
1st Day

There was a flash of a lance, akin to lightning
The charging point of the lance that would pierce through the heart
Attempting to dodge it would be probably useless anyway--
Since it was lightning, it couldn't be captured by the human eye

The lightning that wanted to penetrate this body
Was deflected by the moonlight that wanted to rescue this body

Clang, a splendid sound

No. The sound fell before my eyes, was heavier than steel
Not normally associated with 'splendid', it froze the wrapping armors with the atmosphere of the night

Impossible to be splendid
Because the essence of that sound was steel
But that knight possessed a beauty that could transform that sound into the tone of chiming bells

"---I ask of you. Are you my master"

With a voice that unravelled darkness, she spoke

"Heeding your summoning, I've arrived. May my sword be with you, and your fate with mine. ---Now, the contract is completed."

Right, the contract was completed then
As she had chosen me to be her master
I, myself, had also sworn to help her

The moonlight shone in the darkness with clear radiance
Inside the warehouse as if imitating the posture of the knight, before returning to the usual quietness

Time had stopped
Perhaps the scene had not lasted for even a second

I can probably recall that posture vividly even after I fall into Hell

The side of the face that was tilted backward ever so slightly
A calm and solemn pupil with the sacred colour of jade
Time in that instance became eternity
Symbolized by her blue-green clothes swaying with the winds

----Only a few dark greenish lights shot through the warehouse
With threads of hair like golden sand, moistened by the moonlight


(POV of Tohsaka Rin)

......I saw someone whom I cherished very much.
Very tall, with a chiseled face, and had never spoken a jest
He gently stroked my hair
No, not exactly-
He didn't know his own strength; he was grabbing my head and roving around rather than stroking
It couldn't be any other way
Because this was the first time that man ever stroked my hair

"Then I shall be leaving. You know the rest, right"

I turned to face his deep voice, answered politely with a yes
The man who stroked my hair nodded and removed the hand

......And so, that was it
If I knew that was to be our last encounter, I would definitely have used the jokes I treasured to make him laugh
It was to lift the stern expression from his face one day, that I practiced making jokes over and over all by myself
In the end, not even once did I use them. It's pretty depressing if you think about it

"Before you are full-grown, let the Association take care of you. I'll leave the rest to your own judgement. If it's you, you should be fine even by yourself."

The way he spoke probably meant that he was worried after all.
The heirloom gems, the gems passed down from the Grand Master, the ways to manage the underground chamber-
With the way he named each item one by one and talked about the things he never taught me, even a child would realize

---that this man would probably never return

......A war broke out
Not a war among states, but a war among individuals
There were seven participants fighting each other
Even though war may not be a suitable title
if those involved are Mages, it becomes a whole new story.
Seven Mages from different clans, competing with each other for reasons unknown to me, were cruelly murdering one another with ways I could not fathom

Among them was this man before my eyes
Therefore, this man was also in a position to kill or be killed one day
The time of war was drawing near, that man should have understood better than I

"Rin, one day the Holy Grail will appear. To obtain it is the responsibility of the Tohsakas, and more importantly---if you want to be a Mage, it becomes an unavoidable path."

Once again
He stroked my hair, and then he left

That was the last----
As a master who did not return after joining the Grail War, the last appearance of the man who was both a master and a father

"Godspeed, father"

I saw him off politely
Although I nearly broke down, the tears would never flow

I loved that man
He was an excellent father and an excellent Mage
Mages are nothing but a bunch of bigots, but he was different
In the world of Mages, there was no one as outstanding as him
He taught me as a master and loved me as a father
Therefore, I decided
I was going to use the things that man left me to choose my own path

----Rin, one day the Holy Grail will appear. To obtain it is the responsibility of the Tohsakas, and more importantly---if you want to be a Mage, it becomes an unavoidable path----

He left with those words not as my father, but as a Mage
Which is why I decided my path in that instant

"----Right. First, let's work hard to become a Mage who does not depend on anyone else---"

It's only natural for an apprentice to follow the instructions of the master
Since then, after experiencing many things, I grew up as Rin Tohsaka

Ten years had passed since the winter father joined the war
Although I did not anxiously await this moment, I could not help but get excited
But of course
the event that had never left my mind the past ten years was about to start again----


Something is making noise
Ring. Ring
"............Shut up. Stop it"
The noise does not stop
But rather, the ringing goes on and on, as if it has some sort of grudge against me

"......what, really......I stayed up really late last night, just a bit more......"
A bit more sleep should be alright
No, it's definitely alright
I stayed up till morning to decipher the will of my father and had expended a considerable amount of mana.
Meaning I'm completely exhausted, both mentally and physically

"......Aah, really----stubborn guy"
Ring. Ring. Ring. Ring
Granted, the alarm clock cannot understand the tone of human language
But the 'ring, ring' sounds just like "Almost late, almost late"
There must be some kind of bizarre mechanism involved in this

"......Tardiness......Tardiness is terrible......"
But it also depends on the circumstances
Even for an excellent student, it should be fine to arrive at school near the line of tardiness today

"......Right, right......the alarm clock is delayed for an extra thirty minutes, so it should be okay to sleep for another thirty minutes......"
Something doesn't seem right?
"......Delayed, thirty minutes......"
I look at the alarm clock with sleepy eyes
The alarm clock is clearly pointing at seven
I normally wake up at six-thirty, so the thirty minutes placed in advance is completely wasted
......Why does my reasoning ability become so bad when I just wake up?

I exchange stares with the alarm clock for a couple seconds
Switching off the alarm clock, I slowly rise from bed

Walking along the icy cold corridor to the icy cold living room
It is the last seven o'clock in the morning of January
Even though Fuyuki City is still warm in the winter climate, this morning is as cold as anywhere else.

"......Heating, heating......"
Turning on the heating, I walk towards the bathroom
It's times like this, living alone becomes inconvenient
If there was someone else to wake up earlier than myself, then this living room would probably be filled with warm air by now

Washing my face in the bathroom
Brushing the long hair, freshing up a bit
Cold winter, cold bathroom
The only good thing about all of these is that the coldness forces the drowsiness away

Shh, the ribbon on the collar is tied up
And then it's just eating breakfast and going to school
Looking at the clock which just passed seven

"Come on, there is no need to run"
But such a thing as running to school is an unbearable sight that I refuse to do
Being constantly relaxed and graceful is the tradition of the Tohsaka family

Since we still continue with this kind of family tradition, the ancestors of our family must have been from the upper class
In these days, to still own a mansion is the solid proof of that; in addition, the Tohsaka family hails a lineage of Mages that carry on the practice of Sorcery
Talk about ancient; it certainly has an ancient history

"......Oh well, that is not something to be proud of anyway"
It is more like something that can't be publicized so casually

---I, Rin Tohsaka, am, as a matter of fact, a Magus---

Whom can I show off to with that title?

Speaking of 'magic', it literally means 'magic'
Like "pain, pain, go away" or "abracadabra" for example.
Simply put, it means that there are people who are able to perform miracles by chanting spells

----Ah, although I put it in this way, flying in the sky with a broom and swinging a wand to create stars is still impossible

.......Although something similar can be achieved, but no one does it because it's meaningless
Basically, we are the heretics concealed in the world
We are prohibited to stir up any conspicuous business, and even if we have that kind of freedom, we'd rather hide in our homes to pour ourselves into magical studies

As a side note, saying that we're Magicians is a big mistake
In truth, there exist only five Magicians in this world today
Things that cannot be performed by anyone, things that cannot be achieved by modern science, the existence that can
make miracles in reality, we thereby give him the title of Magician
Something that could never be created with time or technique is called Magic
and it doesn't matter how mysterious it seems, but if anyone can achieve it through time and technique, it is then called Magecraft

Therefore, even I who is considered supernatural cannot cast Magic, only Magecraft
Even though it's complicated, this is how it was decided

To be honest, the existence of Mages is not accepted by modern society
Beliefs, exercising, absorbing and other things which are unable to be measured, we can not exist mutually with the modern world
However you choose to argue, Magecraft is meaningless
Going to a normal school and becoming a normal adult is many times better than learning Magecraft

The technology of humanity is wonderful
In the past hundreds of years, Magecraft has always been chasing after the steps of the civilized world

There is nothing that humans cannot do
The miracles that could only be created through Magecraft in the past had been long since degraded into worthlessness a long time ago

----But, Magecraft has the strength of Magecraft
Like certain barriers that only science can achieve
There are certain barriers that can only be achieved through supernatural means
If science is running toward the future, then Magecraft is running toward the past; these are the words of the master of the Tohsaka family

He also said past and future are both the same in the end. Running toward zero continuously
Let's put aside these difficult words for now. Philosophy should be left to the elderly

After breakfast, I pick up my school bag
"---Right. I must carry the pendant"
Although bringing this kind of thing to school makes me uneasy, it's a pity if I just let it waste

"No matter what, this is a gemstone with a hundred years of history, surpassing all the other gemstones in this house"
No, you could even say it came from another dimension
From deciphering the will of father last night, I had retrieved this gemstone which had stored ten years of worth of magical power for the present me
The rumored heirloom of the Tohsaka family from ancient times is probably this gemstone

Specializing in the transfer of forces, the Tohsaka Mages transfer their mana into gemstones whenever they have time
Simply put, if oneself is a gun, then the gemstones would be bullets

As for the other thing I inherited from father, it would be the Tohsaka family magical mark carved on my left arm
The magical mark is a proof of the inheritance, comprised of the Magecraft that was passed down from the Tohsaka line.
It's just like a tattoo

"......Although it hasn't begun yet, there's no such thing as being too careful"
I place the pendant that became Father's memento into my pocket

"This is a last resort. With the mana stored in this, there's nothing that I can't do"
It is seven thirty
It's about time to head out; otherwise I won't be able to make it to school

"Schil ebung.(Lock on) Verfaf ren, Drei(Code 3)"
Enchanting brief yet magical words
As a Mage, one can never lower the security when leaving his base
Although, in the past, not even once did thieves, lost children, or wild cats approach us
......No, not even the neighbors ever came over to greet us

"......Humph, oh well. That means that even wild cats can't intrude"
I raise my head to look at the mansion I had grown accustomed to for the past ten or so years
Fuyuki City is a very strange city and across from the crossection on the other side of the residential area, there are many Japanese style dojous
On this side, however, there are many Western-style houses just like mine

Apparently, it is due to the many immigrant families that lived here in the old times, but strangely enough, I never did seen any foreigners
Even if there were foreign cemeteries across the river on the side of New City, there are only tombstones of the old immigrant generation

"Is it because of the land?"
Hm, I will just ask the priest the next time I visit the church
That priest should know more about these useless things

Something doesn't feel right when I go outside

"What's going on, this is a lot quieter than I imagined"
It is very quiet outside, unlike the hustle and bustle in the morning
At around seven thirty, it should be pretty lively with many students going to school and people heading to work

"......Whatever, there are days like this too, I guess"
Everyone probably overslept this morning
It's especially cold today; anyone would want to stay in bed

"Hm-......but, still"
Anyway, isn't it strange that not even one single student has shown up
Seven thirty is about the time where the uniforms can be seen everywhere
But there's only me who arrives at the school gate, and the morning practice for clubs seemed to have just started
The natural conclusion deduced from these circumstances is----

"Hey, Tohsaka? You are unusually early today"
"......I thought so"
Oh dear, I sigh slightly, turning to the female student called out to me
"Good morning. Today is pretty cold, too"
The one who talks in such a frank tone is Mitsuzuri Ayako
A classmate who is also in second year class A; a character with many rumors

"Good morning to you too, Mitsuzuri. Let me ask you an irrelevant question: what time is it now?"
"Huh? Isn't it six o'clock. Aren't you awake yet, Tohsaka?"

Mitsuzuri's hand flutters in front of my face while asking me what's the matter
She is one of the few friends who knows my problem with waking up in the morning other words, she notices that I'm not fully awake yet as of now

"It seems like the clocks in my house have been forwarded by an hour. All of them, it seems. Not just one alarm clock, but even the wall clock has been turned forward"
Seriously, what's going on
Father, was it because of the pendant that was left in the underground chamber that forced the clocks to go haywire......

"Never mind, nothing important. By the way, do you have morning practice today Mitsuzuri?"
"Yeah. There are many problems inside of the Archery Club. Unfortunately we lost a member. To attract the freshmen in April, we need to look good from the outside at least"

"Is that so. You haven't changed a bit, such a worrywart"
"You are only saying that because it's of no concern to you. Hey, how about you take a detour? The boys will be in good spirits if Tohsaka passes by"
"----Archery club, is it."

I am acquainted with three people in the Archery club.
One is the Mitsuzuri in front of me, and I don't talk to the other two much
But one of those two is more than just an acquaintance of mine
The reason I became a good friend with the archery club president, Mitsuzuri, was because I often watch over the archery range from afar

"Fine with me; since it's not too much trouble, I'll accompany you there. There's nothing to do this early anyway"
"All right. Then let's go at once, hurry up"

One of the trademarks of our school is the lavish archery range
Was it because the director is really interested in archery? The archery range is so luxurious to the point that it will be a waste if students only use it for club activities.

"Come in, come in. There is still some time before it starts, why not come on in to have a cup of tea, Tohsaka"
I don't know what Mitsuzuri is so happy about as she tugs my hands
Switching to a boyish way of speech when being frank is one of Mitsuzuri's bad habits

Just as Mitsuzuri said, there isn't anyone around in the range yet
We start to prepare the materials needed for today's classes while drinking Japanese tea that can numb the tongue with heat
A cup of hot tea is actually a good idea, especially in an empty archery range during winter

"So, don't mind me being straightforward, but how are things on your side, Tohsaka? It's about time you found someone reliable right?"

It just so happens that there is no one around when Mitsuzuri asks something incredible

"............Hey. Jumping straight to the point so soon. From the way you've said it, I take that you've already found someone?"
"I've got nothing to say to you. It's going to be a secret until Tohsaka confesses. So, what about it. Judging from your tiresome expression, do you have someone in mind?"

"I have nothing to say to you either......But you will probably see through me even if I attempt to hide it from you. Unfortunately, I haven't. What about you, Mitsuzuri? Both of us don't have much free time, right?"

"That's true, but I am also not very smooth as well. Although I can make up for it with some practicing, but there are other things to be concerned with, right? This is about our future, which I'm not going to compromise so easily"
"Humph. Can't you just make up your mind to give in to me?"

"Of course not. To me, the most important thing is defeating you. Losing something or gaining something is only second on my priorities"
He he, Mitsuzuri laughs fearlessly

"----Oh dear. We are alike"
"Hm. I told you that the first time we met. It's that kind of relationship between you and I."
Oh that's right, she did say that "You and I are definitely going to be in a relationship of kill or be killed"
I was seriously startled when she said this to me the first time we met

In short, what Mitsuzuri said was, "If we don't compete with one another in every category, there won't be any friendship between us"
I had the same hunch. Two years since then, we have always kept this ambiguous relationship, shifting constantly between friends and rivals

"By the way, how did we start this?"
"What do you mean by how? Tohsaka, you started it first; it was you who complained about not having a boyfriend, and so we are now competing to see who is first able to get a boyfriend before grade 3, remember?"
"......Oh-, yeah that's right. It was when we were at odds with one another. I said something like the loser would have to listen to everything the winner says for the whole day"

"Hm. Even though it's a promise that even kids nowadays won't make, you and I will never go back on our words, am I correct? Whatever the result is, the loser will have to obey the winner. Just thinking about it like this makes me feel excited, and I am looking forward to it"

Mitsuzuri laughs delightfully
From the perspective of one who takes everything seriously, Mitsuzuri Ayako is not a woman you can get along with easily

......But then again, I'm also looking forward to the moment when I defeat Mitsuzuri. The 'can't get along easily part' is the same for me, too

"I see. But Mitsuzuri, looking forward to it is fine, but be careful not to mistake the purpose. The condition of the victory isn't only about who is first or last, right?"

"Yeah I know. I need to be faster than Tohsaka, and it has to be a relationship that will make Tohsaka envious from the bottom of her heart for me to call it a complete victory. ...but, here is the most troublesome thing to us now. No matter how great the guy is, it's meaningless if we can't fall in love with him"

Yeah, Mitsuzuri gives out a sigh
As far as I know, Mitsuzuri is rumored to be a man-hater
but rumors being incorrect are a common occurrence. Since she suggested this competition, maybe she doesn't hate men, it is just that she never took an interest in them

---Hold on, that is beside the point

"Wait a minute. What do you mean by ‘we’? Let me say this before anything else; unlike you, I am not a cold blooded animal. I have no problem with falling in love with a boy"

"Yeah, yeah, you lie. Or maybe you just never noticed it. It's definitely impossible for Tohsaka to care about any boy. The amount of confessions you've heard in the past are beyond measure, and never once did you accept, right? If you had at least a bit of interest, you would want to go out with them. But you kept refusing them, meaning that you don't have any interest in boys."

"What a lack of consideration. In a situation like this, it's also possible that I already have someone that I like, and therefore I refused, no?"
"Whoa, what a nice thing to say. That's not bad at all, how romantic of you"

Not taking me for a fool, Mitsuzuri seriously nods her head.
Ayako sighs and says how wonderful it would be if that's really the case
.....I lost
Apparently I really can't hide anything from her

"Yeah. I thought so too"

Oh well, Mitsuzuri was right about me
I myself know how cruel I really am

"I admit, in terms of romance, I am still a novice"
"That's right. Tohsaka was the one who said we are alike. ......Ah, it's almost seven. Let's stop our secret conversation now. I don't know when people will come by, and we should act like students in the morning"
"I am surprised that Mitsuzuri can even act proper. Hm, just this makes waking up early worth it"

"Humph, unlike you who acts proper all the time, my acting is nothing compared to Tohsaka's. Your fake smile is superior than acting to the level of an alternate personality"
Ayako sighed exaggeratedly.
The hot tea that Ayako made is finished, and it's my turn now to make tea

"Then why didn't Tohsaka join a club? Don't tell me something like 'I don't have sport talent' or stuff like that. I am still sore from being utterly defeated by you in physical exam last year"

"Well. I did lose to Mitsuzuri in lung capacity. And in terms of weight Mitsuzuri is also heavier"
"Ha ha ha! Hey-, but it's only three kilograms!......Hold on, what's so good about winning you in terms of weight you sneaky fox!"
Bang-, Mitsuzuri slams the desktop hard

"Careful. You will spill the tea Mitsuzuri. You are the president, don't forget to cherish the range"
"Shut up, other than being the president, I am also the rival of Tohsaka, and that comes first. It's okay to be a little harsher on you when other members aren't around"

Mitsuzuri glances over here with half closed eyes, making dissatisfied noises
......This woman possesses a unique charm, often saying, "Beauty must learn martial arts"

The one who says this is indeed a master of numerous forms of martial arts
Just after joining the archery club, the only thing she hasn't learned yet, already she has become the president
Disregarding gender, she is probably one of the top three people you must never disobey in our school

"Oh no. Not a president when members are not presented, that's a very problematic thing to state, isn't it?"
"How is that problematic? I am only a president in name, and my only duty is to punish the trouble-making members. Since there is someone who can shoot better than I do, there really isn't any honor in being the president"

"Really? Fujimura-sensei once said that Mitsuzuri's skills are top notch."
"Hm......coming from that person, it does make me feel a bit more confident. Whatever, it's useless to think about someone who is gone. True, if Fujimura-sensei really said that, then I can't take the position of president lightly anymore"

"Yep. Speaking of which, it's about time for the other members to arrive. I should be on my way. Please be an excellent president, Mitsuzuri"
"What, you're not watching the practice?"
"I don't understand it anyway. Watching it from a distant is OK, and shouldn't an outsider be barred from staying in the range"

Then I stand up, about the same time, people begin to come in the range
"Morning, president"
"Ah, good morning Matou. Are you by yourself this morning?"
"......Yes. Unfortunately I couldn't be of any help, I'm very sorry"
"Oh, it's OK it's OK. If the man himself says he doesn't want to pick up the bow again, it's useless to force him"
Ayako talks to the member coming in

"Then, I will be on my way now. Later, Mitsuzuri"
"Ah. Later, Tohsaka"
"......Thanks for the hard work, Tohsaka-senpai"
"----Thank you. Good luck to you too, Sakura"

In order to not disturb practices, I leave the range

"Hey Tohsaka. Good morning, I am so lucky to have met you this morning"

Bad luck, it's someone I really didn't want to meet

"Good morning, Matou. You're early today"
"Of course. Being the president, I should set a good example for the freshmen, right"
The student who is laughing happily is Matou Shinji from second year class C
Vice president of the archery club, a pretty boy who is idolized by two tenths of the female population in school

Indeed his looks are not bad, on top of that he also has excellent grades, very nice and know how to pamper a girl, somewhat like an idol in short
I still don't really understand that part of him, as I heard all these from my classmates

"Is that so. Sorry to interrupt when you're this happy, however you forgot one word Matou. I think it's best not to forget such a significant word"
"? Forgot a word? What is it?"
"Vice as in advice, vice president. Please take notice of this. Although there isn't that much of a difference between a president and a vice, but it will give people the wrong idea, right?"

"----. That's true, I will be careful from now on. Thanks, Tohsaka"
"Nothing worth of mentioning. Oh well, what Matou wants to think is none of my business"
I say that I will be on my way, and just as I'm leaving the range

"Hold on. You are here to watch right? Why don't you come inside? If it's Tohsaka, I will be more than welcome"
"I refuse. I don't want to disturb the others' morning practice"
"Don't concern yourself about with that kind of thing. If someone doesn't like the idea, I will just kick him out, just come in for a short while"
"......I already said I don't want to bother you. And I am not interested in archery. What's the point of looking at some strangers shooting arrows?"

"? So Tohsaka, you're not interested in archery. ......Hey. So the reason that you stay behind after school to watch from a distance is because of"
I have no idea what is he trying to say, but it seems like he has some big misunderstanding

"---What. So you knew, Matou"
"Ah, our eyes often meet one another, I mean, Tohsaka's and mine. After shooting arrows when it's time to imagine the target, Tohsaka would look at me. Even though I wanted to reply, but there are rules after all. Can't yell on the range"

I don't know what is he so happy about, Shinji suddenly approaches me
A friendly smile, with a subtle hint of superiority

"I was seriously mistaken. I thought that Tohsaka loves archery. But apparently you don't? So, why was Tohsaka looking at the range then"

Oh, so that's how it is
I understand now, the conversation earlier did sound like this

"Can you stand over there, Matou. I don't enjoy the closeness"
"Huh? What was that, Tohsaka?"

"I am speechless that you still don't get it. ...I don't want to waste time, but I can't help it. Let me put it this way, so that even you can understand. Listen up Matou. What I am saying is that, compared to archery, I am even less interested in you. Actually, it was only a moment ago that I just realized you were in the archery range, and I probably won't pay any attention to you in the future"

"---What, what......!"
Did I anger him, as he thrust out his hand violently
I dodge it easily before turning around to leave

"Then I will be going, Matou. It's okay to be a little over-egotistic, but there should be a limit to that, even so"
"Tohsaka, why you little......!"
Shinji sounds as if he wanted to say something more, but he just stands there silently

......Seriously, it was only his looks
If this guy could work on his personality a bit harder, then the people around him wouldn't have to be so troubled


I walk away from the archery range on the campus before arriving at the school building
It's already past seven, but there are still very few students in the hallway

"Hey, it's Tohsaka-"
"---. Good morning, Fujimura-sensei"
"Hm, good morning Tohsaka. Your teacher is very happy because of your proper greeting"

The mysterious woman who acts as if she's going to break to tears
......It is hard to believe that this character whose amiability and easy-going nature far exceeds that of commoners, is a teacher of our school

"......About that, sensei. You mean there are other kinds of greeting beside this one?"
"That's right. Although the freshmen greet me properly, the upperclassmen never seem to greet people with their last names. Don't pick up from those guys, Tohsaka."

"----Oh. I don't really understand, but I won't do anything rude to teachers."
"Very good, very good. Ah-h, now if everyone was like Tohsaka-"

Fujimura-sensei bid me goodbye, before taking off while waving her hands
Fortunately, I don't have Fujimura-sensei as my homeroom teacher
Fujimura-sensei teaches English
Even with such a carefree face, her Kendo skill is that of a dan, and she was addressed as the 'Tiger of Fuyuki' with respect and admiration in her school days

......But that rumor itself is quite mysterious
Generally, wouldn't people fear instead of admiring someone who is nicknamed tiger?
Fujimura-sensei looks like she's in a good mood, walking towards the range merrily
For some reason or another, Fujimura-sensei is the adviser of Archery Club, and not Kendo

It's right before seven thirty
You can still see students working on morning exercises on campus, but no one is in the buildings
Even though

"----Ugh, Tohsaka"

I meet someone who will immediately make impolite comments just from seeing others' faces

"Oh student president. You're already roaming around campus this early? Or are you checking every club room respectively? Either way, you are still so hard working"
"Humph---You are one to talk. What are you doing here so early, since you don't even participate in any club?"
"No particular reason, I just felt like it. I'm different from the early birds in the house of Ryudo after all"

The handsome face of the president of student council twitches
For some reason, he seems to treat me as though I'm an enemy
I really don't have any clue why though
......Don't tell me it's because I interrupted the graduation trip discussion with 'Temples are boring, so let's not go there'

"............A question if you will. Have you been staying late in the school recently, Tohsaka?"
"Not at all. Ryudo should know that I'm in the 'Going home after school' club, right"
"Of course. Since I was entrusted with the position of the president of student council, it's my responsibility to know all information regarding students in this school"

"Is that so? Then there's no point for you to ask me that. Regardless of what reason you asked me, is it really okay to pass the duties of student council to some outsider like me? Please gather information yourself. Don't beg an outsider like me to do it"
"Imbecile, how are you an outsider! Do you believe that I am unaware of your coercion of our secretary to do your dirty work, you tramp!"

"Oh no, you're making it sound so wrong. I only asked Mitsuzuri to reveal the records of club budget distribution. I investigated what everyone spent their money on, thus I think it's a reasonable action for a student"
"......Really now? So do you think that making our secretary ask for a whole week of time off because of a mental breakdown is considered reasonable? Your morality is still as extraordinary as ever"

"The same goes for you. Please supervise your subordinates properly. It's unfair to favor only culture-related clubs"
"I know. That's why I've been wanting to correct that by my own hands----"

"Issei, I am done fixing"

----All of a sudden
This guy appears out of nowhere

"Ah, excuse me. Sorry I had to let Emiya do all the work, even though I was the one that asked you to do this in the first place. Please forgive me"
"Don't mention it. So, where's the next one. We're running out of time"
"Aah, next one is in the multi-media room. Apparently it's not functioning the way it should be for a while now, and this time it finally went dead all together"

"If it's already dead, then there's no way I can fix it. It would be better if you just bought another one"
"......That's true, but just help me out a little. It looks like it's near the brink of death to me, but if you took a look at it instead, it might just be faking it "
"Is that so? Let me give it a try then"

The president of the student council is hurried by the male student
I can't say anything, because my line of thought was interrupted suddenly

The guy holding the wrench or the screw driver turns around as if just suddenly remembering something
"You're early today, Tohsaka"

Then he simply walks away without a further word

......That was a greeting, right
The student president was urged by the student named Emiya, and both left quickly
Emiya, should be the Emiya Shirou from second year class C

"......That's no big deal"
But, how should I put this
I am wondering whether a guy who goes so well with a wrench is supposed to be dangerous or convenient

Seven thirty in the morning, and still there's nobody in the classroom of second year class A
"Can't help it. Let me go over the materials"
I'm in my seat, opening the question booklet for mathematics
Thirty minutes till homeroom, and I have nothing to do except studying until classmates start to show up


By the end of the fourth period, the classroom livens up for the coming lunch break
Our school has a cafeteria, so there's about only half of the students left inside the classroom

As a side note, the majority of the students left behind are girls
Because the meals prepared by our cafeteria taste very plain, they are not popular among the girls, so

"Toh, Tohsaka......! Can, can we have lunch together......!"

Consequently, girlfriends having their bento together are very intimate

"Thank you, Saegusa. But I can't, since I have to go to cafeteria today. As I overslept this morning, I didn't have time to prepare a bento"
"Ah, not at all, it's fine. ......I'm sorry, I didn't know about this and called out to you. I said something unnecessary"

Saegusa looks like she feels really bad, and becomes dispirited suddenly
Saegusa is especially well-behaved, even compared to the many well-behaved and elegant students of class A, she really cares about my feelings for some reason

"It's certainly not something unnecessary. Today is just a rare occasion, so don't be bother with it. If you don't mind, you could ask me again tomorrow"
I reply with a smile from the bottom of my heart

"Ye, Yes. But, I never imagined that even Tohsaka can oversleep"
Was it because of my smile that put her mind into ease, because Saegusa replied with a very adorable smile

That smile is so adorable
Saegusa might not be the prettiest girl around, but her smile alone can warm up the people around her

"It's true. Not many people know about it, but I am actually a sleepyhead. The reason why I didn't join any of the clubs is also because I can't wake up in the morning"
Aw, I wonder how Saegusa's astonished expression can be so graceful as well
Even though that reaction made me feel wonderful, I can't just continue to talk like this
If I talk to these kind of people for too long, I will show my true colours anytime now

"Then I will be off to cafeteria. Please enjoy your meal, Saegusa"
"Yes, you too, Tohsaka"
Chuckling with a sense of elegance while waving her hand at me, Saegusa returns to her friends' side

The ones having lunch together are Makidera and Himuro
By the way, Saegusa is the manager of the track team
While Makidera and Himuro are the stars of track team
Makidera is a poor companion who often goes shopping with me in the holidays, but I am not familiar with Himuro

"Aw, she broke up with you, Yukika. I told you Tohsaka wouldn't have a bento. If you want to invite her, you have to go so far as to prepare lunch for her-"
"......Maki. So we will just have to go to cafeteria as well, right?"

"No, no way. Cafeteria is too small; there aren’t enough seats for a bento group. Plus, try sitting with Tohsaka; the staring boys' are really annoying. Last holiday, when the two of us went out for fun, that girl took all the advantages. So troublesome-- what a boasting, superficial teacher’s pet"

Standing besides Saegusa's table, Makidera is casually giving out criticism
Contrary to that spoiled mouth, she is a traditional Japanese beauty who matches kimonos perfectly

"......Maki. Your bad mouthing seems to have been overheard by Ms. Tohsaka"
On the other hand, the indifferent attitude of Himuro is completely opposite of Makidera

"Ah, oops, Tohsaka overheard? Ouch, is she staring at me......?"
"Uh......I, I don't think Tohsaka is staring at Maki-chan"

"She is staring alright. She is most scary when she smiles. Come on-, it’s only a little bit of complaining. Lighten up will you, my dealings with Tohsaka have been good thus far. Look, I even treated you to taiyaki"
Puffing up her cheeks, Makidera Kaede rolls the chopsticks
Who would’ve ever guessed that her hobby is collecting wind chimes? This world is a little bit too complicated for me

......Forget it, it's impolite to Saegusa if I just keep staring at the trio
Saegusa is in a fluster before the whining and grumbling Makidera

"Everthing is fine, Saegusa. Well, Makidera? It was I who treated you, not the other way around. Also, it was creperie, not taiyaki. Would you please consider changing your bad habit of altering facts unconsciously next time?"
"Ugh. What a scary smile"
Makidera quickly hides her face behind the cover of her bento
After bidding the mismatched trio good bye, I leave the room

Click, I close the door to the classroom
......and all of a sudden

"Pfft--. What the-, what's the difference between taiyaki and creperie anyway?! Both of them are wrapped with some sweet dough-"

Makidera just uttered something incredibly unladylike

"......tai, taiyaki is the same as creperie......!?"
Is that person really a girl, are they the same just because they taste sweet?
To consider a 500 yen creperie from Fleur to be the same as an 80 yen taiyaki from Edomae-ya, from all aspects, that must be some enviable sense of taste
Darn it, Mikidera Kaede, if that's the case I could have saved 420 yen to deal with you......!

"............Why am I lamenting over this for"
It seems like the fatigue from yesterday has not completely gone yet
Having a meal in the cafeteria is just too much trouble, so I will just buy some bread and a drink from the school canteen and eat on the roof

"First thing’s first. Lunch time"
I take in the tomato sandwich and hot lemonade bought from the canteen
It’s nothing fancy, but since I can have my meal with ease on the roof top, everything just tastes better

After the sandwich, I moist my lips with warm lemonade
......I feel a bit tired
To be a straight-A student while making an effort to avoid socializing with others at the same time, the balance between these two is really difficult to grasp

To keep up the image of an all-around, top student in school is my weakness, and conviction
If I want to be a student, then I will have be the most outstanding one to not sully the reputation of the Tohsakas
Tohsaka Rin is going to be the most perfect, spotless schoolgirl no matter what

However, I also have a dangerous occupation as a Mage at the same time, so it's best not to mingle with the ordinary crowd too much
If a Mage's identity is found out by a commoner, then he would have no choice but to erase the witness in order to protect himself
......That's not what I want
So naturally, I only befriend others on the surface

The friend that I go out with, Makidera, only meets me on the holidays, I also have to refuse the invitations from good-natured people like Saegusa
Being the best student in school, while at the same time trying not to become a close friend to others, while leading a life without causing any trouble
When I'm exhausted like the way I’m now, it becomes a boredom

"Well, time is almost up"
I finish drinking my hot lemonade and stand up
That’s enough time of immersing in depression, so let's return to the normal Tohsaka Rin after I step down stairs----


"And that concludes our Homeroom period. Students on duty, please make sure to check the classroom journal and lock the door. Students without any club activities are advised to go home immediately"

After sprouting out the usual lines, the homeroom teacher of second year class A leaves
As far as I know, that sentence hasn't changed a bit for the last past year or so

"Tohsaka, are you going home today?"
"Yeah. I got into some trouble with Matou this morning, so I want to leave before he comes to annoy me again"
"Heh, I thought so, since that Matou was especially irritable today. I had suspected that you gave him a piece of your mind"
"I see. Sorry to bother you, Mitsuzuri"
"Not at all. Matou is always picking on the lowerclassmen. This should be a great lesson for him"

"Is that so? Great then, I’ll be counting on you next time"
"Sure of course. If it doesn't bother you too much, please drop by again"

There is nowhere else to go for me to go, and I quickly made way home
Although I still have unfinished business within both the Archery Club and the Student Council, I don't have the time right now to deal with them this couple of days
Once I’m out of school, my mask as Tohsaka Rin, ‘The Student’ is over

And for the rest of the day, I will no longer play that character
Because I’ve already donned the mask of a Magus from the noble House of Tohsaka---

The only thing that welcomes me home is the flashing light on my answering machine

"---How odd, there is a new message. And it you, Kirei?"

I can already guess what he is going to say, but the consequences of ignoring his message are frightening
Pushing the play button, a familiar voice of a man spreads out from the machine

'It's me. I think you might already know this, but the deadline is tomorrow, Rin. I will be in trouble if you take too long to decide. Presently, there are still two places left. So you don't hurry, you won't be able to become a Master"

Straight to the point it seems, that priest is still merciless as ever

'If you wish to give up, contact me before the day ends. It will take some time to send for a substitute Magus’

Liar. You are capable of taking care of such matters with little hassle

'You already possess the holy mark, so summon your servant and gain the command spells as soon as possible. However, if you do not wish to participate in the Holy Grail War, well that’s another matter, then. Come to the church in that case, if you treasure your life"

The message abruptly ends
......It was too concise if you think about it
If you wish to participate, then have everything ready by today. Or else, you might as well quit already.

"......Humph. I already know that even without you telling me"
Forget it, I’ve no other choice
My delay ends today either way
Fortunately, I had already deciphered father's will yesterday
My preparations for the War have been completed as well

The very last thing left is, yes---quite literally, obtaining the qualification to join this War----

"The Holy Grail War...killing one another for the one and only Holy Grail. The ceremony of Holy Grail passed down from a few hundred years ago, that so......"

The Mages who join this Grail War will be entitled as Masters
This is not a title of social standing, but rather a indication of the role of a ‘Host’

There is a certain condition in order to participate in Holy Grail War
That is to summon the familiars known as Servants, and make a contract with them
But no matter how powerful a Magus might be, so long as the Servant refuses to obey him, he will still not be recognized as a Master

There is an obvious distinction between the Servants and ordinary familiars
The ways of summoning and binding them are distinctive as well
Although the Mages that join the War are supposed to have a medium to summon a servant......

"......Really now, if only Father had left something in relation to Saber"

I do not have the item that represents that "relation"
Servants are summoned
If I wanted to, I could summon them now and make a contract right away
The spiritual land of this city belongs to the jurisdiction of the Tohsaka family
As the heir of House Tohsaka which has watched over this land from generation to generation, there is no way I could afford to be slower than the Mages from other places

Perhaps not slow......but how should I put this, ships shouldn't be out on the sea without a compass, or there is a limit to how far one can go without a plan
"......Servants will be bound to a symbolic item. And in order to summon a powerful Servant, having their possessions is a absolute necessity, yeah......"
In other words, swords, armors, emblems, or extremely expensive things like bones that once belonged to the Servants

"......I was hope something in father's will would......Hold on, this is also a very powerful trump card"
The pendant that I recovered from the underground cellar yesterday is considered to be the greatest item among the ancient ruins
This is very powerful
however powerful it may be, it will not help in the summoning of a Servant

"......Humph. It doesn't matter; there are other methods besides using those. And there isn't anyone else who is appropriate to become the Master of Saber"

---Okay, it's decided then
I am not going to idle any longer so as not to let Kirei nag at me. Even now at this point in time, our personalities just can't seem to get along

From here on now, it’s going to be the real thing
I am going to be in my best condition when I summon a Servant tonight, and I will take Saber by force if necessary......!


It is late at night
The clock’s hand is nearly pointing at two o'clock
This will be the most favorable time for me to act
Because I will be at the height of my power at precisely two o'clock
Since this is the first and last opportunity I’ll have to be at my best, I can't afford to make even the slightest of mistakes

"---The retreat within the elimination, carve the four seals of retreat to circle the seals of summon, okay"

I carve the magic seals on the floor of the underground chamber
......In reality however, there isn’t a need for the ritual to be this large
Servants are beings called forth by the Holy Grail
The most important task for a Master to do is to make a contact and bind them, and thereafter, to provide enough mana for its materialization, the actual summoning is the Holy Grail’s doing.

"Pure silver and iron. The grand duke who made a contract with the cornerstone. Our ancestor who is the grand master Zelretch. Walls that block the flow of the winds, closing the doors to the four directions, reincarnation from the crown of king, arriving at the three-fork road to the kingdom"

And even so, I must proceed with great caution and effort
The seal that was supposed to be drawn in blood, I’ve drawn instead with molten gems
......In doing so, I’ve used over half of the gems I saved up in the past, so I am not allowed to fail in a financial sense as well

"Seal. Seal. Seal. Seal. Seal. Repeat five times. However, the carve that is broken yet full"

......Two o'clock is drawing near
I finish drawing the summoning seal that had been passed down from the Tohsaka line, and I prepare to confront it with my soul

"-----An fang(Setting)"

I turned on that which is inside my body, the switch that has no shape
Click, it feels like the insides of my body has come alive for the first time
Converting my nervous system into a circuit that transfers mana

Thus I, Tohsaka Rin, am no longer human
Only reduced to a mere mechanical object that fulfills a mystical purpose

......It starts to melt from the tips of my fingers
No, it is starting to fill me from the tips of my fingers
The absorbing mana is so dense to the point that it supercedes the feeling of my own body

Hence, I am made complete, yet broken

The power that flows throughout my body is the pure mana that is within the air
I, who became a circuit, is absorbing this power, to do nothing but transform it into a different kind of power
The body of a Mage is nothing but a circuit

The circuit that connects the Ether and the material plane
The occult that produces this result, we dub as Magecraft

......My body feels hot

As if an illusion of horns are growing out of my forehead
As if an illusion of wings are stretching out of my back
As if an illusion of scales are growing out of my hands
As if an illusion of water is rising up to my ankles

......I’m dripping with sweat
My body feels as if it was being stabbed repeatedly from within

This is the stigmata created by the part of me that is still human, disgusted with the part of me that has changed into a circuit
Even being an outstanding Magus, a mortal will still be mortal
This is the pain that will always exist, as long as you cast Magecraft with a mortal body

However I cannot allow the incantation to slow down
At the height of this pain, one’s purpose is to create "bonds" to the abyss of ecstasy


......The pain throbs in my left arm
The magical mark, in order to assist me in the casting, has begun to chant by itself, steadily eroding itself into my nerves

The impressive power I’ve absorbed is now coursing through my veins
If Mana is burning hot lead, then the moving magical mark would be like a crown of thorns

The mystical energy is like a centipede with its poisonous bites, crawling back and forth inside my body

The pain causes me to forget about my own existence

And at the same time, for this reason, the results start to show

My sense of hearing becomes very sharp, so much that I could hear the ticking sounds of the clock in the living room
Ten seconds till two o'clock
My body is filled with power, with no gap left void

"--------I announce"

Time to start
I transformed the mana I had absorbed into energy for "solidifying"
Finally, there is only one thing left to do
And that is to pour the rest of the magical power into this so-called engine to make it run, until there is not a ounce left in this body----

"----I announce. Thy body is under my control, and my fate is on top of thy sword. If you follow the lodge for returning of this Holy Grail, obey this will, this principle, then answer me"

My vision is gone
My eyes cannot comprehend the Fifth element

Thus, in order to not be ruined, they cease functioning

"I hereby make a vow. I am the one who will achieve all the deeds of this world, I am the one who will convey all the malice of this world. Intertwined with thy three Arch Spirits of Words for seven days, come forth the Protector of Libra the Scale, from the Wheels of Restrain---!"

This is almost like catching a whale with a fishing rod, too perfect!

"---Perfect......! I will definitely get the strongest Servant......!"

Oh come on, my sight is returning too slowly
Once my sight returns after a few seconds, then the one who appears before me would be my summoned servant----


Just nothing
There’s not even the slightest change anywhere
There are so many Fifth elements still fluttering in the air, but there is not a single hint of materialization around

And on top of that
There are sounds of an explosion coming from the direction of the living room

"What's going on-----!?"

I ran
With my head still blank
Climbing up the stairs of the underground chamber and running toward the living room

"The door is stuck!?"

The door is crooked
There is no point in turning the handle
Since I can't open it with pushing or pulling

"---Aah seriously, don't get in my way......!"

Boom, I knock the door down with a kick and enter the living room

Upon entering the living room, everything seems clear to me


The living room is in a mess
Bits and pieces of the ceiling are dropping down and there is rubble everywhere, along with a man who arrogantly crosses his legs
That man must be the culprit for all of this

But more importantly
The wall clock that had avoided destruction is displaying the correct time
......Which reminds me
Hm, oh right. All the clocks at home were an hour faster today
Which basically means that it is now only one o'clock in the morning
An entire hour before I’m at my max

"............I messed up again"

While I’m capable of doing many things that normal people can do most of the time, I seem to have a hereditary curse
That is I will do something incredibly stupid at the most crucial time---

"......There is nothing I can do about it now. Other than to reflect upon it"
I am angered at my own stupidity
While I simmer, I glare at the arrogant man who just reclines back

"So. Who are you?"
"Is that the first sentence came out of your mouth? Seems to me that I’ve been dragged here by some amazing Master"
The guy in the red coat, mumbling a complaint, lowers his head exaggeratedly
He even had the audacity to mutter 'what a terrible bad luck' to himself
......I can say for sure
This guy, definitely has a bad personality

Anyway, is this a Servant
I always assumed that as it is a familiar, it should be shapeless, but this looks just like a human being

......No, that isn’t right
Even just by looking, you could tell that he possesses a great amount of mana
I shouldn’t be confused by his appearance
The being before me definitely far more superior to a human; a 'soul of the dead' that reached the realm of spirits with a mortal body

I can't be overwhelmed by his imposing manner
He is mine
Now would be a good time to brainwash him

"---Just to make sure, you are my Servant, correct?"
"That is what I wanted to ask. Are you my Master? This is the first time I've seen such a barbaric summoning, so I’m still confused to be honest"

"This was my first time too. And I absolutely refuse to dignify that statement with a response"
"......Is that so? But when I was summoned, you weren't in front of me. Can you explain to me why?"
"Are you serious? It’s not as if you’re some baby who can only recognize their master when he first opens their eyes, so stop kidding me"

The unnamed Servant raises his eyebrows
Was he dissatisfied with my words, or admiring them because they were completely correct? A curious response in either case.

"Never mind then. My only question remains; are you not somebody else's Servant, but mine alone? If that isn’t answered first, I won’t feel obliged to entertain any more questions"
"......So putting aside the summoning failure. At this point in time, I think there is a lot more that we can talk about"

"Nope. Mastership should be the first thing to be resolved"
The Servant raises his eyebrows
Was it because of the incomplete summoning, since this guy doesn't even try to hide his dissatisfaction

"Humph. Confirming the mastership, huh? Even if you made a lot of mistakes, and seem to have a knack for talking---Ah, I agree to your suggestion then. If we cannot confirm who is stronger, and who is weaker, then there would be a problem in getting along with each other”
Still leaning back onto the rubble, the Servant gives me a strange look

"Which side is weaker......?"
"Aah. I am also a Servant, and since I am summoned by you I will acknowledge our Master-Servant relation. But, that's only on the contract. Which side is superior, to determine whether someone is worthy to be my partner is another story.---Well. On that note, do you have what it takes to be my Master, Miss"

The Servant laughs with sarcasm in his voice
Wrecking somebody's house, and then acting as if he's royalty or something are already good enough reasons to get me into a really bad mood, and now he even dares to question my qualification to be a Master......!?

"---I am not asking for your opinion. My question remains, are you my Servant?"
I speak every word with clarity and glare at him
How can I possibly lose to a person who looks down on me?

"Oh. So that's the case, there is no need to answer an obvious question like that, yes? Such bravery. If its the attitude only, you are indeed an amazing Master---"
"I. said. don't misinterpret my question......! It is the duty of a summoner to ask for confirmation. Now answer me, are you my Servant......!?"
Expecting that kind of answer, I yell and take a step forward

"----Ugh. What a stubborn young lady, there's no way to continue the topic then. ......No way around it.
If I am indeed your Servant, then are you my Master? Of course, this is just hypothetical"

"Of-of course......! Since you are the Servant summoned by me, who else can be your Master besides me......!?"
I am trying as hard as I can to cool down my nearly exploding temper, and while staring at this insolent person

"Oh. If that's the case, since it's only a hypothesis, let's first pretend that it is indeed that way. So, where is the evidence that you are my Master?"
The servant is laughing with sarcasm and saying something nonsensical
This guy must think that he can make me panic with this so-called proof of a Master

"It's right here. The proof of being your Master is this, right"
I let him look at the command spells etched on the back of my right hand
Humph, now he can't consider me ignorant anymore
I have heard many things regarding Masters from father, and of course among them are the command spells as well

"Do you understand now? Have you any other complaint?"
I stick out my proof as a Master, my face smug
The Servant who is reclining on the rubble has his eyes wide open in disbelief
"......Ugh. I can't take this anymore, are you really serious, Miss?"
In an instant, his face darkens with even more dissatisfaction

"I-I am serious, what's wrong with it?"
"Your ideas. Does having a command spell make you a Master? Command spells are merely tools to bind a Servant. What a pain, so typical of a Master to display things that are considered only formality. What I want to know is, are you really deserving of my loyalty?"

That, that is correct as well---but when someone mentions the proof of Master, it is natural for people to assume that it is the command spells

"......So what now? Are you saying I am not qualified to be a Master?"
"How I wish it were so, but no. Since you have the command spells, my summoner must be you. ......Though it’s quite hard for me to believe, but it seems that you truly are my master"
He sighs, the Servant shrugging his shoulders in an exaggerated manner

---Oh no
My boiling point is too low, there is no chance to cool it off

"Oh well, though I’m not content with this, I’ll have to accept it regardless. In short, you are my Master. However, I’ve my own set of conditions. First of all, I am not going to follow your orders in the future. I will be calling the shots in combat, and you can just follow my lead. This is my best offer to you. No objections, Miss?"

Ah-, Father, I cannot go on like this
I’m almost at my limit

"......Is that so? Though you’re not content with this arrangement and yet you still concede, but then again you won't follow my orders, what is the meaning of this?! You are my servant, correct?"
I ask him with a voice trembling with anger
Including the conversation about command spells, this is my last warning before I reach my tolerance

"Aah, it's only formality anyway. Of course I will obey you formally. But combat is my own business. You can hide in the underground chamber of this house and stay there until the Holy Grail War ends. That way even an amateur like you can manage to stay alive"

He tells me with a scornful expression in his eyes that does not hold nor place any faith in me

"Hm, are you angry? Oh, but of course I will still respect your position. After all, I am summoned so that my Master can win. My victory is yours, and all the spoils of war will belong to you too. Now you don't have any complaints, right?"
"--------, Ugh"

"You don't know how to use command spells anyway. Oh well, leave the rest is up to me, while you just watch out for your own safety......!?"
"I am angry-----! Since you put it that way, I’m going to use it!"

"----An fang......!(Setting)"
I can’t bear it any longer, I don't have the obligation to be quarrelling with this irritating person......!

"Wha----is that......!?"
"Yes, it is, you impolite fool! Vert rag......! Ein neu er Nagel Ein neu es Gesetz Ein neu es Verbrechen---! (Announce the command spells Obey the rules of Holy Grail To this man, my Servant Enforce the laws of the Commandment"

"Fool............!? Wait, are you serious, Master!? Who would use a command spell for such a thing......!"
"Silence-! Listen, you are my Servant! You are supposed to obey everything I say to the letter, is that correct---!?"

----The command spells on my right hand are hurting me

Three command spells
The key point of the Grail War is the three absolute commands that restrict a Servant

"You, you brainless......! To cast a command spell for such petty thing like this......!"

Humph, it's too late even if you shout angrily
......Actually, I didn't think it would come to this
I am so disgusted by myself that I just want to drop dead and die
I can't believe I ended up using a precious command spell for such a stupid thing

----And then
I leave the trashed living room, and move to my room
The one in front of me is the Servant now is supposed to "obey me absolutely" because of my command spell

"......I see. I'm beginning to understand your personality now, Master"
Which part of this is obeying me absolutely?

"I am asking this just to be sure. You do realize how important command spells are, Master?"
"Of course I know. The three absolute commands that restrict the Servants, right? So what about it?"

"......Ugh. Listen, Command spells are restrictions that force the Servants to obey. Not only do they just 'stop an action,' but they also serve to 'strengthen an action'"

"For example, I cannot teleport to somewhere far away from here. But if the command spell is "to go there," then it is possible with the combination of our mana. Such is the force of a command. Command spells cannot be over ridden by the Servants, but it can however surpass the limits of a physical body, it's the ultimate magical achievement. But for you, there are only two left now"

"I, I knew that already. It's okay, there are still two left, the first command went to you was not meaningless either"

"......Phew. Indeed, I miscalculated. When command spells are used for vague orders, the effects are weakened. Commands such as 'protect me' or 'win this fight,' and other open ended orders that are sustained for a long time, will weaken the effects. If the enforcement is sustained for a long time, some Servants might even struggle to ease their pain"

"On the other hand, 'Strike with all your might' or 'Don't break that glass cup,' and other kinds of single-purpose orders are absolute, and even the most powerful Servants cannot disobey. ......And so. Do you understand all of this, Master"

"......I know alright. In summary, vague and lengthened orders are meaningless, correct? If the effects and restrictions are weakened, Servants can then act disobedient to the command spells. Instead of making orders with a weakened effect, the absolute single-purpose orders are better"
"Correct. Command spells are essentially used to achieve miracles that are beyond one's own ability. It's unforgivable to waste them on orders that have no effect. ......Your order was one of those. If you want me to obey, you'll just have to say it, though you can't make me follow the 'obey everything I say absolutely' order even if you have one hundred command spells"

"Aw......Then, the command spell I used was wasted......?"
"......That is usually the case. However, your ability as a Mage is apparently on a completely different level"
Is he surprised, or relieved?
The Servant sighs, and his expression eases

"Different standards----You mean. Wait a minute. Explain your present condition honestly"
A thought suddenly occurred to me, and I ask with a little forcibly
"Ah. This is what I meant. The command spell you've used should only change my views to the degree of 'paying more respect to the opinions of my Master'. However, right now I can feel a strong enforcement pressing onto me. And if I disobey your orders, it seems......I will be lowered down by a few ranks. In short, if I disobey the orders of my Master, my body will become heavy and difficult to move around"
The Servant shrugs with annoyance

"----This means"
......This means that the command spell didn't go to waste, but on the contrary, had been even more effective?

But judging from sarcastic remarks that are still coming out of his mouth, it doesn't look like he is weakened at all
No, just because of this his strength is weakened by disobeying my orders, I still can't fight him equally even with ten of copies of myself, right......?

"I take back my previous statement, Master. Though young, you are indeed an excellent Magus. It's my fault for treating you like a child and making you stay away from battles. I apologize for my discourtesy"
The Servant straightens and bows politely

"Eh---wait, stop that, it's true we fought for a long while, but we are both at fault so......"
"Is that so? Ah, an understanding Master is the best"
"......Your attitude changes fast, doesn't it?"
"Although I did miscalculate, but at least it is a miscalculation that I can be happy about. Since you have the talent, I have no worries with involving you in the war"

The conversation......just now, it is as if he met a powerful Master----
"Then even without using the command spell, will you still accept me as a Master?"

"Of course. Although I'm not accustomed to it yet seeing that I was just summoned, but we are completely connected now. As a Magus, you should feel the connection of the contract"

Hm. Now that I think about it, something doesn't feel right with my body
It feels as if the nerves that were closed before, have now become open
......Speaking of which, a portion of my mana is already flowing into the man in front of me

"I see. Servants are called by the Holy Grail, however the thing that keeps summoned Servants in this world is--"
"That's right, the power of their Masters. Servants can stay in this world because of the Master's mana supply"

"Your mana supply is sufficient. Though your experience is in doubt, your abilities are outstanding. Normally, the Magus would've lost their consciousness the moment they've summoned their Servants. But you're still full of energy. From the command spell before and to this amount of mana now---as a Master, you're indeed a first class Master"
"Humph, humph. It's too late to praise me now"

I turn my eyes away in embarrassment
......I'm a little surprised
Although he was forced to obey because of the power of command spell, but a Servant that is superhuman, has actually accepted me as a Master sincerely

"......Well? So which Servant are you?"
I quickly compose myself, before finally moving onto the main question
"Can't you tell? Ah, this is wonderful"
I was mistaken
This guy still treats me like a fool

"......I see, this is a question from your Master. Are you not Saber?"
"Regrettably, I am not holding any sword"

......Of course it would be like this
Thinking about it, I should've expected this; I messed up the time, the summoning seal didn't do anything, and in the end I had even summoned the Servant to the wrong location
There are just too many mistakes to summon the most powerful of Servants, Saber

"......What a fool. I spent so many gems and yet I did not obtain Saber, what a complete failure"
"......Humph, I'm sorry that I'm not Saber"
"Huh? Although it was a painful mistake, but I was the one at fault---"
"Aah, so an Archer is not good enough for you. Fine, I will make you regret those words you've said. I won't listen to you even if you do apologize when that time comes"

......I'm surprised
As if my persistence for Saber upset him, the unnamed Servant appears to be sulking
Since he himself says that he is Archer, I've no doubts about that but...

"What are you saying? Did I make you upset, Archer?"
"You did. Just you wait, I will definitely make you feel that you're very lucky to get me"

Archer glares at me with half-closed eyes in protest
Granted that he is still annoying, but his behavior now is just like that of a child's, almost innocent
----I have a feeling
That maybe he might be a nice guy

"Sure. You had better make me feel that way, Archer. Because when that happens, you'll get me to apologize from the bottom of my heart."
"You should remember that, Master. It's good to know that you appreciate what an incredible character you have has summoned. But even if you do apologize when the time comes, I'll still not forgive you."
Archer gives me another of his smiles that is filled with sarcasm.
Ugh, it looks like this guy has a bad personality after all.

"That's true. So, you are the heroic spirit from where?"
Archer doesn't reply
His sarcastic behavior vanishes, and instead raises his eyebrows as if he's in deep thought

"Archer? I, as your Master, asked you, who is my Servant, a question did I not?"
"---That's a secret"
"I can't tell you where I'm from. The reason is---"
"Let me tell you. I will be really mad if it's some boring reason"

"-------That's because"
Oh, it's that expression again
Looking perplexed, Archer opens his mouth hesitantly
"---the reason is, I don't know it myself"
......Hold on a second, what did you just say......?

"Huh-----!? What is this? do you take me for a fool!?"
"......I've no intention of insulting you, Master. It's just that it is a side-effect of your incomplete summoning. My memories are not intact. I know who I am, but my name and abilities are a bit fuzzy. But it is of unimportance, s o please do not mind it"

"What do you mean by don't mind it----, of course I mind! If I don't know what heroic spirit you are, how am I supposed to know how powerful you are?"
"What? That isn't a real problem at all. It's trivial!"
"What do you mean 'trivial'? Look, how am I supposed make battle strategies if I don't know how strong my partner is, right!? How can we fight like this?!"

"What are you talking about? I'm the Servant summoned by you. There is no way that I'm not the strongest"
Directly looking at me
With absolute confidence and trust, the red knight gazes at me

My thoughts stop
Archer is not lying
He knows more about me than myself, even though we've just met

......My face feels hot
Ah seriously, I must be blushing
Why do I lack immunity against unexpected things like this

"......Oh well, it doesn't matter. It's okay if no one knows your true identify......To deceive one's enemy, one must first deceive one's own friends......"
I hide my embarrassment, turning my back against him
Oh well, I will find out more about what kind of Servant Archer is later
Besides, there is something else that takes priority right now

"I see, then I will hold on to that question for the time being. ---So Archer, your first job is"
"So soon? You are very eager. Where is the enemy then----"
I throw a broom and a dustpan in front of Archer who was about to ask the whereabouts of his enemy

"The cleaning downstairs is all yours. Since it was you who had messed up the place, you should take the responsibility of cleaning it up"
He idles for ten seconds
Gaining back his composure, Archer takes hold of the broom and dustpan

"Wait a minute. What do you think Servants are for?"
"You're a familiar, are you not? Though your impudent attitude does bother me"

Of course I don't have any intention of taking back my order, and I hold the trump card

"I refuse. That order is----"
"Are you really okay with this? Isn't this an order from your Master? Won't your body become heavy if you refuse to obey the will of your Master?"

"Granted this is nothing to you, but the order will continue until you finish cleaning the living room. And with your current condition, wouldn't it be dangerous for you to fight tomorrow?
"Humph humph humph"
He grabs the broom tightly, groaning for a few seconds

The Servant with a red coat---Archer closes his eyes reluctantly

"I understand, oh Master from Hell"

He simply accepts my request

It's already late, so lets just rest for tonight
I will decide what to do with this guy after I wake up

---The fateful day comes to an end
No, fate has only started to begin tonight

Six people including me
When the last one, the seventh one, who hasn't awakened to become a Master summons a Servant, the Grail War shall begin anew

In a not so distant future
The war I waited for ten years, will begin very soon----
