Feeling the bright sunlight.
The wind comes from the tiny opening between the doors.
Cold air from outside hitting my face.
I slowly open my eyes.

[Eh? --- Oh, it’s the storage room───]
I straighten up my body. Shaking my head that barely woke up,
[Oh yeah, so I slept like that last night.]
After the habitual training ─── after letting my body getting trained of a different sensation, I felt troublesome to return to my room, so I slept here.

[It’s not even six yet outside. --- This is bad, I need to prepare breakfast.]
I fold up the blanket, took care of yesterday’s again failed “Enhancement” pieces, and went back to the main room after I washed my face.

[───It’s so coldddddddd--]
I’m barely outside the storage room, and the harsh drop of temperature outside caught me.
Even though Fuyuki city is quite warm in winter, this side of the mountain retains the coldness of winter.

[Oh, so it starts to frost. ---- I should probably take care of the sod.]
Thin ice breaks in a Pah-Lah-Pah-Lah sound,
The ground is frosted; movements leave behind footprints

After washing my face with the cold tab water, I finally woke up.

Completely awake now.

After I’m awake, my current condition appears in my mind; the kind of things that I don’t want to think about.
[---- Right, it’s not a time to casually wash my face----]
Time is 5:54 in the morning.
Although there are mountains of things to do, I’ll need to go back to my room to see how Saber is.

[…. Right, because I left the room without telling her, I need to explain to her.]
It will be troublesome if Saber misunderstands.
….. Midnight, going to the storage room before I sleep is for habitual training. Saber should be able to understand if I tell her.

[After I explain to Saber, I’ll need to prepare breakfast. … Tohsaka probably won’t eat, so all I need to make is Saber’s share.]
Oh, right. I’ll need to buy more food for the increasing number of people; I should take note of it somewhere before I forget.

[…… mmmm? Something I’m forgetting…?]
What is it?
Feels like, I have forgot something very important ───

[Damn, six o’clock. I won’t make it if I don’t hurry.]
Oh well, if I can’t remember then it could not be anything important.

I open the door, lightly.
The room is the same as yesterday.
There is no sign that Saber woke up, trying to find me in my room.
Seems like she didn’t notice.

[… I’m kind of disappointed. I thought Saber would at least notice.]
Unless… right now she needs to sleep so deep that she can’t notice this kind of thing…

[… Right, she mentioned that she will need to sleep often to maintain her physical form. This must be what she’s referring.]
So she could, arrive promptly when something happens near her…

In any case, as long as we are inside it shouldn’t matter where.
This barrier can detect enemies’ intrusion.
So I can at least defend myself for about a minute. As long as there is a minute, Saber should have no problem getting to me from any place here.

[… That’s right, and the storage room is a place for concealment.]
At least, what I did last night was not something that could anger anyone.
Even though I originally wanted to explain to Saber, but it seems unnecessary. To wake her up while she’s asleep is also kind of… (isrespectful, lousy, and it’s all your fault, Shirou.)

[Saber, I’ll prepare breakfast, your share as well, but since you are asleep you don’t need to get up unwillingly. It’s all right; I’ll come back later, so rest before then.]
I still explained to her a little, and left the quiet room.

There’s no one in the living room.
I should at least open the refrigerator and think about what I’m going to make.

And then,
[────── Morning. You really get up early.]
Tohsaka comes over, carrying the impression that she’s in a very bad mood.

[Toh-Tohsaka….? What’s wrong? Anything occurred?]
[Nothing. I’m like this in the morning. Don’t mind me.]
Tohsaka’s footsteps are wobbling. She passes through the living room like a specter.
[You are alright, right? Why does it seem so strange…]
[Told you don’t mind me. Washing my face will wake me up. …. Eh, how do I get to the bathroom?]

[It’s closer to go from that hall over there. And if you only want to wash your face, there’s a restroom over that hallway at the entrance]
[Ahhh… looks like it.]
Tohsaka, I don’t know if she understood, waved her hands and walked away.

At this time,
The same time when Tohsaka leaves the living room, I heard the doorbells, ringing.

[Shirou────? Someone’s coming────.]
Tohsaka’s voice passes from the hall.
[Ah-Ah, don’t worry, it’s nothing. Only relatives would come at a time like this.]
At this early it’s probably Sakura.
Sakura has a copy of the keys, so there is no need to open the door for her. (… lazy Shirou)

[… Seriously, no matter how many times I tell her that she doesn’t need to press the doorbell, she never listens.]
Because Sakura is family, she should come in without having to press the doorbell.
But Sakura will, in her good manners, press the doorbell and say [Sorry for my disturbance] before she comes in.
Even though those are Sakura’s good points, but if she’s always this courteous how long would───

Eh, wait a minute.
Sakura, comes, to my house….?

I’m running in the hall.
There’s no time to call myself stupid.
I need to get over to the entrance, tell Sakura to go home before she meets Tohsaka───!
(As if something happened…)

[Hah-Ah… Hah-Ah…!]
I hurried to the entrance, breathless.
But it’s too late.
There, in the entrance, are

Tohsaka, who I never asked to welcome the guest,
And, a shocked Sakura.

Sakura at the entrance, Tohsaka at the hallway,
Those two kept a quiet tension going, looking at each other.

[Good morning, Matou-san. Is it surprising to meet at a place like this?]
Tohsaka, at the hallway, said it as if she lowered her head to look down at Sakura.

[─────Tohsaka, senpai.]
Face filled with something,
Sakura timidly, looks up at Tohsaka.

I just feel, unable to speak.
Those two ignore my presence, only observing each other.
There’s no ground for me to intervene.

The only thing I can do is to think of how to explain to Sakura, but before I have a chance,

[Senpai… Ahno (sorry, I watch anime too much)(literal translation means “that”, but that’s not what it means here, it’s kind of like a polite, timid, weak, CUTE way of getting to a point, or a question), what is this…?]

Skaura looks at me, as if she wants me to rescue her.

[Ah-Ah, this is a long story────]
[Not long at all. I just moved in here.]
Tohsaka interrupted my speech, saying the key point.

[…… Senpai, is this true?]
[Only as the single most prominent matter, yes. Because something has happened, Tohsaka needs to reside here temporarily. …. Sorry, I forgot to tell you. I’m really sorry that Sakura got surprised this early in the morning.]

[Ah, Senpai, please, there is no need to apologize. …. Ahno, even though I’m a bit scared, it’s all right. The only important thing is what Senpai just said. Is it true that ────]
[Nhhh (means yes), this is what I and Emiya have decided. Since the owner, Emiya, has already agreed, it’s a closed matter. Do you understand what I’m talking about, Matou-san?]

[…... What do you mean by “understand”?]
[Seems like you have been taking care of Emiya, but there is no need for it now. This can only brings trouble if you continue, so stop coming for your own good.]

Sakura didn’t say anything, with her head down.
After a silence as if the world froze,
[…… I don’t understand.]
Sakura, in a low voice, but clearly, said it.

[Eh? ───── What?]
[……….. I said: I don’t understand what Tohsaka-Senpai is talking about.]

[W-Wait a minute, Sakura, you───]
[Excuse me, Senpai. I need to borrow your kitchen for a moment.]
Sakura bowed, went inside, heading to the living room while ignoring Tohsaka.

Tohsaka just stood there, dumb-stroke.
Same for me. It’ my first seeing Sakura like that; I just can’t comprehend what she just said.
… No, even though this is surprising, there is something else.

[Tohsaka, how did you know Sakura is coming to my house? I didn’t remember telling you that Sakura has been taking care of me.]

[Eh───? Oh, that’s what I’ve heard. It’s just a coincidence. But, I’m shocked. That child has such spirit in here? It’s too different between at here and at school, right?]
Probably thoroughly shocked, Tohsaka spoke quite unhappily.
So, Tohsaka also knows a bit about what Sakura is like at school.

Sakura seems to know how Tohsaka is as well. They might even be a pair of good Senpai and good Kohai, just that I didn’t realize it. (I think senpai and kohai are only for males, but)
…. Oh well, never mind.

[No, I’m shocked as well. I’ve seen such a defiant Sakura for the first time. Whenever Sakura helps here, she’s just like how she was at school. It’s probably a temporary anomaly.] (matrix…)
[───Mmmmm, so it’s like this… God, I didn’t know Sakura could be this stubborn; if I had known I would let Shirou explain.]
(Mmmmm, wonders how much you doesn’t know, Tohsaka-san, but you know, you really messes up important things. I mean, summoning the wrong (actually the right) servant is one thing, but bugging your long-time-not-really-connected sister is another altogether…)

Of course,
Comparing with Tohsaka’s uncompromising explanation, mine would be much better.

[… What’s happened already happened, but why did it become this bad?]
(Sorry, but your future self is desperately trying to change what already happened…)

[Of course it’s bad! This house might become a battle field in the future! That’s why I talked to Sakura like that, to warn her, so people not in our little group will not get involved. But if it’s like this, hasn’t it become harder to stop her from coming?]
[That was a warning?? I thought you were bullying her!]

[…What, did ,you, just, say?!]
[Just an honest comment. Never mind that, how do we take care of Sakura? Looks like she probably will not go back. … Let me say this first, I will not allow you to drag Sakura into this.]

[The only thing we can do is to think of something. So, Sakura only comes in the morning? Or do you command her at dinner as well?]
[Don’t say it like you want people to misinterpret it. She does come almost every morning, but not as often at night.]

[So it’s like this... Looks like she will come here every morning from now on.]
[??? Every morning? Why?]
Toward me, who’s questioning while tilting my head, Tohsaka sighed in an exaggerated manner.

And then,
Tohsaka remained in the living room. Sakura begins to prepare dinner without a word.
Even though I’m uncomfortable leaving only Sakura and Tohsaka in the living room, I’m not dumb enough to forget Saber.

Sakura seems to be angry at Tohsaka’s presence, so if Saber comes out the situation is only going to get more complicated.
So I need to explain to Saber beforehand.

[…… So this is the situation. Sakura─── Ah, the girl who just came in is called Sakura. She’s not a Magi, only a common girl, we shouldn’t involve her in this war. So, I wish that under the condition that she does not know about the war, for her to stop coming here ─]

No, I’m not discussing with Saber about how to chase Sakura away!

[So, this morning’s Sakura is kind of different. Even though is kind of because Tohsaka, but I can’t blame her. Ah-ah, no, it’s just that Sakura got surprised because strangers are staying here. If Saber comes out now things will only get more out of control. Wait, did I just say something disrespectful to Saber ….?]

[Not at all. I understand what Shirou is trying to say. So, all I have to do is stay here and wait for your orders, right?]
[───! Exactly, it would be great if you would do that! After Sakura leaves I’ll come back immediately. Breakfast for you will have to wait until then.]
Saber nods silently.
It’s great that Saber is such an agreeable person.

I’m worried about what’s happening in the living room, I should hurry back.
[Eh? Saber, any problems at all?]

[Yes. Even if there’s no need to explain these things to me, try to stay calm. Just now Shirou was very rushed and confused.]
[Ehh───Did I look that way?]
[Yes, very. If you want to return to the living room, at least calm down first.]
Saber calmly, advises me as usual.

And then,
Like nothing has happened, we eat breakfast like usual.

[Here, Senpai. Tohsaka-senpai as well?]
Sakura is giving out rice bowls, as usual.
Even though I don’t know what happened during the time that I was gone, the tension between those two grew less.
At least apparently.

[…… Mmm, sure.]
Tohsaka thought for a moment, and took the rice bowl from Sakura’s hands.
Sakura, smiling, places a platoon of dishes consisting miso soups and fried egg rolls.
Tohsaka looks at the dishes in front of her with a complex expression.

[Tohsaka, I thought you were going to skip breakfast.]
[I’ll eat since it’s already done, it’s a basic manner.]
Unknowingly angry at something, Tohsaka groaned, holds up her chop sticks while looking away.

[…. Never mind, whatever. Itadakimasu. (please, at least know this.) And, in the end I still have to rely on you to prepare breakfast, I’m sorry, Sakura.]
[Please don’t be, it’s my job and I won’t mind. Itadakimasu.]

[You are quite the man. To let your kohai cook for you, what line of nobility did you come from? Never mind, I’ll ask later. Itadakimasu.]
We each said itadakimasu at different time, and then begun to eat breakfast.
……………. It’s not right, there’s no dialog.

Never mind, this atmosphere is not that bad. Breakfast at my house is always like this.
I and Sakura aren’t the talkative type, so it’s normal for us to eat quietly.
But, why is breakfast at the Emiya household always so noisy?

No, wait a second,
I feel, I’ve thought of something….
[Senpai? Is the taste of the fish too strong?]
[No, that’s not it. I just felt that I forget something.]

What is it….
If I can’t remember then it must not be any important matter, originally I thought I’ll just leave it, but then I think what I thought is wrong.
Feels like, a sense of insecurity as when you ignored a deadly illness.

[─────Never mind. It’s all right, nothing important.]
I forced myself into believing that while I ate.
───── and now.
[Good morning─ Slept for too long slept for too long.]
Fuji-nee comes over here, making those Pah-Lah-Pah-Lah sounds.

It’s not that I can’t remember,
Simply, the brain would not try to remember so it pushed the problem back.

[Shirou, rice.]
Fuji-nee sits at her normal position in a mannerly fashion.
[Good morning, Fujimura-sensei.]
[Good morning, Fujimura-sensei.]
Both spoke so simultaneously that it’s scary.

[Here, Sensei. Even if it’s not any kind of fabulous dish, please enjoy.]
And then, Sakura, with her usual smile, hands over a bowl of rice to Fuji-nee.

Fuji-nee took the bowl of rice form Sakura, and tilts her head.
She seems to be suspicious of something, but she can’t realize of what.
And, this Fuji-nee that seems to be onto something, quietly eats her meal.
Quickly finishes her first bowl, Fuji-nee whispers to me.

[…. Eh, Shirou, why is Tohsaka-san here?]
[Because she’s going to live here.]
I said the fact indifferently.

[Ah, like that, so even Tohsaka-san could do some strange things.]
[Yep, she’s actually a strange one. She just pretends to be normal and honest at school.]

[So it’s like this…. Going to live here from now on….]
Fuji-nee says that’s what it is, and finishes her miso soup.

[Ehhh!? Live here?! Shiroooooouuuuuuuuuuu!!!] (Imagine Tiger roars)

Dongmmmm, the entire table flips over.
Sakura is fortunately on the other side, Tohsaka evaded it as a natural thing to do, so all the damages are on me.

[Hooooooooootttttttttt! W-W-W-W-What are you doing Fuji-nee! Those are miso soups and fully cooked rice and stew-pot! They burn when they get poured on you! ───── why stew-pot in the morning….!?]

[Blah-blah─! What are you thinking Shirou!? What kind of love comedy is to let a girl the same age as you move in, he-he, I’m not going to laugh as a result of these cold jokes!]

[I’m not trying to get you to laugh…! Hot! Hot, it burns, Sakura, hand me that towel!]
[Sure. The cold towel is already prepared, Senpai.]
[Thanks, I’m saved….! Wahhh, the fried fish is getting inside the neckband; it’s the super hot fried fish───!]

[Towels later! You need to give me a good explanation first, Shirou: did you mean what you’ve said?]
[Eh, ah. Of course. Fuji-nee should know that I don’t like to joke about this kind of things. In short, Tohsaka will live here from now on, and it’s not going to change even if you whine and stuff. There’s no need for a discussion on that topic.]

[NO! DEFINITELY NO! E-Even though I don’t know what you are planning, of course not! F-For you to live with a girl of your age so unexpectedly, Nee-san will not tolerate such behavior!]
Fuji-nee starts howling and roaring.

…. But of course,
Fuji-nee is my guardian, and my teacher at school.
This kind of situation is not as if it can end with getting hit a hundred times by a bamboo sword or getting cut a thousand times by a katana. (… You can survive the katana… wow)
But I’m unfortunate in that I need to get by, at least barely, under these circumstances.

[N-No, it’s not like that. There’s nothing to get angry at, I don’t have that kind of relationship with Tohsaka. Is just, because of some accidence, I need to lend out a room.] (You wish you could have that kind of relationship, don’t you Shirou… HF 1st H-scene)

[Blah──! NO is a NO──! I will not allow her to settle here! Although I don’t know what matter Tohsaka has, she must return to her house!]
Wahh… She’s completely ignoring me.
There’s no way… So Fuji-nee is not such simple character that she could be persuaded by me….

[Sensei, although you said that you would not allow me to live here, I already stayed here last night.] (Fate/ Stay Night…)
Tohsaka said, smoothly, like pouring water on top of Fuji-nee.
[In other words, I already moved in last night. No, precisely speaking from Saturday, so it’s two nights already. I’m currently residing at the guest room in the outer house, and my luggage is already there. What do I do, Sensei? Objectively speaking, I’m already settled.]

Fuji-nee’s face suddenly turned blue.

[Sh-Shi-Shirou! What have you done….! Do you know what Kiritsugu would do to you if he knows about this!?]
[What would he do… Dad should be happy, saying that this is what a reliable man would do or something of the like.]

[Wu… Same here, since Kiritsugu is very nice toward girls….. Right, so he left you this hereditary factor right Shirou no Baka──!] (Intentional fragment.)
Fuji-nee grabs me by the neckband and shakes furioiusly.
… Oh well. Forget about hereditary factors, must protect girls is dad’s principle.
Even though I’m not as exaggerated as dad, I don’t think there’s anything wrong with it.

[What? Hope that I will rescue you?]
To need to acknowledge that kind of cold blooded animal as a girl, I think men are laborious organisms.

[…. Please, I don’t have the means to break the situation. I can only depend on Tohsaka’s political leverage.]
I told her while Fuji-nee shakes my head.
[OK, I’ll finish it quickly.]
Before, Tohsaka only looks from afar, now she walks lightly to Fuji-nee.

[Fujimura-sensei, even if you shake Emiya-kun like that, all he could do is to scream, so please stop. And, if not, even today’s breakfast might get out.]
[Mhhhhh….. What, Tohsaka-san, even if you are that serious I’m not scared. As a teacher, more importantly Shirou’s teacher, I can not and will not allow Tohsaka-san to reside here.]

Fuji-nee releases her hands, to confront Tohsaka.
The instinct of a wild animal,
Fuji-nee must have noticed that if she diverts her attention on me, she would be ambushed by Tohsaka.

[Why is that? The number of students who live outside their home is not small, and isn’t developing a student’s individuality a fundamental of the school?]
[Any how, no matter what complex things you say the answer is still no. Moreover, there is no room to develop individuality if you live here. This is where cooked rice will come out by itself, always clean, bath water would boil itself, the illusory family in fantasies. You can only degenerate here, Tohsaka-san.]
What you just said, as a teacher, is way too problematic.

[Also, in principle, those who can reside outside their homes are those who live far away from school. Tohsaka-san’s home is only further than this house, but not somewhere you cannot go to school on a regular basis. Sakura go to school from there as well, so there is no need for you to live elsewhere.]

[That’s because, my home is currently under a complete makeover. Because it’s an old building, it looks uneven and unstable everywhere. Although I thought of living in a hotel before the project if finished, but after I discussed with Emiya-kun, who said that living in a hotel is too expensive and suggested that I live here for the duration.]

[Mhhhhh…. It sounds like something Shirou would say.]
[Right. Although I’m surprised of what Emiya-kun, whom I’m not particularly close to, recommends, but living in a hotel does waste a lot of money, and more importantly, not student-like. Since it’s like that, I thought why not live at the home of Emiya-san, whom I can study with and help with my home works.]

[Mnh… Mnh, Mnh, Mnh… Mnh] (Nasal sound, nnnnnnn)
Fuji-nee’s groaning.
Because Tohsaka’s answers are so clever and correct, Fuji-nee, as a teacher, don’t have any way to refute them.

[I-I understand what you are saying. But, there are other problems, right? Shirou is still a boy, no matter what, and Tohsaka-san is a girl. For you two to live under a single roof, I feel that.]
[What do you mean by “that”.]

[A------ah, that’s right, Tohsaka-san is a beauty, and Shirou is still a boy, and it will be horrible if something goes wrong.]
[Nothing will go wrong. My room is at the corner of the outer house, and Emiya-kun’s room is the Japanese room near the storage room. They are thirty feet away, right? If it’s that far I don’t think any problems will persist.]

[Wuhhh…. Mhnn, the outer house can lock the doors, like other homes, but…]

[Right. Or is Fujimura-sensei telling me to not trust Emiya-kun? Even Sensei just said that you are Emiya-kun’s teacher. What kind of personality Emiya-kun has, I think Fujimura-sensei should have a better understanding of that than I do. If he would commit that kind of error, then I won’t live at this place anyway.]

[Sorry, but Shirou is a straight boy! He would never leave a girl crying!]
[Then you can be rest assured. I believe in Emiya-kun as well, so I think I can feel relieved staying here.]

Fuji-nee’s strength disappeared.
… Like this, the victor is decided.
Even though there are many more places she can argue, Tohsaka can take care of any other things Fuji-nee could throw at her.
Any ways, Tohsaka bluntly gets her right to reside here.

────And then everyone is done with their breakfast.

Like what I thought, Fuji-nee gets annihilated by Tohsaka.
The result, is to keep be quiet about it at school, and Fuji-nee gets to supervise at home.
Is it because there are more people now? Fuji-nee goes to school with a high spirit.

Breakfast is over. I’ll need to talk to Saber before I go to school.
Saber is still quite calm.

[Please follow Rin’s instructions at school. When you are in danger please think of me; I will know any anomaly in your situation, Master.]

Then, she simply returned to her room.

So it’s now time to go to school.

[Let’s go then. I’m not familiar with these roads over here; tell me about the short cut to school, ok? ]
Tohsaka is beside me, wearing the school uniform.

…… Although I’m getting less nervous, Tohsaka, who bears the appearance of a Tenkosei (a good student, teacher’s pet, highly regarded, polite, etc.) while she’s in uniform, makes me more nervous.
Originally, to be able to go to school with the number one beauty in my school is making me restless, plus

[Senpai, I locked the door.]

Today even Sakura is going to school together.
As a member of the Archer club, Sakura should go to school with Fuji-nee.
But this morning, she didn’t say a word, just stayed in the living room, waiting for me, who was cleaning up, to go to school.

[Eh? What? Shirou, you gave Sakura a copy of your key?]
[Yeah, Sakura won’t do anything bad, and she has been taking care of me for a while. … Ah-ah, that means I can’t give it to Tohsaka, but you should be fine without it, right?]

[…… Sure, but what do you mean?]
[You would do bad things, right? But you would be alright even if you don’t have the key. I’m not so bored that I would want to invite trouble.]
(… how dense can he get, how dense can most of the main characters in manga or animes get…)

[────Ah, so it’s like this. Ah-ah, like what Shirou said, I wouldn’t want that kind of thing one bit!]
Tohsaka turns her face.

I’m already used to it, not only that I actually think when Tohsaka acts like that it’s kind of exotic.

[? What’s wrong Sakura? Since the door is locked, let’s go. Because Tohsaka’s with us today, I think we should leave early.]
[Sure, right. Since Senpai says so, I’ll do it.]

Speaking like she’s down, Sakura follows behind us.
…… Damn.
Ever since Tohsaka defeated Fuji-nee, Sakura lost her spirit. Even if Fuji-nee agrees Sakura still won’t, I guess.

[…… It won’t work if I don’t explain it fully.]
Yep. Got to find a chance, to let Sakura and Tohsaka make up───

On the steep hill, students crowd together, talking.
It’s only past seven thirty, the time zone where most students go to school.
Within those,
A combination that stands out like us would of course face the stare of those students.

Did she forget something?
Tohsaka becomes quiet from then.

[What’s wrong, Tohsaka? You turned weird ever since we went up this hill.]
[Eh……? Must be, I’m really strange this morning?]

[No, not at all. But your reactions are odd.]
[Senpai, that’s a conflicting explanation. I think Tohsaka-senpai is asking an entirely different question…]
Sakura seems to know what Tohsaka wanted to ask.

[What did she want to ask, Sakura?]
[That, Tohsaka-senpai, because she’s being stared at by others surrounding her, therefore feels that something about her is weird, right?]

[Y-Yes, that’s right. So it’s strange to Sakura as well? Weird, although I wanted to sleep more today, I still took care of my hair, and I didn’t notice any wrinkles on the uniform either. … It must be that I have black eyes because I’m not used to sleeping in a different house!?]

[Why are you shouting at me? It’s not my fault that Tohsaka is not used to sleeping in my house. Even if Tohsaka has black eyes because of this, it’s no big deal. You shouldn’t mind that.]

[What kind of disrespectful things are you saying? Girls are concerned with their looks since they were born! Really, though I have always tried to keep a perfect appearance, seems that it will end today…]

[But still, why are you shouting at me? Although I don’t really understand where Tohsaka is weird today, but it’s truly not my fault! If you want to take out your anger, please find someone else.]

[That’s not it, Tohsaka-senpai. Tohsaka-senpai is as beautiful as ever this morning. Everyone is looking at Tohsaka-senpai is because you are with us, since Tohsaka-senpai never went to school with anyone.]

[Eh….? What, I’m been treated like this for such a trivial matter? Really, I can’t over look it. Attended school for ten years, I thought I already mastered matters concerning school, guess there are more mysteries out there.]

Tohsaka is thinking, seriously.
But back to the topic, being praised as “you are still extremely beautiful this morning” and accepts it as some normal comment, what kind of person are you?

[….She really can’t understand it, can she? It’s a sure riot when Tohsaka go to school with anyone, not to say a riot within the male students.]
[That’s right too. But Tohsaka-senpai is not that kind of person who concerns herself with those things, so she still doesn’t have a lead to what’s going on right now.]

[Heh…. That’s great. There’s only one person who cried because she’s deceived by appearance.]
I discuss with Sakura in a low voice, while following behind Tohsaka, who still has that muzzled look on her face.

Withstanding those surrounding gazes, we passed the school door.
Because we’ll go separate ways when we go inside the school building, those gazes that we are receiving would end.

[…. Hhn, someone problematic is already coming over even it’s early in the morning.]
Tohsaka murmurs.
At the end of Tohsaka’s sight, a familiar person comes over, pushing other students away.

[Ah… Ni-Ni-san]
Sakura’s body trembles.
Shinji, as if he didn’t notice us, walks straight toward Sakura.

[Why didn’t you come to the dojo? You rested without my permission, what kind of status you think you have!]
Shinji raised his hand.
And I

[Oh, Shinji, tired after your morning practice?]
Catching his hand that’s heading toward Sakura, I greet him.

[Eh, Emiya…? You ─── Right, Sakura, you went to Emiya’s home again!?]
[….. Yes. I went to Senpai’s house to help, but, that’s]

[Because of your duty as a Kohai? You really are stupid, there is no need to care for someone who hurts himself. All right, just do what I say and it will be fine.]

Shinji grunted, taking back his hand that I grabbed.
…. If he won’t hurt Sakura then there’s no need for me to grab him, so I released my grip.

[But, Emiya, are you that interested in disturbing our home? Sakura is a member of the Archery Club, should she skip her morning practice?]

If he says it like this, I can’t refute.
When I didn’t refuse Sakura helping me with breakfast, her time in the morning would be restricted by me.

[It’s not like that ….! I’m helping Senpai because I want to. Ni-san, I think you went over just now.]

[Ha, went over? That’s what you did, Sakura. I’m saying it only because Emiya is an orphan. Since he’s fine being alone, let him be alone then. People like Emiya like that.]

[Ni-san…! …Stop, that was, too excessive…!]
[────Hhn, oh well. Sakura, do not go to Emiya’s house again today. I told you to go to the club but you didn’t, you should have realized that there will be punishments, right?]

Sakura stopped breathing, stands there, paralyzed.
Just when Shinji plans to take Sakura away by force

[Good morning, Matou-san. Although I just listened, that conversation is quite intresting.]
[Eh────To-sak-a? Why are you with Sakura?]

[That shouldn’t be surprising. Sakura knew Emiya-san, I knew Emiya-kun, and therefore all three of us went to school this morning. Haven’t you noticed?]

[Wh────Kn-knew Emiya…!]
[Yes. To the extend that we will go to school and return home together. I thought I could do it with Sakura as well.]

[With Emiya…!!!!]
Shinji stares, at me.
…. From his stares, I felt an intention to kill that surpasses enmity. Was I too sensitive?
Although recently I’m not so harmonious with Shinji, I didn’t do anything that could cause me to be hated to such extend.

[Ha, how could it be? It’s hard to laugh at your joke, Tohsaka. It’s simply impossible for you to go out with Emiya right?…. Ah, right, you are mistaken. Even though I befriended Emiya, we are not friends right now. Emiya has no relationship with me, so there is no benefit to be around him.]

[Is it like this? Great! After hearing you said this I’ll be at ease, because I have no interest in you.]

I can’t stop sympathizing Shinji.
If it was me, those words will damage me such that I won’t be able to stand for a while.

[Oh, and, Matou-san? Just what you said, Archery club’s morning practice is voluntary. I never heard that people needs a permit to be absent. That kind of rule I’ve never heard from Ayako or Fujimura-sensei.]

[Wh──Whatever, what brother do to his sister is up to me! Stop interfering in other people’s business!]
[Nm, I feel the same. So please, what you────said about matters in Eimya’s home is unreasonable, right? Really, Matou-san is making quite a mess here in the morning.]

Shinji retreated, a little. He stares at me and Sakura, with a vengeance.

[────I understand. I’ll forgive you for what happened this morning. But Sakura, there is no next time. If anything else happens, I’ll make you realize your proper position.]
After Shinji said those things, he quickly retreated to the school building.
Nm, no matter how to look at it, he retreated and was crushed by Tohsaka’s imposing manners.

[…. I’m sorry, Senpai. Ni-san, he, …….said such impolite things in the morning.]
Sakura bowed her head, as if she was responsible for what have happened.
She’s apologizing to not only me, but also Tohsaka.

[Not at all, this is a good sport. Those gears in my head start instantly, so I’m back to normal, at least. I really like to argue, you know.]

[The one who should be apologizing should be me. What I just did was a bit over done. Even that kind of person still needs some face, so it’s not good if I talked him down like that in front of everyone. If Matou-san is still upset, help me make up for what I did, just tell him that if he still has not learned his lesson, he can argue with me again.]

[Ah─────Yes, if Ni-san still hasn’t learned his lesson, please accompany him, Tohsaka-senpai.]
Did she feel relieved? Sakura smiles happily.
Tohsaka turns her face aside, embarrassed.

[Senpai, you know, if it’s possible please don’t be angry, since Ni-san only has Senpai as his friend.]
[I know. Even though it’s impossible for me to be completely not angry, but I know from the start that Shinji is that kind of person. But, I do know him for a long time. I still have enough patience to waste with him.]

[Right. Then I’ll have to rely on you, Senpai.]
Sakura bows.
… Right.
If there’s some reason for me to be really angry at Shinji, it’s probably that why he’s dissatisfied when he has such a nice sister.

[So, Senpai, please work hard as always.]
Sakura walks toward the freshman’s hall.

We walk up stairs, to the sophomore’s hall.


Suddenly, we meet with the president of the Student Government.

[Wh-Why are you walking with Tohsaka, Emiya Shirou!!!]
NmNm, Issei and Shinji express the same dislike in different areas.

[Gee, Ryudo-san, for you to greet us early in the morning with Ah-Wo-Waa Ah-Wo-Waa.]
[Guuu, I had some bad premonitions since I got up, but I never thought it was hidden-sword-kill (literal trans, it’s a proper noun of Chinese geomancy, it’s the worst position/direction possible)──── ! Ah, ah, Emiya, come here! You’ll be poisoned if you are near Tohsaka!

Issei grabs my hand.
Tohsaka didn’t say anything. After she observed Issei and I, she walked toward class 2-A like nothing happened.

[Hn, it’s best if you go away. No one will stop you.]
Tohsaka quietly past us,

[Shirou, come to the roof at lunch.]

A brief moment. Tohsaka murmurs so that Issei won’t hear.

────It’s time for lunch.

Ever since the incident this morning, Issei is treating me as a “traitor”, and dodging me.

[…. Did I over do it?]
I reflected a little.
When he asked why am I with Tohsaka in the morning,
[We became close during the vacation.]
This kind of answer is too stupid.

Although I feel the problem is how we became close, I can’t explain this much, and Issei back then was kind of muddled, so he just walked away, waving from side to side.

[… Oh well, it’s good in a sense. Since there are many things I have to take care by myself.]
The less the amount of people related the better.
And now, what I need to do is ───

──── Going to where Tohsaka is waiting.

I made a deal with Tohsaka,
Even though she said it single sided, since she called me out she must have something to talk about.

I walk toward the roof after I bought lunch.
The roof, where students crowded during the summer, is quite empty in this cold winter.

Even though the winter at Fuyuki city is quite warm, the temperature at the roof is still unbearable.
The cold wind blowing through this roof, where only I, and

[SLOW! What are you doing so slowly, Shirou!]

As if she felt the harshness of the weather, hiding in a windless spot, Tohsaka.

[I though been slow is bad too, so I brought some gift. But since you are like that I guess you wouldn’t need it.]
I put the canned hot coffee that I purchased in a store back into my pocket.

[Wuuuuu….. You know how to think though you look dull.]
[Well, sometimes. Move over a little. The wind still hits here, and, people still can see me.]

I hand over to Tohsaka that can of hot coffee, and walked over to where wind won’t hit.
Here even people come they won’t be able to discover us, and no one can see us from the other four towers.

[Thanks, but buy red tea next, ok? If I want to drink soluble ones, I would drink milk tea. There will be less gratitude if it’s any other drink, so you know.]
[K. I’ll remember next time. So what do you have in mind, calling me to a place like this. Since it’s a desolate spot, I guess some thing of the other side.]

[O-Of course. What else would I discuss with you?]
[Ah-ah, that’s right. So, what is it?]
[…. Wow, you are cold.] (Dense, stupid)

[ ? Mn, because it’s cold. I want to end it early, don’t you?]
[───! How dare you, of course I want to finish it soon!]

Mn, that’s what I thought.
It’s easy to understand, so she didn’t have to yell.

[───Never mind. Then I’ll ask directly. Shirou, what are your plans after recess?]
[After recess? No, I don’t really have any plans. I’ll help if the Student Government needs me, otherwise I’ll work.]

[…. Why that kind of stunned look? If there is anything you want to say, say it. I’ll try my best to change.]

[… Really, although what you do is none of my business. Oh well, just an advice since we are in alliance. Shirou, as a Magi, you are too immature.]
[That again? I’ve heard that so much that my ears are getting hard. I still mind though, so don’t be too hard on me.]

[I’m not bullying you, is just that because Shirou hasn’t noticed this school’s Barrier I says you are immature.]
This school’s … Barrier?

[W-Wait, this school’s barrier, it couldn’t be…]
[There is no “couldn’t”, it is a barrier created by a Master, and it’s quite a big one, when invoked it will cover the entire school.]

[The type is to rob people contained within the barrier of their blood and flesh. Although it’s still in preparation, everyone already lost spirit, haven’t you noticed?]

I see… So this Saturday, that unnatural feel, is because of that?
But, that means──

[Therefore───There is a master in this school…?]
[Right, there is an enemy concealed in this school. Do you understand now, Shirou-kun? If you don’t have any __, you will die.]

My loose senses begin to tighten.
[… So, Tohsaka already know who that Master is?]

[Not really. Even though I have my own thoughts, there is no proof. … Although, I do know there is another Magi in this school, but Magi does not equal to Master. Since there is the example of an amateur like you who became a Master, I cannot be sure.]

[Mmm, I’m not an amateur, but a real Magi… Eh, wait a minute, Tohsaka. There is another Magi in this school?]

[Yes. But that one doesn’t have any feel of a master. I just checked; no _ and no sense of Servant. Although if he hides those carefully it would be another case, but he is not a Master.]

[Therefore, the Master who is hiding in this school should be someone who is like Shirou, who only understands a bit of Magecraft. Recently, I felt in the school building the presence of a tiny amount of Magic that’s not from either of us. Although that should be the enemy’s doing, it’s…]

So tiny that it’s hard to trace, must be like this.

[A Master who’s not a Magi. Tohsaka must be sure of your conclusion with some support. I believe, something like this… Our school, has that many Magis?]

[Not that many, just I and that child. Magi really focus on family lineage, right? If two families settle in a place this small, no matter what they would know each other.]

[Is that right? But I didn’t know anything about Tohsaka’s family.]

[Emiya-kun is a special case. Emiya-kun’s father should be some lone wolf who left the Magi’s Association. Although coincidentally he liked this city and settled in, Fuyuki city is for my family to manage. If we knew about him, we would tax him and etc. Guess he didn’t want that and thus hid the fact that he was a Magi.]

[Wh────What? Tax and etc.? Sounds dangerous.]

[HnHn, you actually mind? In the future where Shirou can hold your own place, I’ll definitely tax and etc. you. Hope for it.]
[… Truly, you really know how to pretend to be tame and nice. What kind of #1 good student are you, you liar.]

[Ai-yah, can’t I? To pretend on the outside is a mandatory task for Magi, I’m the heir of Tohsaka family, if I’m not a perfect and flawless student then how can I face my deceased father in heaven?]

[?───Tohsaka, your father-]
[Mnn, he died when I was little. But, since he lived a long life it can be said that he died a natural death. There is nothing to feel sad over.]

Tohsaka smiled, as if she’s saying that that’s the destiny of having a Magi as father.

But, that’s

[────Liar. It’s sad when people die, not to say when they are your relatives. You can’t deny it just with a “Because I am a Magi so there is nothing I could do”.]
[……………………… Oh well. You are right. Emiya-kun’s opinion is so correct that I can’t refute.]

While speaking, Tohsaka pops open that can of hot coffee, a substitute for hot water.
…. She’s taking small sips.
Although I originally though Tohsaka would, as manly as she is, drink it in gulp, this part does make her look like a girl.]

[Back on topic. In conclusion, there are only two Magi from Fuyuki city, other Magi should be from other parts, or they are examples of getting chosen coincidentally when they only have partial understanding of the art.]

So it’s like this,
Like what Tohsaka said, I seem to be quite an extraordinary example.

[I understand. But, a Master with only partial understanding of Magecraft shouldn’t be able to set up this kind of barrier, right?]

[Perhaps it’s not the Master who set it, and instead the Servant. Servant does not have the privilege to choose his Master, so when he, under circumstances, gets a Master such as Shirou, he can only do what he could in order to win.]

[Probably. Although I don’t really like the way you talked about me, since I can’t refute it I’ll agree.]

[Good, honesty is good. So, as a barrier, this is of the highest level; it’s almost to the point of Magic. A Magi who can do this definitely can’t hide his mana. So I thought, this must be a Servant’s barrier.]

[….. The product of a Servant. But, the Master himself shouldn’t be dangerous, right?]

[How could he not be? No matter as a Magi or a commoner, that person is a rule-breaking hectic. If he knew there are other Masters here, he would come in a second to kill us.]

[? Rule-breaking? Rules of the War of the Holy Grail?]
[No. Rules of what makes us Human. When he decided to make this barrier, he had lost his humanity.]

[Listen up, Shirou. This barrier, when activated to the end, would “liquefy” every human that remained here, and absorb him. It’s as if we are in the stomach of an animal….. No, even though we, who have Mana to protect us, might not be affected, those who don’t will unknowingly slowly weaken until they are died.]

[This isn’t just involving regular people. So long as this barrier activates, everyone in this school will be killed, understand? The one who prepared this messed-up barrier, is the Master in this school!]

The image before my eyes begin to distort,
I try to think about what Tohsaka said, breathing deeply.

────And it ends. (The distortion, he’s ready for what comes next.)
Although I’m still not too clear, I did think about the worst possible situation. Then I burned that image deep into my mind, accepting the situation I’m in.

[I understand what you have just said. ───So, Tohsaka, is that barrier destructible?]

[I tried, but it won’t work. Even though I have found all the base points of this barrier, I cannot eliminate it. All I could is to weaken the power of those base points, just for prolonging the activation.]

[Mmmm….. So as long as Tohsaka is still here, the barrier will not activate?]

[….. That’s what I want to believe, but there is no such simple thing. The barrier is already set, saving up Mana for activation. Archer said that it will be fully prepared in eight days.]

[At that time, either the Master or the Servant ─── so long as one of the them has this intention, this school will become hell.]
[────The, before that─]

[We can only defeat the Master who’s hiding in this school, but it will take some effort to find him. When we let him set up this barrier, it’s his victory. Because all he has to do is to wait quietly for the barrier to activate, he doesn’t have to show his face before then. So, if there is any chance─]

[…. Only when he shows himself?]
[Correct, just like what you think. So lay low until then. At that time you need to fight even if you don’t want to; if you search by yourself and get discovered, you’ll look like a idiot, right?]

The frozen roof echoes the sound of machine, the sound of the minute bell.
Lunch has ended.

[That’s all I have to say. There is another place I have to attend to, so go home by yourself. Don’t stray off to other places! ]
Tohsaka said good-bye in a relaxing fashion, and left.

It’s impossible for me to feel comfortable.
After knowing that the rule “Master can only attack Master” is useless, I can’t feel normal.

[School’s barrier, right────?]
Planning to involve those who are unrelated, who have no idea about this war?
That Master is neither a Master nor anything else, just an executioner.
Must find him before he activates that barrier, then ─── beat him till ─

“────── Rejoice, Emiya Shirou. Your wish─”

I swing my fist, denying what passed through my mind.
I have never hoped this way.
Wishing that “antagonists” will appear so I can defeat them, is not what Emiya Shirou has───

After recess’ homeroom, the number of students who still remain in the classroom decreases slowly.
Although usually at this time I would show y face in the Student Government’s room, since Tohsaka said go home early, I should return directly.

The door is still locked.
[… Yep, it has been a long time since I returned this earl.]
I usually would, after recess, help other or work at the bar to use up extra energy, so there are only few occasions when I go home directly.

Regularly the door would be always open, with Sakura inside, preparing dinner.
During this year, those kinds of things become natural, and instead what’s important is fading.
I, because I have to open the door, this kind of little thing, truly realizes how thankful I am for Sakura to come by.

[I have returned──]
I spoke, and I walk on the hallway.
Just when I intend to go back to my room, the blonde young girl (I want to say mistress, but…) appears…

[You have returned, Master.]

She looks at me, bluntly.

A brief moment.
What sense of reality I still have, crumbled.

[Shirou? You are returning, right?]

Did my stunned look affect her? She spoke, a bit surprised.
A steady voice, calling my name.
Afterwards, my sense of reality returns.

[Ah… oh, i-it’s saber. Sorry, I got surprised.
Even it’s just a moment, I did mistook her for a common girl, not as Saber.

[? I just followed Master’s commend to wait here, did I mistake anything?]
[Ah… No, it’s my fault so don’t worry. Ri-Right, how do you feel, Saber? You said that you need to sleep often, so, right now─]

[There is no problem when I’m awake. ───No, although I should sleep as much as possible outside of combat, sleeping will dull my senses. If I don’t wake up at times to move my body, my movement will slow down at times of emergency.]

[…. I see. Right, if people sleep all day they’d have a headache. Saber can’t sleep when you want to.]

[Correct. I’m not tired enough that I need to rest. But Shirou, when you sleep too much you will have a headache?]

[Yes. Regular people when slept more than 12 hours will have difficulties moving their body. But my headache would wake me up, so it’s impossible for me to sleep for 12 hours.]

[….. It’s really amazing. That never happened to me. From before till now, I can always sleep as much as I want to.]

[───Mm, I think that’s a difference on a organism level, Saber. Sleeping all day is a big waste of time, if you don’t want to sleep it’s more enjoyable to wake up.]

[…. Right, that is less wasteful.]
[Right? Although it’s because of me that you need to sleep that much, you need to return to your normal life habit when we separate. Even though this is not something I should say, if you have a tendency to sleep all day people will think you are lazy.]

[Then, perhaps it’s too late, probably everyone is already thinking of me that way.]

Saber frowns, seems like she’s thinking.
…. Although I planned to tell a joke, Saber doesn’t seem to get a cold one.

We went to the living room.
Saber wants me to tell her what happened today, so I said what I heard from Tohsaka, the stuffs about “the Barrier in School”.

[… So it’s like this? That Master, does plan to make everyone in school into sacrifices?]
[───Simply put, yes, but Tohsaka said he still needs some time.]

[I feel the same way. To complete a barrier of such magnitude requires time. Since schools are easily enclosed, that school is probably treated as the sacrifice ground of a temple. To completely activate this humongous barrier needs ten days at least.]

[Ten days…… I felt the abnormity two days before, a Saturday, so there are eight more days. The same as what Tohsaka predicted…]

[Right. No matter it’s to collect sacrifices or for defense, if it completes it will be troublesome. We need to find the Master for that happens.

Since there is the though of setting the barrier in school, that Master is very probably someone related to school.
A student or a teacher.
Starting from tomorrow, I need to try my best to find anyone suspicious in half of a day.

[And then…. Right, what kind of Servant do you think it is?]
No, it’s impossible to know without having an encounter face to face.

Then, I should think about Servants that I’ve met.
Since Saber is awake now, I can ask her.
Right, so ────

── Berserker

That monster of a giant──

Try asking about that Servant, Berserker, who is above Saber.
Both Saber and Tohsaka said, if it’s based on purely combat abilities, Berserker is the strongest. But ──

[Saber, what would happen if we fight with Berserker again? ….. So, as long as I am your Master, Saber can’t win against him…?]

Saber’s biggest burden.
I’m asking about the flaw of Saber signed the contract with an amateur Magi/Master like me, so she’s unable to use all of her original abilities.

[That’s not right, Shirou. Even if you are a mature Master, Berserker will still post a threat. There is no need to blame yourself for your immaturity.]

[…. Mm, although it might be like this, Saber does receive quite some restrictions. So, if Saber is what Saber was─]

[No, even if I am at my best it will still be difficult to defeat Berserker. …… No, perhaps no matter what Servant it is, to completely beat that monster is impossible.]

[Shirou, did you remember the fight that night? Berserker easily reflected Tohsaka’s Magecraft even though he doesn’t have anything near my ability to nullify Magecraft. That’s, purely, nullifying Tohsaka’s Magecraft with the strength of the body.]

[Mm…. I did saw that, but is it that surprising? It’s just that Berserker has a strong body, right?]

[Not so. Berserker didn’t endure Tohsaka’s attack, he reflected it. There is a huge difference, if he endure attacks, as long as the attacks are focused on a single spot, his armor will by all means break, but reflecting is an entirely different matter. Tohsaka’s Magecraft, never hit Berserker.]

[Never hit…..? So, he nullified it like Saber?]
[Yes, but like what I said before, Berserker doesn’t have the ability to nullify Magecraft, so, we can only believe that his Noble Phantasm reflected those attacks.]

[… It’s just my guess, but Berserker’s Noble Phantasm should be “Armor”, and it’s not any normal armor, it’s close to the Magic Theory of Ideal Arms, perhaps ── Berserker has the ability to nullify attacks below a certain degree, my sword, and Tohsaka’s Magecraft got nullified as a result of it.]

[If Berserker’s real identity is a great hero of Greece, than his ability is near Grade A. To hurt him, I think, requires at least attacks equal or surpass the level of his ability.]

[… Same level of attack… ? So you mean─]
[… Right. Although it’s hard for me to admit, no matter regular attacks or Noble Phantasms, as long as it’s not Grade A it will become nullified. To defeat that monster, requires at least Grade A attacks, and higher level Noble Phantasms.]

I close my eyes, recalling Saber’s stats.
Saber’s strength … Regular attacks, Grade B. Noble Phantasm, Grade C.

…. How could it be?
If it’s as Saber said, we not only can’t defeat Berserker, it’s hard just to scratch him…!

[W-Wait a minute…! Isn’t this, Strength and Noble Phantasm’s base is the same? Even though the Grade is low, Noble Phantasm is still a powerful weapon, right? So, if it’s measured in Strength, shouldn’t the Grade surpass A?

[Correct, Noble Phantasm is incomparable with regular attacks. Noble Phantasm of Grade C in the sense of regular attacks, is Grade A or A+. …. But, what “reason/rational” protecting Berserker is out of worldly rules or scientific theories.]

[That’s the same as the ideal of even facing a Noble Phantasm that can destroy the world, as long as it’s not Grade A it can nullify it. Berserker…. Hercules is a hero that has some attributes of God. To a hero who carries God’s blood, there cannot exist any interference as long as it’s below his level of mysticism.]

[────So, the next time we are attacked-]

Will be our ─ end?

[No, no matter what kind of heroic spirit, there always exists a weakness. At least, Berserker doesn’t have anti-castle kind of attacks, so we can avoid that all of us getting killed at once. If my wounds heal, I might be able to face him head on, and Shirou can retreat using that opportunity. If there are any kind of backups we might even have a chance to win.]

[… So in conclusion we still have to base our plans on retreating, and we have to find out his weakness before he attacks. … Oh yeah, Saber, what kind of attack is anti-castle?]

[It’s a measurement of the attack power of a Noble Phantasm, which divides into three categories: anti-person Noble Phantasm for one-on-one duels, anti-army Noble Phantasm to dominate the other group in group fights, and the destructive one-hit-ends-all anti-castle Noble Phantasm.]

I see.
As its name suggests anti-army or anti-castle, if we meet that rocket kinds of attack, me and Tohsaka would die with one hit.
Of whatever luck there is, at least Berserker doesn’t have that kind of large-range attacks.

[… But, Masters can amend this flaw. Illyasviel is like a huge concentration of Mana; if she is a elite Magi, and Berserker can completely shield her, then ───── I might not be able to protect Shirou.]

…. Right.
Insecure elements doesn’t just include Berserker,
Master and Servants are a team of two,
At this point, I am still Saber’s burden.

[Let’s go to the next Servant.]
[Wait a minute, Shirou. Someone has passed the front entrance!]

[Eh, you can know those kind of things? ... Ah, so it’s this time already. Damn, it must be Sakura.]
I stand up in a hurry.

The sounds of doorbell rings from the entrance.

[Excuse me.]

And then, I heard Sakura’s voice.

[Saber, I’m sorry, but─]
[I know. I’ll go back to my room, please don’t mind me.]
Saber walks toward her room.

Just at the moment, enters
[I’m back. Well, well, so you did return early.]
Tohsaka, holding a bag of grocery,
[Sorry to bother you, Senpai. I’m curious of why you returned so early.]
And Sakura, happily smiling.

[Well, since I’ve prepared everything, let’s begin!]
Tohsaka lifts her spirit as she heads toward the kitchen.
Sakura looks at her, worrying
[Senpai…? You know, the preparation for dinner…]

[Ah, Tohsaka is doing it today, so don’t worry. Since Sakura made breakfast, let her handle it. During the period that Tohsaka is staying, Tohsaka and I will take care of dinner.]
[Ah…. S-Sure. Since Senpai says it like this, there is no need for me to disagree.]
Sakura obediently sits on the pad.
Although loud noise of brushing leaks from the kitchen, Tohsaka’s back doesn’t show any sign of danger.]

[…. Is it really ok for her…?]
Then there is nothing to do here.
I though about Saber. I’ll go back to the room before dinner is fully ready.

[I’ll go back to my room to rest. If Fuji-nee comes, tell her that she needs to, at least sometimes, boil her own bath water.]
[Ah, sure. Please have a nice rest, Senpai. When dinner is ready I’ll call you.]

[Ah-ah, …. Right, please knock the door before you come in.]
Time is before six. At this pace, the dinner could be ready at seven.

When I returned to my room, Saber is already asleep next door.

[Oh well, but I though we could discuss something.]
I made a face, and sit on the pad.
[… What I’m I saying, in reality I don’t have any topic besides the War of the Holy Grail.]
I never was adapt at talking with Saber, right?

[Well, it doesn’t matter. Since she’s asleep, then─]
I dully said something, looking at the pointers on the clock.
Yesterday, there were only the three of us, me, Saber, and Tohsaka, at dinner.
Today, along with Fuji-nee and Sakura, makes five.

[…Ah, that’s not right ….. Saber can’t be with us.]
As long as Fuji-nee and Sakura is still here, Saber can’t leave her room.
[────Saber, did you eat breakfast?]
Last night, Saber on one hand eats dinner, on the other nods her head.
From her ways of eating, it seems that she cannot not eat. (intentional double negative.)

[… Since I didn’t prepare lunch, she should be hungry by now.]
When Fuji-nee and Sakura go home, I need to reheat dinner so Saber can eat.
Although she has to eat by herself, but there is no other way ─── right?

Why do I feel
Whenever I imagine how Saber eats by herself, I feel angry.

[Shirou, are you awake?]
Tohsaka knocks on the door, showing her face from the opening.

[Tohsaka? What, is there anything wrong?]
[What things, it’s just dinner. It’s done, come over.]
────It’s this time already.
Groaning, I lift my heavy waist, walk on the hallway after I took a peek at the room that Saber is sleeping.

[Ah, com’on com’on, look at those kinds of dishes! It’s been so long since I have seen someone like Tohsaka-san who can make Chinese meals like this!]
Fuji-nee shows her excitement in front of the dinner plates placed on the table.
I looked over, tonight’s dinner is Chinese style.

The four large plates hold crab, green pepper with stripped beef, mixed vegetable with never-before-seen-high-quality meat, and an entire plate of an army of smoked meat, what is she thinking? But the colors are varied, and it does look …

Light-flavored salads are on small plates, she even noticed the detail of letting the tongue rest.
In other words, this is what Fuji-nee like the most: A Grand Dinner.

[… I’m surprised; I thought Tohsaka is Western style.]
[Ah, she planned to do Western, but because I said that no one here knows how to do Chinese meals, she said she would.]

[─── Why does she have to live this kind of showy life? …. Em? Sakura, you came here with Tohsaka, did you two went shopping?]
[Yes. Tohsaka-senpai wait for me until Archer Club’s practice ended, and then we just bought stuffs together.]

[… I see. Well, you two have a better relation than I thought.]
[Of course. I speak often with Tohsaka-senpai. Although I don’t know what part of me Tohsaka-senpai likes, Tohsaka-senpai really does have been taken care of me since I entered this school.]
That person, really is a sympathetic Senpai(girl) in school.

[Stop talking, let’s eat. My stomach is rumbling; I have been hungry for a long time!]
Fuji-nee happily sits down,
[Oh yeah, sit down, you two. Chinese meals, if cooled down, are sinfully hard to eat.]
Tohsaka said it as if it was nothing, and sat down beside the table.

I silently sit on the pad.
Everyone said “Ikitakimatsu”, and starts to eat.

… Although I don’t want to admit it, those dishes are extremely tasty.
The reason that I did not cook Chinese meals before is because I felt “they tastes the same”, but these dishes are good enough to let me recant that belief.

[WuhWah, fabulous fabulous! I haven’t eat this kind of cooking for ages. Mm, Tohsaka-san, I give you 100 points!]
[Thank you. Getting honest comments from people like sensei, I am happy as well.]

[Yes, I changed my view of Chinese style as well. Although I’m not used to eating spicy foods, this is very tasty!]
Sakura seems to be happy from the depth of her heart.

After looking at Sakura, smiling
With a twisted personality, Tohsaka gives a praise-my-victory expression toward me.

[What, do you want to say something, Tohsaka?]
[Nothing─. I’m just happy that everyone likes it. Even though, there is a not honest person here, with this kind of joy and pleasure I’ll disregard it. I do know the feeling of defeat in the one’s most adapted field.]

[*Gulp*─── So, you let me cook yesterday to analyze my cooking?]
[Heh-Heh-Heh-Heh, very good. Today’s lesson is, always hide your trump card─]
Tohsaka looks like she’s joyful from the depth of her heart, and eats her own cooking.

Dinner time, is more rowdy than I thought.
Sakura and Tohsaka is a nice pair of good Kohai(female) and good Senpai(female), even Fuji-nee is completely on her side.

It’s a happy dinner, which I don’t feel any discontent over,
But it’s not discontent, with everyone eating together, something just feels wrong.

I stand up.
[? Shirou, what’s wrong? You want to go to the restroom?]
[No, I just forgot something. I’ll bring it here, so wait for me a bit.]
When I was leaving the living room,
I feel that Tohsaka was gazing at me, quietly.

It’s just, I can’t understand.
That’s the only reason.
At the same house, only she has to be along, I don’t like it.

So I, disregarding the consequences, grab her hand.

[Sh-Shirou!? Why are you suddenly─]
[It doesn’t matter, just come here. I want to introduce everyone to Saber.]
[Are you serious?! Please wait a bit, so─]

[It’s because I’m serious that I’m taking you. Com’on, let’s go, things will straighten out naturally.]
[Wait, wait, Shirou─]

I forcefully grab Saber’s hand, and we enter the living room.

[Sorry, Tohsaka, can you give me another person’s share?]
Tohsaka didn’t refuse,
Just, those who are surprised, Sakura and Fuji-nee, stare at Saber, dumb-stroke.

[Although it’s a little late, but let me introduce her. This child is called Saber, I need to take care of her temporarily. Like what you see she is a foreigner, so she is not used to the Japanese style of living. Please help her as much as you can.]

Those two have no reaction.
Although of course they would be that way, I didn’t have any time to care for them.

[Come, Saber, sit over there. Rice will only taste good when you eat it together.]
[That…… I think it will be more proficient, but─]
[Don’t be such an outsider. Also, Saber has to reside here from now on, ok? Since we live in the same home, of course we should eat together.]

[….. Sure, since Shirou already decided it, I can only follow.]

[How coul─────]

[How could you────!]

[……. *Whimpers* ~~~~~~!]
My ears!
My ears are ringing!

[What, what is happening Shirou?! Not only Tohsaka, you are taking this child home as well? When did here become a hotel?!]
[Wh-what’s wrong? Since this is as large as a hotel, to lend a few rooms to other people is not a huge matter. If Tohsaka can then so can Saber, they are just staying here.]

[How could it be possible?! Although I accept Tohsaka-san, I can’t do the same for someone I have no idea of! That child is from which family!]
[Which family’s child── the child of a far-away relative. Something happened to them, so she’s send for dad’s care.]

[I’m not going to believe that lie. And, even if it is like that, why does she has to come to the Emiya family? Kiritsugu have people he knew in other countries, how is that─]
The word possible, Fuji-nee can’t say anymore.
Whatever she could say, dad is an idiot who travels to foreign countries year round. Perhaps the number of foreigners he knew even surpasses the number of Japanese he knew.

[── Although I can’t say impossible, this is extremely peculiar. You, why are you here?]
Fuji-nee stares at Saber, not believing what I’ve just said.

[No, that’s why─]
[Shut up, Shirou. So, Saber, right? I’m asking you.]

Saber is silent.
Of course, Saber didn’t come here for anything, and she’s not clever enough to be in coordination with my lies──

[I don’t know. I’m just following what Kiritsugu told me.]

──seems that, she is.

[────Mmm, Kiritsugu want you to take care of Shirou?]
[Yes. He said, please protect Shirou from any kind of harm.]
Saber said it, with an incomparable pureness.

…. Who can refute it?
Even if that’s all lies ─── But for Saber, who’s saying it, it’s the absolute truth.

Even Fuji-nee can’t refute what Saber just said.

Fuji-nee frowns, stands up with an unfriendly expression, sharply stares at Saber.

[…. Very well, if this is what you’ve said, let me see how good you are.]

Just like this, she said some weird stuff that no one gets.

And then,
Fuji-nee, carrying a sound-fx of something is coming, took us out.

Fuji-nee takes down the bamboo sword hanging on the wall, stares straight at Saber.

…. So, the following
Our Fuji-nee, what the hell is she thinking?

[You said that you will protect Shirou, so you should already have that determination.]
[───── You want me to hold a sword?]

[Right. If you are stronger than me, I’ll accept you. But if you are weaker, you have to return to where you came from.]
[…. Sure, but why is that?]

[Because the one who protects Shirou is me! Before Shirou can handle everything by himself, I’ll have to protect him!]
Saber doesn’t seems to understand what Fuji-nee just said,
Of course, no one else understands her either.

[I’m-Just-Saying, there is no need for people weaker than me here. If you are stronger than me, you are more reliable than me, then I can temporarily let you take care of Shirou.]
Fuji-nee holds her bamboo sword, as if she is like a child throwing a tantrum.

[─── I understand. Just so you will accept me, right?]
[Right, but it will be hard for you to let me accept you!]
Not waiting to finish the sentence, Fuji-nee took a giant step, waving her bamboo sword at Saber….!

[Wahhh─ Fuji-nee’s acting out of rule─!]
Not only is it an ambush, she didn’t even give Saber a bamboo sword. Taiga how could you be a teacher if you are like this?

Did Fuji-nee’s surprise attack stun her? Saber is dully standing there.
Fuji-nee’s self-praised body attack is about to explode on Saber ───!

Fuji-nee, as if she feels amazed, tilts her head.
… Of course,
Even me, who’s watching from the side, is amazed by what has happened. The participant Fuji-nee should be as amazed as looking at the Air Garden of Babylon.

Saber still stands straight,
The only difference, is that she holds the bamboo sword that was on Fuji-nee’s hand just a while ago.

[Ah……. S-Seriously?]
Although I don’t understand what Fuji-nee just said, this is what is really happening.

Saber didn’t raise the bamboo sword she took from Fuji-nee.
Before Saber, who’s not even positioning herself, Fuji-nee is not moving as if she’s paralyzed.
It can be said that Fuji-nee is an undefeatable swordsman,
Her experiences, should be able to let her realize that the opponent before her is on an entirely different level.

[… If you want me to raise the sword, I’ll do it. But with your skills you should know with me having to assort to that.]
[Wuuu── Wuu, Wuuu-Wuu-wuuu, Wuu~~~~~]
Fuji-nee stumbles everywhere, softly sits down.

[Win and lose is already decided. Can you accept me now?]
[──── Wu, Wuuuu, Wuuuuuuuuu]
Fuji-nee’s shoulder drops down.
Just when I thought that Fuji-nee would stay like this for a while, that moment─

[WuWahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Some strange person took Shirou away───────!]

Fuji-nee shouts so loudly that we could become unconscious, begins to cry.

… In the end, we spent two more hours convincing Fuji-nee.
Fuji-nee said she wants to talk to Saber, one-on-one, so she enclosed her and Saber in dad’s room for two hours, comes out with an unacceptable expression while saying that she could only accept Saber.

On the other hand, Sakura didn’t say a word from the beginning.
The night is deep. Even when Fuji-nee escorts Sakura home, she never said anything, just a good-bye and she went home.

[Then I’ll return to the outer building.]
Tohsaka just stays like this.

[… Sorry, you must feel that I’m doing stupid things.]
[Not really. Just, what you are doing, are extra stuffs. If you keep doing them, you will collapse one day.]

Tohsaka said good-night, waved her hands and went to her room.
I just feel so, tired.
I’ll rest early today as well.

[Can you wait a moment, Shirou? I have something to ask you.]
[Eh? Oh, sure. What is it?]
[Why do you have to introduce me to everyone? I agree with Tohsaka; Shirou’s actions were unnecessary.]
[It’s nothing particular, it’s just that I really hate it.]

[Shirou, that’s not answering the question. Can you say what is it that you hate?]
Saber continues with her questioning,
…. To her, is what happened tonight so unusual?

[How could I know? It’s just, when we are eating, I thought about how Saber is, alone, I just felt very discomfortable. If I have to explain, it’s just that if I let Fuji-nee and Sakura know about Saber, I can at least hide less things from them.]

[That’s not anything that really has meaning. It can even be said that its worse to let them know about my existence. This house is big enough for me to hide, so you should just left me waiting.]

What’s better?
Is she saying that, while everyone else is happily eating together, she should just be left alone, all by herself?

[───Of course not. Even if Saber feels that’s better, I don’t like it. So there is no other way. I don’t think this was a reason.]
After making that assertion, I moved my gaze away from Saber.

[I’m going to the storage room. Go back to your room first, I’ll return after I finish what I have to do.]
There is no reply.
With my back toward Saber, who seems to be unable to comprehend what I just did, I walk toward the storage room.

I’m outside.
A blue moonlight covers the silent garden.
I raised my head to look up. Tonight’s sky seems to be quite high, I can see many stars.

I sighs, unintentionally.
Tohsaka is right.
Actually, I am at conflict.

I avoid the room that Saber is sleeping, and I walk toward the storage room.
On the other side, just now I feel that letting Saber alone is so discomforting and irritable and I can’t bear it.
Although as the opposite sex I’m not adapt at getting along with Saber, I just can’t leave her alone as a person, is it like this?

…. With such a conflicting self, it’s easy for Tohsaka to be confused.
[… Really, fail. I thought the only immature thing I possess is Magecraft, So it seems that my mental training is not enough as well?]

I dully, watching the sky while talking to myself.

─── The night grows deeper.

It’s because I’m not mature, that I cannot stop training.
I can only believe that, as long as I try, I’ll arrive at somewhere. And then, pile up my tiny self.
