
9th Day

......I dreamed
Perhaps it's because of the boiling blood rousing in my body
That scene that shouldn't be remembered, has reflected before my eyes again

For my current self, this is my oldest memory
At the same time, this is also the memory that I can't part with for my whole life
Ordinarily, I'd never recollect it, however it will not be forgotten no matter what, that scene from ten years ago
I haven't forgot
I don't want to forget
For me, it's just an event in the past

So, I don't feel especially painful
Nor do I tremble from anger

What's in the past, stay in the past
You can't reset, nor can you undo
The Emiya Shirou right now, has already broke away from that scene, continue to live on
What I can do, is just looking forward

......Not from anyone
Just what I vaguely came up with when I was little

Don't forget the past, don't deny the past
Only acceptance, can revive what was lost----


"So hot---"

I wake up because of the heat of my own body
......How long have I slept
In the end, I didn't return to my room, just fell asleep as the night winds caressed me

In the dusky Storehouse, here's I and----

"Uh, Saber......!?"
"Are you awake now, Shirou. It's fine to run out of your room, but isn't it unsightly to sleep over here"

---Saber appears to have an attitude

"Ah, morning. That's not it, it's just that my body was really hot yesterday, so I wondered outside and fell asleep by chance"

"I can tell just by looking. I don't need an explanation, please pay more attention the next time. If I let my Master to rest in a place like this, I'd lose my ground"

"Uuh...... I'm sorry, I will do my best to sleep in my room from now on"
"As long as you understand. By the way, Shirou, Taiga was calling you just now"

"Fuji-nee......? Why did she call me"
"I suppose it's related to breakfast. Since it's already passed the breakfast time"
"Eh----ow, is it over seven already......!? Shit, I overslept......!"

"That's true. Shirou seldom wakes up last. Rin's training from last night must be tiring"
Saber analyzes the situation calmly
However, I don't have time for that

"Sorry you have to come here to wake me, you can go back first. I will be in the kitchen after changing my clothes"
"Yes. Then, I will do my best to calm Taiga"

Saber walks off with steady steps

However she actually says that she's going to calm Fuji-nee down...... Saber is pretty used to the morning of our family now......

I rush in the kitchen
Ignoring Fuji-nee's complaints from behind, while making the breakfast under five minutes

"Sorry for the wait. There's not much time before going to school, hurry and eat up"
I put the breakfast on the dining table


"What the heck is this---!!!"

Fuji-nee bursts with fury

"What-there are only toasts, isn't it! Shirou, why is today's breakfast only this much......!"

"......Hey, I can't help it, I overslept. There's no time to make other things, and isn't this more or less what the bread for breakfast is anyway. There's not much difference, we only lack salad and fried eggs"

"Lots of difference! Neh, everyone thinks the same, right!?"
Fuji-nee turns to Saber and Tohsaka who are having their breakfast quietly
But she's too naive
These two don't love eating as much as Fuji-nee does, how can they possibly agree to her

"......That's true. Though not entirely like Fujimura-sensei, but I can't accept such crude stuff. I can only consider this an insult to bread cuisines"
......Uh, hold on a minute
I thought you don't eat breakfast originally

Ow, what's with that obviously disappointed sigh!? Saber, are you confusing with another character!?

"See, everyone agrees that it's Shirou's fault. Majority rule, you must prepare breakfast properly after reflecting on yourself"
"Who cares about this cheating vote! And, you will be late if I cook now, Fuji-nee. It's already seven thirty, if you don't run with bread in your mouth, you won't make it, so just give it up"

"It's all right. If you let me choose between tardiness and hunger, I will respect breakfast"
"Stop joking! How can there be a teacher like you......! Enough, eat up already and go to school. Let me say this beforehand, you can call me stubborn if you want, but I'm not going to prepare anything else"

"Mm-. Really, Shirou always takes strange subjects too seriously. What precocious talks, you will become senile quickly"
"You don't say. Thanks to Fuji-nee, I am already completely like an old man"
I take a bite of bread after talking back
......Sigh, to be honest
It does feel a bit lonely to just have bread for breakfast, with this many people together


The sounds of Shinai clashing are echoing throughout the Dojo
The content of the fight is still the same

I concentrate my mind and attack, and Saber evades easily then counters with many times over
I try to endure her counters and pull on offense again, I'm defeated quickly once again---we just keep repeating this cycle of matches

"Hah----hah, hah, hah"
I stop my steps, and pant deeply
Wipe off the sweats off forehead with my arm, and exhale

"What are you resting for. If you're the Shirou from yesterday, you wouldn't be resting right now. Come, please hurry and attack"

"No---wait, a second. I can't breathe. I will rest, for a bit"

"This is not like you. If Shirou is not going to attack. Then I will just have to be the one doing the offense. Is that fine with you"
Saber stares at her terrible student discontentedly
However, even if she's with that expression, my body still can't move around freely

"......Sigh. What is wrong, Shirou. You are like a different person this morning from before. You used to be able to concentrate on the attacking Shinai in the past, but this morning, Shirou doesn't have that kind of strength anymore"

"......I know that too......but I can't do it smoothly"

Because, the conditions are way too different from yesterday

"Has your body temperature not gone down yet. However, this can't be an excuse for poor body conditions. Please calm your mind, and brace up"

"---No. If I want to do that, first we have to do something about that"

I point toward the bystander stands besides the wall

"What? Don't mind me, why don't you keep training?"

Tohsaka doesn't understand at all
She doesn't understand at all, as long as she's looking from there, I can't fight with Saber seriously

"Is it because you're bothering by Rin's presence. That means your training is not enough. ......It's all right. If that's the case, I will make you unable to notice the bystanders"
Saber clenches her Shinai tightly

"Aw-hold on a second, Saber, my breathing is not yet----"

"No problem. That kind of thing, should be adjusted in the middle of battles"
Saber vanished from my eyesight

Just as I have a bad premonition and rush to guard my face with Shinai, Saber's Shinai hits my head directly

......And as such, the morning training was cruel to the extreme
I stop minding Tohsaka's stares after that knocked down, and I was able to concentrate on defending against Saber's attacks, before we realize it, it's already noon

"Anyway, Saber really is calm. You had a match with Shirou for three hours, and you never lifted your eyebrow once. You don't talk much usually, and it's even more refine when you're fighting. Just like inorganic objects"

Did she really enjoy seeing me being beaten up, Tohsaka appears to be very cheerful
Those two are resting in the living room
And I, am making lunch as a punishment for this morning's inattentive
I really want to just make some plain noodle

"Inorganic objects, huh......? That's true, though I never noticed it, but perhaps my emotions are suspended when I hold a sword. Even if it's a match"

"Hmm. Should I call this the determination of holding a sword as a woman? Since your physical build is inferior, so only your mind can't lose"

"That's not it, Rin. The way of fighting is to stay calm, that should remain true regardless of gender. Rin would probably abandon emotions as well in a fight. You're someone who can do so"

"Mm......you're so confident. Forget it, that is true. However Saber and I, are definitely different. What I abandoned was only naivety. Not as detached as you are"

"It seems that way. That's perhaps why you can be this elegant. Keeping the grace of women even in the middle of a battle"

"What, is that a sarcasm? Speaking of elegant, I'm not match for you. ......Shirou is over there, so let me be honest, when the first time I met you, I was stunned because I thought you were such an amazing beauty"
......Er, I can hear you, Tohsaka

"---I think Rin was mistaken. If I appear to be beautiful, that's not because of myself, but rather because of my Saber class, isn't it"

"I told you that's not it. I thought I lost, purely as a woman. ......Otherwise I wouldn't be that irritated"

"......Hence, that's your mistake. I have never once thought of myself as a woman, and never once been treated as a woman. It doesn't make sense for someone like me to be beautiful"

Because this line of Saber's, the conversation between the two is dropped
I am irritated by Saber's words as I slice the vegetables

"......I've been thinking, what does that girl take herself for"
Doh! I chop the chicken up with a heavy swing of the kitchen knife
Somehow, I'm very annoyed

---I have never once thought of myself as a woman

"---Humph. Enough, this has nothing to do with me......!"
Doh doh! I stick the kitchen knife in the cutting board
But even then, I'm still full of angers


"And this would be today's lesson. More than yesterday's, your body seems to be settling down as well, this time it should work"

How did she move all of these to our house, Tohsaka takes out forty light bulbs, no less

"I'm going out for a bit. And I will be back a little while later, please use up these before I come back"

Tohsaka leaves the room


And next
Though it ended up that way yesterday, but today, I'll have to succeed in one or two at least


"............Huu. Anyhow, I used up half of them"

I spent an hour, attempted to 'enhance' twenty light bulbs
Half of them broke, and the rest had no sign of change
However, among the light bulbs that showed no sign of change, I successfully poured mana into five. Afterward, I'll just need to challenge the twenty left overs, however---

"......Hold on. As far as testing go, wouldn't five be more than enough?"
All these light bulbs seem to be quite antique
It wouldn't be nice for Tohsaka if I keep on destroying them all


Right then, if this is so---

---Go call Tohsaka

However you put it, I can't keep on destroying the light bulbs
......Well, I guess this is too late for a beginner who just broke forty light bulbs to say

"Hey-, Tohsaka"

There's no response even I call out to her
......How strange, isn't she home
Other places that Tohsaka might be---

"......There is someone in the Storehouse"
It seems like Tohsaka and Saber are talking inside

"Hey, Toh----"

Just as I raise my hand and about to call out

Suddenly, my back feels chill
......I believe it's coming from the Storehouse, it's Tohsaka's wave of mana, full of animosity

I've not made a sound
......Tohsaka is angry, I can sense it even from all the way here

Their conversation can be heard from here
Without realizing it, I'm already in a situation of eavesdropping their conversation

"----That guy, what kind of man is he"

Tohsaka mutters, I can't tell whether it's angry or fear
Saber stands behind Tohsaka without saying a word

"I can't believe it. Saber, you noticed it already, right......?"
"......No. I have no idea. I'm a knight, not a Magus. I only sense slightly unnatural about this place, I can't grasp the situation like Rin does"

"---Is that so. Then let me tell you. That guy isn't a Magus"

With a voice full of hatred
Tohsaka states so

"......Rin. What does that mean"
"Literally. Sorcery, is nothing but give and take. No matter how mysterious, it's just taking things from somewhere else here"

"......However this isn't the same. That guy is taking what originally doesn't exist over here. Materialize that which can't exist. This is ultimately a concept of eroding reality. That guy's Sorcery, must be the product after some sort of deteriorated Sorcery"


I don't know what Tohsaka is talking about
However, that was not something I should listen in
......I stay faraway from the Storehouse
Though this would be lying to Tohsaka, but right now I should go back to the room, and pretend to be waiting for her----

Two o'clock
Tohsaka is still not back, consequently I start to work on the lessons she left me arduously

"Ah, phone"
The ringing of phone spreads here from faraway

"......Is it from the living room. Tohsaka---uh, this is my house's phone so I can't let her answer it"
Though I don't believe it's an important call, but I can't pretend I didn't hear it either
I stand up from besides the bed, and walk toward the living room to pick up the phone

There's no one around in the living room
Saber and Tohsaka are probably over at the yard

"Hello, Emiya residence"

'Hey, Emiya. It seems that you're absent today again, are you not well?"

At the same time as I pick up the phone
I hear Shinji's voice mixed with some fuzzy laughters

"Shinji? What's up, I don't believe we have anything to talk to each other"
'What, you're so cold. I gave you a call because I want to tell you one thing"

"......Tell me one thing......?"
'Aah. It's something I have to tell you no matter what, can you come to school. It'd be bad if I drag on any longer, I contact you because I can't hold it back anymore. ......By the way, is Tohsaka over there?'

......Shinji's tone, sounds strange
Though I can't say what exactly is wrong with it since I can only hear his voice, but he seems to be really excited, or very nervous

From this side of the transmitter, I can hear the sounds of other students, he seems to be in the school
It just passed two o'clock, the end of the fifth period, break time

'Hey, I'm asking you, Emiya. Is Tohsaka over there, or not?'
"......Not for now. She's not here for the moment"
'Is that so, perfect. I wanted only us two to talk. ---I will tell you something good, come to school now, Emiya. Of course you have to keep Tohaka out of this'

I don't know how to respond
Shinji sounds strange, and if he wants to talk, we're talking right now
There's no need to go to the school specifically for that, and if I act behind Tohsaka's back, that's also betraying her trust

"---No, I'm sorry I can't go. If you have something to tell, wait until next week. I will be going to school by then"
'......Ah? What selfish words you speak of. That'd be too late, didn't I just say that I can't hold it back anymore......!'

Shinji yells angrily
Is he very worked up, I can hear his unrest breathings even through the transmitter

'......Humph. Are you pondering over it. That's true, you can't possibly come by yourself after all. This phone call sounds suspicious no matter how you look. Emiya thinks it's danger too'
Shinji's tone changes all of a sudden, then he laughs oddly

"Hold on. Calm down, you're acting strange, Shinji. I don't know what happened----"

'Ah ha ha ha ha! Stop lying Emiya, Tohsaka told you everything, right? Don't hide it from me. That's right, Emiya is the Master of Saber. You can kill a lot, a lot more people......!'

Shinji is really cheerful
......Though I have known this guy for five years, but I've never seen him this excited

"Shinji, you"
"All right already, I will be waiting for you in school. Hurry up, Emiya. You can still make it in the sixth period if you come now. Just in time for Fujimura's class, it's all right if you're late'

"No, even Fuji-nee will get angry if someone's late. Plus if I only go to the sixth period, it's more likely to be lectured than been absent"

'You reap what you sow, right. Aah by the way, if you let Tohsaka in on this, I will definitely cut tie with you. I always overlooked Sakura in the past. At least in the end, you should fulfill your duty as a friend, no?'

That's the end of the conversation
The transmitter is repeating the same monotone

"----What's that guy up to"

......But what should I do
I can't find Tohsaka who was in the house a moment ago, and I can't bring Saber to school either
However, if I refuse Shinji, I don't know what kind of things that guy would do

He seems to be agitated because he was refused harshly by Tohsaka yesterday, if I ignore him, he might touch Sakura again

"......Right. The day is still bright, it should be fine"

Let's hurry, since I've already decided
If I run, I should be able to make it to the sixth period


I can't see a soul at the school front gate
Since school is in session, looking from outside, the school seems to be deserted
Is there no physical education, there are no students on the school yard either

However, that should change soon enough some minutes later
School is closed after the sixth period is over
School yard or gate, will become lively right away by then

Go up to the third floor
There are no one around on the hallways of course
Everyone is in the classrooms, it'd be a little embarrassing to walk in class C like this

"......Forget it, I won't be caught completely, let's hurry to the classroom"
Class C is at the end of the hallway
This is class H next to the stairs, therefore I actually have to cross five classes----


Suddenly, I feel light in the head
Along with the urge to vomit assail my whole body


My stomach is squirming
It feels like it's turned around all of a sudden
In front of my eyes is entirely blood red
As if my eyeballs are bloodshot, every object turns to red

"Ah----ah, gr----..................!!"
There's no change in temperature at all, but my body is heating up abnormally

"---What is, this----!?"
My feet don't follow my will
My body doesn't have any energy
Like an hourglass, I can't do anything except weakening
Every time I breath, it's as if I'm going to throw up the inward matters

"Grr---, uuh............!"

So hard to breath
My throat hurts a lot
Hallways, no, has the oxygen in the entire school building gone missing
I walk next to the wall and open the window unconsciously, as if I'm been urged by the lungs in pain


My mind is frozen
Under this overly bizarre situation, I even forget to panic

---Outside of the window

Around the school yard, is entirely coloured in blood red
The school is as if been separated, enveloped by a red world

And the school building, is the altar that completes this red backdrop
And, I finally
Accept that this situation is 'that'

I leave the window
Control my powerless feet with will, I enter the room in front of me

This is, the result of 'that'
Not a single student is sitting on a chair
All the students are lying on the ground, even the teacher that's supposed to be behind the platform

---They are still breathing

Everyone is cramping as if they are asking for help
No one is dead yet
They just can't stand up, and gradually decay in this fashion
The miserable state of them collapsing on the ground

Even reminds one of, straggling garbages


The urge to vomit is piling up
But I am still keeping my calm
Observing the students collapsing on the ground
Having difficulties to breath, but it's not to the point where they can't take in air
It's just that their stamina is weakening, they can still be saved if I hurry

Just as I am going to confirm the faces of these students, it feels like something heavy hits me deep inside my brain

"---Their skins, are"

Are melting
Not everyone is the same
I suppose there are some individual differences. Some of the students who are especially weak, their skins have begun to melt

Rotting arms akin to tumors, and eyes like dead fish


I know
I know this scene


This is a scene from hell
I knew it since a long time ago

"--------I'm telling you, to stop"

Hence, stronger than fear
Anger, dominates this body

My left hand is in pain
The command spells engraved on the back of my hand, let me know that the 'enemy' is nearby

I'm running and out of breath
I'm already losing my mind

"Hey, Emiya. You're more spirited than I expected, this is great. Well, are you enjoying this performance"

At the end of the hallway, the one standing in front of the classroom of class C is, Matou Shinji

My hand is in pain
The command spells are telling me, the man standing over there is the prime culprit

"----Did you do this, Shinji"

I can't breathe unhindered, just stare at Shinji while keeping a distance from him
......Is he content with my state
Shinji opens his arms exaggeratedly, laughing out loud on the red hallway

"Indeed. Once I knew you have arrived, I activated the Barrier immediately. It was a lot of trouble to catch the exact timing. Because you would run away if I did it too soon, and I'd have to meet up with you if I was too late. I just wanted to see Emiya's pale face, I had no intention to cause any pitiful dispute"

"----Is that so. So it was also a lie, when you said you have something to tell me"
"Something to tell you? I'm just getting started. I have to let Tohsaka knows, which one is superior between you and me, I do have to apologize to Emiya for lying to you. See. Even if I didn't tell Emiya, but the school's Barrier was set up by me"

Shinji laughs as if he thinks it's very funny
And then
I, too, finally realize

"Ah? You're not astonished like how I expected. What, so Emiya didn't believe me when I said the Barrier wasn't my handiwork. ......Ah-hah, not bad, so even you have doubts in others sometimes!"

That cheerful laughters, are like a drill that pierces into my head


To tell the truth, I'm very astonished
I was prepared for the Master that sets up this Barrier being either Shinji or someone else

But that's it
And this is the result of that naivety
At that time---when I found out that Shinji is a Master, I should've thought of this

So, this is a mistake I made

"......Shinji, why did you set up something like this. Was it also a lie when you said you don't want to fight"

"No, that was true. I didn't think about activating this sort of thing either. This is nothing but a bargaining chip for negotiation. If I have this bomb, even Tohsaka wouldn't attack me easily, and it can be the last trump card in the worst case"

"......Is that so. But Tohsaka said there's still a few days until the activation of the Barrier. Did she make a mistake?"

"Humph, so like Tohsaka's opinion. However, though the Barrier wasn't completed, but the form was finished a long time ago. There's no problem if I just want to activate it. But, the effects would be weaker, it'd take a few minutes to kill someone"

The urge to vomit is gone
I stare at Shinji clearly, and said this line

"Stop? Stop what? You're not telling me to stop this Barrier, are you? I can't do something wasteful like putting away what I just activated"

"Stop. Do you know what you're doing"

"......You're pissing me off. Are you ordering me? This is the Barrier I set up. I'm the only one that can decide whether to stop it or not, if you want me to stop, you have to at least kneel down before me, right? Seriously, both you and Fujimura don't understand your positions"

"----Hey. What did you say about Fuji-nee"

"Eh? Aah, Fujimura. That woman could still move after this Barrier was activated. Others are already lying everywhere, she's still standing by herself. Then she walked before me who haven't collapsed, and told me to call an ambulance. How great, is she a model for teachers or what?"

"But I couldn't possibly call that sort of thing here, nor did I want to. However that Fujimura was still jerking me, so annoying, she stopped moving at all after I kick her away! Hahaha, I suppose that woman would die first!"


I'm completely converted
It's not the kind of conversion like what Tohsaka said about turning on the switch in one's head
I pull the trigger in my head, my inward is completely converted

"----Let me repeat again. Stop the Barrier, Shinji"
"You really don't get it. The more you say, the less I want to stop. If you're that pissed, then stop it with your own power, Emiya"
"---Is that so. Then, that's simple"

In other words
Before getting rid of this Barrier, I have to get rid of you first

My body leaps forward
My inward is heating up as if it's burning
The distance between Shinji and I is not even twenty meters
In my present condition, I can cross it in a flash
My body right now, is filled with energy incomparable to magic circuits----

"Hah, what a fool you are----!"

The dark shadow is stirring up
The shadow that was participated in the corner of the hallway, materializes and becomes restless
Completely dark blades
Akin to a guillotine, that beheads anything comes near Shinji


I don't know what sort of Sorcery it is
There are three shadows that charge forth
This level----

----There's no need to stop
Regardless of what kind of power those shadows hold, it's meaningless if they can't hit me

Three blades break through winds

"----, the foolish one is you, Shinji......!"

This sort of thing, is way too easy to dodge compare to one shot from Saber---!


I pierce through the crack between the interlaced shadows
There's no danger at all
I don't sense any peculiarity from those shadows

So there's no problem
Saber taught me, don't hesitate as long as your instinct tells you that it's not fatal


I step forward
There are no shadows guarding Shinji anymore
Only a few more steps left, just another three meters and I can---

"Stop, don't come any closer......!"
Shinji runs
In the instant which I stuck out my arm toward his back


I feel chills all over, and draw back my arm in a rush

A course that cuts through the space
A black blade, cuts through the same space which I was in a moment ago

I halt my steps
Where did it come from

In front of me, is an ominous woman in a black, that even the malicious blood red on the hallway pales in comparison

My rationality is killed by fears
I will be murdered
Though I don't want to imagine it, yet the scene of myself been beheaded miserably still rises in my mind

A devastating sensation of death, completely different from the shadows before

"Good-good, Rider......! Don't hold back, do whatever you want with that guy......!"

Rider vanishes



I step back hurriedly
It's very dangerous at the moment
First I have to gather myself, and then make Shinji stops this Barrier----

I can't even comprehend what is happening, just trying my hardest to retreat

My sight blanks out out of fears
Even so, I still raise my hand like hell to protect my head


A sharp object pricks my arm
The sound of chipping through bones, announces that the next time it'd be fatal

"Ah, gah----!"

I run away
There's no time to turn around
I guard my vital parts with two hands, flee as much as I can

The sharp object makes a grating sound, tears me apart
My sight is covered by the blood mist gushed out me
And in that instant

Rider is approaching in an unrecognizable speed


Every time she cuts me, the noise I make doesn't sound like my own
Still I try my hardest, to flee under the attacks that can take out tens of people with each strike, and retreat without a break

"Hah----hah, hah, ah----!"

I don't know what I'm doing
What's taking Rider's dagger, is my arm
My clothes are shattered, there are scars all over my hands
But they can still be shields, I try my hardest to block the attacks coming for my head, the middle of my eyebrows, and my heart

Not with my will
Just simply the reactions of my body's instinct to Rider's attacks

"Ah----ah, hah----"

My lungs couldn't take in air since a while ago
I'm nothing but a beast who is cornered by death, and can't stop running
What is awaiting me afterward, is just been killed after exhaustion

"Grr----ah, uuh----!"

That's why she said
Don't fight with Servants. Emiya Shirou can't fight with such
After listening to her words, why have I----done this still. I'm supposed to catch Shinji as soon as possible, break this fucking Barrier, what the hell am I doing----!

"What're you doing, Rider. Enough, hurry up and kill him off already. That guy can't do anything anyway"

Shinji's voice sounds like he's boasting his victory
Rider nods, raises her dagger high all of a sudden

---A shot aims accurately for the top of my head
I have no way to dodge it
At most, I can only try to avoid my vital part as much as possible


---The dagger stabs on my shoulder, below the collar bone
The sharp sound of metals ramming into each other breaks out, and then an exclaim full of surprises


What's going on......? At the point of Rider's dagger, the edge is cracked----

"......What a surprise. My blade cannot kill you"
Rider stops her movement
And while I'm thinking about how to take advantage of my only chance

"----Then, please fall to your death"

I receive an impact on par of an iron hammer, and fly out of the window

Just a round house kick on my abdomen
Enough to send me flying, crash open the window and into the mid-air
This is the third floor
I will die from bleeding too much even if I'm left alone, I'd die on spot if I fall from this height on top of that

No, generally speaking, when a man received a kick that can send someone flying for tens of meters, he would've been dead already


I stick out my hand
Am I not falling down yet, or is it an illusion before death
My body, is still lingering in mid-air

"Ah----I, actually"
As if I'm trying to do something, I stick out my hand the hardest I can
Sky is coloured in blood red
The school building is rumbling, akin to the stomachs of living organisms

---Am I just going to

Watch all of these happening as I die

Just going to
Just going to
Just going to
Just going to----die by myself, and can't even save one soul----!

"I, actually----"

I grit my teeth reluctantly
Couldn't win. Couldn't even fight. I knew, yet I still made the mistake

I ignore my pains
Just been angry to the point of driving myself mad

---I boasted that I can do it by myself
The result of not letting Saber to fight, is this


I am a fool
I can't save anyone by myself
If I want this war to be over, what I should do, was decided since the very beginning

That guy said
If you don't want to conflict with anyone, kill anyone, or been killed by anyone
When you notice your own mistake, you should first decide what need to be corrected, and who is to blame

---And then

On top of the arm that I sticked out as if trying to grasp the sky, are command spells waiting for me to cast---



I utters as if I'm praying
What happens to my life is of no importance
Just, in order to stop such cruelty

"No---Come, Saber-----!!!!"

I exhaust all of my strength, to summon my sword

One command spell is gone
And the space, shows signs of distortion at the time

Literally, it's Magical
Armed with silver armour, Saber appears as if she breached the ripples on space

My back crashes into the ground

"Ah----ah, ah---............!"
I stop breathing
My inwards are displaced because of the impacts from falling down
Several ribs are probably broken, just enough to pierce in

Even so
My body is not out of service yet, my two hands, which are stained with blood, are not broken either

......Saber is running here
I gather my hands which are senseless, and somehow manage to stand up, and straighten up my body to make myself appear to be fine

"There's no time to explain. You can understand the situation, can't you, Saber"
"Please hold on a minute, Shirou. I can understand, but before that, your physical conditions----"
"Please take care of Rider. Only you can beat down that woman"

"No, I have to cure Shirou's body first. If this goes on, you will die"
"---No. There are other priorities"
Rather than taking care of me, right now we have to defeat Rider and Shinji as soon as possible
Nothing should be placed before that

"But, this way you will"
Saber only concerns about me
......I'd be lying if I say I'm not happy
However I don't have time to argue
If Saber doesn't approve, then I'll have to use the second command spell

Did my determination pass on to Saber
Saber agrees reluctantly

"I understand. Master, please give order"
"Defeat Rider. I will take care of Shinji"
She nods without saying a word, then dash toward the school building like a whirlwind

---Rush up the stairs

Rider and Shinji are on the third floor
I can tell Shinji is still lingering there from the command spell's reaction

At the instant when I climb up to the third floor, sparks burst


Though I didn't see it, but it seems that Saber noticed Rider who was going to ambush from the top, and deflected her attack

"---Shirou, I will defeat Rider here. You go make Rider's Master......!"

That goes without saying
Saber won't lose to Rider
After combating with Rider, and gained a somewhat accurate sense of her strength, I can be sure of this
Saber's combat ability, far surpasses that of Rider

"I will leave her to you......! But don't chase Rider too closely, it'd end once I stop Shinji......!"

I run pass Saber
Rider's deadly dagger shots toward me wickedly fast, but just one hit from Saber, even Rider herself is blown away---!

I'm running on the hallway
At the corner of my sight, is a panicking Shinji

"......Barehand is disadvantageous after all----!"

I need some pole shape objects to make weapons, for example---the mop in this cabinet will do......!"

"----Trace, on"

I pour in mana as I run
Is it because I don't have any distracting thought, or is it because I don't have any left over stamina to do other unnecessary tasks----

The shadow is stirring up
I am obviously injured extensively, but my body has not dulled a bit

In addition, I now have a weapon

There's not even any need for dodging
I smash the assaulting shadows with mop one by one
Though the mop is broken, but it's only a weapon made at the last moment, can't help it
And, I don't need that kind of things now anyway---!


I hit Shinji from front
My arm, which is full of injuries, gives me a pain that nearly knocks me out

I land a hit on Shinji's abdomen, and press him on the wall in this fashion
"Grr, you......!"
Shinji wants to pull my hand away
I kick away his hand immediately
----Even I, can't control myself
I press his hand which was kicked away on the wall, and broke it just like that

"Ah---ah, eaaaaaah......!!"
Shinji's screams, are already unintelligible

If I fail to keep my tension, I'll faint
Hurry, while my limbs can still move----

I clutch Shinji's hair, and press him on the wall

"---Scream all you want later. Stop the Barrier, now, Shinji"
"Don't---don't joke around, who's going to obey you"
I grab Shinji's throat with the other hand
The blood that stained all over my clothes, now soils Shinji's body

"Then I will just have to finish you off first. I don't care either way. Hurry up and make your choice"

I increase my grip on his throat
---Perhaps it's because mana is circulating inside of me
A neck like this, seems fragile

"Ha---yeah right. It's impossible for you. And-and I haven't killed anyone yet. Just take a bit of life from everyone----"
"---I see. Farewell, Shinji"

I start to exert my strength
No hesitation
Just, a bit of sympathy
Because Shinji never learned that, when a Magus is killing another of his kind, he would not hesitate---this is basic for a Magus

"Hold----hold on a second! Hold on a second, I get it now, I lost, Emiya......! I will stop the Barrier immediately, I will stop......!"
I loosen the strength exerted on his throat

"---Hah-hah-hah......Damn it, what brute. ......Hey, Rider! Stop the Blood Fort! Your Master's life is in danger......!"
Shinji yells at Rider who's faraway

Rider has not replied
However, Saber takes a step back after she heard us
Rider lowers her dagger, and moves her lips ever so slightly

"......This should be fine, right. This Barrier appears to be a special one, you can't set it up at the same location twice easily. ......I won't set up a Barrier again, take off your hand"

"No way. Since I won, you have to listen to me. ---Shinji, give up your command spells. This way I won't have to fight with you again"

"Wh---don't joke around, how can I do that! Without command spells I can't make Rider obey. This way, I'd---"

"This way you won't be a Master. Then go to the Church at Shinto. It seems that that place would protect Masters withdraw from battles. ......Otherwise. Were you lying when you said you only set up the Barrier to protect yourself, did you set up this sort of Barrier to beat other Masters"

"......I never said that. I only said, I become a Master to make my Servant obey me"

And you think, that's all there is to to in becoming a Magus
......But that sort of person, what's the use even if you become one

"---That's it, Shinji. If you don't give up the command spells, I will cut your hand off. Then you won't be qualified to be a Master"
"Ah......? Cut off my hand......?"

Shinji tilts his head as if he's confused
That's not acting, it seems that Shinji really doesn't understand what I meant

"No, I mean----"
"Shirou, step back......!"
It's Saber's voice
Perhaps it's the result of the harsh training in Dojo, my body reacts to Saber's shouts, faster than my brain

I release Shinji and jump back
At the same time, Rider's dagger crosses where I was a moment ago

"---Please stay back, Master. We're going to break away from this location"

"Shirou, step back......! Rider intends to release all the mana used to maintain this Barrier until now......!"

"......!? Release mana......!?"
Rider does look quite unusual
Whether it's how she actually shows up here when she's supposed to fight head on with Saber, or the chills given off from all over her, both hint at a different level of imposing manner from before

"Ri-Rider......!? What are you thinking, you can't even win against Emiya's Servant, what are you going to do......!"

"Yes. I am indeed unmatched for Saber. However please be at ease. My Noble Phantasm can surpass other Servants. Regardless of who the opponent is, he would not be able to block my gallop"

Rider raises her dagger
Eveyone on the scene exclaimed in surprise
What is going on, Rider stabs her neck with the dagger----

And then, she rips it apart in one stroke

......Fresh blood is shed
From the neck of Rider, whose body is wrapped up in a black attire, spills a large amount of blood

"You----what are you, doing"
Even Shinji, her Master, holds his breath because of Rider's action
Even if Servants' abilities are superior to humans, but that's still a fatal wound
This way, Rider would only cause herself to lose too much blood and vanish, wouldn't it


However, that's only unnecessary worries of people who didn't know better
The blood shed is dwelling in the air, and starts to draw arrays slowly

That's, an Array drawn with blood
Patterns that I've never seen

An ominous that words can't describe, shape like a living organism
......A powerful condensation of mana, born out of Rider
The Barrier just now, is like a child's thing compare to this Array

"Wh......!? My body is been pressed----"

The leaking mana is truly too powerful
My body is as if been pressed by strong winds, moving back slowly

"Shirou, leave quickly......! Rider intends to use her Noble Phantasm, you will be engulfed in it if you stay over there......!"

Saber pulls me away as she speaks
She protects me, while confronting Rider's Array

"---Do you want to run away, Rider. If you're going to involve your own Master, I can only send you to another world right here. I will not allow you to use that kind of Noble Phantasm"

"......Hehe. How's that possible, isn't guarding the Master a Servant's duty. I'm just going to run away together with my Master. If you're not pleased, then please go ahead and chase after us, Saber"

"However----that's only if you still have the intention to fight, after witnessing this"

---I hear rumbling sounds
Rider's hair, floats in the air, along with the sound akin to noise of tearing apart flesh---

"Shirou-bent over......!"

I'm been dragged by Saber to lie on the floor
Explosions and flashes
I shut my eyes in the angry winds
However, I still sense clearly even though I shut my eyes
A white object flies by
An object that resembles a huge arrow of light, rushes through the hallway in an unfathomable speed----

When I raise my face, wretched traces of destruction appear in front of my eyes
I don't see Shinji or Rider
......The light just now wasn't charging toward us, apparently it was just going to break away


My injuries are hurting
The trigger I pulled inside my head disappears again
The heat rushing inside my body, cools down all of a sudden


I can't even hear, Saber's questioning
My conscious, falls into a blank darkness in this fashion

......I had that dream
For me, this dream is a reflection of 'death'
So every time I approach death, this scene, which I don't want to recall, would resurface

Corpses piled up like mountains
People were gradually collapsing
At that time, everyone was begging to be saved, but no one was saved
It was truly painful
Truly, truly painful, even staying alive was truly painful, makes one think that just simply die would be easier

My conscious was hazy, I struck out my hand meaninglessly
I didn't stick out my hand asking to be saved
Just, in the very end

I felt, sky was so far away

And then conscious slowly faded away, the hand which I raised, fell down on the ground as well

It should've fallen

A big hand, held up my weak hand
That guy, ran into the fire, just because he wanted to save people, and then he found me

......I can still remember that face
That man's eyes were in tears, he felt happiness from deep down inside his heart because he found someone alive

---Because he looked way too happy

It made one feel like, the one saved wasn't me, but that man

As if he was thankful for something, even made me who was in the brink of death felt envious, the man saved me, an unfamiliar child

---That was the turning point

The weakness of accepting death, turned into a strength of desire to live on
The emptiness of my heart, is filled with the happiness of been saved
I tried to move my fingers with all of my might, in order to not let go of that man's hand, until I lost my conscious

And then, after I came to, I was already in the hospital, facing the man who saved me

That was ten years ago
After that, Emiya Shirou was just chasing after Kiritsugu's back
Only thinking about becoming like that guy
Not because I were saved by him
Rather, I couldn't forget the expression he had at that time, and I wanted to carry on that illusion

I ran with that as my goal
Somewhere deep inside, I dreamed without letting anyone know

That's right---the hope I held
Is that if one day, I can smile like Kiritsugu back then, how much of a redemption it'd be----



......I open my eyes, in front of me is the living room I'm familiar with
The ticking sounds of the clock, feel more annoying than ever
I appear to be lying on the ground, I raise my hands, and see both of my arms are wrapped with layers upon layers of bondages

"----It's so dark, outside"

I hold my body up
The clock points at ten at night

"---What's that, you ungrateful twit. That's not what you're supposed to say after you woke up, is it?"
"---Tohsaka. What, you're here"

"What about I'm here. I've been staying besides you to take care of you all this time, your attitude is just too much"

......Is that so
Then I'm really in debt to Tohsaka

"Sorry. My brain is still kind of rigid. Can't think things straight...... Anyway, thank you, Tohsaka. I let you take care of me again"

"----For, forget it, it's nothing extraordinary. Shirou was wounded so badly, of course your mind'd be mixed up"

"......So, are you hurting anywhere? Though your wounds on the outside are healed up, but I don't know the inside yet. It'd be terrible if we don't take care of any unusual symptoms, right?"

"----No. Though I'm really tired, but I don't feel pain. Just, somehow I feel---"

Feel like I'm floating in the mid air
I don't know how I ended up here
I can't recall, what did I do today----
"----! Tohsaka, what about school!? What happened after I passed out......!?"

"Don't worry, relax. Kirei went to help out the school. You can leave the repair of the hallway and the rest to that guy, so you don't have to fuzz over it. He is a man of the Church, he'd be punished by God if he doesn't do something"

"---That guy? So the school"
"Not that big of a deal. Though many students were sent to the hospital, but their lives are kept. Everyone said it was because of malnutrition, so they have to stay put in the hospital for a few days"

"----Is that so. That's good then"
Even though we were a little late to dissolve the Barrier, but it wasn't too late

Once I am relieved, my whole body loses its strength
I give out a deep sigh, and lean against the wall

"......Then was my body, also healed by Kotomine? Even Tohsaka, shouldn't be able to heal wounds this serious"

"What're you talking about. You did it yourself. Just like that time with Berserker. An awesome recovery rate that the wounds heal themselves...... I suppose you don't remember any of this?"

"How would I remember. I can't figure it out myself either. Before making a contract with Saber, my body was pretty normal"

"......Hum-ph. Maybe your ancestors were lizards or something, just you don't know about it?"
"............Hey. Don't make that kind of scary jokes with a straight face. I don't feel good about it either. I don't even know what exactly did my body turn into"

"What's so bad about it? For better or for worse, you did survive several times due to this. It's already the second time you are saved, I think it's worth it even if you have to be a lizard, no?
"......Tohsaka. Is it really that fun to tease a critical patient"

"You're not a critical patient anymore, right. Forget it, anyway you should go thank Saber first. Though we don't know how it works, but Shirou's body is this way thanks to Saber"

My confusing state of mind is finally sort out, once Tohsaka mentions it
What I should do right now
I, who was saved by her, who needed her, have something that I have to tell her at once

I stand up immediately
My joints are still sore as expected, but this is not a big deal

"Tohsaka, where's Saber?"
"In the Dojo. I'm going back to my room to pick up some luggage"
Tohsaka walks to the Separate Building light-footedly

Joints are in pain
I grit my teeth to endure it, and make haste to the Dojo


Come in the Dojo
Saber is by herself, sitting properly as if she's meditating

"Shirou......!? You woke up!?"
Saber who notices my arrival, stands up quickly and approaches me in a stride

"Sorry, I just woke up. So, Saber"

"What's the apology for! I have a mountain of things to tell you......! Meet up with an enemy without telling me, still want to fight by yourself, and you don't even care about your own body......!"

"You know, every single one of these things are stupid behaviors that can lead to your death directly! No, in fact you almost died. Does making me this worried entertains you......!"

"Ah----no, well"
"What! I won't accept such a half-baked explanation. For a whole day today, I'm going to listen to what you have to say!"

Saber approaches me as if she's going to swallow me up
Though it's certainly very imposing, but how should I put this, seeing Saber reveals so much emotions makes me very happy

"......I know, I will tell you all about it. Then let's talk, Saber. My body is already fine"

"Eh......Shirou, are your injuries, healed"
"Aah, it seems that way. Anyhow, I survive"
"Really---that's great"

No idea where that imposing manner went
Saber gives out a sigh as if she feels relieve from the bottom of her heart, and smiles gently as if she's blessing my well-being

.....My heart is broken. As it turns out, I made Saber who doesn't show any expression usually, worry to the degree of making such a face
I didn't trust and rely on her
Yet, she still accepts me as her partner


......I was, a fool
Such a pure trust, I did not notice
Such a simple trust of letting her fight, I did not give her

I speak up naturally
To someone whom in the past I'd feel embarrassed just from meeting her eyes, I now look at her face-to-face, truly naturally

"......What? What is it, Shirou?"
"----I apologize. I was, a fool"
I bow

"Wh......Shirou, please stop this. I went a bit too far. Though I certainly was angry, but you don't have to apologize for----"
"Yes I do. As a partner, it's only natural for me to apologize to Saber. I'm sorry that I worried you. From now on, as long as Saber is besides me, I will not fight alone anymore"

"----Shirou, so"
"Aah. Saber, please lend your strength to me. I can't win against other Masters by myself. For me, your assistant is a necessity"

"......Then, you admit that your actions in the past were wrong, correct? As a Master, Shirou should do all you can to support me from behind, fighting is my responsibility"

Only on this matter, I was not wrong
Even now, I don't want to see Saber to get hurt
For this, I didn't allow her to fight in the past
......This is the only fault
Because if I decided to fight together with her, I should've protected her with all my might----

"......No. I don't think I was wrong. If Saber is going to protect me, I'm going to protect Saber as well. I can't, let Saber fight by yourself"
......Saber has not replied
Cold air flutters in the Dojo

......Even so, I will not compromise on this
In this case, I can only beg Saber until she agrees. Just as I think of this and raise my head

"......Sigh. How obstinate, how very like you"
"Eh......? Well, Saber?"

"Seriously, there's no need for me to answer at this point. I am your sword. Besides me, who else can become your strength, Shirou"
As she speaks, Saber sticks out her left hand

I can't think of any appropriate words, just hold her hand
.....A definite sensation of holding each other's hand
Few days after our encounter, we finally---make the, true contract

"? What are you two doing, holding hands?"
Why do you have to happen to show up now......!

Saber and I let go of our hands nervously
"? Suspicious. You are not discussing battle strategies behind my back, are you?"

"No, that's not it. Well, I was just measuring his pulse, for the purpose of observing Master's physical health"
I'm dumbstruck
Saber told a very weird lie
......No, now that I think about it, why did Saber become nervous as well

"Hey. What a peculiar method of measuring pulse"
Tohsaka stares at Saber as if she's amazed
Is it because she's not used to lie, Saber's behavior becomes more and more suspicious
......If I don't help out now, the situation will become even weirder

"Hey, what's up Tohsaka. Didn't you say you were going to pick up some luggage from your room"
"Ah, right. Come Saber, this is for you"
"Thanks. Sorry for the trouble"

Tohsaka hands over a carrier bag to Saber
......Saber who received the bag, shows a rare happy expression

"This is the last one, so you better be careful. Even if it's forced summon, your clothes would be ripped if you put on armors forcibly"
"I'm sorry. It was an emergency, so I didn't think of this. However, it's truly fortunate that Rin still has more of the same suit"

"Nm. The design is simple, like uniforms. That Kirei, he'd only give me plain clothes. ......Forget it, it's fine since these clothes don't match me anyway. But, why does it have to be this suit, Saber"

"---Mn. Because Shirou said it suits me well"

I don't really get it, but that seems to be Saber's third suit
Since we don't have women's clothes in my household, so Saber borrowed them from Tohsaka

This sort of women's topics, I'd be appreciated if they can talk about it when I'm not around
I'm a man
Finally I said something serious, doesn't this sudden change of topic really make one loses his spirit---

And then, because there's nothing to do, I'm forced to bed by Tohsaka and Saber

Though my conscious has returned, however my body is still in critical conditions

My two hands, which have been cut by Rider, were originally serious wounds that's supposed to be amputated from elbows down, and my body which fell from the third floor was full of injuries as well

No matter how many things I need to go over, right now I need to sleep first and heal my body, this apparently is their mutual opinion


However, I have to settle things with Shinji as soon as possible
Shinji activated that Barrier without a second thought
I also know, how dangerous it is to leave that kind of guy alone

"............ Damn it...... This is not the time for bed...... already......but"

In front of my eyes is a dazed blankness
......Brain was the only thing that recovered
Once I lie down, my yet to be recovered body thirsts for more sleeps

"......Tomorrow ......By, tomorrow----"

......I can't rest like this after today
Even if my body isn't healed up, I will still have to catch the runaway Shinji----
