contract and summoning of the Heroic Spritirs that also surpass humans
Unlike any other Grail Wars, this is the war of the strongests, that only takes place on this land


The blade suddenly flies off
The short sword that once parried Lancer's lance, left the hand of Archer just like that
It's the technique of Lancer
From straightforward thrusts, to brandish targeting the wrists of Archer
For Archer, it's an attack can't be avoided even if he knew it was coming

There is no such thing as an effective way to parry a lance with a sword
If you bounce it off forcibly, it will only come back with even sharper blow, but if you only parry it with minimum strength
Your opponent will never reveal any opening

The battle between sword and lance, is focused on how to defeat the enemy outside of range

The cursing Lancer, without any hesitation
He intends to force Archer to half his forwarding steps
---Does he intend to wrap things up in an instant
Lancer, who stands on the ground firmly
And Archer who lost his blade, their stares clash in the mid-air

In a flash
Lance thrust out his lance in a swift motion, like a lightening strike
There's no way to even confirm it

Between the eyebrows, neck, and heart

Three consecutive strikes, all targeting vital spots------!

The flash that can't even be seen, is reflected by the blade that is bathed in sunlight......!

A short sword appears in Archer's hand again
Different from the sword before, this is a Chinese style sword that reminds people of an axe
However, the real difference from before is----


"Humph, two swords......!"

There is a pair of swords
The two swords holding by Archer, are symmetrical from left to right

"Ha, a Saber wannabe Archer---!"
Lancer's lance is galloping
The lance that is difficult to survive from is raising its speed again

With a flaming vigor, Archer blocks off the lance
His pupils, like that of a falcon, is saying I will not step down again---No, it's time to step forward

The sounds of blades is reaching my ears intensely, as if performing an elegant piece of music
Reverberations of the two metals
Continue on producing sparks from clashing non-stop, the cadence is accelerating without limits

The battle between those two is close to vacuum
Sucking in the air from surrounding, it feels like been cut up just move an inch closer
Just a flash
But, to me who is watching, it's an eternity as if I'm suffocating

Lancer who doesn't allow the opponent to close in
And Archer who shorten the distance by means of waving two swords as a shield
The number of their exchange of blows between those two is already well over one hundred, Archer lost his weapons every time

But that's only for a blink, swords return to Archer's hands momentarily
Lancer would step down slightly each time

At this point, Lancer finally admits his negligence

The identify of this man in front of him remains unknown
However, if he keeps underestimating the opponent because he's an Archer, the defeated one will be himself

The distance is increased again
In order to steady the stance, Lancer draws a really long distance
......That is not an ordinary speed
Though Archer's charging also abandons common sense, but it's still slower compares to Lancer
For the movement of Lancer drawing back, has the agile and flexile of a leopard

"......Twenty seven. And you still have more after I took out so many"
Lancer says angrily
No, not so much angry as confusing

......I feel the same way
Father once said, each Servant only have one weapon
They possess many kinds of weapons with incredible magical power, but nothing like Archer who just pull out one after another

Servants are heroes whose souls ascended to the level of spirits and holy spirits
In another word, they are close to devils, angels, and such
Though they are already powerful familiars, but their strongest forte is 'the testament of heroes'
The magical equipments also known as 'Nobel Phantasms'

'Noble Phantasms' are the favorite weapons or armours of Servants when they were heroes in their pasts
Treated as the 'last resort'
For each Servant, 'Noble Phantasm' is an unique equipment
For the same reason that noble phantasm is the ultimate weapon that can not be substituted

......Lancer's lance as well, is a 'Noble Phantasm' that can be activated if Lancer intends so
Noble phantasms are indeed exceptional weapons, but that power can only be released through reciting its 'true name'

In the ancient time, the weapons of heroes slayed dragons and gods, dominated the world and its inhabitants
The 'Noble Phantasms' can be activated by Servants' own mana
Same as Magecrafts so to speak
Servants take their own weapons as catalyst, to reproduce the lengendary destructive power

Their weaposn are definitely not something can be tossed away after used
The a dozen or so swords Archer pulled out, did seem like famous swords, however they shouldn't be Archer's noble phantasm
Since he is the Servant of Archer class
His hidden weapon must be a bow

"What's the matter, Lancer, you are nothing like what rumours said. Where is your vigor now?"
"......Humph, fox. Do you want me to wreck that mouth of yours"

Of course Lancer is aggravated
Lancer is been pushing around by Archer who is fighting as a swordsman
That is to say, Archer has not revealed his secret technique yet
No wonder Lancer is creeped out

"......Fine, let me ask you. Where is your origin as a hero. I never heard of any archer fighting with two swords"
"You on the other hand are pretty easy to figure out. If let me pick the fastest heroes from Lancer class, you are certainly one of the top. There are three such Lancer in the world. In addition, speaking of the agility of a beast, I'm afraid there can only one man"

"---Huh. Well phrased, Archer"
At the same moment
I forget to breath under that monstrous killing intents

Lacner's hand moves
Different from before, there is no signs of underesimating the opponent
The lance point is leaning downward as if it's going to pierce through the earth, but, Lancer's eyes are penetrating Archer


"---Take this, my certain kill"
"I won't stop you. Sooner or later I have to face it"

Gulp, Lancer presses down his entire body
In the mean time
A terrible coldness, like thorns, is trampling the school campus

......Air freezes
Not an analogy, it really is frozen
All the mana drenched in the atmosphere are frozen
Right now, the only one allowed to breath in this place is the warrior named Lancer

The lance in Lancer's hand, must be the sort of demoic lances
And now, he is waiting for the instance of releasing the real characters of his demoic lance


He is going to lose
I don't know what kind of 'Noble Phantasm' it is, but Archer will be defeated
This instinct, though hard to believe in the beginning, will not go wrong

If that demoic lance is released, Archer will die
This is absolute
Literally, Lancer's lance possesses the 'essense' of certain kill----

"----, Ah"

Archer will lose
Archer will die if his heart is penetrated by Lancer

Though I already predicted the outcome, but I can't even help Archer
For even if I move a finger, that will signify the start

......Therefore there is only one way to stop Archer from losing this battle, that is---

"------Who is it............!!!!"

A third party that we were not awared of step on stage incidentally


The cold aura from Lancer has vanished
Footsteps of running away sounded
......The shadow of that back, is a student uniform for sure

"A student......!? Still in school......!?"
"Seems that way. Thanks to him I am still here" Archer speaks calmly
......Oh well, we were saved

"......I failed. I was distracted by Lancer, oblivious to the surrounding......Hey, Archer. What are you doing"
"Can't you tell. I am resting because there's nothing to do"
"How come. What happened to Lancer"
"He went chasing after that guy's back. That was a witness after all. He's probably going to kill him"
Many thoughts stop, hang in the mid-air

"......Go after him! Archer! I will be right there......!"
Archer starts to move immediately

"......Damn it, why am I so stupid......!"
I cursed at my own carelessness
Erasing the witnesses is the rule of Magi
......Which is why though I was reluctant, but kept everything in secretcy to avoid any potential witnesses, why do I fail to do so especially tonight......!


Even the moonshine is veiled tonight
The one on the ice cold corridor is, a student collapses on the floor, and Archer who simply stands beside him

He just, looks at the student expressionless
......The scent that stimulates my nose
From watching the blood streaming down the floor, I realize that it is the scent of death

"......Go now, Archer. Lancer should be returning to his Master, get his face at the very least, otherwise it wouldn't balance out"
Archer is on his way to chase Lancer
The student collapsed on the floor and I are left behind

I can't look into his eyes
But, I have to
This is my responsibility
This is my responsibility
This is my responsibility

---When I was little
Since the moment I decided to inherit Tohsaka clan, I know something like this will happen sooner or later
There is no right or wrong for the Magi
On this road, there is only the blood spilled by others and self, I came to an understanding of this since a long time ago----!

"......Is it a blow from Lancer's lance. There is no chance for surviving if the heart is pierce through"
I have no idea how many seconds ago did Lancer kill this guy
Just that, I don't know whether it's supposed to be fortunate or not, it's the heart that was penetrated
Lancer's attack was not a simple injury, the blood reflux after the heart breached was not serious

Though not serious, brain is done for when there's no bloodstream
No, you can even call him dead on the spot when his heart was destroyed

"......Yet he still manage to struggle for this long, what vitality"
......No doubts
He is at the point of death, only some faint breaths left
But that only lasts for several seconds
This guy has no means to heal his own wound, and I don't have the ability to save him

"I have to see his face. This is the least I can do"
I touch his head facing downward, and realize that I can't move my fingers
......It's shaking
I am already accustomed to this sort of things
I went through this kind of decisions numorous times in the past

For my own faults, my own selfish reasons lead to many things vanished
Therefore---I've always have the understanding, that this day will come
But why---Why am I so angry, at myself

"......I'm sorry. I will at least accompany you to the end"
I will my fingers to stop shaking with my conscious, and the knees that apparently are going to collapse at anytime, finally confirm the face of the student on ground


Seriously, it's as if the back of my head is been knocked by an iron hammer

"......No. Why, are you"
I bite my teeth
Not to hold back the shaking
I really am, panicing inside my brain
Why is it this guy
Why does it have to be this guy
I completely can't be angry at Lancer, who act according to the code of Servants, finished the witness off totally, without a second thought
But to the one, who stay after school at a day like this, a time like this, I feel very resentful toward this guy......!

The face of Sakura is emerges in my head
That child will definitely cry, won't she
And follow by that thought, is a memory about one day after school, a crimson sky
......A sunset far away
A boy kept runnning
From a distance, a girl who simply watched his back, bored

---And then, the corpse of someone who got involved in the war in front of me

......There is a way
Even if I will lost my last trump card if I fail, but there is a way
Aah actually, i will lost my last trump card either way, the result doesn't matter to me

If this guy dies, from a certain aspect, that is the end of that
I am responsible for not reviewing the surrounding carefully
This guy's responsible for staying at school and his tough luck

So, I don't need to go to that extent
Because, that's right, this is what, father, the father who didn't leave me with anything, his only inheritance just for me
It's for winning this war, the ultimate trymp card, the condense embodiment of an immense amount of mana
For me only, the most important the most important----

"---So what, idiot"
I get rid of the distracting thoughts, kneel down before the guy at his last dying breath

"......Aah, I used it up"


The pendant in my hand is lighten
The pendant that is the memento of father, the inside of it is almost completely exhausted already, thud, it falls
on the guy who was at his last dying breath a second ago

"----Enough, there was no other ways"
For sure, there was no other ways
I don't have the power or techniques to revive a human with a damaged heart, injured blood vessels, and not far away from brain death
Therefore, I could only stitch and mend the rest forcibly and roughly

"There were still some breaths left, he was only near death. If he was dead altogether, no matter how much stored mana wouldn't revive him"
But, because he was alive, so I could save him
I only did what I could do, help him out that's all

"......I would really be a disaster beyond imagining if I failed, fortunately it was a success. ......Hmuph, honestly speaking I feel satisfied, this kind of experience is not so bad"
I try to act as cheerful as possible

"......Let's go. Past is past. I need to leave before this guy wakes up"
That's right, that's right, there's no use of staying here
I will be leaving by myself, since Archer is following Lancer

----On my way home, I suddenly recall

The pendant that became an ordinary ornament after extracting the mana, was forgotten in school

"......Oh well, that's not a problem"
That pendant has no use any longer
Perhaps a tiny bit of mana is left, but it's lower than the ten gemstones in my collection anyway
What father passed down was the power to win the war
That thing which was exhausted of mana, became a meaningless object

I went back home without speaking a word, sit down on sofa at once
Archer is not back yet
Alas, I give out a sigh for dismal, after listening to the sound of clock idly for a few minutes

"---Hey, it's about time to change the mood. What am I sitting idly for, after gaining so many battle experiences"

I pluck up my spirit and stand up, anyhow let's brew a cup of black tea first
There is a mountain of matters that I need to take account of
In particular the matter related to Servants
For I just witnessed the battle of Servants which I only understood form knowledge in the past

"Lancer was it......I was very anxious when he was about to release his noble phantasm, but I could figure out his real identity if he did......."

To defeat an opponent's Servant, knowing its real identity is a short cut
Other than the exceptional moron that doesn't even know his own real identity, 'true name' is the utmost weakness of a Servant
Just from knowing a Servant's true name--in another word, his real identity, it's quite possible to speculate 'what noble phantasm is possessed' by that Heroic Spirit

Needless to say, since a Servant is also a Heroic Spirit, he is doomed to have certain legends
Just from knowing this key, most of his abilities can be realized
The main reason for Servant to be called by their classes, is to conceal their 'true names'
Because the more famous a hero is, his hidden weapon and weakness is known by a wider public

Heroic Spirits who become Servants will never reveal their own real identities
Only the Master of that Servant knows about his real identity
The Master has to conceal the real identity of his Servant, at the same time pursuing the real identies of other Servants, this is an unspoken consensus

This is the fifth Holy Grail War
The forte and weakness of each Servant, is certainly decided by the summoned Heroic Spirit
Needless to say, the more famous hero, the one with more powerful weapon in the legend is superior

However, to summon that sort of Heroic Spirit is extremely difficult
The summoning of Heroic Spirit, involves gathering the weapons from their previous lifes, or something of the sort
The possessions of heroes, are rare even for the Magus' Association
Therefore most Magi are like me, summon the one most compatible to oneself from numerous Heroic Spirits

The strength of Servants are depended on the spirituality of the Heroic Spirits
But, it's no so simple, no matter how top notch the Heroic Spirit is, there still exists the possibility that he will be struggling in the battles because of the class he is given with

The possibility of taking a Servant stronger than oneself comes from the unique ability of each class

There are additional abilities for each class, with these sometimes one is able to defeat a superior opponent
As for an example, in the past four wars, apparently there was a less famous hero defeated a greater hero

As far as I know, the strongest Servant is Saber

In the past four wars, Servant Saber always triumph in the end
The classes Saber, Lancer, Archer rumours to have the best resistence against magic
Magecraft is useless against these fellow, enough said

However you put it, they lived through the era of myths, they were warriors who fought in the world dominated by Magic
The Magecraft cast by modern Magi, will vanishthe second it touch them
......For this reason, these three classes are considered the strongest

Another class needs to watch out for is Servant Berserker
The Heroic Spirits summoned in this class, would lose their reasons
Though Berserkers are literally marionettes control by their Masters, but their abilities in previous lifes are 'enhanced' in a great scale

Nevertheless, the stronger the Servant is, the burden on its Master is also greater
In the past, all the Masters entrusted with a Berserker resulted in mana depleting and and meet their ends, for unable to control the maddening Servants
No exception

---The factor determing the victory of the Holy Grail War, is most likely the ability of the summoned Servant

Certainly there are also ways to win depend on the efforts of the Masters, but ultimately it's the Servants that eliminate each other
As a result, Masters are required to pay additional carefulness and attention---


I plan out the battle strategies from now on by myself depressively
Time goes on, and the clock strikes eleven o'clock......of course, time is already adjusted back to normal......Archer is back

"You are back. How did it end?"
"......Sorry to report, I'm afraid I lost him. His Master is very crafty. I at least know that the Master of Lancer is not on this side of the town"

Just as expected
Lancer came alone, it seems Lancer's Master is not the type to show his face in battle fields

"I see. Well, it couldn't be that simple"

Right, it's impossible for everything to happen the way I imagined
Can't help it
Let's just say tonight's event is the tuition for this lesson

"Eminence, Master. What happened to your usual prestige. You wouldn't be scared from last fight, would you, that's not acceptable. If you order now, I will take on Lancer again without a second thought"

No, this is what you should be doing---Archer's silent protest is shown on his face
Did I look depressed to him

"What are you talking about. The reason I didn't launch an attack, is only because I don't want to waste energy"
"Huh? You don't want to waste energy......?"
"Not all the Masters are presented yet, right. Though I didn't hold back tonight, but I won't start another fight before the signal of starting war. Father said this is the rule of the Grail War"

"......So. Your father was a Master once as well"
Archer comprehends the situation, as he speaks
----At the time
Archer seems worried with an perplexed expression

"What. What do you have to say"
"Aah, I forgot to ask something. Rin, you were raised to be Master, and then was selected, right? In another word, you were expected to be a Master since the beginning"

"Of course. It's true some Magi are appointed as Masters unexpectedly, but not I. As a member of the Tohsakas, the Grail War is a miserable dream for generations"

"That so. In this case, you who were cultivated to be a Master, should know your purpose already. This is what I forgot to ask. I can't entrust my sword without knowing the wish of my Master. ---Rin. Then, what is your wish"
"Wish? There is nothing like that"
Ah, Archer's surprising face is so amusing

"How, how is that possible! Holy Grail is the omnipotent Grail that grants any wish. Become a Master is the same as able to obtain the Grail. What do you mean by no wish......!"
Archer asks with a straight face

......Aah, is this the case
After obtaining the Holy Grail, what the Master wishes for, is not irrelevant to the Servant
But so strange. Father did say that Servants also have their wishes, but that's their own businesses
Why should Archer care about me not having any wish

"Fine, assuming there is no definite wish, how about a conceptual one. For example, how about taking over the world or the sort"
"Why? Doesn't the world belong to me already"

"Let me explain, Archer. The world is, the values center around oneself, right? That stuff was mine since the moment I was giving birth. If that's called ruling over the world, then I've already done it"

Archer is looking at me with a complicated expression
I am shocked. This guy's so obstinated-.

"Are you stupid. Holy Grail is the power to grant wishes, the power to change the real world. Are you saying you are claiming the Holy Grail with no wishes"
"Taking over the world is just too much trouble, what's the point of making that kind of useless wish, right. You have poor imagination, you know"
"...... . It's very hard to understand. Then what are you fighting for"

"Because the war is taking place here, Archer. I'm just taking whatever I can get my hands on. Even not knowing what a Holy Grail is, maybe one day I will think of something, then it will be of use, right? As long as humans live, there is no end to their desires"
"---In another word, you are"
"Hm. Just fighting to win, Archer"

Archer exhales, and shrugs
Was he tensed for what I said, he finally relaxes his shoulders
"......You beat me. You certainly, are well suited to be my Master"
......That, that kind of words is really hard for me to respond, can this guy stop saying them......

"......Humph. Granted Servant doesn't have the authority to choose his Master, nevertheless let me ask you of this. How am I well suited to be your Master"
"Needless to say. You are definitely the strongest Master. For a partner, there is no better choice other than you"
"Is that so, thanks. Coming from your mouth, I supposed it's not just a polite remark"
......I turn my face for embarrassment

Though enjoy making sarcastic comments, but Archer's direct approach of speaking is tough to deal with for me
......Then again, to be honest I am pretty happy to be trusted
I trust Archer, and Archer trusts me
This correlation isn't so bad, I think

"And next, let's rest for a while. Even if the seventh Master show up, it shouldn't be so fast......Hold on, Rin. What happened to your jewelry"
"Jewelry? The pendant? ......Aah, I forgot to bring it back. That thing is used up, there is no need for it anyway, right?"

"That is true. ......If you say so then it's fine"
"Hm. Though it is a memento of father, but that's not the only to remember him by----"
"---That's not good at all. Are you really that tough-minded, Rin"
After Archer finishes his sentence as he stares at me it seems
He takes out the pendant I forgotten back in school

"Ah......You picked it up, Archer"
"......Don't forget it again. This only goes together with Rin"
Is that embarrassment, Archer avoids eye contact as he handing over the pendant

"----Oh okay. Well, thank you"
I receive it none the less
To be honest, I am not sure whether to find it embarrassing or indifferent to respond

The pendant is the same as before
As expected, there isn't a spec of mana left no matter how I look
The depleted pendant, only appears to be an expensive gemstone, has no power left from before
But, according to Archer
Even if the pendant lost its power, there still exists the meaning of father left it with me
In that case---maybe I can feel good about saving that guy with my last resort, and forget about it

"---Hold on a minute"
Something comes to my mind all of a sudden
I didn't look back because of regretting, however there's something wrong if I think carefully

If that guy saw us, he would be liability if I don't erase his memories
More importantly, Lancer prioritized elimitating the witness over battle with us
Lancer is following the orders of his Master
In brief---The Master of Lancer who would go to this extent, what will he do to a target that's supposed to be dead but not

"---That sort of man, will never let him survive---"
I stand up from the sofa
....Since then three hourse already passed
Maybe it's already too late
But since I already done so much to save him, how can I not make it---!

Running in the night
Fortunately, I know where he lives
No, I did not investigate myself, just someone I know visit there often, I've never been there in my life

"......Seriously. You are taking in unnecessary burdens"
Archer is not in the mood
He is lecturing me about how I saved the dying man, and how I am going to save him again


----Twelve at night

Under the clouded night sky, we arrived at a dojou

Located at the border of residential area, the house that is near to the outskirts, gives off an empty house impression
There aren't many families live aounrd here, no one will come even if something happens

The breath I exhale is white
Wind is blowing
The wind must be blowing hard. Clouds are flowing
The supposedly warm wind of Fuyuki is making my back to quiver, my entire body is in spasm at once

I did refer to Fuyuki Town as a warm place, yet there does exist standard winter temperature on the mountain hills

The frozen air
I listen to the whispers in the all too freezing air
Despite the senses dominated by coldness, I does take notice of enemy's sensation

"......He is here. The Servant from before......!"
I bite my lips
The sensation is spreading from the other end of the walls
Lancer has already dived in the house, intended to murder that ignorant guy just came to home

"......We can only jump over and defeat him. Think about the aftermath after this----!"
Just as I was going to order Archer to intrude
All of a sudden
Lights, bright as if the sun has fallen, bursts out of the house

Sensasions, are destroyed in the middle of another sensation
The wavelength of the Servant named Lancer, is disrupted by that overwhelming power
......That fleeting explosion of Ether is for rendering the physical body of the spiritual form of a Servant
The masterialized Ether, the thing that was summoned defeated Lancer

I can only murmur this word
But this is an absolute fact
The evident is, look---Lancer just flied over the walls, jumped away as if fleeing from this house

"......Um Archer. Is this also, part of the assumption?"
"How do I know. But this makes it seven. Finally the number is met, Rin"
Archer replies calmly
I lost the ability to judge
Therefoer I can't even think about what seems to be a likely development next

Winds blow violently all of a sudden
Clouds cover the sky in the shape of an umbrella
The blackout outskirts is suddenly sealed within darkness
That Servant flies over the walls, landing gracefully like a demonic bird---
Archer reacts
But, I can't
That is a mistake
Battle is over in that interval shorter than a second

To me it might be a second
But to that Servant, it's an opening that I cannot afford to lose

Step into the sword winds
"Eh, Archer......?"
Archer who pushes me back
And the Servant that cuts down Archer

Really just in an instant
Did Archer, who splendidly deflected the fierce attacks of Lancer, got defeated in only one blow---

"---Archer, vanish......!"
I finally make it this time around
Before the moment opposing Servant shears off the Archer's head, I retrieve Archer forcibly
Pains sting my right hand
Perhaps the command was too reckless, the command spells on my right hand is lost yet another one

......There is only one command spell left
But this is for the best
If I can keep Archer stay alive, losing one or two command spells is only----
Make nothing of Archer's disappearance, that Servant descends toward me
"----Don't take too light of me!"
I take out topaz casted with wind spells from pocket, throw out the mana without any extra work


The topaz that can take out one or two houses without any traces, is the embodiment of wind spells I accumulated from day to day
One of the ten gemstones which I knit together in the past seventeen years without ever taking a break
With the help of this, it should at least hinder her advancement if not defeating her----

Nothing happened
The storm that can tear apart any objects drawn in in a flash, at the moment of making contact with that Servant, vanished like a toy

----What powerful resistence

To this Servant, the mana of the level of Magus is harmless......!?

---Ah, I give up
Magecraft doesn't work, I even lost the protection of Archer, there is no way to stop this Servant already

Even if I manage to dodge one blow, that's the end

I raise my head looking at the night sky
What I see, is the cold-blooded posture of a death god, that is going to get his hand on me----


Wind blows
From the chink of a clouded sky, moon is peeping from the spiral sky
Down pouring of moonshines, and a much too lovely face
Forced Lancer to flee
Defeated my Archer in one shot
Nullfied Magecraft easily, this is the appearance of that Servant


"That was a wonderful Magecraft, Magus"

The voice of an adolescent girl sounded, like the rings of a pair of silver bells
Aah, now even that voice is nightmarish
It's only natural
For the more beautiful the opponent is, that incredible difference of actual strength, the more it becomes a nightmare that I can never admit

"But this is your end, the Master of Archer"

The sword charging toward me is sparkling

I realize something in the instant before dying
Just from one glance, without any evidence

This is the class I desired for
Entitled the strongest among Servants, the hero of sword

Accepting my own death, I raise my head to look at the moon
I don't plan to struggle for life, and there is no opening for fleeing
I will die here, the Holy Grail War of Tohsaka Rin is ended in three days
I should only feel shame and regrets, vanish with hatred directs toward my enemy

---Nevertheless, I can't feel anything
What is happening
Obviously I will be killed for certain in the next instant, but I can't stop admiring
I am not pleased by this, not pleased at all

But I don't think there's anyway

---The strongest Servant that is going to take my life

For that posture possesses such indiffernce, unlimited coldness, and that which makes me not pleased by, her loveliness----
