
7th Day

----If possible, I hope I can make everyone immune from pains
If I can use my own power to make others happy, I think that'd be the world most suitable for me

This is the pet phrase of Kiritsugu
The man who was the protector of justice for me, told me he couldn't become a protector of justice

There's no need for an explanation
The world to my younger self, was too much different from the world of Kiritsugu, an adult, therefore our standards for protectors of justice were different as well
To my younger self, this family was the world, so it'd be enough for me to protect Dad, Fuji-nee, myself, and my favorite Storehouse

I only wanted to protect what I could see with my eyes
However, perhaps Kiritsugu, wanted to protect those he could not see as well

---You can't see far when you're young
You grow up as you curse at the mercilessness of the world
If the world is so merciless---then make yourself even more merciless, and use it as a weapon to realize your ideal

Kiritsugu once uttered
There must be something that one cannot save
It's impossible to save everything
If you want to obtain one thousand, but you'd lose five hundred
Then give up one hundred, save nine hundred
That's the most appropriate method
Also an ideal

Of course I was angry
I was enraged
I could understand that without Kiritsugu saying it
Forget about others, I was saved like this

This kind of obvious thing goes without saying
But, even then---I still believe the protectors of justice can save everyone
Because whether it's an idealism, or a ridiculous fantasy that cannot be realized, protectors of justic are the ones that would try to realize it

---That's true, Shirou
Result is the most important. However, on the contrary, the heart that desires so instead----

---What did Kiritsugu say afterward
.........I can't remember well
I don't usually recall memories from so long ago
Perhaps I tend to sleep deeply
Otherwise, I rarely have any dream

----Shirou, please wake up. Isn't it almost time for breakfast

Aren't I been woken up by Saber pathetically just now---

I jump off my bed at once
It's six thirty. The refreshing sunshines are coming from outside

"Shirou, it's morning. Don't you need to prepare breakfast?"

In front of me is the slightly unpleased face of Saber
"---I overslept. Sorry, I will get up right away"
"......You don't have to apologize to me, but there is indeed no time to relax. Because Sakura and Rin seem to be fighting a minute ago"
"Sakura and Rin fighting......?"

Hold on a second, I just got off my bed and my brain is not fully awake yet, don't push me into a confusing situation

"In Tohsaka's room?"
"No, in living room. I don't know the details since I just passed by"
"I see. Anyhow let's hurry"


I forgot about something
"? What is it, Shirou"
"Good morning, Saber. Thank you for coming to wake me up"
After I greet, I walk to the hallway
......But, quarrel with Sakura, what's that Tohsaka doing---!

I rush into the living room
I don't see Sakura in the living room, just Tohsaka watching weather forecast leisurely by herself

"Morning. How frivolous, yelling other people's name out loud this early in the morning"
Tohsaka turns to me, as if asking me what happened

Strange. She doesn't look like she had a fight with Sakura......?

"Aah, good morning. ......Tohsaka. I heard you had a fight with Sakura, is that true?"

"Eh? ......Oh, did you hear from Saber. Hm, objectively speaking that does seem like the case, but it was nothing serious. I just told her to stop coming down here for a while"

I-Is that something you can talk about so carefreely!?
That's the same as forbidding Sakura from coming down!

"Stop playing dumb. Sakura already refused that. Even if you mention again, there's no way you can let Sakura agree to it----"

"It is impossible. But can I do it if I have a condition in exchange? I told Sakura that if she doesn't come here for a week, I will go back to home obediently. Then the negotiation was success. Though Sakura was reluctant, but she went back nevertheless. Aah by the way, she told me to greet Shirou"

"What greeting, you----"
Without telling me you did yourself----
......Wait, that's not true
Tohsaka just, did what I have to do

"---Is that so. I apologize, I cause you trouble this early in the morning. Are you in a bad mood, Tohsaka"
"? No, nothing troublesome or annoyance. Why are you talking like this, Shirou?"

"No. Tohsaka, you're on a good term with Sakura, right? So you must be very reluctant to tell her to leave face to face. I'm supposed to be the one to pull myself together, I cause you trouble again"

"----That-that's nothing. I drove Sakura away for my own safety as well. There's no reason for Shirou to apologize like this"
"......? For your own safety, why is that"

"Because Shinji is a Master, right? If that guy knows Sakura is at Shirou's place, then he'd definitely treat you as an eyesore. So before the battle with Shinji, it's better to leave Sakura out of this"

Now that I think about it, it's true
Shinji said he didn't tell Sakura anything. I believe that's true
But, he might have some funny idea about Sakura staying over here

"......That's true. From Shinji's point of view, it's as if we're holding Sakura hostage"

"That's it. But even if we overlook that matter, this place is still dangerous, right. It's not a good thing to go out at night frequently either, it's better for her to stay away from here for a while. It's both for Sakura, and us"

"......Aah, that's right. Though I feel sorry for Sakura, but I can only ask her forgiveness afterward"
However, even by then I still can't say the truth

I'm really beat
Even if it's temporary, but I have to refuse Sakura who kept coming to help out in the past, it saddens me

"Eh, you're so disheartened. Where did your energy of yelling at people go. Does Sakura's absent make Emiya so lonely?"

Tohsaka grins maliciously
......Shit. I knew this girl is an expert on irritating others' weaknesses, yet I exposed mine imprudently

"......Humph, don't bother me. However you put it, Sakura is the symbol of peace around here. She occupied the part Fuji-nee and I lack. But now I have to drive her away for my own convenience, of course I'm saddened"

"What, so you know it very well, aren't you. Since you can say all these things, you're qualified. Finally you show some ambition to win"
"? Wh-what are you saying, Tohsaka"

"You don't get it? Which means, Sakura can come back once the War is over, right? Though Shirou said you don't want the Grail, but you can just fight for the peaceful days in the past then. See, isn't it nice to set the goal straight"
Tohsaka says with an angelic smile

I can only agree to it, if she put it this way
......Damn it, how should I say this
I'm confirmed again, this girl really is someone hopelessly wicked

"Eh-, then Sakura-chan won't be coming over for a while?"
"Aah. That's right, so why don't Fuji-nee stay at home sometimes to fulfill your filial piety? The old man is sad because his daughter doesn't care about him"

"It's OK to ignore Dad. He won't die even if I'm not there. Plus, shouldn't I be more spirited if Sakura-chan is not around. Shirou is also a boy, wouldn't you be dropping out of school if there's an accident? Can you take the responsibility then, Shirou?"

"That kind of thing is not----"

Is it men's nature to be incapable of speaking with certainty at time like this

"......Emiya? What's with the pause"
Tohsaka's stare from aside hurts so much

"---I think, it won't happen. This is not just normal lodging. I can understand"

"Is that so. Great, Emiya really is trustworthy, Sensei"
"Of course. Shirou is mature to the point that even I am a bit interested"
Tohsaka smiles merrily, Fuji-nee thrusts out her chest in pride

And Saber is taking in food silently, while looking at those two without saying a word
......Though today only marks the second day, but I think I'll never get used to this atmosphere

"Ah, by the way Shirou. About the Archery Club, I heard Mitsuzuri was injured, do you know?"
"Mitsuzuri? What, did that girl get in fight with guys from another club again? Seriously, we're almost in senior year, she should be more mature. ......So. How was the injury. Was it deep?"

"Hm, that's not the problem. Just a minor sprain. Apparently she was assaulted by a pervert on her way back. That child runs really fast, right? She ran away soon enough, but it seems that she fell down and hurt herself in the end"

"......Is that so. It's fine as long as there's nothing serious. But I'd never imagine that girl get harassed by perverts...... Should I say that guy is very brave, or has a unique taste. Anyway he must be a stupid pervert. I thought"

"You thought, she didn't run away but KO the pervert, didn't you?"
Fuji-nee laughs happily
Mm, she sure knows Ayako Mitsuzuri well

"Hm. Because that girl doesn't know much about running away. But....... Is that so, even that Mitsuzuri knows to be scare of perverts. Oh well, this is not so bad. Without this kind of things happen, that girl wouldn't learn the meaning of womanliness"
I eat my rice pleasingly

"Neh neh, Emiya"
And then
Tohsaka Rin pats on my shoulder smiling very happily

"I have something very worthy for you to listen as well, let me tell you"
"? What is it, there is not many things more worthy than what just said, I'm serious"

"Nn. Even though I never talked about it, but I'm very intimate with Ayako. We go out to have fun on holidays, do you know that?"

----Hold on a second
Why, would you, and Mitsuzuri, be intimated

"I will tell everything you just said to Ayako without missing a single word, so set your mind at ease. If I said Emiya is very happy to know that she was assaulted, Ayako would be so happy that she'd break ten tiles"

"---Let me rephrase. What I said was only a figure of speech. Not something that should be known by others, if you don't tell anyone would be a big help to me"

"Really? It's fine if you don't want me to tell, but it's hard to do this without have some conditions. You know how people slip their tongues once in a while?"
"......You. It's not very convincing when you're beaming so happily, while saying all those humble words"

"Eh, I'm sorry. I'm not happy at all, don't misunderstand"
Aah, there's no way I'd misunderstand
You're definitely happy

"......I know. From now on breakfasts will be made in Western-style. ......Like you just said, rice will be replaced by bread, it'd be fine if I accept this, right"

"----Excellent. If there's not just orange jam, but also strawberry flavor I will be very pleased"
"..................Sigh. Seriously, what do you think Japanese breakfast is, you foreign worshiper. Change the breakfast menu just for your personal reference, what a tyrant"

"---No, that's not it. I am glad if we will have bread for breakfast. But if you can add half-cooked egg also, it'd be even better"
......Saber adds her comment on top of that

"Aah is that so. I get it. It's fine as long as it's Western-style. Damn it. You two are spoiled just because Sakura made Western-style before. Tomorrow's breakfast would be bread as you wish, now you don't have any more problem, right? What we said about is decided then, you definitely can't let Mitsuzuri know"

I make a groan, turn my face to dip in the bowl
......And now

"Why are you wasting your efforts?"

Says Fuji-nee who listened to me talking to Tohsaka with an amazed expression

"......What. What do mean by wasting efforts, Fuji-nee"
"Because even if Tohsaka is not going to tell, I will tell Mitsuzuri. I will definitely tell her, such a funny story-"
Fuji-nee nods while having food
I am about to really lose my ground if I don't think of some countermeasure......


After having breakfast, it's seven thirty already
Fuji-nee stayed at my house unlike usual, she said she wants all three of us to go to school together while laughing

......However, I can't do that
Last night's decision
Since I said I don't want to rely on Saber and fight by myself, then I can't be this relaxing
Even with just a bit of time, I need to distribute it on fighting, I don't have any time to go to school

"Then let's go. Did you lock the door, Shirou?"
"No, no need to lock the door. I'm not going to school today"
I raise my hand to bid good-bye to Fuji-nee and Tohsaka

Fuji-nee, after spacing out for a few seconds

"Wait-what's with not going to school!"

She looks like Tohsaka said what she was going to say

"Yeah, yeah Shirou. Why aren't you going to school, there shouldn't be anything wrong with Shirou, right?"
"No, the injury is hurting me. My old wounds start to hurt when the temperature is down. That's all"

"Mm......That's a lie, isn't it, Shirou"
"It is a lie, but please let me get away with it Fuji-nee. It's not that I hate school so I'm not going. I just have something to do, and right now that something is more important is all. So, can you forgive me"

"..................Seriously. What can I say if you put it that way. Shirou is always like this when you don't want to talk about it. Since a long time ago"
Though Fuji-nee is complaining, she seems to accept it

"That's how it is. I will leave the school to Tohsaka. Can I, Tohsaka"
"......Is that so. Forget it, it doesn't matter to me whether Emiya is there or not. It's not a bad choice indeed"

"Aah, leave looking after the house to me. I won't go to part-time jobs for now either, I will be staying at home most of the time"
"......I see. Then I will be on my way, Shirou. You're not going to school because of your injuries, so don't go roaming around"
"Then good bye. ......I will let you off the hook this time, but for this kind of matter, you must consult with me beforehand next time"


"OK, I have to wipe it clean first"

I told Saber to come by later
Though this place has always maintained a minimum cleaning, but it's been years since last time I have to practice with someone else
It's rude to both the Dojo and Saber, if I don't wipe it clean first

"......Anyway. What exactly are we going to do with this swordsmanship training"

I did have matches with Kiritsugu using Shinai before, but neither Kiritsugu nor I value formality, just beating each other up like amateurs
I wasn't serious about taking Kendo either, just wanted to learn how to deal with armed opponent

"......I am not good at fighting with tools. I only notice how to make and fix them"

Speaking from this point, this is the first time I learn swordsmanship
Though Saber's swordsmanship seems a great deal of difference from Kendo, but there should be something similar, it shouldn't be something I can't keep up with

The sound of door opened
It's Saber that has come back according to the promised time
I am about to finish mopping it too, perfect timing

"Sorry for the wait. From now on I will be in your hand right here---"
"? What's wrong, Shirou. Your expression seems surprise"

"Ah---No, I was just surprised that Saber didn't change your outfit. I didn't think you'd wear this kind of outfit here"
Since it's a swordsmanship training, and Saber's only combat outfit it that suit of armor, so I couldn't help but think of that

"Ah. If Shirou thinks armor is better then I will be changing into that. ......You're right, what's wrong with me. Even if this is a match, it's rude to Shirou if I don't wear my armor. I'm very sorry, I will be changing immediately"

Saber seems to reach the conclusion by herself

"Ah---No, that's not what I meant. I was mistaken, so you don't need to do it. In my opinion, your look right now is better"

"Ah......? But, wasn't Shirou unsatisfied with this outfit"
"Unsatisfied...... Sure it doesn't feel like matches, but as long as Saber's easy to move around in that there shouldn't be a problem. Wearing a suit of armor in the daytime, even Saber will be exhausted"

"That's true, however---wouldn't it be strange to brandish a sword in this outfit?"
"How should I put this. Since it's very suitable, it's not strange at all. I feel that Saber with this outfit on is better than with armor"

And next
I put the used towel back to
the bucket, and pick up two Shinai besides the wall here

"Then. How do we train, Saber. I will leave the courses to Saber, it's all up to you"
I throw the Shinai at Saber

Saber catches the Shinai looking absent-minded, stares at me intensely

"? What's wrong, Shinai won't do? You're not, not thinking of Bokutō---Wait, you want to use real swords!" (Note: Shinai is made of bamboo, Bokutō is made of wood)
So harsh! This is really beyond my expectation

"Ah---No, that's not it. It's rare to see such an excellent model sword for matches, let's use this one"
Saber takes a deep breath quietly
And then, she reverts back to the usual Saber

"Great. Bokutō is too dangerou after all. ......So, what exactly am I supposed to do? Do I need to start from brandishing five hundred times, running and this sort of building up stamina practices?"

"That shouldn't be necessary. In my opinion, Shirou's athletic ability is already on a certain level. Further training your body, can't be done in few days"

"Though Shirou is still immature as a Magus, however you're not hopeless as a warrior. Perhaps you've been training very hard since young age"
"Uuh---Nn, because it's the only thing I'm good at. Only body training, doesn't require using Sorcery"

"That's probably fortunate for you. You didn't die from Lancer's assault, was prehaps also the result of Shirou's hardships"

"However, that can't be used as a weapon. Humans have limits. Shirou's body should be very far from that limit still, and it's hard to make a breakthrough. Therefore what I'm going to teach you, is just fighting"

"......? What do you mean by just fighting. Judging from your tone, you're not going to teach me about the ways of fighting"

"Of course. Fighting techniques can't be learned in a short period. All I can do, is let Master experiences what fighting is about. Since I'm not good at teaching in the first place, so it'd be a problem for me to teach as well"

Even you thrust out your chest and speak of these words, as your student, how am I supposed to answer to that

"......So, which means. Simply put, we're just going to have matches, right, Saber"
"---Correct. That is all, Master. Don't show any mercy, beat each other with the intention of killing the opponent. ......That's right, I believe it'd take you an hour to understand what's going on"

Saber holds the Shinai lightly
Though I'm confused by her words, but I also hold my Shinai following Saber
And at that same moment

The world turns black all of a sudden

In simple terms, Saber is only going to teach me one thing
No matter what you do
No matter what strategy you use
If you can't win, then you can't win, that is a fact

"---Ah----Hah, hah, hah, ah---Ah ou-ou-ouch, it hurts so much, this will seriously break it, definitely......!"

"It will turn into a stronger arm if it breaks. The bruises are very serious, but it should be recovered speedily for the current Shirou "
"......Uuh, is that so. OK, then let's continue a bit longer"

"Eh...... Do you still want to continue, Shirou? Though those are only bruises, but you can't exercise immediately afterward"

"Then what's the meaning of striking the other's hand mercilessly. ---Very well, if Saber doesn't want to do it, then I'll take advantage of this opening----"
I got it!

"Please listen carefully to other's talking. Shirou is obviously fatigued. With your body in this condition, all the training would go to waste, you should take a break"

"----No, but. This is too unsightly, you are taking easy on me so obviously and I'm still getting beat up non-stop. I want to land at least one hit, I won't just lie down willingly until I make Saber you raise your eyebrow"

"Speaking of surprises, I'm already surprised enough. Though I knew you are stubborn, but I didn't know it's to this extent"
"Sorry about that. I just hate losing"

"Mm. I already understand that fully. Anyhow, I'm going to take a break, Shirou please put down your Shinai as well. The floor is slippery from all the sweats. We're not imitating the extreme conditions, under this fatigues and wavering standpoint condition---is meaningless"

"......But. General speaking, aren't most of the combat training assumed the worst case scenario. Then"

"That's even more meaningless. Listen, Shirou. If you are going to fight a Servant, unless you have full stamina, your standpoint is safe, and you planned out escape routes, otherwise it's all for nothing. If you're not in your full condition, you shouldn't even think about fighting with a Servant. Picking a fight under the worst case, is your mistake"

"......Uuh. Which is to say with my condition, I shouldn't fight no matter what"
"Absolutely. No matter what kind of miracles wouldn't be able to save Shirou. Your fight, has to be under the condition of your own absolute safety, starts by grasping the situation accurately"

"............I understand. Then, please excuse me, let me take a rest"
I lie on the wall, then slide down and sit on the floor

Breath out the gloomy matters from my chest
What is supposed to be just air, is now heating up as if it's going to burn me

"........................It hurts so much"
There are prickings all over my body, I take a quick look at the clock
It just passed eleven o'clock
We started at about nine o'clock, so we fought for about two hours

In the first one hour, I was only getting beaten up one-sided
Saber's sudden blow made me fainted slightly
Once I woke up, just as I thought about been careful the next time, I was knocked out again
In summaries, I was knocked down again, again, and again, was my body used to it, or did anger bring out my brute force, I found some way to block the first strike eventually

However, the problem lies in what happened afterward
The problem is, since she already saw how great the difference between our combat ability, can human really attack that easily

The correct answer is, I was knocked out right at the moment when I became scared
And after that, I was just a mouse been cornered by a cat

Since I would received a critical hit no matter how I defend, so I gave up on myself and began to attack
Then naturally I was beaten down, but after I grew accustomed to it, I would think, 'Shit,' and realized that I was going to be killed in the next instant, this is also a proof of my senses have become sharper

This kind of thing, is called adjusting intuitions

At that time, I could only dodge desperately
Anyhow, because I instinctively realized that I would be knocked out if I was to be hit by that, so I dodged it with my biological instincts

As I trying to parry Saber's storming attacks, and wait for the moment to counter, I would receive a critical hit
And then, after standing up and think about how long the next time I can endure, or strike because I believe if I can't parry it so why not take the initiative to beat down the opponent first

These are what have been repeated during the two hours

......I don't know if I can become stronger by doing these
I believe this is only to let me be accustomed to fighting, this matter

Even when the enemy is right in front of you, you can't panic, and can't be too calm
The most important lesson I learned, is to put myself on the edge, and keep in mind that I will die whenever I make a wrong move at all times

However---This is not meaningless either
For I who have no weapons, I believe this edge, is what I need to treasure most

"Good work. Where are you hurt, Shirou"

When I come out of it, I find Saber is next to me
I'm already sweating all over the floor, yet Saber doesn't have even one drop of sweat

"There's not much place that doesn't hurt. ......You really are merciless, Saber. Actually getting beat up one-sided is rather refreshing"
To be honest. I don't want to admit defeat

"Yes. Even though I adjusted to Shirou accordingly, however I also made sure that I didn't have any mercy on you. Since if I went easy on you, then it wouldn't be much of a battle"

"That's true. Thanks to you, now I can calmly tackle a Dobermann out of its collar. ......Er, Dobermann's level is still not enough. My training still has a long way to go"

I reflect on myself honestly
I thought my physical training is above ordinary men, but it's too unsightly to give up after fighting Saber for only two hours

"No, that's not true at all. Shirou's attacks are very focused, and energetic. Sometimes I forgot to tackle you because of your enthusiasm"
Is she admiring because of these trivial matters, the expressions in Saber's eyes are very gentle

And at the same time, I'm feeling embarrassed again
Though we've been fighting each other with Shinai, disregard of gender, but this----is too unexpected

"No, wait. Let me have a drink first"
"Water. Let me go fetch it, please rest assured Shirou"
Saber goes out to fetch water

"Ah----Sigh, I'm saved"
......What exactly
Was I saved from......?

I drink the water fetched by Saber
Are we still in break time, Saber is very polite, sitting formally in the Dojo

......I really think Saber is beautiful in this way
Not as a male that praises a female pretty, but as a human, I consider her beautiful

Melted into the cold Dojo air, the girl stays calm without carrying any conflicts
She who is like this, is the Servant of Saber, and joined the war, it still feels awkward to me after all

Right now, there's only Saber and I in this place
It's a good opportunity to bring up a conversation, so I'll----

......Why does she want to fight so badly
If I know what reward she is seeking in the Grail War, and the reason for her to acquire the Grail, perhaps I can understand her feelings better

However, is that---really a question I can ask casually

"......Saber. Can I ask you something"
"Sure. What is it, Shirou"

"Er, nothing significant really. The reason Saber is helping me, is because Saber also wants the Holy Grail. So----What does Saber, want from the Holy Grail"

"The reason for seeking the Grail, huh? Can't it simply be desire. The Holy Grail is a omnipotent tool. Once the Grail is in your possession, then there's no wish that can't be granted. Therefore one does not need a reason to seek out the Grail"

"----No. That's not what I'm asking. Saber, you're trying to change the topic, aren't you"
"Ah----Shirou, then"

"Not the reason for seeking. Er, I want to know what's the wish that Saber wants to be granted. ......But if Saber doesn't want to answer me, that is fine. Not all wishes can let others know"
Saber closes her mouth as if she's embarrassed

......But of course
Saber didn't make the pact because she wanted to help me
It's because the only ones that can obtain the Holy Grail are Masters, hence she helps me as an assistant

Therefore she'd hesitate when she's about to reveal that most important wish for her, more importantly, I myself, don't want to hear a selfish wish coming out of Saber's mouth

......Therefore, I should drop this topic
Plus, I, who don't have a solid wish, asking another's wish is an offense to begin with

"---Shirou. Is that the Master's order"
With a serious expression, she asks

"Eh......No, not really. That's not what I meant. I was just concerning about Saber. Sorry I asked something pointless"

"......Not at all. As a Servant, I indeed have to tell my Master my wish. Shirou, the reason I seek out the Holy Grail, is to fulfill a duty. I want the power of the Grail, to fulfill a responsibility that I couldn't accomplish in my previous life"

With honest pupils, she states with certainty

"......Fulfill responsibility......? Previous life, as in before you become a Servant......?"
"......Yes. But, I don't know what it truly is either. Perhaps, I just want to reset everything"
Saber lowers her eyebrows quietly
In that instant
She looks like a lost child who's confessing

"---Is-is that so. Anyway, I feel relieved then. I was worrying that what I should do if Saber dreams to conquer the world like Tohsaka as well"

"......Haha. Rin would be angry if she hears that. She's not a person who would say that kind of words. She'd probably only use Holy Grail for herself, but would never let the world sink into chaos"

"Is that so? On the other hand though, I feel that we definitely can't hand over the Grail to her"
I nod my head
Saber looks at me with a gentle expression

And our talks end here
What just now is a topic we can't discuss further
Since we already ease the mood with Tohsaka's matter, then let's not continue the topic again then

However, there is a small thorn left in my chest
Though I felt relieved after knowing Saber's wish isn't materialistic, but---somehow, there's something wrong in her wish

......And next
As the talks go on, my body temperature has dropped down back to normal, it's about time to restart the fight once again
Since I'm not going to school, I must utilize the time as much as possible to let my body become accustomed to fights

"Saber, let's start. I don't need anymore rests"
"......Is that so? Though your body temperature seems to be back to normal, but I suppose you are still in pain, right?"

"Don't mind those. They're just bruises, I can endure these little pains. They will be fine if I ignore them"
"However, if the situation worsen then the training would be meaningless. I believe we should observe for a while longer"

"That's not necessary. I want to finish it before Tohsaka comes back. I can't let that girl sees this"

"......Huu. I see, it is indeed not a good thing to let Rin, who will one day become Shirou's enemy, to know your true caliber. Though I think it's more or less a tad too hasty, however if this is the case then let us hurry"

Saber picks up her Shinai from the floor
And at this moment
A sound that drains away one's strength is echoed in the Dojo

I believe that was, the rumbling of Saber's stomach
"It seems that I'm hungry. Didn't notice it because we were concentrating on training"

"Ah---Nm. Now that I think about it, it's already noon"
Then of course we're hungry
My stomach is not rumbling yet, but since Saber is already this hungry then let's have lunch
If my body can take this opportunity to recover, it'd be perfect

"Good timing, let's have lunch. I will go out to buy the ingredients at once, Saber can rest in the living room"
"Shirou. I shall accompany you if you're heading out"

"No problem, the shopping district is just around here. No one will come assault me in broad daylight, instead I'll attract attention if Saber's with me"
"............Really, no danger?"
"Nooo. I will be right back, wait for me"


I head out with my wallet
From here to the shopping district, it'd only take under ten minutes, if I dash with my bicycle
On a side note, the one I am taking out of the garage is number two, number one is still in front of Ryuudouji

Coming down from the slope
This might be the first time I go to the shopping strict on a non-holiday morning, ever since I started to go on errands when I was little

Since it's morning, there are many housewives on the crossroad coming home after grocery shopping
The center of Miyamachou, where housewives walk back and forth, located the shopping district that Sakura and I frequent

I bought everything in one round
The lunch ingredients for two, and some snacks
I don't need to worry about dinner since Tohsaka is responsible for that, but I still have to prepare the bread for four for tomorrow morning
Because I don't know how to make strawberry jam, so why not take the cheapest...... though that might cause some controversy, so I bought one with a decent price

"......Damn it, so much expense. Why do I have to spend one thousand yen on something this sweet"
I stuff the thing in my bicycle's basket
---And then
I feel someone is pulling my clothes from behind

What, I turn around

Over there is
A silver-haired, young and small girl

I back away promptly, the bicycle makes a clank sound as I bump into it

I make my stance at once, and the girl is looking at me all smiles

There's no killing intent from the girl, I can't even sense hostility

"Great. You're still alive, Oniichan"

The girl even makes a very happy smile

......This girl is certainly the Master of Berserker without a doubt
The Master of the monster that striked me down with a blast at that night
Who would've thought, I'd meet her in the shopping district nearby, in broad daylight

"You're not---thinking about fighting here, are you"
"? You're talking funny. You can't fight when the sun is out"
The girl pouts her lips discontentedly
No matter how I look, that seems like a behavior suits to a girl of her age

I don't know what she is planning to do
Though I don't know her intention, but I can sense that, the girl in front of me doesn't mean any harm to me

"You-you---I remember you're"
"Illyasviel von Einzbern. It's too long, call me Ilya is fine. Then, what is Oniichan's name?"

"Me......? I'm Emiya Shirou"
"Amiya Suro? It's so hard to pronounce"

"......This is the first time I hear someone pronounce it that way as well. It's fine, just call me Shirou if it's hard to remember. That's my given name"

"Shirou? Heh, your name is simpler than I thought. Is this it, Shirou. ......Nm, the sound is qualified. Though simple, but it has a sense of loftiness"
Illyasviel looks at me as if she's pondering over something

My body unconsciously lower my waist so as to let myself to act in anytime
......However you put it, she is the Master of Berserker
If she wants to, she can send me and the flower shop next to me flying in a whimp

"Ah, you don't have to be this alerted, Shirou. I didn't bring Berserker along today. Oniichan didn't bring Saber either, the same"
Illyasviel looks at me gladly

"......No, what's the same"
"Eh, let's talk. I, have so many things that I want to talk about"

The girl holds my hand as natural as if she's leading her father by the hand

"Hold-hoooold on a minute......! What are you doing all of a sudden! Is-is this some sort of new strategy!"
"I just want to talk. Normal children would talk to each other intimately, right?"

"Well, that is true, but I'm different from you! We're both Masters, and we fought once on top of that! We should be enemies!"

"That's not true. I don't have any enemy. Other Masters are just pests. However, if Shirou acts like a child and asks me to let you go, that'll do too?"

She actually says something this unreasonable while smiling leisurely!
"Aah seriously, anyway let me go! You're just playing around!"
I fling my hand to slip out of Illyasviel

Because of the counterforce of my struggling, the girl is falling down on her back
"Shoot, Ilya---!"

......Why do I, do things like this

When I realize it, I already extend my hand toward Illyasviel in a rush--aah so troublesome, my hand is extended to Ilya's waist, and brace her who nearly fell down---

I put Ilya back on the ground without saying a word
Ilya is silence
I don't know what to say either, just stands there staring at Ilya idly

......Very awkward
Just as I want to go back quietly because of the awkwardness

"---What. Do you hate me, Oniichan?"

Same as that night
She utters with her glittering red pupils, like when she was with Berserker

My back is chill
Though my sense of danger was weaken because of her overly childish behaviors from before, but she indeed is the Master of Berserker

I will lose my life if I resist her accidentally
If I waste my life here I won't be able to face Saber, more importantly, I would involve the people nearby
......That's right, I can bet on it
For this girl, she would use the power of Master mercilessly anywhere

"......I see. Just talking. I will accompany you obediently, is this fine, Ilya"

"Mm! Let's go to the park over there. I checked that place out before, it just happens that nobody is around"
Ilya is running like a spring

"Come, hurry hurry! I will leave you behind if you don't hurry up, Shirou----!"
Ilya runs in the shopping district as she rotates her body

"......That girl. Really runs off first"

Rather than astonishing, I'm moved
For that girl named Ilya, she treats a promise like an absolute fact

That's why she ran off so merrily
She didn't even think of the possibility that I might run away
Just because I said I'd accompany her, that girl believed and ran off

".........That girl, what's up with her"
It's truly weird

I'm not mature enough, to betray a trust of such purity

In a small park not far away from the shopping district, Ilya and I are alone
Are all the children in the school at this hour, or is this kind of park already out of fashion
Anyhow, in a deserted winter park, we begin to talk, envelops by a indescribable tension

"......So. You said you want to talk, but what do you want to talk about. Do you want to know about Saber or any of the sort?"
"Eh? About Saber, why?"

"Since we're both Masters. You'd like to find out about information about the Servant of your enemy, right"
"What, I don't like that kind of talks. That's so boring, isn't there more interesting topics"

"No, even if you say that's boring, I still......so Ilya what would you consider interesting"
"I don't know. I haven't talked to others much. So I don't know what to say"

"......Hey. And you still take me here to talk. Haven't you learned that you should think carefully before take an action? Guess not. Then from now on you need to be a thoughtful adult"

"......Mm. Whatever, I'll leave that kind of things to Shirou. Isn't protecting the ladies a man's responsibility? Then I can just follow Shirou"

Ilya laughs, and leans her shoulder against me
This is not exactly an intimate move, how should I say this, it's so natural that she's like a small animal that leans against me because it's afraid of cold
Now I think carefully, this child does seem to be feeling cold

"Ilya. You're not cold, are you"
"Eh? Hm, it's very cold. I'm very afraid of cold"

Ilya breathes out white breaths
Though she said she's afraid of cold, yet Ilya is looking at the white breaths joyfully

"Is that so. Though this is not usually the case, but today is especially cold. You can bear it if you're not afraid of cold...... Erm, where did Ilya come from? Your name sounds very aristocratic"

"Not sounds very aristocratic, I'm an aristocrat, I was born inside the ancient castle of Einzbern. It's always cold and snowy. So perhaps I can handle this much of cold"

"......? You were born in a very cold country. So shouldn't you get used to cold already?"

"I'm used to it, but I don't like cold. Compare to cold, I like warm better. Shirou also likes nice and warm, don't you?"
"Aah, of course. Compare to cold, warm is better"

"See! Hm, so I stay in the room on cold days. But I like snow. Because Dad said snow is white, like my hair"

I pound my palm
That is true now I think about it
When I see Ilya I think of something, say if snow fairies do exist, then this is what one would look like

"Ilya's father put it nicely. Ilya's hair does resemble snow. So very white, they appear to be really soft"

"Heh heh, right? Ilya is very satisfied with this hair. This is the only part on me that's like a girl's, the hair inherited from Mom"

Ilya giggles happily
I'm paralyzed, after seeing her behavior
If I didn't see it with my own eyes, I would never believe this child is the Master of that Berserker

"Nah, how about Shirou? Does Shirou have something given to you by your Dad? Ah, and the Seal doesn't count. Not as a Master, but as your Dad what did he give you"

"Eh, me? ......Uuh-m......The last thing I received is perhaps a family. Before that is a name. And what I received from the very beginning"

Is this life that was near the brink of death, huh
Because in the fire ten years go, I was the only one rescued by Kiritsugu

"......That's true. I'm not like Ilya, who has physical traits inherited from parents. But I think I have things that doesn't lose to that either"

Ilya is happy as if she's taking my words as her own
After seeing her smile, I don't think there's anyone who won't be brighten up

"But according to what you said, Shirou didn't inherit a Seal. How strange. Then Shirou's not a Master?"

"? No, though I'm an immature Magus that doesn't possess a Seal, but I'm still a Master. Then how about Ilya, well---You're a Master, then aren't you a Magus"

"Eh? I'm not a Magus, just a Master. I never learned any general Sorcery"

"Ah......!? Then you didn't inherit a Seal from your parents? ......Erm, isn't Ilya's family a pedigree that owns a castle"
"That is true...... Isn't Seal something to have in order to become a Master? That's why I'm a Master"

Ilya tilts her head
I tilt mine as well
Ilya's words have been a bit out of place since before, so we still can't communicate on the same level

"......So Ilya. Let me ask a question, where does Ilya live? You seem to come to this town only for the Holy Grail War, so are you living in a hotel right now?"

And it'd be terrible if Ilya doesn't have any guardian
You can't let such a small child come to Japan by herself

"Hotel......? You mean a villa?"
"Aah, more or less. Though it's not your home, but it's some place you can live"

"Then I do have it! See, there is a very big forest over there. Deep inside of it, there's a Western-style house built by Grandpa's Grandpa. It's said that the house is for Einzbern's Masters to live in during Holy Grail Wars"

Ilya points toward west
......I recall there certainly is a undeveloped forest at that direction......

"It takes at least an hour drive from that forest to here. Did you come here by yourself?"

"Nn, I sneak out today. Because Sella and Leysritt are so long-winded even though they're maids. I hardly come to Japan, I thought it's fine to go outside once in a while. Though I already have what I want, but I'm always locked inside the room, this much is my reward"

"......? Locked inside a room, Ilya is?"
"Nn. When it's snowing, I can't go out because my body is weak. So I play inside the room almost all the time. Ah, but this is fine. This place is not as cold as the castle over there, I can do fine by myself"

Ilya says all smiles
She swings her legs back and forth, as if she's very happy as it is

I can't help but put my hand in the shopping bag
I take out the dorayaki that I was going to share with Saber, and again I can't help but put it before Ilya

"Want to have a bite. Though it's cheap"
"Eh? What is this, can you eat it?"
"Yep. Though I don't like sweets, but this is an exception. In my house, everyone, regardless of age, uses this as refreshment served with tea"

"......Mm. ......Mm, is this for me?"
Ilya raises her head to look at me timidly

"It's for you. It doesn't taste good eating it by yourself, let's eat together"
I hand out the dorayaki
Ilya receives the Japanese snack in doubt, I suppose this is the first time she sees one

"Yeah. Mm, thanks!"
Ilya is eating the dorayaki happily
Bite after bite, full of energy

I'm also eating the dorayaki, and endure the impact on the back of my head
......I'm beat
How should I say this, I actually seriously thought about having a sister like this would be a bless, what's going on here

"......Anyway, seriously......"

I feel that Ilya is too innocent
This child, perhaps doesn't even know the difference between good and bad
I only have a vague idea about how Magus families raise their children
Even so---I can sense that the environment that Ilya grew up in wasn't normal

Though Tohsaka looks like that, but she's completely a Magus. Regardless of the Holy Grail War or the killings among the Masters, she understands the concept of 'killing someone' perfectly

However this child, might became a Master without knowing the meaning of killing someone
Though we only talked for a bit, but I don't think Ilya is a child who would kill another voluntarily

So, this leads to----

"Ilya. Let's talk about something serious"
And then all of a sudden
Ilya raises her face, as if she's been called by someone

"......Ilya? What's wrong, did something happen"
"Hm. I have to go. Berserker is up"

Ilya jumps down from the bench at once
In this fashion, she runs out of the park without saying good bye, and disappears shortly afterward

Back to the house

I never mention that I met up with Ilya
Though I know this is supposed to be reported immediately, but I still don't want to tell

The Ilya I met at the park was not a Master
I only told Ilya insignificant matters, and we separated simply
So, I'm very hesitated on whether to tell what happened today
......Though I have qualms about hiding the matter, but I don't want to treat today's Ilya as an enemy

After having lunch with Saber, we continued to train in the Dojo, and when we came to, it was already dinner time
I took a bath to wash away the sweats, in order to let my body take a break from the strain of fighting with Saber
And when I walked into the living room, the dinner was already prepared

I'm a little touched
After taking a bath, the food is prepared and I don't have to do a thing, it feels great

"Emiya, it's time for dinner---what, why are you standing there like an idiot. What's wrong, are you stupefied?"

Why does this girl, always destroy other's touching moments like this

"Nothing. Thanks for the dinner. Where's Saber?"
"Hm-? I thought Saber went to Shirou's room, didn't you meet her? So strange, she was here a moment ago"

"Maybe you missed her because this house is so complicated like a hotel? It's fine, I will go call Saber, Emiya, please go back to the bathroom again. Your hair is not dried yet"

"Ah, really. Sorry about that, I will leave Saber to you then"
I wave my hands toward Tohsaka and walk to the hallway

Just as Tohsaka said, because of the arbitrarily remodels, the Emiya residence has passageways everywhere
Especially the way to the bathroom, you can go there from my room and the living room, it really is constructed like a hotel

I walk in the bathroom
I don't like to use hair dryers, so I will just get the towel that I used before to dry my hair


In an instant
I forget about everything that happened today

The one before my eyes seems to be talking

"Do you want to take a bath again, however I'm using it right now. If possible, I hope you can let me finish up first"
She speaks without any covering

I have to explain
I should've explained this is all an accident, but my brain goes blank
Because this impact is large enough to eradicate my whole day's memories

"Righ, righ-righ, righ-righ-righ-righ-right"
"Shirou, did you bathe for too long? You are red all the way from your face to ear, you should go to the hallway to cool down your body"
"Ah, no, I will. But it'd be bad, if I don't, apologize first"

I remove my stares from Saber, make my heartthrob calms down

"That was, an accident. I didn't plan to look at Saber's naked body. No, I have nothing to explain myself, it's fine if Saber wants to get mad at me"
I try to look downward as much as possible, and speak calmly

Saber, after giving it much thought
"Shirou, please raise your face"
Speaks with her usual tone

I raise my face as she said
"Uuh, why are you still looking like this......!"
The Saber in front of me is exactly like from before

"No. I just want to say that Shirou doesn't need to apologize, even if you've seen my skin, don't mind it"

"Didn't I say so before. For a Servant, gender is trivial. Though Shirou seems to be in a panic from seeing my body in a female form, however I'm a Servant before that. So you don't need to mind it"

What's Saber talking about
No, even if Saber herself says so, Saber is still definitely a girl
......No, should I say
Even if I don't think that's the case, but Saber, she isn't

"......Let me ask you something. You are embarrassed when your naked body is seen, right?"
"? Why would I feel embarrassed?"
So that really is the case
......However, regardless of what Saber think, I would still lose my rationality

"......Sorry. Anyhow I will apologize first. If it happens again, Saber can punish me however you want"
I turn around one-hundred eighty degrees, and escape out of the bathroom rigidly

Saber watches as I leave till the end as if nothing's out of ordinary

---Dinner is done
Everyone except me probably thought that dinner was the same as always
However I on the other hand, was out of it and couldn't even tell the taste of rice because of the bathroom incident

"......So cold"
I open up the window to hallway, to cool my head with the winds from outside, but this is the end of that
If this keeps going, I might catch a cold

"Shirou, what are you doing here"
"Sa-Saber......!? Wh-what, do you have some business with me"
"Not me, it's Shirou's business. Is it OK? You already made a date with Rin to learn about Sorcery from her at nights"

I hit my head
"I completely forgot. Thanks, I will be on my way right away!"

I run to the Separate Building, and move up to the second floor
After knocking on the guest room occupied by Tohsaka

"Shirou? It's OK, I happen to be busy at the moment, let yourself in"

Tohsaka's voice sounds a little anxious

Once I am in the room, what I see is Tohsaka who is doing something strange
Tohsaka places an object that looks like a gem on her palm, and holds an injector on the other hand, and she is gripping something like a handkerchief in her mouth

"Can I ask a question, Tohsaka"
"Hold on. This is the last of today's share"

As she speaks, Tohsaka pricks her arm with the injector
......Blood is been sucked into the once empty injector
She drips the sucked blood on the gem drop by drop, and then grasps the gem soaked with blood tightly again

A noise, follow by a flash that makes one dazzle
Though I can somehow understand, that is the light of mana, however----

"......Sigh. There is only thirty percent even after so much efforts. It seems I can only use these nine at hand after all"
Tohsaka sags her shoulders with no strength left, and put the gem back to an object that appears to be a gem box

"Tohsaka. As promised, I am here to learn"
But before that, I'm really concerned with what to do with her behavior just now

"Hm, I was waiting for you. You already trained with Saber the physical aspect in daytime, right? Then at night you should train the inner part"

Is she full of wills to lecture, Tohsaka appears to be pretty happy
......Hm. Though Saber said she is not good at teaching, but it turned out fine. This girl on the other hand, must be the opposite type

No, whether compatible or not is another matter

"Then, where do we start. I remember Shirou said you only know about how to use enhance Sorcery----"
"No, can I ask a question before we start. I'm really concerned after all. Tohsaka, what were you doing. Isn't it dangerous to prick yourself with an injector"

"Eh, that? I was just making magic bullets. The Sorcery of my family is the flow and transferring of power. I can let my mana transfers to elsewhere when I'm free, like now"
Tohsaka finishes her sentences indifferently, ignoring me

"Wait. What is this magic bullet, and transferring mana you speak of"

"Magic bullets are magic bullets. Bullets injected with mana. You ever heard that human's yearning are very easy to stay on gems? In fact, gems are objects very suitable for injecting mana, and apparently it's more so for our family line"

"And about injecting mana, today for instance, I didn't work on anything so I'd have much stamina left, right? Precisely what I did was store those left over energy in the gems. Continue for many days, months, years, let the gems turn themselves into 'Sorcery' "

"However gems have their own capacities as well, you can't control the mana that is not on you. The mana inside the gems, is just a sparkling plug to activate a large Sorcery in an instant"

"......Hm? Well-, so simply put, you are injecting your own mana into the gems, and use them as back-ups?"
"Back-ups......? Hm-, close but not exactly, they're just traveling bags that can be filled up, used, then tossed aside"

"It's like an add-on hard disk, huh. ......Amazing, can't you use any Sorcery you want then"

"Hard...Disk......? Though I'm not sure what you're talking about, but it's not something so convenient. Because when the mana is injecting in the gems, it would be effected by the attributes of the gems and its uses would be limited"

"......Huh-hn. But it's still pretty amazing. So mana is something that can be saved up like this. If it's so convenient, why don't other Magi do it"
Though even I say that, the only Magus I knew is Kiritsugu

"Storing mana in objects outside of one's body is actually quite extraordinary. Shirou's enhance, is also injecting mana inside the objects, right? Usually, the objects that have been injected with mana would have formed some changes, and used up the mana. The effects of Sorcery aren't permanent, right"

"And in order to avoid so, my family successfully took gems as permanent storing objects for mana to flow in. ......However other Magi, can also achieve the same inside their bodies. That is a Seal---which is what many Magi possess, the back-up of Sorcery, isn't it"

"Seals......Aah, that secret inheritance from parents to their offspring. I don't have that kind of thing, so I didn't think of it at first"

"Hold on, what did you just say?"
"Eh...... I said I don't have a Seal. Though Dad seems to have one, but it didn't pass down to me"

Just as I think that she'd hold her breath, she says so that's why, even nods her head

"No wonder you're like an outsider. ......Then you really have to start from the beginning...... Mm, can't help it"
Tohsaka mutters

"......Tohsaka. Didn't you already notice that I don't have a Seal?"

"How is that possible. If I knew I wouldn't let you move around by yourself. ......Though I thought you were an amateur, but how can you be a Magus if you don't have a Seal"

Tohsaka stares at me as if she holds some grudge against me
But, what's going on
From what Tohsaka said, sounds like she's relieved, and envied about the fact that I'm not a Magus

"----Forget it. If that's the case then let me explain to you from the beginning. Because once you figure out what a Seal is, you know what a Magus is. Come, Shirou sit over there. This is important, so sit tight and listen carefully"

"Is here OK? ......Right, let's start"
I brace up to look at Tohsaka in the eyes
Did my serious attitude convey to her, Tohsaka nods satisfyingly

"Then let's start from the basic. You already know that casting Sorcery requires mana, right? As long as it can activate Sorcery, anything can be named mana. There are various types of mana. There are ones who use their mental strength to cast Sorcery, and others that give matters other than themselves in exchange for casting Sorcery. You should know about everything to this point"

"Aah. You are talking about the large and small sources. A large source is the mana that fills the nature and the world. And a small source is the mana created by individuals"
"That's right, well put. Then I will begin by explaining casting Sorcery with the large source"

"Listen, Shirou? Magi whose heritages, and bloodlines are thin...... or in another word, Shiou...... relies on 'objects that have already taken forms' to create mana. This is a ceremony established with a systematic form since ancient times, the way of reaching Mysteries by offering sacrifices"

"It's a form of Sorcery that prepares prices to acquire mana when one's strength is not enough. This way even if the spell caster's mana is sparse, he can still cast Sorcery. Since the mana he used is not from himself, but borrowed from the large source, the spell caster only needs to perform the ceremony"

"......However, it's impossible to perform such without proper knowledge. It's too much for Shirou now, and you are not suited to do this bloody business to begin with either"

"......True. I don't want to do somethings like making a chicken as a live sacrifice, or draw a magic seal and pray for an entire night"

"See. So don't bother with this, and next is the small source, or the Sorcery casted with a Magus' own ability. I think this goes without saying, it's the basic way of casting Sorcery for you and I. Shirou's 'enhance' is a Sorcery complete by your own magic circuits, without anyone's help, right?"

I nod
It seems we're finally on the main topic

"Well, that function of producing your own mana---'magic circuits', is an inherited physical trait of a Magus' bloodline continued through generations after generations. 'Magic circuits' can be accumulated and forged through generations, in order to let the offspring to inherit the strongest. The children of a family line of Magus, are that much more suitable for practicing Sorcery. Though unfair, but Shirou's and my starting points are different"

"I know. I don't mind it, carry on Tohsaka"
"......I don't mind either. Forget it. And then, other than magic circuits, each family also has a secret Sorcery practiced by every generation"

"Very much like the gem from before. If one practices a Sorcery to the extreme, then the Magus can take that Sorcery as if he's 'holding it in his hands.' Do you understand the feeling of 'holding it in hands,' when Sorcery is something that doesn't have any physical shape or form, just formulas"

"---Not exactly, but holding it in hands is like become a part of your body I suppose"

"Correct. Surpass the original form, the Sorcery that becomes a part of oneself can leave behind a physical form. That's the great achievements of establishing the Unstable Sorcery, and at the same time it's also the proof of that Magus' once existence"

"And then, before a Magus dies, he will turn the great achievements he accomplished into a Seal to pass down to his successor. He'd say I will give this to you, and you are going to achieve a level that I haven't accomplished. Perhaps the Seal I leave behind can help you out. Like so. ......However, regardless of the one that leaves behind a Seal, or the one that accepts a Seal, they both know this kind of Seal can't help with anything though"

"......? What, such incredible Seal can't help with anything?"

"It can! For an ordinary Magus, one Seal can let him enjoy the rest of his life leisurely! ......However, this is like receiving a car. No matter how fast you can run on the ground, you would never get to the moon"

"All right, let me continue. I think you already know, that Seal is the Seal"

"The head of a family will leave behind the Seal he completed with all his life to his offspring, and his offspring would complete another Sorcery to add on to the Seal, to let his offspring to inherit. With an ever increasing complexity, an engraved agelong history, such is a Seal----for a Magus, this is the inescapable bound"

"............ Which means, a Seal contains all the records of that particular family?"

"Ah, that's not the case. Family records are kept with actual documents. On the Seals, there are only pure Sorcery. A Seal only chants the spells by itself, and let the possessor to cast a Sorcery he has not studied yet. In simpler terms, it's like engrave a magic seal on one's own body"

"............Hm. Then, wouldn't it be fine to engrave the Seal to anyone? As long as you know the form of a magic seal, can't you draw as many as you want"

"Can't really put it that way. A Seal, is like a living organism. Like a transplanted organ. Because there is only one organ, so you can't divide it up for many or have a duplicate. It's pointless to cut the heart in halves, right? Because it'd cease to function after it's cut up"

"Ah......hm. So that's it, certainly. Then has Tohsaka also been transplanted with a Seal?"

"......Transplant, is only a relatively negative analogy that I came up with. Actually it's just like a tattoo. Mine is on my left arm. It's everywhere from shoulder to my hand. It's just that a Seal won't show up without activating it, unlike command spells, therefore there's no need to hide it"

"......And because of this, a Magus family would have only one inheritor. If there are siblings in the household, usually one of them would have to lead an ordinary man's life without taking Sorcery. Since he can't pass down the Seal, so it's meaningless even if he becomes a very successful Magus"

"Aah, Shinji mentioned this too. ......Is that so, that's why Sakura didn't learn anything"

"Nn. ......But the Matous, stopped passing down the Seal by themselves since several generations ago. Therefore I suppose Shinji only learned about the knowledge of Sorcery. ......This kind of people is the most troublesome. They obviously have no touch in Sorcery yet they're still using it"
Tohsaka take a deep breath softly, after condemning

"And next, I'm going to teach Sorcery, but there's been a change of plan. Since Shirou doesn't have a Seal, I will have to set up another course. ......Nn, let's end here for tonight. I have many things to prepare before tomorrow, we'll talk about it by then"

"? I can only agree to it if Tohsaka says so. ......But what many things are you preparing"

"Just many things. Since you don't have a Seal, you can't turn on and off, right? I need to adjust the inside of your body, so I have to prepare the proper medicine and rectifiers, right"

Aw. I think I was really trembling just now

"What? If you hate it I will stop. But by then, I won't teach you either"
"Ah...... No, I do hate it, but still. Tohsaka's words, are probably right"

......Though I don't know what she meant by turning on and off, but I guess that has something to do with why I can't turn myself into magic circuits

"Tomorrow is decided then. ......Oh, by the way. Do you plan on training swordsmanship with Saber tomorrow as well?"

"? Aah, yes. Though I'm worrying about the Barrier in school, but there is still some time before the activation. I want to become a bit more capable of fighting before that"

"Is that so. Forget it, that's fine. But you and Saber are not getting along well, isn't it?"
"Uuh...... that's, because"

"You could talk to each other naturally before dinner, but you've been acting quiet since the dinner started. Just in case, let me ask you, you're getting along well, right? If you two break up during a battle, it would be a burden on us as well"

That's only because, there was a little trouble before dinner, so we're very awkward right now
Even though...... But am I really, getting along with Saber well?
After today whole day's fight, I think I understand what kind of person Saber is a little better

She as an assistant, I can trust Saber
This is absolute
But speaking of how do I look at Saber other than that, is difficult to respond
Because, I

In that instant, was robbed off of my normal emotions

"......Hard to say. What about Tohsaka. Do you like Saber"

"I like her. There isn't any reason to hate her, isn't it. She's strong, polite, beautiful. Way different from a sarcastic girl like me"
"Hum-ph. Is that right, so Tohsaka likes Saber"

"---! What, I just honestly stated my opinion that she is the type I favor. You, you, ah, change that straightforward way of speaking of yours. It's very easy to make enemy that way"

"I refuse. I don't like to talk in circles like Tohsaka, and I'm not good at talking to begin with"

"......That's true. Shirou doesn't seem like the type that'd say annoying words, or mock others. Right, anyhow you think I'm a long-winded and annoying girl, right"

"? Why. I like Tohsaka's words. Somehow, you're not Tohsaka if you don't do that"
Did I make her angry, Tohsaka turns her face around with an unhappy expression

But more importantly, when Tohsaka said she likes Saber just now, makes me feel a bit happy

----A day is over

I ran away to the Storehouse, because I was bothered by the fact Saber is sleeping next door again

I halt my steps, gaze at the winter sky
The night sky isn't any particular wondrous
I am just staying here, doing nothing and calm myself in the coldness of winter

How long has passed since then
Suddenly, I hear footsteps approaching from the darkness

"----Who is it"

No response
Only the uncomfortable feeling approaches along side the footsteps

I lower my waist, makes a stance where I can jump aside at anytime
"Hey. I'm asking who is it"
......No response
The master of those footsteps, without hindering once, appears in front of me dignifiedly

That guy says nothing, gives a glance at me who is in a stance
"You, I remember you're----"
That day. The Servant that fought with Lancer in the school at night
Defeated by Saber who flew over the walls, the knight in a red armour----

"Servant of Tohsaka, Archer......?"
The man moves his lower lip ever slightly
He smiles---can I take this as he admits it

......Somehow, I don't feel right
I'm pissed for no apparent reason, I just can't like him no matter what
I never talked to this guy before, neither have I been assaulted by him
However, in the instant of us meeting up like this, I understand that

---I, can't accept this guy
Though no apparent reason, we're just naturally incompatible
Not just me, Archer himself must be thinking the same as well
A subject with a conflicting personality like this, even if I search throughout the world, there shouldn't be another one
Since he's such a disagreeable subject for me, it's not strange if that guy also considers me disagreeable

"......What is it. Aren't you supposed to be on guard before your recover"
"That's certainly what I have in mind. Once my wounds are healed, this meaningless pact can be canceled too. So I have nothing to tell you, I'm just here to observe from the sideline"
"What, don't mind me and observe as much as you want. I have nothing to say to you either"

"I really want to do that, but there's some business I can't disregard. You seem to, keeping Saber away from battles"
"Can't I do that"
I talk back in a reflex

Archer's stares direct at me, let me sense an actual animosity

"......As expected. Just like what a kid would come up with. Don't need helps from others. Do everything by yourself. In addition, you hope there's not a single victim---this logic, really disgust me"

"Wh......! You are not in a position to tell me that! I'm only doing what I think is right, others don't have the right to butt in......!"

"I am in a position. As a Servant as well, I can understand the hardship of Saber. Having a Master like you, Saber's burden is truly heavy"

Not only because what he said is a fact
But more importantly, I am been talked down by this person, I really can't stand it

"Don't joke around......! I am not a burden for Saber! I am going to fight in that girl's stead, shouldn't this be fine then!"

"Humph, so you are thinking that she wouldn't be hurt if she doesn't fight? Servants exist for the purpose of fighting. Snatching away their fights is what's really disrespect for them---forget it, there's no use talking to you"
After saying what he wants to say, Archer shuts his mouth

---After a few minutes
Archer and I are still confronting each other silently

Grunt, my throat moves
That chilling stares of his, as if he's going to probe into my heart

And then, suddenly

"Well. What about it, the Master of Saber"

The red knight, is seeking the answer with a calm voice

"About what"
"Do you really intend, to finish this war without fighting. Without conflicting with anyone, without killing anyone, and not killed by anyone?"
"......I've never said I am not going to fight, have I. I would fight when the time comes"

"I see. Then even if it's a war you won't kill anyone"
"Right. Do you have a problem with it"
"I won't disrupt your naive ideal. I don't have that kind of leisure, nor that kind of idiocy"
Archer turns his back against me

"But don't misunderstand. The protectors of justice that you long for, are nothing but janitors. You know with the way of the protectors of justice, the only ones can be saved are the ones that survived"
Do I feel that statement of his, completely crush me for no apparent reason

"......Hold on. What do you mean by the protectors of justice are like janitors, how"

"......You should notice by now. Listen, with the ways of the protectors of justice, you can't restore tragedies, or miserable deaths in the past. ---That's a limit to begin with. The protectors of justice, are only existences that handle what already happened efficiently. You definitely can't save, yourself and the ones you want to save"

That's not, possible
How can the hand that is extended to help others, unable to save only the 'ones' that he wants to save----

"Ideals are nothing but ideals. As long as you still hold the ideal, then it would conflict with the reality over and over. Such is the road you chose. And one day you would have to face the reality, pay that bill. And your choice, might have to snatch away many lives"

"You have to at least come to realize that. Realize how insignificant you are, what is right and who should be punished. If you can't do that, then give up on that dream and Sorcery, right now"
The shadow of Archer vanishes into the darkness

"Listen. No matter who do what, there will always be people that can't be saved. You ideal can only save your ideal. What humans can accomplish, are too few. Yet you still----"

"Hey, hold on! What do you want to say......!"
My question melts into the darkness
I already can't sense the presence of Archer, only my voice courses through the night sky

"......What's up with that guy. After saying all those annoying words, he just left"
Simply put, he just wanted to say that my ideas are too naive, I will inevitably encounter sufferings if this continue
This kind of things, how can you conclude it's wrong without doing it once

"----I have determination. When I'm wrong, I will just have to pay it with this life"

This is the determination of a Magus
Even without Archer saying it, I have already come to realize

"Humph. I really am naturally incompatible with that guy"
......It's just that
Even so, there is still one thing that worries me

No matter who do what, there will always be people that can't be saved
What humans can accomplish, are too few
Yet you still----

"......Yet you still, want to chase after that ideal, without ever looking back"

I soliloquize
In the end of Archer's words, for some strange reason, it feels like it conveys this message
