[I’m going out today, Shirou. I’ll bring some gifts back today, so be nice, ok?]
Fuji-nee waved her hands, and went out to work.

[I’m going as well. I need to go to my house today so I might be a bit late, but I will definitely return before dinner. When you are watch over the house, please don’t act carelessly.]
Tohsaka just said goodbye with her eyes, and she went out.

[─────So, let’s see.]
It’s barely past seven thirty.
I already saw those two out of the door, again, without any problems. So what I need to do now is

[C’mon, let’s continue what we started yesterday. We are going to the dojo, Saber.]
[Eh? Are we starting right away? Shouldn’t you wait a bit since we just finished breakfast?]

[Don’t worry. To exercise right after meals is in itself a kind of training, not to say that we had bread for breakfast, right? That kind of stuff won’t pile up in the stomach to cause illnesses.]

[… *Sighs* If Shirou says that you could, I won’t have any objections.]
[Then there are no problems. C’mon, let’s go. I’ll let you see what I, to at least hit Saber one time, thought up last night!]

I can’t hold any grounds against Saber’s attack. My bamboo sword, which I used for defense, is lying on the ground meters away.

[Hahhh,--------Guuuh, Muuuu……]
Those fingers that were holding the sword are still numb.
Originally I thought that I could pressure her with force if I use all of my strength to go forward, but she, countered.
That’s why my bamboo sword was knocked off my hand, while I have to sit down.

[--------- Damn, I thought I had it.]
[Shirou’s choice was too optimistic. Listen up now, even if Shirou attack disregarding your body, it’s nothing against a Servant. It’s a good sign to think of victory, but at lease think of who your opponent is.]

[…… Guhhh. Although you are saying those things, if I keep defending I’ll definitely be beaten. If a chance comes I have to take it.]

[That’s right, no doubt, but Shirou don’t know how to use an opportunity. Since you are going to attack disregarding the consequences, you should to wait for the right moment.]

[I know that. Saber looked away at that time, right? You never made this kind of mistake last time, so I tried to take advantage of that.]

[It’s praise worthy for you to be able to make this kind of judgment in a flash, but I did that to lure you in. Hoped that you wouldn’t be so anxious to attack at this level, I shifted my line of sight. And then, you came straight at me…]

[--------*Whimpers*, you are so bad, Saber. It’s no good toying with an amateur.]

[I’m not toying with you. Even though I planned that, as long as I’m showing a flaw, I have to bear the risks. It’s just that, the risk of taking my eyes off of you is incomparable to the risk that Shirou took by heading straight at me.]

[… Mmm. So in a word, be careful when your enemy shows a small mistake, right? Bigger mistakes should let go… Nope, you want to say that I need to act according to the degree of mistake, right, Saber?]

[Correct. So please, meticulously analyze the amount of risk and the degree of mistake.]

[But, Shirou, compared to yesterday, you have a tremendous improvement in your ability to sense life-threatening danger. As long as your body has the ability to sense danger, you can naturally choose who to fight and who to beat.]

Saber is talking, as if she’s a bit happy.
If it’s not my imagination, Saber is, probably, happy as the result of her student’s improvement.

[It’s almost time to rest. I’ll go get some water, ok, Shirou?]
[Ah, you don’t need to. I brought a bottle with me, I’ll just drink this.]

I drag my over-tired body to a wall.
While I’m using a towel I prepared to wipe my sweat, I gulp down water from the bottle.


Breath out…
… Three hours after I saw Tohsaka and Fuji-nee off, I’ve been fighting with Saber.

Saber still not giving me any advice, I didn’t ask, just hitting back with my bamboo sword.
Although it’s a competition where there’s only a tiny hope of victory, fighting with Saber is able to let my body have a complete workout.

I’m not hoping to increase my ability to fight.
This is not for the mind; it’s only for the body to get used to fighting.
But it’s better than doing nothing. Since I don’t have anything that I’m adept at, to train this bit I have nothing to say.
If I’m facing a Master and still thinking about how to fight, that’s the deadliest situation, right?

[…Saber….really didn’t sweat a bit…]

Although I’m discouraged again, it’s impossible in the beginning to catch up to Saber in just a few days.
Saber, like yesterday, is sitting down to let her body rest.

It’s no good just sitting here.
Since it’s a rare chance that we are resting, I want to talk about some stuff.
Well, then--------

→ What kind of person was Saber?

… Before she became a Servant,
Living as a human, what kind of person is she?

Since Saber is extremely beautiful, everybody should like her, right?
Also, she getting selected as Saber or whatever is probably wrong as well. Saber, times ago, is just a regular girl who never held a sword in her life, right?

[… Seriously, Saber, what kind of person you were?]

My enthusiasm filled my head, and I slipped out.

[----What? Shirou, did you say something?]
[Eh? Oh, I was just thinking about what kind of person Saber was. I don’t want to know Saber’s True Name, just what kind of like you lived.]

[Ah-h, what kind of person I am in the past, right?... You are interested in weird things, Shirou.]

[If it’s troublesome, then just ignore what I just said. I just though, for a moment, that even though Saber is the Servant Class of Saber, before you became a Servant, you were probably a different person.]

------ It’s not wrong,
I felt, Saber, in her past, probably lived a peaceful life in a village as cute as her.

[-----I don’t think that’s possible. Becoming a Servant will not change your personality. Since I was born a knight given a long sword, the one that you said, a different me, don’t exist.]

[Wow, then you always had such a serious personality, Saber? … That’s really harsh, I kind of pity those who were around you.]

[…. What did you mean? Although I am strict, I never forced anyone around me.]

[Liar. After today’s training, I finally understand that Saber will never go easy on anyone. Look, see these wounds? Just a little mistake and you joyfully came to hit me, you oni-trainer!]

[I-I’m not happy about it. Be-Besides, even if I do feel sorry for Shirou, if I’m not strict then it’s not a training anymore!]

… How rare!
Saber unexpectedly has this kind of expression, I’m surprised.

[Wh-What kind of look is that? To suddenly quiet down, I feel, is very sneaky.]

[Ah-ah, sorry. ---------Because for Saber to became angry like this is quite unexpected, I was surprised.]

[Eh, i-is it so? I just, said what I felt in my heart.]
[That’s why, Saber don’t really say what you feel, right? That’s why what just happened is so refreshing.]

[I-Is it like that? I always use my beliefs as the basis of my actions.]
[That’s why I said it’s not what Saber truly felt, but what Saber thought. Saber rarely expose your true feelings.]

[Of course. What I pursue is not individual feelings, but opinions based off of where I stand. No matter past or present, it’s still the same. I am protecting Shirou because my identity is Saber, besides this there is nothing to say, and there is no need to think about them, right?]

[---- It’s not wrong, but won’t Saber feels bored once in a while? Although Saber has your duty, you can’t just perform your duty only. Saber has things that you want to do, right?]

[Therefore, protecting Shirou is my top priority. Not only that, since you are still immature but want to fight, not heeding my advice, I have to train you. Isn’t that right?]

[-----------No, that’s not what I’m talking about…. Oh-well, if Saber says so then let it be.]

I truly feel that, Saber is lowering her guard right now, a very bright feeling. I also don’t want to continue that topic, fearing that it might disrupt this rare chance of a peaceful atmosphere.

When I noticed, it’s noon already.
[It’s lunch time, Shirou.]
[Ah-ah, it’s lunch time already.]
Saber and I confirm mutually, with our stomachs rumbling at the same time.

[-------Let’s eat. What do you want to eat, Saber?]
[I don’t have anything particular that I want to enjoy. As long as it’s a meal prepared by Shirou, it will probably satisfy me.]

The way Saber said it is kind of strange.
…. Well, it’s all good as long as it’s not Tohsaka-kind of rumbling on.

[So I’ll go out to buy stuffs. I should be back around the same time as yesterday, just wait in the living room.]
[Yes. I’m anticipating, Shirou.]

Lunch will be, Shrimp Meatball that I always wanted to try.
It’s of the highest grade, a size bigger than Squid balls and filled with shrimp.

[… That’s it for wasabi, desert and tea for three-o’clock is ok as well, so….]
I stuffed these things into the basket of my bike.

------ Right.
I met Ilya around this time, yesterday.

[------- That kid isn’t here.]
No, I will be troubled if she is here everyday, although I am a little disappointed that she’s not here, and a little pity.
… I didn’t say anything to Saber or Tohsaka about what happened to me yesterday with Ilya.
She didn’t appear as an enemy, also I always feel so hesitant about whether to tell them things about Ilya.
[…………………. Shouldn’t be here, she was here yesterday doesn’t mean that she will be here today.]
So, I’ll get on my bike again, to----

----→ Return to the Emiya household

Go straight to home.
Saber is hoping for lunch, and I’m not the kind idler to go everywhere.

Like this, I tried to make the Shrimp Meatball that I’m adept at.
Strictly speaking, this shouldn’t be a side dish; instead it should be served with beers or wines. I learned it originally in the bar that I worked anyways.

[Shirou, it’s really hot.] (high temperature)

Saber is holding in her mouth a meatball that’s bigger than a golf ball, but smaller than a tennis ball.

[Mnm, Saber is afraid of heat? Or you just don’t like eating this kind of crude cooking?]

[No, not that. This kind of heat is very interesting. The flavor is bit crude, but I can feel the amount of effort you spent in it.]

[Is it so. As long as Saber likes it.]
[Ok, it’s a pity that I can’t share it with Tohsaka or Fujimura.]

Saber eats, quietly.
Is it as a result of this morning, I feel that she eats more than usual.

… Well, as a man I do feel, strangely enough, happy when others eat my cooking, not to say when they think it’s delicious.
My prowess as a Master is not enough, if this kind of thing can make Saber happy, I should focus more on cooking… Ah-ah?

… Saber is gazing very seriously at her empty plate.

[Saber…? If it’s not enough I can make another plate.]
[Eh….? N-no, don’t, I’m very satisfied. I-it won’t be necessary.]

[Mmm, then let’s drink tea after this meal. It’ll quick, just wait a sec.]
I put the empty plate back in the kitchen.
Putting what I need to wash in the tank, and heating the tea pot to make tea.

[Right, Saber should try other kind of tea sometimes.]
I look out from the kitchen.
…. And there-

[… But, this is the problem. Shirou’s cooking is very delicious, if he starts to refuse to cook, my will to fight will definitely decrease. …. I’m still too young. Although I already experienced it many times, food problem is always such kind of terrifying thing to deal with.]

[-------- What, is this…]
…. Never mind what I just said, it’s better for me to not focus on cooking.
If I put more effort like this every day, in the end I will probably become a pro-chef.

As a human, it’s never too good to over do things.

After lunch, till afternoon, what I need to do will not change.
Untiringly, battling with Saber using the bamboo sword.
A training that’s suppose to last till Tohsaka and Fuji-nee returns.

Was broken by the sound of doorbell, announcing the arrival of a guest.

[Shirou, guest.]
[Ah-ah, I heard it as well. It’ll take a sec, please wait here.]
[…. No, just an afterthought, it might be an uninvited guest. Just to be safe, I’ll go with you.]
What Saber said is reasonable.

…. Although it’s reasonable, if the guest is a close neighbor, Saber could induce suspicion.
Because at the Emiya household, only Shirou reside here.

[Whatever, I’ll think about it if something happens.]
Even Sakura and Fuji-nee enters at will, it doesn’t matter if neighbor just notices.

[All right, let’s go, Saber. But, if it’s a normal guest, please be nice (obedient), ok?]
[I understand. I am a distant relative of Shirou, right?]
[Right right, I’ll leave it to you.]

[Ok, I’m coming---]

Urging by who-knows-how-many-times ringing of the doorbell, I opened the door at the main entrance.

[Excuse me, I heard that your body is not well so I come to visit, Emiya.]
The one who come is neither the enemy nor the neighbor, but a friend from school.

[Oh, it’s just Issei---]
[Hay, a “oh, it’s just” is really disrespectful. Is this your way of treating a friend who has come because he wants to see if you are doing well?]
Issei spoke, and handed me the paper bag he was holding.

[Eh? What’s this? Apple?]
[Gift for visiting you. Emiya who has never caught a cold is suddenly absent, I need at least bring some gift.]


Although I’m overjoyed for his reason, unfortunately I’m not absent because I’m sick.
… Also, as a young student, buying a bag of apple and visiting a friend from school is quite-

[What’s wrong, Shirou? You can’t eat fruits?]
[No, I like them a lot. Oh well, although it is a bit complex, I am very thankful for you to think about me this way.]
I bowed to him.

[… Shirou, just something off topic. Who is that female right behind you?]
I turned around,
Over there is, of course, the one who followed me here. Saber.


Oh yeah. Issei that fellow, saw Saber when I bowed to him?

[… Someone I’ve never seen before. Why is such a female here, in Emiya’s household?]
Issei’s eyes gratefully looking at Saber.
He is really shy of strangers; toward someone he met the first time, or someone he doesn’t like, he will really show a cold face.

[Ah, it’s not, she’s Saber, well-]
[I’m a distant relative of Shirou. I have received, in foreign countries, care from Mr. Kiritsugu in the past. I arrived here a few days ago to visit, and, being predestined, I am staying here.]

Saber is saying all of that fluently, and, smoothly…

[A friend of Emiya’s father? I have heard that he liked to travel around, so it’s possible that he knew people like you.]
On the other side, Issei, who is suppose to be shy and cold, actually accept what Saber said as a matter-of-fact, in a, frank manner?!

[So that’s it. I understand now, Shirou. You are using “I’m ill” as an excuse to be absent so you can be the guide for her, who has came to visit and to see the sceneries, right?]

[Ah… Ah-ah, tha-that’s right.]
… Mnm, well, ignore some details, I’m not lying.

[Then it’s all right for me to stay a while. Since I actually brought it all the way here, at least make a cup of tea for me as a sign of gratitude. We’ll talk about what happened in school these two days along the way.]
Issei took off his shoes and walked inside the main entrance.

[…? What gift of gratitude? I’m busy as well, you know. If you want to chat, wait for next time.]
[What are you talking about? You throw your bike in front of my house, remember?]

[Ah…. Right, I lost that bike over at Ryudo temple. ]
[Right. I brought that here. I’m doing that even while I am quite busy, I didn’t even do any thing for Student Government just so I can go straight home and then here. Shouldn’t you make some tea for all those troubles I’ve gone through?]


I really am thankful.
Although I do have three bikes, the one I lost at Ryudo temple was the one I spent most money on and my favorite.

[…Sorry Saber. Can we rest for a while?]
Saber nods, quietly.

[Sorry. Then Saber and Issei, please wait at the living room. I’ll make some tea, Japanese for Issei, and Red for Saber, is that ok?]

[Wh…. I-I as well? I.. I don’t think that’s a good idea. If I’m around then you can’t talk with your friend freely, right?]

[That’s not a problem. Right, Issei?]
[Mnm. Although girls are usually noisy, Saber-san is different. Proper female is a cultural treasure.]

[Right. Then you two wait there first.]
[Ah…. All right, I understand. But, Shirou--]

[What, anything else?]
[For drink, give me Japanese as well. I don’t dislike Green Teas.]

For some reason Saber said that with an extra clarity and emphasis.
Although the way she spoke is as usual, I don’t feel some what different.

After we gossiped here and there for an hour, Issei decides that he’s returning home.
Most thing that we discussed in the living room were related to school. Although I carefully asked Issei if anything weird happened, School seems to be… normal.

[Then I’m going. Are you going to be absent tomorrow, Shirou?]
[Ah-ah, I’m not going to school this week. I have to accompany Saber tomorrow as well.]

[Mnm, oh well. If you are with that one then all will be fine. Although there are some suspicious places, there is no need for me to ask.]

Issei himself nods.
… Right, this person who’s suppose to be shy around strangers actually didn’t dislike Saber.

[Oy Issei, you’ve only met Saber for the first time but you are actually feeling well, why is that?]
[What are you saying? For god’s sake I grew up in a temple; something definitely has to be wrong if I can’t even tell if a person is good or evil. Although I don’t know where she’s from, that kid has a clean and divine aura. It’s impossible for her to be bad.]

[Heh, Issei, you can actually see this kind of stuff? I’m seeing you in a different light now.]
[… Regularly I can’t really see it, but if it’s someone as outstanding as she is then even amateur can see. Although I’m just an Apprentice Monk, I can still feel god’s presence if there are gods around me. You can tell that, the feeling that Saber-san gave me is just as fabulous.]

… This is really, rare.
Issei, actually praising a girl.

[I see, even Issei appreciate Saber.]
If so, then it’s great
Because just now Saber didn’t say a word, she just listened. I actually worried whether Issei has a good impression of her.

[Of course. Is she not a good kid? It’s really hard to dislike her.]
[Mnm. But, although I know she is a good kid, she’s kind of cold. Saber is like that usually, it’s not as if she dislike Issei.]

[Eeh? That kid, is cold?]
[Definitely, she hasn’t even laughed yet. Even when we laughed as a result of something Fuji-nee said, she just sit still and serious.]
[No, she’s laugh often, can’t you see?]

How is it possible?
Saber of course at times shows a soft expression,
But to show an expression that others can clearly see as laughter, has never happened…

[Liar, I can’t imagine the way Saber holds her stomach, laughing.]
[… No, not that kind. When she sees you smile, she smiles as well. What, haven’t you noticed?]
When I’m smiling, she smiles as well…?

[… Let’s see, that’s, treating me as an idiot…?]
[------------ So that’s it. This is an interesting explanation. Well, I’ll leave this question for you. Everything comes from self-restraint, remember.]

The kid from the temple said his pet phrase, laughing while he went out.

[Mmmm -------- What did he come for, that person?]

Pretends to be mysterious and said some weird stuff, and then walked away?
At least say goodbye, baka.

When the sun begins to go down, today’s training has finished.
Because my stamina is near its limit, and I still have to learn Magecraft from Tohsaka.
Although I didn’t reach the goal of at least to hit Saber a single time, I still have to keep some stamina just for the evening.

So, like this, I begin to prepare dinner.
Saber after me went to the bathroom, she won’t come out for a while.

[I’m back-----. Oh, so you are really making dinner. Fabulous fabulous, admirable admirable.] (Japanese and Chinese use repeated words to emphasis)

Fuji-nee quite energetically entered the living room, sat straight on the sitting pad.
This person, unlike Saber who has to sleep at least half a day, stays like this for 24 hours a day.
Possibly, even when she’s asleep.

[Oy---, Shirou----, can I eat this apple?]

Fuji-nee holds some from the large amount of apple from the table while asking me.

[It’s all right. Just as you see those are extra. Ordinarily a person eats three a day, right?]
[Is it so? Then please make apply pie------, but the important part is that Shirou makes it------.]

Fuji-nee said it with ease, and like this took a bite of apple.
…. Although I did put those apples on the table after I washed them, this person will not notice even if I didn’t.

[…. Gosh, it was a rare gift of visiting the sick…]
Although it’s based on wrong presumptions, this is a gift that symbolizes my friend’s worry. What did Fuji-nee think that is?
This time it’s necessary to explain clearly.

Something I know,
I know this feeling,
This is, failure,
This is what happens when I insert the circuit into my body, and something goes wrong, and my body begins to reject isn稚 it-------

[It痴 all right. Although it is undeniably painful, as long as you maintain this condition it will improve. But, that burning sensation does last couple of weeks.]

・I want to reply, but I don稚 have that little extra strength.
Now, I can only use every ounce of my strength to maintain my balance.

[Listen up, will you? The difference between Magi and human is the existence of the switch. You know that this switch is the switch of the circuit. Look, over there is an electric stove that boil water. Magi are like that. And human is like bottles that preserves heat.]

[We are similar but different kind of thing. The existence of the switch to boil water is not something a person can decide. From birth--- no, from production, electric stove and heat-preserving bottle are different. People who don稚 have that switch will never experience Magecraft in their life.]

[Listen, although you are still an amateur, you do have the circuit. Which in turn means that you are adept at learning Magecraft. So all you have to do is make the circuit in your body, once, and then switch. Just press that button, flip that switch in your body and you can convert mana.]

・ My breath is getting steadier.
Like what Tohsaka said, as long as I control myself, this condition will not worsen.

[You only need to make the circuit once, you know, but you make it again and again every time, putting it in your body, again and again.]

[That 痴 just a waste of time and effort. Since it痴 something that the body already recognizes and accepts, just switch to it.. ・ Originally, those who finish their circuit, will always train their ability to switch, but sadly, your teacher didn稚. That痴 why you have to endure the risk of dying every time you make it. ・No, perhaps your father used the same method back in the days to learn Magecraft.]

Breath out.
The nerves at my hands and foot are getting some sensations back.

[And you, who practice year after year the wrong way, closed your switch. Since that痴 the case, there can only be a rude awakening, telling your body that a switch exist, right?]

[So, that jewel I just gave you did jus that. So Shirou will stay like that, unless you use your own power to turn it off. If you can do it, then you won稚 need the jewel痴 help anymore. With some simple mental alteration and you should be able to control your own circuit.]

[Wuh・I, know, that, but--]

This degree of high temperature, can稚 you think of something?
And even if you tell me that I can turn the switch off, how the hell do I do that?

[Eh, you can speak already? ・Mnm, you are really adept at controlling yourself. Then you can probably recover faster than I thought. Something like the switch, you can try to calm yourself, relax, and your body will turn it off. Afterwards just will it to speed up. So, easy, right?]

[・. No・. I said.. I can稚 understand at all. Even if you say some kind switch I don稚 have any sensation about it.]

[Well, it痴 like that right now, but not much later you should have a clear mental picture, like a button inside your brain. Afterwards, just press that button and you can easily open your circuit.]

[・ If it痴 like that then good. Now I just want to, puke------]

[That, well, since Shirou always close your circuit when you finish [enhance], right? Now you are trying to reverse that, keeping your circuit open all the time. Like running full speed continuously, pain is almost a certainty. But, as Magus, it痴 a must. Since you want to fight as a Master, this challenge will definitely help you, Shirou.]

[・・・ I understand. Although it痴 kind of surprising, I still want to thank you, Tohsaka. Truly, if I can feel the sensation or image or whatever of a button, I have improved.]

[・ You do understand, eh? But don稚 thank me, I just did it because it痴 troublesome to have a ally that痴 as weak as you are.]
Tohsaka grunts again, turning her face away from me.
It痴 because my body is too hot, right?
I kept thinking, even ambiguously, that Tohsaka is really a good person.

[・. Why are you staring at my face like that?!]
[No, I just want to say that Tohsaka is really not honest.]

[・. Right, you can even joke like that. Since it痴 so easy for you, Emiya-san, why do we continue our lesson, eh?]
Tohsaka gets close to me with the smile of a devil.

[・.. Wuh・

Wait, a minute,
My body can稚 move, completely, yet, oy・br/>
[Then try [enhance] again. Although right now you still won稚 be able to control your mana, if you can稚 get used to this condition you want be much of a help. Don稚 worry, I brought piles of light bulbs here. Although I don稚 know how many times you値l fail, before you succeed you rest, 狸?]

Tohsaka laughed light heartedly, hands some light bulb to me, who can稚 really move yet.


Wuh-wah・ What痴 difference between this and letting a man with a fever of 40 degree C walk a long steel rope, Tohsaka------

[・I lost. I never thought, that my side would be used up first.]
Tohsaka looks at me with a peculiar gaze, kind of punishing me.

[・・・・.Eh, I am really embarrassed.]
[I was too na・e, I didn稚 think you could broke all thirty of them. ・. Sorry, today痴 training ends here, because there is no tool to measure Shirou痴 [enhance].]

No, I made some effort too.
I used this boiled-in-a-pot body and made some effort.
It痴 just that, although I tried, [enhance] never succeeded.]

[・. Oy, Tohsaka, it痴 just broken glass, right? You can fix it like you致e fixed those windows, can you?]
[Impossible. That痴 just broken, regularly. These broke because they can稚 handle Shirou痴 mana. It痴 extremely hard to interfere with objects that contain someone else・mana, remember that.]

[------------- Mm, is it so.]
[Yep. ・ Ok, Shirou, go and rest. Waking up that switch is enough for today, after you can control it, we値l continue your training.]

[・Heh, it痴 fine that I can rest, but continue, what are you going to teach me?]

[Shirou can only [enhance], right? Although you said you just know this, perhaps you can learn a higher level [change] (addon). Did you know about [enhance], [change], and [trace]?]

・ I did know a bit.
[enhance], like the word enhance, strengthen the object.
Although people usually think that it hardens the object, it actually intensifies the object痴 effect.
Blades will be sharper, light bulbs shines brighter, things like that.

[Change] don稚 need much explanation either.
For example, blades can稚 make fire,
Abilities that let objects have addon effects are called [change],
And [tracing], I remember, is-------------

[・? What痴 tracing, Tohsaka? I remember dad talked about it, lot of times.]

[You know about [enhance] and [change], right? Then I think you can figure [tracing] out. Well, basically it痴 Magecraft for copying object. Not like [enhance] or [change], working on an existing object. Basically, from nothingness to existence, all using one痴 mana, it痴 of the highest level of difficulty.]

[Ah・ Oh, yeah. After you use mana, it disappear, right? [tracing] creates object that disappears quickly. A sword traced with ten mana, and a sword enhanced with one mana, comparatively speaking, the sword enhanced is stronger. Because [enhance] is just post-processing, it痴 more efficient. So, because [tracing] wastes lot of mana, it痴 not commonly used.]

[・ Ah, I remember. Dad said something like that as well. He said that it痴 really wasteful, so he told me to stop doing it.]

[Well, sort of like that. If you finish asking question then lets end this. ・ Your footsteps aren稚 really steady, I値l escort you to your room.]

I let Tohsaka escort me.
In the hallway, Saber waits for my arrival.

[Thank you for your hard work.]
No stamina to answer,
I nod my head, thanking her, and walk to my room.

[How痴 Shirou, Tohsaka?]
[Bad, very bad, he doesn稚 have any talent.]
Very Tohsaka-like, relentless, merciless.

・And then, when I regained conscious, I discovered that I知 staring at a starry night.
Tonight I知 out here not because I want to escape Saber,
It 痴 just that Tohsaka taught me a lot of stuffs, and I really feel bad with a body that burns from the inside, so, like this, I want to feel some cool night breeze.

[・. But, if I can use the switch regularly, everything afterwards is just steps and problems concerning those. To fail on the most basic [enhance], I知 really not seeing the light at the end of the tunnel・]

I talk to myself, while pouring mana into a wood block I took from the storage room.

-----------*cracking noise*

As I thought, I can稚 even continue a [enhance], the wood block has cracks on it.

[・ I can even see its internal construction clearly, why is it like this, why can稚 I control my mana・

Tohsaka said I used too much power,
And she said just a small amount would be fine, just think about repairing the weak parts.
・Basically, more relaxed then what I did?

[・ This kind of thing, I understand even if she didn稚 mention it.]
The problem is, how to relax・br/>If there is a good way to let my shoulder relax, that will be nice -----------


Like those footsteps that steadily merge with the darkness,
This hostile sensation, I致e felt for the second time.

[・ What, I don稚 have anything to discuss with you.]
[Same here. But I知 someone who can稚 bear to see Rin getting all worrisome.]

While I知 staring at Archer, I throw down that wood block.
And then, Archer, as if he痴 interested, picks it up.

[[enhance] eh? But it痴 really bad.]
[・! *Grunts* I知 an amateur, so what. Sorry to trouble your 溺aster・]
[No, it痴 not even that. Tohsaka is totally wrong regarding this.]
[Eh・.? What痴, that you said -----]

[Heh, post-processing an existent object? That痴 too much hope and expectation, you are not nearly dexterous enough.]

Somebody asks and you shouts back・! ・ But, what he said, I can稚 really refute.
It痴 a fact that I知 not dexterous, and it痴 my own responsibility that I can稚 fluently use Magecraft.
It won稚 help getting angry over this person.

[------ What, you aren稚 as energetic as yesterday? Can稚 say anything more?]
[Blah-blah. I didn稚 say anything because you were right. I知 immature, it痴 all my fault.]

I grunt and turn my face away,
And Archer

[・Heh, in some ways, you probably haven稚 met a good teacher yet.]

As if he admires that part,

[Eh・? No, that痴 not it. Both dad and Tohsaka teach very well, it痴 my fault if I can稚 remember anything.]

[------- That痴 why I said that. To you, only a Magus who once didn稚 knew a thing can teach you well. Genius can never understand the tragedy of a commoner. Because Tohsaka is so talented, she didn稚 and perhaps couldn稚 notice what痴 wrong with you, someone who fails.]

I don稚 understand what Archer is trying to say.
Although I don稚 really understand, but just from that last word,

[Even though I don稚 really understand, but for whatever reason, you want to argue with me?]
Now I知 really ready.
[--------- Wrong again. Emiya Shirou never was fit for physical combat. Your battle is mental, a fight with yourself.]

[Mm・. I heard that Magi痴 fight are all mental, that I know. But we still have to fight anyways, right?]

[------------ Really, it痴 quite hard on Saber, with a Master like you.]
Archer is looking down on me, from the bottom of his heart.
His eyes contain, a mix of discouragement and anger that was never there.

[I 知 only going to say it once, so listen up. There is no chance for Emiya Shirou to succeed in physical combat. With your level of skill, no matter what you do it will be useless against a Servant.]

Saber said it as well.
There is no chance for me in physical combat.
No matter what plan, what strategy I use, Emiya Shirou never has any chance to succeed in the start.

[Then, at least imagine it. What you can稚 defeat in reality, defeat it in your imagination. If you can稚 win against it, think of something that can. ----------- Since, the only things you can do, are these.]


I don稚 know why,
I feel that, those words Archer said, stings the depth of my heart.

Never forget, those lines that Archer said.
I think, I値l never forget these words this man said----------

[・ What痴 wrong with me, to give advice to my target. Seems that Tohsaka痴 naivet・rubber off on me.]

Archer suddenly vanished.
He was originally the watch-guard.
He probably jumped to a roof suitable for security reasons.

[・ What did he came here for, that person.]

I complain about someone who痴 left already.

Of course there is no reply.
While I reflect upon Archer痴 words, I use my burning body to feel the cold air of winter.
