
6th Day

After dawn

In the morning, I walk to the living room as usual, the situation on the dining table is never before complicated

"Ah, excuse me Sakura. I don't eat butter. Can you hand me the orange jam over there"
"Is that so? I thought Tohsaka-senpai said you don't like sweets before"
"How can that be, there isn't that kind of girl. I don't hate sugar, just don't eat them that often. If you are too careless, you might increase something around some area where you can't see. I only eat sweets once a week"

"? Then why does senpai wants orange jam?"
"You need to ingest sugar in the morning. And, if you don't eat something sweet, the after effects would be terrible, right"
"I see. This is as terrible as only eat two meals, and increase the amount of each meal many folds"
"Exactly. ......Saber is quietly eating up so much. Such a tiny body but eats as much as Sakura"

"Is that so. I thought it's only normal amount, plus Sakura's toast is a lot bigger than mine"
"That, that's not true......! Tohsaka-senpai, Saber and I, doesn't everyone eat two pieces"
"No, the thickness is different. Compare to my one-centimeter, Sakura's two-centimeter thickness is a lot more. During growth period one should ingest nutrients, this is fine. Don't just eat one piece Rin, how about finishing everything"

"Told you I can't. I am different from Sakura, nutrients won't go to my breasts, if I eat this much in the morning already something will increase. And I don't usually eat breakfast, this is already a compromise"
"......Tohsaka-senpai, that, don't mention that kind of thing in front of senpai"

"......Hmm. You keep talking about something increasing, why do you avoid the actual way of representation, Rin"
"Since it's in area you can't see. Ah, you can see it in Sakura's case, so that doesn't count"
"Please, please stop saying that kind of thing-!"

Chew, I take one bite at the toast
My brain can't keep up with the development in front of my eyes, I am not joining in their conversation, just eat my toast
......But, there really isn't any topic for me to break in the conversation

"......It seems, I was worrying over nothing"
These three don't appear to be on bad terms
Tohsaka is just as usual, and Saber was also introduced last night
Sakura......Though doesn't seem to be used to Saber, but she doesn't seem to dislike her either

"......I am a bit worry about the absent Fuji-nee, but she should be coming over tonight......"
The impact from last night was too big after all
But I suppose she will be here in dinner time, her mood should be lighten up better by then

After breakfast, I clear away the dishes
"Senpai, can I really let you do the clean up?"

"Aah, let me take care of these trivial things. Doesn't Sakura have club activities. With what just happened yesterday, you better show your face in today"
"......Yes. Then I will be leaving first, Senpai"

After Sakura bids farewell to Tohsaka as well, she leaves the living room quickly
And only us three are left here
After Sakura is gone, we're the members of shared secrets

"Then excuse me too. Call me if something is up"
"Bye Saber. Shirou will be in my hands, I'll entrust you looking after the house"

"Yes. I entrust Shirou to you, Rin"
Saber bows to Tohsaka slightly, and returns to her room
......Forget it, Saber has nothing to do staying here anyway
And I also hope she can sleep as much as she can, to reserve physical strength......

"......Seriously. That girl, her head is occupied by fighting entirely"
"Of course. So is Shirou, Saber will lose her patience if you don't show some aggressive. Even if her wounds are not completely healed yet, but she's not the type to stay put like this forever"

Tohsaka turns on the TV as she speaks of dangerous thoughts

"----Nn? It's broadcasting this news again"
The news from this morning is been broadcast on the television
I listen in as I wash dishes in the kitchen
That content, is the same as what I heard not long ago

"Another gas leak accident over Shinto. ......Idiots. That doesn't only happen over there, it happens in this town as well"
Just now
Tohsaka, uttered some very dangerous words

"Tohsaka, what do you mean"
"Those weakened by unknown causes? People who lost their consciouses without any sign, were sent to hospital after fainted. There are already many victims. Though nobody dies yet, but what will happen in the future is depended on the guy who is doing this"

Hold on a second. Hold oooooon a second
Not just the neighboring town, it also happened on this side?
Coma caused by unknown reasons?
Many victims?
No, the bigger problem is----

"Tohsaka, this isn't done by other Master, right"

"Who else you thought did it. It's about time you get used to it, you are also a Master"
"That---is the case correct. ......But why didn't you tell me, Tohsaka"

"Because this event is not simple. The guy that sets up the Field in school is third-rated, but this Master is a first-rate. Not letting the targets die, and only absorb half of the life source to accumulate power"

"......Though the collecting rate is comparatively slower, but on the other hand it wouldn't violate the rules of Magi, and there's no need to rush anyway. This Master is in somewhere distanced from the town, and seize the purest form of mana, the 'life source' from people"

"Somewhere distanced......are you saying that guy can collect mana in the town from some place like that"
"Should be a very skilled Magus. To 'absorb' in a large scale from both Shinto and Miyamachou, it must be done by a very powerful Magus"

"......No, or should I say it's because of this exceptional spiritual land. Father said Fuyuki has something like a dragon vein, so if one sets up the Field over here one can extract the life source easily, huh......"

"? Hold on, Tohsaka"
"There isn't that kind of record in Father's study, perhaps inside the great grandfather's library......Ew, it's like the demon realm over there right now, I want to avoid it as much as possible. ......Then I can only ask Kirei......No, no way no way, I'd rather think of something else than owe that guy a favor"

"Tohsaka, hey----"
She has no reaction even I call her
......No good. That girl Tohska, is absorbed in mumbling to herself

Tohsaka and I, go to school together boringly
We see students going to school from the front gate, school is just as usual

But, there is indeed a sense of unnatural
Though yesterday I passed the gate unmindful, but once I take notice of it, there's indeed an unnatural sensation
......How should I put this, it's like too well balance and smooth, feel like even the instincts are paralyzed

"......Really. The air outside and inside is different. This air is like honey"
"Heh, Shirou can sense it like this. ......Though you are dull to mana, but perhaps you're sensitive to the irregularities of this world"
Tohsaka starts to dwell into thoughts

"Honey, huh. My analogy would be Nepenthes rajah. Nn, not bad"
"......Nepenthes rajah. Your imagination is really ferocious"

"Is that so? I thought it's no different from Shirou's sense? Because this school, if it's covered by the Field like a lid, all the living organisms inside would be eaten up"

My true thoughts that I didn't dare to speak out are been saw through by Tohsaka, I can't help but hold my breath
"Thought so. You're amusing because you're so easily to figure out"
"Aah is that so. I don't think it's amusing at all"

"Calm down, calm down. I know what Shirou wants to say, rest assured. You don't want to involve the students in this school, I don't hope to turn here into a battle field either. Then there's only thing that we should do, right?"

She's sounding out me
What Tohsaka meant was
The 'opponent' that I said I was going to fight with in this Holy Grail War, the Master that would involve unrelated people for victory, is inside of this school

"......I know. We need to somehow find the Master that set up this Field, then, if he doesn't plan to undo the Field, we can only defeat him"
"Just like that. I'm relieved now that you actually understand"

"Then I will go look for the guy that set up this Field, Shirou go check out the suspicious locations. Though I went over it once, but I might leave out something something. Shirou seems to be very suited to search for those irregular spots, this is perfect"

Tohsaka bid goodbye, and walks to the school building as she waves her hand

"Wait---Even you say so I still......! What exactly is a suspicious spot, Tohsaka!"
"Which-means-, places with very sweet air in your own words! Look for places with sweet and sticky honey!"
Tohsaka yells back from far away

Thus, she vanishes inside the school building in a flash
"......What's that girl doing. Suddenly ran away, I still don't know what she's thinking----"

The bell before homeroom rings
"So, so this is why---That girl, how come she didn't tell me if she noticed it......!"

I pick up my book bag and run full throttle
After what happened yesterday, I don't know what annoying thing Fuji-nee would say if I'm late


Lunch break
Students who are released from classes temporarily, walk back and forth inside the school building leisurely

"......OK. Walking around now won't arise anyone's suspicious"
After spending a few minutes finish off the lunch, I come to the hallway
This is not the time to say I've never done this
The war has already begun
Then I will have to use my own way, to seek out the 'suspicious spots' that Tohsaka spoke of

"......First off, let me start with places with not many people around......"

Within an hour before the lunch break is over, it'd be great if something comes up in my search---

After taking a round trip in the school building, to avoid leaving out anything, I move to outside
Though there's no irregularities on the field or the back of the school building, but this area feels a great deal different

"----It wouldn't, include here as well"
......There are many suspicious spots inside the school building too
Such as below the stairs, the end of the hallway, or empty classrooms et cetera, places that won't attract people's attentions
But, here is different
Though not a place that would draw attentions, but many people will gather here daily

"......Why didn't I realize this sooner. Speaking of irregular, isn't this the most irregular of all---"
I talk to myself, as I press my chest
......Somehow I feel hard to breath here
Dense winds, humid air, this can't even be described as unnatural
No, just from noticing this smell, even the urge of vomiting would be gushing up

"......According to Tohsaka, all Fields have basic points. Though I don't know how many of them, but the very first one might be around here......"
Then there should be a similar sign somwhere......

........................No good
I, who am not good at sensing mana, can't see the sign to fix the Field

Can't help it. Anyhow I will report Tohsaka about this place to Tohsaka first----
"What. Are you looking for something, Emiya"
I turn to the sudden emerged voice. The one standing in front of the archery field during the lunch break is----

"Eh. What an coincident, I have some business around here too......You didn't see it, did you?"

"......See what. There's nothing here"
"Aah, so you did see it. ......I see, so this is the reason you were together with Tohsaka. That's true, since both of you are Masters, working together would be more efficient"
"----! Shinji, you"

"Don't be so alert, Emiya. You and I have a friendly relation, right. We don't hide anything from each other. Though I don't know who is with you. However, you have also been forced to accept this unreasonable Master business"

Shinji says straightforwardly, without any concern
He says, he himself is also a Master

"......No way. Are you a Master, Shinji"
"I already said so. Aah, but don't misunderstand. I don't want to fight with anyone. I will counter-attack if others assault me, but as long as no one touches me, I will remain silent. See, aren't I just like Emiya"

Shinji laughs faintly
Judging from his statement, he should be a Master without a doubt----

"But, I was surprised when I learned that Emiya is a Master too. Since we both are surprised, can we talk a bit"
"Talk......Sure, but what do you want to talk about"

"About things from now on. I already mentioned this, I don't intend to fight. But others aren't like this, right? And isn't be on guard of a disaster that you don't know when will occur really agitated. One person might be agitated, but wouldn't you agree that if there are two people, they will find a way to deal with it?"

Shinji is saying, working together, huh

"Forget it, this isn't the place to talk. We don't know who would listen in, let's change to another place. Nn......My place is fine. Tohsaka won't find us over there, and it'd be safe even f we're assaulted"

"What are you talking about changing place. Lunch break is almost over, if you have something to say----"
"Are you stupid? Just skip it. Come, let's go already. I know Emiya is a Master so I'm in a good mood, don't blew it"

"No we can't. Skipping classes will arouse suspicious"
"Tsk, what an inflexible guy. ......Aah so that's why! That's true, generally speaking everyone would be alerted!"

"But relax, I won't take the initiative no matter what. Do I look like I would assault you all of a sudden?"

"? Aah---That so. Indeed, I can't just simply follow you"

"............ Forget it. You probably took your Servant with you too. I wouldn't want to take on such a dangerous opponent"

Do I look like I'm with Saber in Shinji's eyes?
Aah, no---That Shinji, can't see Servants in spiritual form
So does he think that I'm with Saber right now

"C'mon, come. You won't be off the hook so easy if you're spotted by Tohsaka"
After just saying this much, Shinji starts to walk
......Can I only follow him
Shinji's words also spark my interest, let me just give up the classes in the afternoon

We climb up the hill road
The Western-style residential area, opposite of my house
I recall the highest building here is Tohsaka's residence, but on the other side, as if trying to avoid people's attentions, is the mansion of Matou

This building is still this large
Though I've been here to play for many times during middle school, but recently I haven't even approached it once
Of course I am drifting apart from Shinji so I'm not invited anymore, but more importantly, Sakura doesn't want me to go close to this mansion

......Though it's day time, but the inside of the house is dusk
Not only was the house built in a way that doesn't let sunlights in, there's hardly any electrical light either
Perhaps this is a little exaggerated, but if someone might bump into walls if he is not used to here

"Emiya, this way. I'm in the living room, hurry up"
When did he go inside, Shinji's voice comes through from deep inside the house
It's been one year already, but my body still has impressions of this place, I walk toward Matou residence's living room without hesitation

It's dusk in the living room as well
The window curtains are pulled close, block out the sunlights
There's no artificial lightning either, the living room is immersed in a darkness

"Emiya, this way"
I look over the direction where the sound comes from
The one over there sitting on a chair is Shinji, and----

A woman as dark, as the crystallization of darkness

"Let me introduce. This is my Servant, Rider"
A cold breeze
Under this cold breeze, the back of my head is in pain as if someone pulls a knife on it

"......I thought it's only us two talking, Shinji"
I retreat slightly, somehow manage to speak up

"Bummer, this is precaution. I'm scared of being assaulted by Emiya. Rider has to be around"
Shinji stretches out his hand, touches the black Servant---Rider
From the side of her stomach to her thigh, Shinji draws a curve as if licking on it

Rider doesn't move a bit
She stands still like a statue, monitoring me with eyes shut
......Somehow I feel like even the quivering of my fingers is under her control, this isn't hallucination, right

"Is that how you treat someone you brought here. You can only be so much considerate, Shinji"
"Bummer, I'm only kidding. I know Emiya wouldn't do that. But, your Servant is another matter. I too went through a lot of troubles to discipline her. There's nothing unusual about Servants disobey the orders of the Masters. So, just think of her as someone to pin down your Servant"

......A Servant disobeys the Master's order?
Indeed, the Rider in front of my eyes, is different from Saber

Saber is quiet, but she's never cold
However I can only sense coldness from Rider

A human seriously lacks the atmosphere of human
That blackness is as if the color of dried blood
She has no life in her, can't feel any brightness, let one can hardly imagine her as a Heroic Spirit----

"......Is Rider here to pin down my Servant. I don't feel good about this"
"My bad, my bad. I'm an outsider however you put it, I'm not at all familiar with these things like Emiya does. Forgive me on this"
"......Humph. I'm not familiar either"

"Is that so? What's with this, then why you don't call out your Servant as well. That way we can better understand each other, fair enough. Aah, hmm, this is a good idea! Ah Emiya, I let you see my Servant, can you let me see yours?"

......So Shinji really thinks Saber is here
But, I don't need to correct this mistake

"I refuse. You can pin down or whatever. This is enough for talking"
"......What. I said I want to take a look? Though I don't know what you're up to, but isn't it better to listen to me?"

"Then this conversation is over. I didn't come here to let the Servants meet each other. If that's your plan, I'm heading back"
"Tsk----That so. You're still so disobedient"
Shinji makes a grunt, lying on the chair

"Fine, let's cut the chase. But all I am going to say is just one thing. ......Nn. I mentioned it before, can you cooperate with me, Emiya. Though I became a Master, but I still don't know what a Holy Grail War is. Rather than by myself, I am looking forward to work with some trustworthy guy"

"Hold on. I have something to ask before that. My reply will come after this question"
"What, are you going to ask me how I became a Master?"
I nod
As far as I know, Shinji is not a Magus
If I don't know how Shinji became a Master, then I'm not even going to talk about cooperation or what not

"I heard the prerequisite of becoming a Master is to be a Magus. Though not mature, but I did learn Sorcery, made a contract with a Servant and became a Master by chance...... Did Shinji also summoned a Servant by chance, and got entangled in the Holy Grail War?"

If yes, then we're much alike
Cooperation, isn't out of question---

"Heh, did Emiya become a Mater by chance. ......Hm. Heh, is that so. That's great, then I can relate to"
Shinji smiles happily

"Forget it, we are really alike. Became Masters against our own wills, this is also the same. ---But don't be mistaken. I knew what's a Master, and I also knew the Holy Grail War beforehand. For the house of Matou, is different from yours, is a clan that has a history"

House of Matou is a Magus clan......!?

"What, I never heard of this......!? Hold on, then Shinji and---"

Did Shinji's sister Sakura, also learned Sorcery

"Calm down, Emiya. The house of Emiya, though once a Magus clan is now withering. Matou's ancestors came to this land with the house of Tohsaka, but was incompatible of this land. After generation and generation of handing down, the, is that called a magic circuit? Increased gradually, when I was born, the bloodline of Matou has already became no different from ordinary men. So the Matou are not Magi. Nothing more than once a Magus clan in the past"

"A Magus in the past...... Then, only the knowledge remains now?"
"Aah, very unfortunately. But even without magic circuits, the fact that we're learning Sorcery has yet to be changed. Whether Masters, or the Holy Grail War, I would know once I investigate a bit. I can be this calm after becoming a Master all of a sudden, is also because of the teachings from the previous generation"

......That so
After I became a Master, it's because Tohsaka was there that I understood about the Holy Grail War
Did Shinji, also grasp the situation because of the passed down records of the house of Matou

"Which means, Shinji only learned the knowledge of Sorcery. ......Then, is Sakura also taking Sorcery?"

"Hah? Aah seriously, you really don't know anything. Listen up, though it doesn't matter to a mongrel family such as yours, but the Magi that have ancient bloodlines only pass down the secret art to one person. If there are two children, then the only successor would be the eldest son"

"Separate something in half means to decrease the effectiveness, right? Combining ten Sorceries into one crystallization, and concentrating the bloodline is what a Magus would do. They won't even give it to blood relatives easily"
"That's why in a Magus clan, no one would learn Sorcery other than the successor. Children who are not chosen to be the successor would either grow up without every knowing Sorcery, or they will be adapted by others, this is the rule"
"Is that so----That's, good"

I hit my chest lightly
Sakura is a child that must live in ordinary days that have nothing to do with Sorcery
How can she be involved with this sort of senseless disputes that forced people to kill one another

"Now you understand, Emiya. Though I did become a Master, but I'm not familiar with Sorcery. You on the other hand...... True, you can use some, but you're just like an outsider in terms of knowledge. You see, don't you think this is perfect? We are both forced to become Masters, cooperate with me"

"......That is fine. But I have to make sure, are you doing this to protect yourself, Shinji"
"No, of course that's part of it, but we have to clear off the present enemy first, isn't it. Apparently I am seen as an eyesore to her"

"......As an eyesore......? You're not talking about, Tohsaka"

"Of course I'm! I wouldn't be this merciless otherwise......! ......Listen, that girl won't allow other Masters to exist. Emiya should understand if you're with her, right? But, though I don't know why, but Tohsaka really trusts you. I have no idea why is that, but that woman had no opening before? ---You see, don't you think this is a great chance to defeat her?"

As Shinji states so, he extends his hand to shake hand

......I didn't listen to what he said
Rather, I can't listen to what he said
If Shinji really wants to protect himself, then he wouldn't just tell me, but also Tohsaka


"Shinji. Do you know there's a guy that administrate the Holy Grail War"

"Aah, the priest of the Church. I heard he survived from the last time, but he seems to be very long-wined so I didn't go see him. It's not like I'm a Magus, isn't it troublesome to be forced to obey the rules of Magi"

That contradicts it
If he doesn't want to fight, then wouldn't the first thing he does be going to see priest Kotomine

"----Shinji. Do you know about the Field set in the school"
"I know. Though I can't sense it, but Rider told me. Anything wrong"

"......Then you didn't do it. Tohsaka said it was done by a Master from school"

"Aah, it wasn't me. I remember there's another Master in school, isn't it that guy"
"? Tohsaka said there was only one"

"You place too much trust in Tohsaka. Forget it, even if that's not the case it's that girl messed up. Tohsaka is looking for the magic circuits, right? Then I am not the Master she can sense. Since I don't have any magic circuit to begin with. From the start, I am an existence that won't show up on the radar of ordinary Masters"

......I see
Regardless of the atmosphere of Magi or command spells, they are both activated by mana

Then---If someone that has no many becomes a Master, you can only confirm directly by eyes
What Tohsaka said, the way to search for people carrying mana, not only can't find Masters like Shinji, but can't even notice them
For Shinji doesn't have the atmosphere of a Master that Tohsaka is looking for at all

"......Is that so. then what Tohsaka sensed earlier, was someone else"

I should remind Tohsaka when I am back
Since I already decided, then there's no need to stick around

"......! Hey Emiya, what about the cooperation"

"I refuse. I won't discuss with you on how to defeat Tohsaka. First of all, that girl haven't done anything. Though that girl and I...... will have to fight one day, but right now I can trust her, and I want to trust her"

"......Humph. I think it'd be too late to wait for something to happen. But since you said so then do as you like. I will be observing for now as you do"

Surprisingly, Shinji seems to give up already
He doesn't intend to persuade me to stay, nor is he telling Rider to stop me

......This Shinji is really complicated
Though his attitude is bad, but this guy seems to have his own standard of fairness as well

"......Well Shinji. This is a bit long-winded, but does Sakura know about this?"

"No, and I don't intend to tell her. The successor of Matou is me. I will let Sakura who knows nothing remain as my sister"

"----That's great. I also hope Sakura stays the way she is"
"Ah----. That so, since you're so worrying about Sakura, I should give my thanks as a brother. ......All right, let me tell you something useful, Emiya. I don't know who, but there's a Master nested in the temple"

"----!? Temple, you are not talking about Ryuudouji, are you!?"
"Aah. According to my Servant, apparently there's a witch hiding in that mountain. Since she's collecting souls in a large scale, it'd be very troublesome if she's not defeated sooner"

If that's true, then she would be the fifth one
And since he said that she's collecting souls in a large scale, then it's possible that she's the prime culprit behind that news from this morning

"And that's it for our talks. Rider, sends him back. Listen, Emiya is on our side. Don't hurt him"
Rider, ordered by Shinji, walks here

"......Nah, you don't have to"
"Don't mention it. It's my responsibility to send you to the front gate, it'd be troublesome if I let you get hurt. Aah Rider, send him to doorway is enough. He has nothing to do with me once he's outside, before that accompanies him carefully"
Shinji walks to the room inside

I look at Rider quietly
Rider who is engulfed by dark clothes does not speak
But surprisingly---When I take a closer look, she has a very vivid outline

The purple long hair that extends to the floor makes one sense the scent of blood, but at the same time I also notice that it's very beautiful
......No, because of that outfit of hers, so it'd be embarrassing to look at her eyes to eyes, but her clothes and outline, really match up perfectly

In a sentence to describe, she's a witch immersed in blood
Evil and sacred at the same time, the Servant named Rider, is full of contradictions as such

".........Now that I think about it"

Is there this many beauties, among the Heroic Spirits
When I raise my head to look at the face of Rider, I can't help but think---Eh, she's so tall for a woman
It appears that Rider is over one seventy centimeters

Now is not that time for calm observation
It's not a good thing to stay with Rider, I have to hurry leave the Matou residence

Rider really follows me to the doorway
......What should I do
Though I can't feel any life on her, but if I talk to her, perhaps she would answer some

"......Rider. Is what Shinji just said true"
I try to ask her

Rider doesn't have any reaction. Only the long hair is blowing by the wind

"......No wonder. I'm sorry, we're obviously enemy and I still ask this kind of thing"
I thank Rider, wave my hand and walks out of the doorway


"It's not a lie. There really is a witch inhabiting in that mountain"

"Please be careful if you want to defeat her. Because that witch, can read men like the back of her hand"

Rider utters lightly
Once I come to be from being stunned by her voice, I shake my head strongly

"Ah, well...... Thanks for your advice. ---And I'll leave Shinji in your care. That guy is just like that, you have to protect him"

I answer in a flurry
Did my posture amuse her

"......You're a very nice person. I can understand why Shinji would want to draw you to his side"
After smiling faintly, Rider vanishes into the Matou residence

Walking down the hill road, I'm back to the cross section
Go up from here toward the residential area on the other side, then I can be home---

"......A Master in the Ryuudouji, huh"
I can be on the mountain in an hour of walk
Pass the mountain roads that seldom have any visitor, I can find the mountain gate to Ryuudouji

Since Ryuudouji is a large temple on the mountain, the size is almost the same as the school
Even the graveyard is fairly wide, it can be said as a small world with fifty monks living in it
The town folks are been taken cared of by Ryuudouji in one hand, on the other hand they also revere Ryuudouji as a sacred ground, and wouldn't dare to enter for no reason

"......Right, I haven't been to Ryuudouji recently"

Ever since last summer, when I went to live there for mental training, I haven't gone there
Because I felt that the harshest days of living in temple is in the winter, so I planned to revisit during the winter break again---

"Mm? The man that skipped the afternoon classes, what are you doing here"
Speaking of the devil
The successor of Ryuudouji, Ryudo Issei suddenly appears

"Yo. Is the school over already?"
"Exactly. I am heading home because I had nothing to do in the student council, but what's the matter with you. Judging from what I saw, you seem to be gazing at the mountain"

"Aah, nothing much. I just felt like going home"
"Humph. Is that why you didn't go to classes, you're taking the teachers as actors. ---Anyway. I'm asking why were you gazing at the mountain"

"............I have some business. Issei, I have a question for you. Recently, is there anything strange going on?"
"Hm. there are often changes, but nothing big. The days on mountain are just peaceful, and peaceful is the way of daily life"

"Excuse me Issei. I am serious"
"You, you are being rude! I'm also serious"

"So it seems. Then I'm thinking too much"
"Humph, as long as you see it. Why would I make stupid jokes with Emiya"
Issei calms down after a cough

"......However, hm. Speaking of change, there is one"
"Eh......? Change, you mean in the temple......!?"

"Aah. Not on the mountain, it's the atmosphere inside the temple that's shifting. There's a troublesome guest, though it's someone father knows, apparently" A real beauty but difficult to handle. Seriously, what is everyone rioting for a woman for"

"A woman---is there a nun, in the Ryuudouji?"

"No. This one is a bit special, though she's only lodging here until the wedding----No, she certainly is a beauty, even I was stunned from looking at her drew water from well"
"What do you mean by a bit special......Uh, Issei? Heh-, can you hear me?"

"Hm, no. Women are forbidden. I should cut away sexual desire, calm down Issei"
The president of student council is muttering prayers
......I'm beat. An overly serious guy is very hard to handle at times like this

"Hey hey-, are you all right, Issei"
"No problem. I just thought that I still lack of practices, and I want to improve myself"

So he really isn't listening to me
Issei shouts to himself, and walks away to deep inside the town


When I'm home, the sun has already set
Same as yesterday, I'm the first one come back to home on today as well
Sakura and Fuji-nee should be back in a short while, Tohsaka will back too

"......If we want to discuss the matters I heard from Shinji, we'd have to wait until Sakura and Fuji-nee return......"
We can't talk in secret when those two are around
Since I've already decided, let's prepare dinner at once

I was beaten by Tohsaka yesterday, and I have to make Fuji-nee's mood change for the better
Cooking is more focused on efforts than romance
If I wish to win for sure, then I'd have to spend twice as much time as usual

----And then
The end result is

"Humph! What, I won't lost to you! Tohsaka is an idiot, a bad kid"
"I'm not talking about the taste of food. And since this is, according to Fujimura-sensei, the best dinner until now, then wouldn't it better to share with everyone"

".....Mm-......I don't think so. Didn't Tohsaka say that she doesn't really want to eat what Shirou makes"

"That's only in the morning. Dinner should be served properly, in addition, dinners are cooked by Emiya and me, so of course I've the rights to eat, right. If you don't like it, then Fujimura-sensei can cook starting tomorrow"

"Aw---That personality of yours just knows how to attack people's weaknesses. Damn it, I don't remember I have such an unreasonable student"
Fuji-nee put the rice box she held in arms back on the dining table reluctantly
And so, the special made fried rice for five returns safely

"......Fuji-nee. We have so much rice today, you don't have to rob it. I made the food according to the number of people"

"Yeah, yeah...... But Senpai, didn't you make a bit too much"

"Nn. I stack two layers in a rice bucket that holds four people's share, it's obviously too much"

"Not rice bucket, rice box. Doesn't matter, today's main course if rice so it's fine to make some extra. If there's leftover I can make them into rice ball, for tomorrow's lunch"

"Ah, then can you share with me? Though I don't like fried rice, but this is an exception. Ehh, it seems like you put many ingredients in, what are those?"

"This is basically fried rice with mushroom. Though I mixed in some deep-fry edibles but I also used pomelo to draw out the aroma, it's complicated"

"............Fine! I will eat up everything by myself, you guys just wait-!"

Apparently Fuji-nee gives up on robbing the rice box, and begins to deplete her bowl in a vigorous manner
The bowl is emptied in an instant, and Fuji-nee asks another one without stop

"......Sure you can do that. But you don't need to be in such a hurry, you will have your share anyway, Fuji-nee"
"Fine! I will eat Shirou's food, I'm not giving them to someone who has only been here for this couple days!"
Fuji-nee grabs the bowl back

Eh seriously, what mumbo jumbo
Sakura is smiling awkwardly, Tohsaka is stupefied and decided to ignore Fuji-nee, Saber is eating like it's not her business
......I finally pull myself together to cook, is this the opposite effect
The dinner that was supposed to make Tohsaka accept her defeat, was finished clamorously because of Fuji-nee's bizarre behaviors

"Then Senpai, I'm going to take my leave"
"Oh. Fuji-nee, take care of Sakura. Send her home properly"
"Yes yes. I know, relax"
Fuji-nee holds Sakura's hand in a brisk pace

"What's wrong? Shirou's expression seems as if you're confused"
"Of course I'm confused. A normal person wouldn't be able to move after eating so much"

"Is that true? Though it's a bit painful, but can't you move after you gobble it down?"
So the heart of the problem is at your unlimited appetite, Tiger
She certainly is worthy of your nickname, Tiger, if possible I really hope she doesn't burst into human society for no reason

"Then see you tomorrow. Don't stay up too late, you two"
"All right. Good night, Senpai"
"Hm, G'd night Shirou"

After seeing those two off, I am back in the living room
Since I said I have something to say after dinner before, Tohsaka and Saber are waiting for me with a serious expression

"Good work. ---So what are you going to talk about?"
"Relating to other Masters. I have something that I want you two to hear"
Saber raises her eyebrow slightly
......As a Servant, what's important to her is not peaceful everyday life, but rather brandishing sword to fight

But, her wounds shouldn't be healed yet
The wound on her chest which was penetrated by Lancer's 'Noble Phantasm,' even Saber can't cure it easily

Once I thought about it, I can't help but feel hesitated about whether I should talk about Shinji
I am like Shinji as well
We wish to avoid starting a fight as much as possible, not mentioning---The maiden in front of me, I don't believe that she's suited to fight no matter how much I think about it

"Shirou. Don't you have something to tell"
"A---aah. Right, I have to tell you about it. ......I will be frank. I met up with Rider, and her Master today"

"Wh, met up with the Master of Rider, when did that happen!?"
"How can this be! How can you meet up with enemy alone, what do you take your life as!"
"Whoa, wait up, calm down......! It's OK, I'm not hurt, don't get this angry"

"Don't get angry you say---No, I'm not angry. Just startled by Shirou's act"
"......I am the same as the one on my right side. Forget it, it's pointless to complain what happened in the past. Then, what's going on, Shirou"

Tohsaka and Saber stare at me with obvious anger
......This is terrible
Though I did expect to be called reckless, but I didn't think they would be seriously angry with me

"......We met this afternoon. But I only followed him because he said he was going to talk to me, no fight"
"I can see that myself. Then, what kind of guy is the Master of Rider"

"Not some guy, it's Shinji. He called out to me when I was looking for the Barrier in school. He said he had something to talk with me, so I followed him to Matou residence"

"Wh----Shinji, seriously that Shinji!?"
"Aah. Rider also listened to Shinji's words, and he also knew about the Holy Grail War. He said it's because the Matou is a Magus clan with history, is that true?"

"Eh---Aah, hm, it is true...... But that's not possible. Matou is supposedly withered away since last generation. The offspring of the Matou would not have any magic circuit no matter what. This is definite"

Tohsaka says with certainty
Since this girl is so affirmative, then Shinji and Sakura really are common people without magic circuits

"Aah, Shinji mentioned that too. But he also added that only the knowledge is passed down. And only Shinji the eldest son was learning, so Sakura doesn't know. ......Simply put, he's a similar to me. He said because he doesn't have mana, so he wouldn't be detected by Tohsaka"

"......Is that so. Oh no, so there really is a case like this...... Someone with a spell book should also be able to become a Master, aah seriously, wouldn't he know all my actions before then, idiot"

Tohsaka is self reflecting with murmurs
......Nm. Tohsaka is near perfect, but she seems to be a little clumsy
The problem is, she always screws up at the most crucial moment

"My mistake. I should've watched Shinji carefully. If I knew about it I wouldn't let him set up the Barrier"
"Aah, that's not right. Shinji said he wasn't the one set up the Barrier in school. He mentioned that there's another Master in the school"

"Hm, that's right. There is a Master that we don't know of in the school. But, Shirou. You're not buying what Shinji said about he didn't set up the Barrier, right?"

"......No, I'm not that nice of a person. Since Shinji is in the school, then I think there's fifty percent of chance that he did it. The other fifty, is the unknown Master"

"Fifty percent is it...... I think that's nice enough. Forget it, this way is fine too. It's your character, Shinji gave out his identity because of this as well"

"Enough. So what did you talk about with Shinji"
"He asked me to cooperate with him. Shinji apparently doesn't intend to fight either. It appears that he's looking for someone he knows to cooperate because of this"

"Eh---Shirou, you're not with Shinji"
"No, I refused, of course. I am already cooperating with Tohsaka. Even if I wanted to answer, I should've gone over with Tohsaka first, right"

"Ah......Nn. That, that's true. But didn't you already refuse?"
"Aah. Though that's what I said, but the answer for Shinji was something I made on my own. Not something I want Tohsaka to hear. ......Ah, was I too reckless after all?"

"...... No. Shirou's judgment was fairly correct, right? Anyhow, you were invited as an individual, it makes no sense for me to comment on it"
Tohsaka talks in an embarrassing manner, it doesn't feel like her somehow

"This is all what Shinji said. From what I saw, Rider isn't a very strong Servant. Not on par with Berserker, I think she doesn't have the threatening pressure of Lancer either. Rider herself is more normal than I thought"

"......Master's intuition should be right. But, a Servant's caliber is depended on the respective Noble Phantasm. Don't take off your guard until you know who Rider is, Shirou"

"......Aah. I have absolutely no clue what heroine Rider is. Both Lancer and Saber have strong impressions of a hero, right. However Rider doesn't, she seems to be different from ordinary Servants"

"----Different from ordinary Servant, huh. I don't see the reasoning, can you elaborate Shirou's perception, Rin"

"Eh......? Ah, hm, I do know the reasoning. Well, what kind of Heroic Spirit a Servant is, largely depends on the Master that summon them. Master and Servant, are very similar people"

"In another word, Master who is noble and virtuous, would summon a Heroic Spirit similar to his personality. On the contrary, people whose hearts are scarred with pains, will summon ones that share the same pain. The sense of unnatural Shirou felt on Rider is as such. Master who has a twisted mind, sometimes wouldn't summon out a hero, but a resentful spirit that is close to a Heroic Spirit"

"A resentful spirit that's close to a Heroic Spirit...... Is it that what, Tohsaka said before----"
"Correct. They're the murderers that enjoys the sight of blood, and have no regard for taking lives. Actually, there are also heroes that only left legends about mass murdering, so it's not strange for that kind of guy to become a Servant"

Is, that so
Rider did have the scent of blood on her, however she didn't leave me the impression of a blood lust demon......

"......Enough, that' it regarding Rider. One last thing, but it might be the most important. Because, from what Rider said, there seems to be a Master inside of Ryuudouji. That guy is apparently collecting mana from the people of the town, regarding this, what do your think?"

"Ryuudouji......? Ryuudouji as in, the temple on top of that mountain?"
"That' it. Well, did you think of something, Tohsaka"

"No way, on the contrary. I've never been to Ryuudouji. Though I don't what Master is there, but generally speaking no one would use such a remote place as a base"

"That's true. I was surprised when I heard Ryuudouji as well. Even if it wouldn't attract people's attention, but there are still many monks living in the temple. It'd raise a commotion if someone has done some suspicious acts"

"Humph-......We can't believe that yet. Even if that's truly the case, but isn't Ryuudouji in the outskirt? Collecting mana of Miyamacho and Shinto from there, is a waste of mana rather than a grand Sorcery. You can't possibly proceed such a large scale Sorcery even with all the mana you collected"

Having said that, Tohsaka ponders with a perplexed expression
Since I'm relying on Tohsaka's opinion, I can't say anything when this girl doesn't raise her face

"---No, what Shirou said is credible. Having occupied that temple, that level of Sorcery can be proceed naturally"
"? Saber, you know about that temple---Ryuudouji? I haven't brought you there yet"

"Shirou, have you forgotten. I joined the previous Holy Grail War. Hence I'm familiar with this town, and also know the fact that that temple is a spiritual ground"

"----Spiritual land!? Wait, shouldn't that be my house!? Why is there two key points of ley lines on one land!"

"That I do not know, but anyhow that temple, is what Magi would call a Sanctuary. Allegedly it is the center of ley lines of this region, so it's an excellent spot for collecting souls. A Magus can simply modify the flow of nature, and able to collect the source of life from the town"

"......This is the first time I heard of this. But, that certainly can steal away the life from the town folks......"

"Simply put, Ryuudouji is a land with superior spirituality, right? That's a given. Why else would they build a temple over there"

"Aw----That, that's of course. I knew that without you telling me"
"True. Temples, houses of gods and such, are always built at places close to gods to protect the town. Monks are not praying to gods for happiness, they're there to seal off the gate of demons and expel disasters. With this logic in mind, the mountain where Ryuudouji is at is of course a divine location as well"

"Eh---Though I don't think that's the case. But you are not taking Ryuudouji as a temple for decoration, are you?"
"Yeah, why not!? I always thought that temple is only for look, because there isn't any practical spell-users in that temple!"
"Spell-users......? Who are them"

"People whose souls become Buddha with methods other than reciting chants, confidence or praying. Though the enlighten ones can accomplish this by the power of Buddha alone, but since monks with shallower practice of disciplines can't come to contact with Buddhas, therefore they have to create spells that increase their own strength like us. Those people have something like an organization, but they're in conflict with our Magic Association in this country so I don't know the details"

"Wait, the temple itself is more important that that. If that temple is the ley line focus, then shouldn't Masters be occupying there place first? Why did others let that place go, isn't that strange"

"No, it's because Ryuudouji is there. Ryuudouji is guarding the focus of ley line to prevent it from being used by villains"
"Aren't all the monks in Ryuudouji just normal monks. They're not like us inhuman, if it's a Master, it'd be a piece of cake for him to get the better of them"
"Not true, Rin. Indeed, it'd be simple for Masters to suppress that temple. However, a Barrier that would inconvenient Masters is set up on that mountain"

"? A Barrier that'd inconvenient us......?"
"Affirmative. A spell was set on that mountain to exclude souls besides natural spirits. Though it's unaffected to living humans, but it's like a gate of demon for us"

"Excluding souls besides natural spirits---That means Servants can't enter that mountain!?"

"Not exactly, but our strength would be lower. For once we step in, we'd be like restricted by a command spell that order us not to close in"
"----Then, how does the Master of Ryuudouji maintain his Servant"

"No, there's no Barrier inside of temple. Allegedly that Barrier was originally the boundary line that protects the temple. The Barrier is something that only blocks outsiders, no ability beyond this"

"......Then we only need to figure out a way to get in there, and we can get around the spell that restricts the Servants? ......But it's really strange. Wouldn't isolating the temple also block away the ley lines. They should've at least opened up one route, so they can make it the focus of ley line, right?"

"Yes. The rule of the temple is, they would not refuse visitors come from the front gate. Because of this rule, I heard only the mountain road connects to the temple doesn't have the Barrier set up. Only the front gate of that temple, doesn't have the power to restrict us Servants"

"......So that's it. That's true, if all the doors are closed, the air would become dense. ......Humph, only has one front gate......"

"That's all I want to say. ---Then please state the conclusion. Since we know there's a Master, then I think there should be only one solution"

I know what Saber wants to say
Her eyes are uttering, since we know the location of an enemy, we can only attack

"I'm not going. It's a trap no matter how I look, and to be honest this much intelligent is still not enough. Since we're going to the base of an opponent, we should at least wait until we know who is the Servant of the opponent"

"......What a surprise. I thought Rin would engage the fight"
"You can belittle me for all I care. My Archer is not at his perfect condition yet, we'll be standing by for now"

"I see. Then Shirou, let us go to the temple"
Saber says matter-of-factly

"---No, I will do the same as Tohsaka. Don't make a move on them is better"

"Wh......Even you're saying you are not going to fight too......!? Foolish, what was the resting for! Since we locate our enemy, then we should attack immediately!"

"---I know. But hold on a minute, Saber. If the Master in Ryuudouji is such a careful guy, then he'd definitely set up a trap. It's suicidal to barge in there without any strategy. Tohsaka is right, I think we should at least wait until Archer is recovered"

"That sort of risk is a given. Since the beginning I've never thought about winning without getting hurt. Even if fall to traps, one can fight as long as one is still alive. Even if I'm seriously wounded, shouldn't it be all right as long as I defeat that Master!"

"Wh----Nonsense, how is getting hurt all right! Knowing the risks involved and go is fine. But this sort of suicidal action is just stupid. ......As you Master, I will not allow Saber to participate in that kind of danger"

That's right, go to Ryuudouji, is definitely suicidal
There must be some blockade on the only road to the temple
With this knowledge in mind and still going is fine, but pick a fight without any strategy to resolve the problem, is only suicide
Even if Saber is very strong, but she has a weakness, me

If she forces herself to fight, then in the end----

I will not let that scene to ever appear again

"......And here I was thinking what you were going to say. Listen Master, it's a Servant's duty to get hurt. I will not allow my Master to avoid battles because he's afraid of his Servant getting hurt"

"---Aah, you can not allow it or whatever. But I will stop you no matter how many times Saber wants to screw around. ......If you don't like it then heal your body sooner. Your wounds haven't completely healed yet, isn't it"

"That would not cause any problem in the battle. There's no need to delay the battle for the wounds"
Saber's will to fight has not been lower

Aah seriously, why is it that this girl still doesn't get it after I said this much......!

"Aah is that so. But I won't agree to it that imply. Didn't Saber say this before too, and was defeated by Saber!? Yet you still intend to force yourself to fight, so I can be defeated with you together!? Don't joke around, I don't want to die horribly like that ever again......!"

And then
She holds her breath for a moment, and I thought she'd talk back immediately

"......Isn't saying those words a little cheap, Shirou"

As if offering an apology, Saber whimpers

"............Sorry about that. Anyhow, it's not our turn to attack yet. I don't want to let the Master in Ryuudouji go either. But we're not at a state where we can fight yet. If we go to fight now, and got defeated, then who is going to stop the Master in Ryuudouji"

"Listen, it's our turn to take initiative after your wounds are healed, and everything is planned out. If you have any complain, go look for another Master already"

"---I see. If that's what Master wishes"
Saber replies with a calm voice, then becomes silent


......The conversation is over
Tohsaka is back to her room, so is Saber

I am left alone in the living room, being very regretful
No, it's too late to be regretting
There were other ways of saying it, why did I

Only used, the words that made her to show that kind of expression to persuade her---


This is a quiet night with no winds
Time has already passed twelve
There are no moving objects on earth, all things have fallen in a deep sleep

A precipitating darkness
The town is akin to a deep sea of shades, with only a few moonshines coming from between clouds

The clouds are flowing
No winds on earth
However the atmosphere is blustering high up in the air, flowing with clouds of many layers

"---The wind is rising"

Is it because she heard the voice of winds that cannot possibly be heard
Her ears quiver slightly, then she raises her head and utters

Staring into the sky, the one that stands in the yard quietly is the maiden named Saber
The blond hair is even more beautiful in the dark night, her clear green pupils look at the flickering moon


She takes a glance at the corner of the yard

Over there is the Storehouse, where her Master reclined

"----If you said you don't want to fight, that is fine"

The collision sound of steel and iron, has not let anyone heard, melts into darkness just like that
The moon is immerged, then reappeared
In that instant, when the clouds beyond flow away, the maiden's appearance changes suddenly

The heavy and hard armor of steel
That posture after wearing the blue clothes, can no longer be called a main
Weaved with the finest mana, the protection is akin to iron walls
An the invisible sword that is concealed with mana beyond human
The invisible posture on battlefields, even in modern time, defines her way of existence

Even without seeing the sword, her imposing manner still proves her an excellent swordsman
Hence she's Saber
The hero of sword that holds the highest ability among the seven Servants

Understands courtesy, the knight among knights that completes the will of her Master
Regardless of what other Heroic Spirits are, she's the only one that would never disobey her Master, the ideal swordsman

However, that comes an end tonight
She's standing here against the order her Master
No---In fact, she has not betrayed her Master
With her own way, this is the conclusion she reached in order for her Master to obtain victory

"---He's too naive. This way he would only be killed by other Masters"

But this Master, is perhaps unable to part with that naivete
Then, carry through the mission mercilessly would be my own duty
Since Master said that he doesn't want to fight, then just let me, the sword of my Master, to fight

"Wounds are not healed yet. And no mana supply from Master"

However, this is not going to affect the battle
She confirms her capability, then shift her gaze to the moon
She stops thinking about the Storehouse with her reclined Master
Since she's already in arms, then there's only the will to eliminate the enemy in her heart

The moon is immerged
While sheets of clouds covering the night sky, Saber flies over the walls surrounded the house

---Dashing under darkness

The silver knight, galloping on the sleeping streets

There's only one destination, Ryuudouji, at the side of the divine mountain rose at the outskirts
Saber herself knows as well, how difficult it would be to defeat the Master hiding in the temple by oneself
Shirou was right, attacking by oneself can be seriously wounded easily. In the worst case scenario, I might even be liquidated instead

However what kind of Servant am I if I can't pass through this kind of difficulties
What supports a Servant, is his remarkable abilities, and the absolute pride that cultivated through years

---The pride as a hero, is also the confidence of having the strongest caliber after going through numerous battle fields

Since we're the Heroic Spirits that are worshiped since the ancient times, then regardless of the identify of the enemy, failure is allowed
No, even imagining failure is not allowed

Even her young self is no exception
Precisely because she was given the title of a swordsman, she would not step down regarding her pride
Leave the enemy in front of her alone, is not a behavior allowed by her pride

Therefore, regardless of the traps, even by herself, she would engage the battle fearlessly
If there's no chance of winning, then create that chance with her own sword
The one she holds in hands is an infamous sword that once defeated many enemies
As long as she holds the Barrier of the Wind King, there's nothing for her to fear

Through the mountain roads, runs across the way to temple
After the road, what await her are stern stone stairs

"............Here, surely is"
This place is almost completely different from the Ryuudouji in her memories
The air is dense and heavy
The winds are dead
The source of life for the land, has already been contaminated

---This is a land of death
Once step inside, no one can't return alive

Even though, there is no need to hesitate
Saber dashes to the endless stone stairs, without lowering speed

The scenery of surrounding passes in blusters
The sounds of stepping on the stone stairs are echoing, the mountain is stirred up

The endless stairs
Even Saber who shots up like an arrow, is still faraway from the mountain gate
Such long distance, it's impossible to pass through the gate without letting the enemy to notice
There must be an ambush

Can't possibly arrive at the mountain gate easily

However, regardless of what strategy the opponent has in store, she can only crumble them under her footsteps and advance forward

There's nothing can stop her present self

Even if Rider shows up, she can break through with her present self---

This is her determination, and confidence as a swordsman
When breaking through all the obstacles, Saber can feel fulfill

Then she arrives at the top
Obstacle appears when she's not far away from the mountain gate

Saber halts her steps
Even she who already determined to break through all obstacles, is astonished by that 'enemy'

Natural body composure
The man that appears casually, too little animosity, and at the same time has no opening is hard to believe


Saber halts, raises her invisible sword
The man who carries the moon on his back, is tasting Saber's killing intent as if bearing a cool breeze

"---A samurai, eh"

Though she heard of it, yet she's still bewildered by the unfamiliar type of opponent
This is her second Holy Grail War
To her who has seen many Heroic Spirits, this is still her first time to see a Servant dress up like this


Sweats come off of Saber's forehead
Not fear, but because it's too difficult to comprehend

In the past, there were strange Servants such as this man as well
In terms of strangeness, and vague identity, the Archer from last time should know no equal
Compare to him, the Servant in front of her eyes has nothing to make people to fear, and no surprising armors

......But, this is what's abnormal
Saber can't sense anything from the man in front of her
He's a Servant for sure, but lacks the Noble Phantasm or mana that Heroic Spirits have specifically

He can be defeated easily then
One swing and the result can be decided
However, her intuition is telling her

---Don't make light of him
There is a certain kill skill on this Servant


The distance between the two has not shorten
Though that's also because she can not grasp that man's weapon----the attacking range is too long for a Japanese sword, but more importantly, Saber's position is too disadvantageous

The upper and lower of a stairway
The distance from that man is approximately five meters
Just step up like this, can perhaps bear that long katana's attack once

......However, she can't sense anything from that katana
Should be able to parry easily
Then she shall advance fearlessly, however, Saber senses intuitively, he can not be approached easily

Saber takes up her sword again, watches the enemy in front of her closely
Though she doesn't know his true identity, but at least she has to find out what class is this samurai

"......Let me ask of you. What Servant are you"

Saber asks without any hope of getting an answer

Facing Saber's question, that Servant smiles and then

"----Servant. Assassin, Sasaki Kojirō"

He speaks up as if he's singing

Saber's surprise is only to be expected
Servants must hide their true identities
How can there be a Servant that reveals it so bluntly---!

"What, are you planning----"

"How unromantic. Isn't it natural to reveal your identity in the face of your opponent? It's even more so if the opponent is someone as beautiful as you're. However, I did not expect you to show that kind of expression"

Assassin---The Servant who claimed himself to be Sasaki Kojirō, continues to talk as if he's savoring Saber's stunned expression

Saber has no idea
This Servant is the swordsman holding the long katana named 'Monohoshi Zao,' who was rumored to be invincible during the Keichō era

---No, there is no point of knowing it
His birth is unknown, and people can't even confirm whether he actually existed
The swordsman that only lives in people's talks, and famous for being the rival of the great sword master Miyamoto Musashi, is none other than this person in the world. He is Sasaki Kojirō, the rival whose historicity is nonexistent

That can't be called a hero
Assassin---Sasaki Kojirō, is an existence that has too much difference from Saber
Without the swordsmanship to be treated as a Heroic Spirit, which Servant as a Heroic Spirit would know


There are only two things are facts
The man before her eyes is an enemy, and he introduced himself

"......I see. Since my opponent has introduced himself, I shall give my name according to the courtesy of knights"

Saber replies ponderously
For the risk of revealing her true name is much too great
No matter how much pain she has to bear, she should not speak of her true name, and she did not have any intention to do so either

---But, that's for nothing but victory
She can't possibly stain the faith of knights over something like this

"Your name, Kojirō, is it. ---Oh Assassin, I am"

"No need. Are you the kind that have to reply after knowing the name of another. Sigh, the unromantic one is me"

Assassin steps down the stone stairs gracefully, to confront Saber

"I never thought of understanding the enemy from that. For our kind, to know the enemy through this sword alone is sufficient enough. Isn't that right, swordsman"

"Is there a need to be that astonished? I don't know what's the object that you hold, but the killing intents surrounding you is belong to a swordsman. ...... Hm, the brilliance of the spirit of your sword has dazzled me---What else can you be other than a swordsman"

Another step
Assassin steps down the stone stairs, points the sharp of his long katana toward Saber

"Need not to know the true names. With this long katana alone, defeat the Servant named Saber is enough. Need not to speak. ----Isn't this what a Servant supposed to do?"

The swordsman smiles merrily

"----I see. That's certainly true"

Oppositely, Saber grabs the sword in her hand tight

"This is the way. ---Let's duel Saber. You must let me witness, the top-notch swordsmanship among Servants----"

The silver light is leaping
Solid and supple
The battle between two swordsmen that are fundamentally different in nature, has sparked under the moonshine

Interval End

"Uuh, ..................!"
The pain of as if my chest starts to burn wakes me up
......It feels like I had some kind of ominous dream
Though it's in winter, but I'm sweating all over, my breathing is disorder as well

"......What's wrong......My chest, hurts so much----"
It feels as if my heart has been heated up
No, to be more precisely, it's more like heat energy has been forced into me from outside

"----From, outside......?"
A curious question rises in my mind
Before pondering over what exactly is it, my body has ran to outside already

"Saber, are you there......!?"
I run into the room
Pull open the sliding door, enters the room where Saber is supposedly sleeping in

"----Not here. That girl, I don't suppose she"
No, nothing to be supposed
If she's not here, which means that girl----went to Ryuudouji by herself......!

"Bastard, why......! Your body is obviously not healed up yet, why do you still----!"

My head is in pain because of too much anger
Why didn't she listen to me
I didn't say I don't want to fight
Just that

I don't want that girl, to be hurt like that is all......!

It's pointless to be feeling down now
I have to hurry to Ryuudouji now
I can't let Saber fight by herself
No, even if I don't know what can I accomplish once I'm there, but there should be something I can do......!

"Aah seriously---She should be more obedient if she's a girl......!"
I run
Dash outside without changing clothes, take out the bicycle that I rarely used, galloping full throttle
Rushing down the slope without a break

----Even I rush, it'd take forty minutes to Ryuudouji
Though I don't know when did Saber take off, but anyhow I have to catch up to her as soon as possible----!



The blades cross
Countless traces of brandishing swords
Countless shines of blades
The clashing of blade and sword, scatter sparks

---They have exchanged blows tens of rounds already, however, both of their positions have not changed

Assassin who stands on the higher stair stays still
Saber who wants to rush on the stone stair can't advance even one step either, just exhausting time and stamina

Saber advances forward tens of times without a break
Assassin on the other hand only brandishes the over-five-shaku long katana easily, defends against Saber's charges (Note: shaku = 10/33 metric meter)

No, that's a matter as effortless as defending
If to say Saber's sword is a lighting strike, then Assassin's long katana is a gale
Though both his speed and power are inferior to Saber's, but that gentle course has completely sealed off Saber's attacks

The accelerating counter-attack afterward, blows toward Saber's head akin to a storm

---And toward Saber, who just dodged that attack in a hair's with, the supposedly dodged long katana, has stroked again with no breaks

On the contrary to the straight line technique of Saber, Assassin's blade is depicting curves
Though Assassin's directions are elegant, but since it draws curves, therefore it's not swung in the shortest distance
Hence, Saber's straight line technique should be able to catch up, however, Assassin somehow has a way to make this difference void

Saber halts her advancing steps
The sword in her hands, cannot catch up to the counter-attacking long katana
In order to avoid it, Saber can only retreat speechlessly

The technique of Assassin is brilliant, and at the same time, it also has a speed that's difficult to see clearly

Is this contradiction caused by Assassin's technique, or is this because she herself is under a disadvantageous position to the enemy from above
Saber dodges the Assassin's chasing long katana, parries the blade that comes for her head with the sword in her hands, without analyzing

When notices it herself, she retreated another few steps already
A long sword of such length
She should be able to draw near after one block, however she can't do it no matter what

The outstanding technique of her enemy, and her absolutely disadvantageous standpoint

If this is a flat surface, then I wouldn't be in a struggle with that long katana, Saber thinks this way. She bites her lower lip unconsciously

"---You're tough to handle after all. I didn't know it'd be so troublesome to deal with a invisible sword"

Assassin has not moved
For him, this battle is only guarding the door
He does not have the need to force himself to chase after the retreating Saber, and it's not possible to give up his advantageous upper position

"......Hmm. It's your first time to see a sword in this form, right? My technique is sinuous, if any ordinary person is in your place, he would lose his life in the first blow. And you are able to defend yourself for so long, I am very pleased, Saber"

"In addition, your attack is also ingenious. It's unexpected for such a small body to use a long sword in such way, I'd imagine your whole body has gone through training"

Because there's no need to chase, Assassin observes Saber leisurely

The blade is hanging down powerless
But that can't be treated as an opening and advance
That man doesn't have any stance

If one cannot brandishes sword in any stance, one cannot use that long katana

"What's wrong? You can't possibly end like this. Before I see that invisible sword and defeat you"
"Humph, when are you going to shut your mouth----!"

The clash of blade and sword

"---Good, got it......!"

The long katana is stopped in the mid air
Assassin smiles, looks at the long katana that parries the invisible sword, and blocks away the next strike just like this----

And Saber, on the other hand, blocks a flash aimed at her head

Saber knows
Right now the reason she can block Assassin's strange technique, is all thanks to this sword
The invisible sword can confuse the opponent's senses in regardless of offense or defense

Therefore Assassin doesn't chase closely
It's too risky to attack, if he doesn't know the length of Saber's weapon in hands
If Assassin wants to give Saber a fatal blow, then it can only be done when----

Saber strikes down at Assassin's forehead
And Assassin

Dodges that blow completely, just by retreating slightly

"......Fine, I can estimate it with my eyes now. Blade is approximately three shaku long, width is around four sun. The shape......Hm, just as the name of swordsman suggested, is a classic Saber" (Note: sun = 1/33 inch)

Though he talks as if it's nothing, but it's needless to mention how outstanding that sight is
The speed of Saber's hit, is difficult to grasp even if the sword is visible
However, Assassin not only blocks the invisible sword, and he can even comprehends its entire feature----

"......I can't believe this. You didn't use any Sorcery, nor did we have any actual cross swords, but you can speculate my sword"

"Oh, are you surprise? However this is nothing but street performance. Since I'm a sinuous swordsman, I'm only skilled at this sort of techniques"

"--I see. Your strategy is to avoid a direct frontal hit, just slash from the side. Sinuous swordsman, did that title come from your avoiding attitude"

"Ha---Eh, forgive my rudeness for not confronting you face to face. However you say, this long katana, will certainly break in a direct confrontation. Though it's essential for you to determine the outcome of duels by strength, however I cannot do so. I cannot wrestle you with strength, or cross sword with you"

"This is what a katana is. The Western swords, rely on their weight and strength to slash objects. However, our blades resort to speed and technique to cut open objects. It does make sense that our fights don't go along, does it?"

"But...... This does spark my interest. Isn't this a good opportunity, Saber? Isn't it about time for you to stop hiding your caliber"

"----Assassin. I have not"

"Are you trying to say you have not been hiding your caliber from me? I don't know what's your intention, but hide your sword inside the sheath is a form of belittling in a battle. Do you mean to say, my caliber is not enough for you be serious?"

"Oh. That expression of yours, so you still don't want to comply. ---Fine, then this is the end of that. Since you are reluctant to take the initiative, then I will let you see my secret sword technique"

After the swordsman with long katana announced such
He slowly descends to the side of Saber


For Assassin, gives up the advantageous higher position is the equivalence of been defeated
Certainly Assassin is an excellent swordsman, but this position condition is also a factor

If they're standing on the same surface, Saber can bounce off Assassin's long katana with one blow, and possibly behead him in this fashion
Assassin should know this as well

But, why----

"Raise your sword. Otherwise you will die, Saber"

Saber's intuition is reacting to Assassin's calm voice

----That sentence is serious

Even if Assassin steps down stairs, it would not be an advantage for herself
The intuition of Saber after going through many battles, is warning her own mistake

Saber raises her invisible sword promptly
There's no time to hesitate
Before Assassin brandish that long katana, it'd be fine as long as her own sword can barge in----!

The distance between the two is not even three meters
In front of Saber who steps forward intending to shorten the distance in an instance, Assassin takes up his stance

That is
Since the beginning of this battle, a never before seen swordsman stance

"Secret sword technique--------"

Saber advances
The long katana has lost its purpose
Since he is been drawn near, that length is a hinder instead

"--------Tsubame Gaeshi"

That kind of common sense, doesn't exist in front of this swordsman

A lightening strike
With a speed superior to Saber, the diabolic strike falls down in a vertical fashion---!

However this level of strike, is not something Saber can't handle
Saber quickly uses the sword she raised to defend, bounces off Assassin's strike with all his mights......!

"I did it......!"
Even if it's Assassin, the strike that was blew off just now, will definitely cause an opening when he rebuilt his stance
In that less than one second of gap, in the instant of Saber sweeping toward Assassin's abdomen


All of a sudden, relying on completely her intuition, Saber falls down from the stairs

It's a fall in order to dodge
There's no preparation for landing at all
Saber only tries her hardest to let her body lie down, and falls down from stairs along the way

After Saber is back on her feet
The other end of her sight, is the long katana swordsman who stands leisurely

"Oh. You dodged my secret sword technique. You certainly deserved your name, Saber, you're on a different level from swallows"

"---I can't believe this. That, just now, can't be"

"What is it, it's nothing worth mentioning. Just something I learned naturally, when I felt like cutting down swallows one time"

The long katana is lifted ever slightly
As if depicting the strike previously---the move of the diabolic sword that frightened Saber

"Did you see it, Saber. Swallows, can dodge the blade by bearing the winds. It has nothing to do with fast or slow. No matter what kind of blade, cannot be brandished without vibrating the air, right? They change their flying direction by sensing that vibration. Therefore, regardless of what kind of strike it is, it cannot strike down swallows. A blade is nothing but a line. It does make sense for a blade to miss a swallow that flies around in the air"

"Then, just rounds up its way out. One blade attacks the swallow, the other one seals off the swallow's escaping route by dodging the winds. However they're highly agile. This long katana cannot make it to the second strike. To make it happen, it'd have to be in an instant, both blades proceed at the same time, but that's already out of reach for humans. Though I already knew this cannot be realized, however----"

"----Unfortunately, I didn't have anything else to do anyway. It started with a thought, and it was already finished when I realized. The boring thought of cutting down swallows, became as secret sword technique that use multiple sword paths to make a prison"

Assassin says calmly, but Saber is shaking head in her mind
The sword technique just now can't be that simple
Nearly at the same time? How is that possible
Those two blades came at the exact same time
Assassin---Sasaki Kojirō's long katana, became two in that instant

"......Multi-dimensional inflection phenomenon......A Servant, without using any Sorcery, just sword technique alone, to reach the realm of Noble Phantasms----"

This is what should be astonished of
Because of the strike before, Saber understands clearly
Sasaki Kojirō, doesn not have the 'Noble Phantasm' of a Heroic Spirit
He only has, a diabolic sword that reaches the realm of gods

And hence---This man can be on par with Heroic Spirits that armed with Noble Phantasms with a human's body---!

"Unfortunately this is not a good standpoint. Tsubame Gaeshi has three courses originally. If this place is wider, I could've added the strike from aside"
"......That's true. Otherwise it'd lose the edge. Even at the same time, two blades would be too slow no matter how. For this, there should be a third blade blocking the way out from the side"

"What a sharp ability to comprehend. Is that why you could dodge my secret technique. ---Gr, this is wonderful, Saber......! I was cursing myself for being summoned to this material world, but that should be ended tonight. If I can realize the duel that I couldn't fulfill in my past life, brandish my secret sword technique until I'm satisfied, then the summoning would be worth it----"

Assassin raises his long katana again, steps down the stairs
Is his goal, Saber's head
Saber doesn't have the confidence to dodge that secret sword again
Same as Lancer's Gáe Bolg, Assassin's Tsubame Gaeshi is not a sword technique that cannot let it happen

No, she would have figure out a way to deal with Gáe Bolg, once she knows it'd definiltely aim at her heart. However even if she knows about Assassin's secret technique, she still doesn't have any clue on how to tackle it

If there's anything she can do, that would be to stop him from using his secret sword

The only chance of winning, would be defeating him with her strongest strike, before Assassin uses his secret sword----

"......I see. You're indeed an opponent that I cannot hide my true caliber"

Lower position
Saber stares at the closing in Assassin, as if she's going to pierce the ground with the invisible sword

"Oh......? Is that so, you're finally going to be serious, Saber"

Assassin stops coming down, and takes up his certain death stance once again
And Saber

"----I don't have any regret either. Can you endure my strike, oh Assassin......!"

Saber looks at Assassin coldly, lifts off her own restrain

The atmosphere is vibrating
The invisible sword blows off a torrent of winds, as if responding to her will

Assassin retreats slightly
But of course, for the wind pressure released by Saber is most unusual
Not only Assassin, even the firm and solid mountain gate is trembling

That's a storm wind that is near exploding
The once sealed off air is now released, raging the surrounding
What was released from Saber's sword, is a storm that can blow off human easily

That's the power on her sword
The Barrier of the Wind King is just as the name suggested, is a sword that seals winds
The sword is entwined by compressed that change the refraction angle of the light, to make the sword appears to be transparent
Once unleash the wind, this phenomenon will occur
The air unleashed is emanating to the surrounding arbitrarily, as if it's running away

---And in the midst of it all
There is a restrain spell on her sword that can manipulate storming winds freely
With Saber's massive mana, the Barrier can perhaps be maintained for a few minutes
Indeed, even after unleashing so many winds, her sword is still transparent

"......Humph. Just like a typhoon, however----"

The magnitude of the storm has not decreased a bit
The storm unleashed from Saber's sword, is as if ready to swallow up Assassin immediately

"---This can't possibly be your limit. Let me witness what's the depth of this storm, Saber......!"

In the midst of this storm that makes one narrow his eyes, Assassin shorten the distance between the two

Saber's hand moves
In order to counter the strong winds that prevent one from advancing, Assassin is still closing in leisurely, Saber raises the sword whirled with storms----

Interval End

"What is that----!?"
Upon arriving at Ryuudouji, I hear the sound of wind akin to typhoons

"The one over there---- is that Saber"
On top of the stairs, there is a suit of armor that seems to be Saber in front of the mountain gate, who is against a man wearing a kimono
The typhoon is unleashing with Saber as the center, the woods on the mountain is making noises as if been pressured by Saber

"Wait......Damn it, how do I close in like this......!"
I can't open my eyes under the storm
Though I somehow make it near the stairs by lowering my body, but the winds are getting stronger again

"This way, won't do----"

I can't get close to Saber
Though I saw in a distance on top of there, Saber is fighting with someone, but I can't do anything

No, even if I am close to Saber under this wind, I will only be a hindrance---
My left hand is in pain again

The command spells carved on the back of my hand is hurting
......I don't know what does this mean

Just, once the hand starts to hurt

It makes me remember that scene, I can't help it----!

"......Damn it, I don't care anymore......!"
I shut my eyes, extend my hand toward the stairs
Press down my body so I won't be blown off by the winds, my feet step on the stone stairs

The wind keeps increasing
I don't know what is happening up there, the overflowing mana is powerful enough to make an immature Magus like me to feel its presence

Command spells are hurting me
Winds are roaring, as if they're warning me about what is going to happen up there

"......Wait. Is it possible that, this is......"
Is it Saber's mana
If that's the case----

"That girl, her body is already in that condition why is she still messing around----!"
No, more importantly, is she going to be fine
Saber can't recover her mana
Then supposedly she can't use her mana easily
If she doesn't let me handle the fight, and she only provides assistant, one day she'd use up her mana----

I stand up, and run up the stairs
This is not the time for climbing up slowly
Though I don't know what Saber is planning, anyhow I have to stop her----!

It was only a coincidence that I dodged it
While I was running toward the mountain gate, a dagger-like object flew before me

"----Who is it!?"
I look to the outside of the stairs, in the thick mountain forest
......Without a doubt
I didn't notice because of this strong winds, but there certainly is someone hiding around here......!

"Don't joke around---Stop hiding and show yourself......!"
I shout loudly
The voice that is supposed to be surpassed by the strong winds
Is echoing loudly on the stairs, even I am surprised

"----The wind......stopped?"
I look over to the mountain gate
Over there
The man in kimono who holds a long katana, and the back of Saber

"That's stop here, Saber. Someone wants to take a glimpse into that secret sword"
The man in komono smiles lightly
He's looking at the thick mountain forest, as do I

"If this continues, it wouldn't be just our duel. That shameless man hiding there might assault the one survives, or just simply wants to spy on your secret sword. ......Anyhow, it's not very comfortable"

The man says as if he's bored, and starts to walk up the stairs
"----Wait a minute......! Don't you want to finish this, Assassin......!"

"If you want to cross this mountain gate, then let's finish this. Regardless of anyone, I won't allow him to cross this gate. However---Unfortunately that's the extend of my duty. If you want to go back, then I don't intend to stop you either. However, the bastard hiding there is another matter. Opponent who doesn't meet my eyes can't pass here without been dead, nor return alive"
The man named Assassin climbs up the stone stairs step by step

"We're disrupted Saber. But, there's another man that I too didn't notice. If we continue, the entire secret sword would be seen through......The disruption is just on time. This should be considered a good luck for you"

Saber lowers her head as if she's very unwilling to admit
......Killing intent is fading away
Not because of Assassin's words, perhaps Saber herself realizes it's very unfavorable to fight here

"Look, there's someone here to pick you up. Is that chap there your Master. You better leave before the peeping tom make that chap his target"
And then Assassin disappears
Did he change to his spiritual form, anyhow that means he won't make another move as long as we don't advance any further

Saber says nothing
Just turns her back at me, stands still

"......Heh, Saber......?"
There's no response even if I call her
When I feel strange and walks up

The armor that protects Saber, is gone suddenly
Fragile, only wearing her blue clothes, she didn't turn her head back, her body sways for a second


I fold Saber who falls down from stairs on her back in my arms
Saber doesn't move at all, shuts her eyes and loses conscious as if she's in a lot of pains


..................I am finally back
I carried Saber, ran for a about two hours back to home from Ryuudouji
Though I was unease, but I finally return safely nevertheless

I put Saber down on the hallway
Saber is so light. Only about forty kilograms, I shouldn't feel tire supposedly

However, that's when I'm carrying merchandises
I never knew this before, holding a sleeping person---a girl on top of that---and walk, is such a tiresome labor
Not just physically, but especially mentally
The softness that I felt while holding, and the sounds of breathing near me, distracted me all to well

"......Seriously......Why did you faint all of a sudden"
I look at Saber who fell asleep
......She's not out cold, is she
Though she's sleeping as if she's dead, but then again she looks as if she'd wake up upon a call

............Damn it
I had so many things that I wanted to tell her when I rushed out of house, but how can I say anything of those if she's sleeping like this

"......Forget it. I will give you a beating when you wake up, Saber"
I utter quietly
Then, just as I intend to hold Saber again and hold out my hands

"......Forget it, whatever you like. What Shirou does in his spare time, has nothing to do with me"
It's already over two o'clock in the morning, and Tohsaka still appears on the hallway

"Toh, toh-toh-toh-toh-toh-toh-tohsaka......!?"
"What, you look like you just met a ghost. I don't care, go on. I'm only up to drink water"

"Eh---Ah, not! This is not, definitely not! Erm, it's a long story, in any case I just want to take Saber to a room do you see what I'm talking about......!?"

"Hm. More or less"
"Lie, that's a lie! You talk like you know nothing!"

"I said I understand. Saber went off to fight by herself, and Shirou went to stop her, right? And then something I don't know what happened and Saber is back fainting. Well, what about it?"

"Ah......hm, hm. You're good, that's exactly what happened. How did you know so well"

"Of course. There's a high probability that Saber will go out to fight by herself, and once a Servant starts to fight the Master will find out. So this development is completely within the range of predictable"

"---Is that so. That, is very good"

......Er, which is to say Tohsaka knew Saber would go out to fight by herself, huh

"Then, what are you going to do? Not going to bring Saber to the room? Even for a Servant, I think she'd catch a cold sleeping here"

"No, I told you I am just about to bring her to the room----"
Though I plan to hold Saber up
It's difficult to do it, when I'm been watched like this

"......Tohsaka. Sorry about this, can you give Saber a lift"
"Me? Forget it, that's fine too. Then can you go make tea? I am a bit interested in what you two are going to say"

Tohsaka lifts Saber up
......I'm bothered by the fact that Tohsaka is suddenly very understanding at this time, but since I asked her the favor, I can only go make tea

Tohsaka brings Saber to my room
And I go to kitchen to brew up tea

"---I supposed she doesn't like Japanese tea. ......But then the only black tea left in my house is in tea bag"
Forget it, I can't help it when there's none left
Let her complain if she wants to, I brew up the tea with a tea bag simply

"Shirou, can you come here for second?"
Oh, Tohsaka is back
"Aah, hold on a minute. I will be right there"
I put the tea cup for two on the plate, and walk to the living room

----And then
The one next to Tohsaka is, Saber who changed into a dress

"Sa-Saber......!? How, didn't you fall asleep......!?"

"She did sleep already, and? It's not like she will go on sleeping forever, Saber just woke up. It seems that her body ceased to function because she spent too much mana all at once. It's the same as the safety switch in circuits. Because it'd cause short circuit, therefore it force shuts down the power"

Saber ignores Tohsaka's explanation, just remains silent
"You, you----"
Once I see her in her usual self, those words that piled up like a mountain come back to life

"Saber, you......! Do you realize what you've done!?"
"---How can I not. I went to Ryuudouji, fought with Assassin. At that time, we stopped short because we were aware of a third Servant that was spying on our fight"

"......! No, that's not what I was going to say! What I want to say is, why did you go to fight!"
"Is it that question again. It's a given for Servants to fight. Shirou on the other hand---you who are a Master, why did you tell me not to fight"

"No, that's----"
I can't help but find myself unable to say anything
......Since I already decided to fight as a Master, then I can't avoid fighting
I also know that telling Saber not to fight is a contradiction
However, even then

I don't want that scene to appear again

"I'm the one that wants to ask. Shirou appears to detest fighting, but do you have the intention to survive in the Holy Grail War. Wouldn't follow your policy only mean to be defeated by other Masters"

---How can that be
If someone is picking a fight with me, I'd counter unkindly, I don't want to watch myself getting killed either
However, that's completely different, I can't let Saber fight

"No. It's not that I detest fighting, I'm----"

To me, there is a much simpler reason
Simply put, I am

"---It's not right to let girls be hurt. As a man I cannot let this kind of thing happen. Therefore, rather than let you fight, I would fight myself"
"Wh---You mean, you won't let me fight because I'm female......!?"

"Are you serious!? Servants are ones that protect Masters. It's natural for us to be hurt, we are summoned for this purpose......! Servants have nothing to do with gender, and do you intend to treat me as a woman! Please correct what you just said......!"

Saber opens her eyes wide, approaches me
But, I would not be pressed down by her imposing manner

What is she talking about---Before I'm a woman, I'm also a knight

With such a slender body, that even I can lift up, what sheer nonsense is she talking about......!

"Who is going to correct it! So what if Saber is very powerful, you're still a girl! Don't say those silly things all the times, stupid"

"......! Aren't you the one talking silly......! You're not thinking that you don't want to be protected by a woman!? This body of mine is already a Heroic Spirit, please forget about those minor details!"

"What minor details! Aah seriously, even if Saber can do it I cannot! It's wrong to let someone else fight in your stead to begin with. I'm not going to----"

I am not going to allow, someone else to be hurt from protecting the useless me
Saving others is my duty
I work so hard until this day, because I want to become someone like Dad who help others---

"......Damn it. Listen, don't fight, Saber. Brawling is men's job, so I will take on the fights. You shouldn't have any complaint then, I will fight just as Saber wishes"

"Wh--You really know how to talk nonsense......! Do you think humans can fight with Servants!? Shirou should know that's impossible from actual experiences! Please recall the time when you were assaulted by Lancer. Shirou would certainly be killed, if I didn't show up at that time. Regardless of what kind of Servant the opponent is!"

"Th-that kind of thing you won't know until you try it! I was just unprepared at that time. But now I can think of many strategies, at least I can ambush him!"

"Ridiculous. Shirou's defense is no different from paper"
"Whoa, what you just said is really mean, Saber!"

"You're the one humiliating Servants. You actually expect to defeat Servants with a mortal body, who do you think you are"

Saber and I stare at each other angrily
This is no good. There's no consensus no matter how much we talk

"That's not it, Saber. Shirou is not humiliating Servants. Let me break in the conversation for a bit, it won't go anywhere if this part is misunderstood"
"Rin......? What are you saying......?"

"Hm. Simply put, this guy just simply hates to let you get hurt. Though I don't know why, but Shirou is a man that sacrifices himself. Neh? You value Saber more than yourself, right?"
Tohsaka looks over to me

"----That-that's not the case......! I never said I value Saber"

"Lies, lies. Otherwise you wouldn't say you're going to fight yourself. Because you also knew that you can't win against Servants. Yet you still said you want to fight, that means you value Saber more than yourself, isn't it"

No, surely, now that I think about it, that does seem to be the case----

"Therefore you want to fight while knowing that you would lose. You know you can't win yet you still want to win. Even if the result is your own death is fine as well. Because for you, others are more important than yourself, for reason that I do not know"

I definitely, wasn't thinking that way, however

"That's how it is. You see, Saber. This guy is an idiot that wants to protect you even if he has to face Rider. That's why he'd seriously say that he wants to fight"

Not sure how effective are Tohsaka's words
Saber takes a deep breath, and turn toward me

"Wh-what, Saber"
"I permit you to fight. However, I have my idea as well"
"----What-what is it"

"Training of swordsmanship. I will teach you swordsmanship, whenever Shirou's time allows so. If you agree to this, I will agree to your suggestion"

Which means, Saber is going to train with me......?
Because she agrees to let me fight from now on......?

"Wait a minute. That's unnecessary, Saber. Teaching Shirou swordsmanship? Forget it, it's impossible to be able to match up with Servants that easily, isn't it"

"That's for sure. However it's still better than knows nothing absolutely about swordsmanship. At least he won't at a lose during combats. Though we can only bet on Shirou's determination, but real fights are like this. People who are unsuited to fight, won't learn anything no matter how much is taught"

"......Hum-ph......Forget it, that is true if I think about it. The realization of fighting, you won't lean it your whole life unless you fight once"

"Yes. Therefore I must let Shirou has one, not, not just once, as long as the time allows, I have to let Shirou experience 'the result of fighting to death' continually, to make him get used to fighting"
What these two are saying sounds very dangerous

"Wait a minute. I haven't said----"

"Then I will be teaching Sorcery lessons. If Saber is going to train his body, then I will be nurturing his knowledge. ......But, this is what was promised since the beginning, let the real training starts tomorrow"

"He's in your hands. If Rin does that, I can concentrate on swordsmanship too"

"No problem, no problem. Let's dismiss since it's decided. There are many things to take care of tomorrow"
Tohsaka waves her hands and walks off to the Separate Building

"I will be taking a break too. Please rest as well, Shirou. For we will be exercising in the dojo tomorrow"
Saber bids good night slightly then returns to her room

Only the black tea that no one touched, and myself who stand idly remain in the living room

"---That's not right, I didn't say a word"

Of course no one bothers me

---And then
The already strange situation, is developing toward a even more strange direction
There's no way to predict what kind of life will I lead after tomorrow

"......Off to bed. Anyway I have to save up stamina"
Health comes first
What I can do, is only grasp the illusionary hope, that as long as my body is fine, I can endure the hardship no matter how much pain
