
4th Day

It happened, in the winter five years ago

That night, the moon was very beautiful
I didn't do anything, just watch the moon with my father Emiya Kiritsugu
Though it was in winter, but the temperature wasn't too low
It was only a bit cold in the hallway, a night perfect for moon watch

At that time, Kiritsugu seldom went out
Not often out of house, the time he spent staying home extended

......Whenever I think of it now, I still feel regrets
Why didn't I take notice of it, it's very similar to animals that sensed their time of death

"When I was little, I used to look up to the protector of justice"
Father who was like a protector of justice from my point of view, said reminiscently

"What do you mean. Used to, did you give up"
I replied with a slight dissatisfaction
Kiritsugu smiled apologetically, and raised his head to gaze at the moon faraway

"Hm, such a shame. Heroes have expiration dates, it's hard to call yourself that after becoming an adult. If only I, realize this earlier"
I could understand since he put it this way
But for some unknown reason, but I thought that whatever Kiritsugu said couldn't be wrong

"I see. Then it can't be helped"
Yeah. Really, can't be helped"
Kiritsugu matched me
And surely, there's only one line I should say

"Hm, since it can't be helped then let me do it. Dad can't help it because you're an adult, but I don't have any problem. I will carry on, Dad's dream"

"----I will accomplish, for sure"

Before I finished my sentence, father smiled
It was a smile that didn't need to listen to the rest of what I said
Kiritsugu said is this so, and took in a long breath

"Aah----I am relieved"

Then he shut his eyes quietly, and finished his life
That was as calm as if he would be woke up in the morning, my younger self didn't feel any anxious
I didn't do anything, just raised my head and gaze at the moon, and the one went in a deep sleep, the man who was once my father

There is no sound of insect in the yard, it's tranquil on all sides
In the middle of a bright night, I only remembered the heat on my two eyes
I didn't make crying sounds, nor did I feel sadness
It was just that before the moon fell down, my tears wouldn't stop streaming down

It happened, in the winter five years ago
I never cried even once afterward, for I already cried away all my tears in the next ten years

After letting Fuji-nee's father take care of the details of funeral, I became living in the house of Kiritsugu all alone
Nothing changed even without Kiritsugu's presence
Because Emiya Shirou was going to become a protector of justice, there wasn't much free time

----That's right
Though I never mentioned it, but I could remember vividly
Remember the sight of the man who rescued me who was left in the fire from ten years ago
He held up the child who had no conscious, and burned by fire all over the body that near the brink of death, he looked so happy that as if he was about to cry, carried me out

Since that time, I looked up to him
No one came to save
No one was save
Among them, there were I who was saved, and the only that came to save me

---Therefore, I wanted to become someone like that

Help everyone like he did, becomes a protector of justice that let no one dies
And he himself left the wish of wanting to become 'that kind of man', and lowered the curtain calmly in front of my eyes

It's natural for a son to carry on the way of his father
Emiya Shirou must becomes a protector of justice, to help someone like myself in the past

I swore such, when I was little
Swore to be in the man whom I looked up to his stead, realized his dream

......But, to be honest I didn't really understand
What kind of man is this protector of justice Kiritsugu spoke of, how to become a mature Magus faster, how to realize the dream Kiritsugu spoke of where everyone is happy that is almost like Magic, on top of these, my head is in a mess after becoming a Master, and followed by a blond girl, seriously----

Upon opening my eyes, I am in a room that I'm already used to look at
"What. Isn't this my room"
Once I make a sound, I start to feel really bad
"......Ugh......Something very gross, in my mouth......"
A thick taste of blood
Is there a lot of blood accumulated in my mouth, there's sticky air flowing in whenever I take a breath

I don't know why is it this way yet
Just want to vomit very badly, anyhow let's wash my face in the restroom first

I push my body up
Feeling dizzy for a while
Can't help but going to fall down, I push against the wall with my hands

My urge to vomit raises once I start to move
......No, instead of saying it as urge of vomiting, it's more like pain
My body is heavy, the inside my abdomen is turning once I begin to move. This sensation must be caused by pouring melted lead into my stomach

"......So hot......It becomes hot when my mind strays off"

Wipe out the sweats coming out of forehead, I leave the room against the wall unsteadily

"......OK, I'm cool off slightly"
I wash my face, wipe the body wet with sweats
Why is my abdomen wrapped in bondages
I can't think of the reason, let it stays on for now

".....My stomach is so hungry. Is there something cooked already......"
Though the stomach is rumbling and wanting to vomit, but it seems my body needs nutrients very much

I raise my spirit and starts to wall by pushing against the wall
My head is dizzy again, and body is really blunt
I move forward as I make noises harsh to the ears
......What did I do, before going to bed
I don't recall doing any training that would make the muscles of my entire body ache

Arrive at living room
It seems that Sakura and Fuji-nee went to school directly today
There's no prepared breakfast in the living room, and no noisy Fuji-nee making ruckus
A quiet living room, just like the view of an ordinary Sunday morning---

"Good morning. I let myself in, Shirou"

---Not really

"Wha, eh----!?"
The one sitting on the cushion is Tohsaka Rin
Her calmness makes me look like the guest
Nn, this surprises me again

Not sure how to reply, anyhow I will sit on the cushion first
And next, after taking a deep breath I begin

"Tohsaka, why are you"

"Hold on. Aren't you going to apologize first? I won't be satisfied until I hear your apologize for what happened yesterday"

I don't even have the time to say 'why are you in my house?"

Tohsaka is staring at me with a seemingly really angry eyes
Apparently she's angry because of what happened yesterday, but what exactly happened yesterday----

"----Hold on"
I remember it
Yeah, what am I doing sucking in this soothing morning atmosphere
I was going to save Saber, and then---abdomen was cut open by Berserker

......The urge of vomiting is back again
Once I sum up the sensation of losing a large chunk of my body, I feel cold all over
The things in my abdomen is bumping
That makes me feel extremely gross
Even though I feel extremely gross, but at the same time that's also the proof that I'm still alive

Uh, this is very strange
Shouldn't I be killed right then?

"---How strange. Why am I still alive"
"You remember? Now that you know how much of a stupid thing you commit yesterday. Then please reflect on yourself for a while"

Tohsaka makes a humph sound as she lectures me
......Mm, I can't accept it somehow
My brain which was rigid because of the inconceivability of Tohsaka in my house, has finally begun to function again

"What are you saying, there wasn't any other option then! Ah......Well, it does seem stupid judging from the result, but I intended to do better. So, I didn't do wrong"
I object to Tohsaka that I wasn't a fool with my stare

Wh, what
Why is she acting all exhausted and giving out sighs

"I said that if the Master dies the Servant will vanish as well, right? Then what's the point of you protecting the Servant"

"Listen, if you die Saber will vanish as well. If you want to rescue Saber, please stay in a much safer place and ponder on a method that you can do. ......Seriously, how could you actually use your body to protect the Servant, this kind of behavior is only a waste, understand now?"

"I wasn't protecting her. It came out this way because I wanted to help her. I didn't think it'd end up like this either"
Though I did think of one would die from going close to the monster, but that's beside the point

"......Oh really. It appears that, you are mistaken"
Is it because that she sees through my thinking, Tohsaka is becoming even more unhappy

"Let me say this Emiya. Frankly, I didn't take you to the Church so you can win. That was the plan I came up with considering how to let someone as clueless as yourself to stay alive when left alone. You don't seem to understand that"

"To let me stay alive......?"
"That's right. If you know you would die when defeated, then you wouldn't pick on a fight easily. Because Emiya, you look like the type who'd go out for a walk at night even under these circumstances. I intended to scare you so you wouldn't attempt anything dangerous, if everything goes well you can survive until the end"

"I see. I didn't notice this"
So that's why you are complaining to me who ignore this and approach Berserker by myself

"......? But why is Tohsaka getting angry. My stupid actions shouldn't have anything to do with Tohsaka"

"Of course there is. Because it made me worried for a whole night!"

Tohsaka is exploding
......But, so that's it
To be honest I am very glad for letting her worry
Now I think about it, it seems like the one who treated me was also Tohsaka

"Is that so. I caused Tohsaka troubles. Thank you"
I lower my head with thanks and apologies

"Humph, it's fine as long as you understand. If you learn your lesson, next time you should make a more intelligent move"

Tohsaka turns her face
Though the action itself appears to be still dissatisfied, but she seems to be in a better mood

"That's enough talks on yesterday's incident. Now let's cut the chase, do you want to start from the serious topic, or topic related to yesterday?"

Tohsaka says matter-of-factly
Although I am not used to her straightforward personality, but now that I think about it Tohsaka must have something to say to have stay here

If she has no business with Emiya Shirou, Tohsaka Rin should be at her own place long ago
What is this topic Tohsaka the enemy is speaking of, in her enemy's foundation

I am interested in that, and also what happened afterward yesterday
I have to ask anyway, for now----

Hm......Somehow I feel that, both sides are not good things

"? What are you keeping quiet about. It's nothing to fuss over"
"Is that so. Somehow I feel that, Tohsaka will get angry no matter which side I ask, so I don't feel like asking"
I make a Mm sound, hold my arms and say what's on my mind honestly

Shit, this sense of crisis, it's as if I stepped on the tail of a tiger

"......Toh, Tohsaka......? Why is your expression, so scary......?"
Did I, touch the forbidden subject......?

"Eh. What kind of expression is a very scary expression. Just curious, does Emiya think that I look like I am angry?"

Som, somehow it feels even more dangerous now......!

"Ah, no......perhaps I was oversensitive, thought I saw some bulges around your temples, hopefully I was mistaken"

Under that high pressure smile, I answer arbitrarily

"Hey. Does it look like that. Then, Emiya thinks I am angry after all?"

"Uuh......Well, are you angry, Tohsaka......?"

"Of course!!!!!!! You are not saying what you're supposed to, what do mean by you don't want to ask either side!? You brainless, do you really know your position here----!"

Tohsaka howls like a beast
"Uuh, mm----"
Though that assertiveness is driving me to run away with my tail between my legs

"Don't you dare run away! Sit up!"
Like so, without thinking I straighten my body to sit up

"Ah. There's something not right here, Tohsaka, why do I have to sit up"
"Of course since I am going to lecture you! Because you don't seem to awake yet, before you do that, sit there!"

Apparently Tohsaka is really angry
If putting up any resist now I will get eaten from head to toe, I nod
Anyhow the opponent is a beast
Before an angry animal, pretending dead is the best solution

"Humph. First off is to confirm the situation. Let me tell you what happened afterward yesterday"
Then, Tohsaka briefly explains to me the incident yesterday

Apparently Berserker left after I lost my conscious
After that, Tohsaka examined carefully, and discovered that my body was already starting to heal by itself, ten minutes later everything outside appeared the same as before
She carried me whose wound was healed, however haven't recovered conscious, back here, and then onto now

"What's important is, you survived all by yourself. Though I did help, but what completely healed that wound was your own power. Don't confused this"
"So it is from what you said. But, how come it wasn't cured by Tohsaka?"

"How so. A trick like reviving the dead, is not within my ability. Emiya Shirou fixed the knocked out inside by himself"

Even though you say so
And indeed my abdomen is exactly the same as before, but honestly, I still have some doubts in Tohsaka's words
Since revival is out of question, I don't even know the Sorcery to cure

"The cause of that is perhaps the Servant. Since your Servant is very powerful, or maybe there was some mistake during summoning. ......I think that both sides are possible, maybe there's some sort of string of connection"

"String of connection? As in, the string of cause and effect that connects Servants and Magi?"

"Eh, aren't you well-informed of the knowledge of familiars. That's simple then. Mainly, the relation between Emiya and Saber, is not the usual relation of Master and Servant"

"From what I can tell Saber appears to have the ability to auto heal, therefore perhaps that ability also transfers to your body. Though normally it's the ability of the Magus that adds on the familiar, but in your case, it's the familiar's special ability that helps the Master"

"......Hm. So simply put, it's river flows from bottom to top?"
"Very good analogy. It's impossible usually, but Saber's powerful enough to change the direction of river flow. Otherwise it's hard to imagine how she fights against Berserker in that build"

"So it's impossible usually......Then is Tohsaka and Archer in a normal Magus and familiar relation"
"Yep. Though he is a guy that doesn't listen to other talking at all, but still counts as one"

"The connection between a Master and a Servant, is like gasoline and engine. We provide mana, they only need to absorb. ......However apparently there are also Masters that fuse with the Servants physically, and obtain a pseudo-immortality. Which are those guys that wouldn't die as long as the Servants are still alive......Emiya, are you listening to me?"

"Eh......? Aah, I am listening. So Tohsaka, you mean no matter how serious the wounds on my body are they can all be healed?"

"At the expense of your Servant's mana. Though not sure of the reason, but the cause should be the materialization of Saber. Since you can't possibly learn any spell about auto heal"
"Of course. I didn't learn anything this hard from my Dad"

"So that's not it, then I don't have to worry. Forget it, this has nothing to do with you"

What's wrong
Tohsaka's words are a bit complicated and difficult to understand

"Forget it. Anyhow I am saying you shouldn't act foolishly. This time is fine since you are saved, but you shouldn't be saved if you get this kind of wound again next time. Forget about the naive idea any wound can be healed is better"

"I know. I am wounded myself, and to take something from Saber, is a little embarrassing"

"Fool, not because of that. I can say for sure, what's losing in order to tend your wounds is not only Saber's mana. ---You, definitely use something. Life span, fortune, saving or something. Anyway there's definitely something else that is lost"

Tohsaka humphs again
Though I feel the same way, however

"Tohsaka. That has nothing to do with saving"
"Of course there is! Because Sorcery is expensive, you cast more means it becomes less and less and less and less! It's unforgivable to not spend any money, especially me!"
Tohsaka yells, spits out the flame of personal hatred

Truly remarkable
As we talk more, I realize more that Tohsaka's true color is straying away from when she's in the school
......Aah, that's not true, that kind of thing I pretty much realized already yesterday

"......Forget it, let's put the matter with money aside. Now it's time for serious talks, are you ready Emiya"
"That is the topic that let Tohsaka stays here. All right, I am listening"

"Then I am going to ask directly. Emiya, what do you plan to do from now on?"
Very direct indeed, Tohsaka asks of the thing I least want to be asked of

......No, not right
Not the least want to be asked of, it's just that I haven't thought of it
I am the one who want to ask myself what to do from now on the most

"......Honestly, I don't know. Though it's to compete for the Holy Grail, but I never fought with another Magus before. Firstly, I----"

I want to try my hardest to avoid killing each other, more importantly---

"I have no interest in Holy Grail this kind of nonsensical thing. I think it's weird to put my life on the line for something I don't desire"
"I knew you would say that. You would get killed by the Servant for saying something like that"

"Wha......get killed, why!?"
"Because the goal of Servants is the Holy Grail. They reply to the summoning by humans, in the condition of possibly obtaining the Holy Grail"

"Holy Grail is what's the most important for Servants. They only obey Masters because of the possibility of obtaining the Grail, sometimes even die for Masters. But you say you don't want the Grail. How can you have any complaint even if you're treated as a traitor and executed"

"......What. Isn't that strange then, Servants are summoned by Masters. So----"

"Do you believe that Servants will obey humans unconditionally? The Grail will grant the wish of the one that obtains it. Even the guardians of Masters, Servants are no exceptions. Servants have all kinds of wishes as well. That's why they reply to the summoning that was thought to be impossible"

"Not Masters summon Servants in order to obtain the Holy Grail. It should be Servants reply to Masters' summon in order to obtain the Holy Grail"


Servants have desires too......?
Then that's saying Saber, has a wish that wants to be granted by the Grail as well

"So even if the Servants did not receive order from the Master, they would still go to destroy other Masters. There can be only one obtaining the Grail. They won't hand over the Grail to anyone besides their own Masters. Servants are different from Masters, they can't steal the command spells. Their only method of eliminating other Masters are killing off"

"Therefore, even if the Master himself doesn't have the will to fight, he still can't avoid fighting. Master who is attacked by a Servant, needs to counter with his own Servant. Thus is the Holy Grail War, haven't you heard enough from Kirei?"

"----Aah. I learned that since last night. But----"

That also means, Servants are going to kill each other
I originally thought that once the Masters reach an agreement, everyone gives up on the Holy Grail and problem solved, but if the Servants reply to the summoning for the Holy Grail and will never give up on Holy Grail, then the battles between Servants would be unavoidable
Is the girl that fought to protect me, also struggling to acquire the Grail, and standing at the position of kill or be killed

"......What's the matter. Though I know nothing of Heroic Spirit or what not, but Saber is human. She also bled so much yesterday"
"Ah, you can relax for that. Servant doesn't have life and death. Even when a Servant dies it only returns to where it came from. Since Heroic Spirit is already a phenomenon that even in death it cannot die. The one that would be killed after been defeated, is only the involving Master"

"No, but as I said"
Even if it's only a temporary death
But the fact that on this earthly world, the one in a human form whose heart stops beating, will remain unchanged

"What, are you saying this is murder? You're a Magus and you still want to promote those sense of justice?"

What Tohsaka said is reasonable
As a Magus, one is constantly surrounded by deaths
I should be aware of, and understood that matter since long ago
Yet I am still---not strong enough to measure good and evil in the face of the life and death of humans

"---Certainly. I won't participate in a fight to kill the opponent"
"Hey. Then you're just waiting to be killed. And let other Master takes the victory"

"Not that. The main point is to stay alive until the end. Though I don't intend to kill others myself, but I won't have mercy if it's a fight to protect myself. ......If an opponent comes to kill me, then he has nothing to complain if he is killed instead, right"

"Hum-ph, so just defense. Then regardless of what the other Masters intend to do, you wouldn't care. Even if that guy from yesterday goes berserk, and massacre the entire population in this town, you would pretend not have seen it"

That guy from yesterday......?
Meaning that alien monster
The monstrous strength that can completely smash one or two houses with one strike
......Certainly, if he wants to, such a small town would be eradicated over night

Additionally, the most bothersome matter is that Servants are essentially spiritual bodies
Humans that don't have sense of spirituality can't even grasp their shapes
They however can interfere with the reality as if they are with actual bodies, from this perspective, Servants should be the strongest weapon

Our attacks are null to them, their attacks however are valid to us
This is just an one-sided game
The destruction caused by Servants, is just like natural disasters in the eyes of ordinary men
People who die from the attacks of invisible murderers, will only be taken as accidents or suicide cases

"Why. Servants---No, Masters and Servants, don't they only attack other Masters. It shouldn't involve the people in the town"
"Hm, if that's the case it would be much more peaceful. However, then there would be no need for Kirei to supervise, right?"

"I forgot to mention one thing, Servants are spirits. They are finished products, and will not have any additional growth. But mana which is used for fuels is another matter. The more mana they store up, Servants can use the special abilities from their previous lives more freely. This is the same as us Magi......you see what I am saying?"

"I know. Sorcery torrents"

Mana is like the gunpowder in bullets, and Magi are like guns
There are many kinds of guns, such as handguns, rifles, machine guns, shotguns, every Magus has a different capability
With this instance however, Servants are not guns but artilleries
By consuming a large amount of mana, to release a huge bullet

"Right. But Servants are unlike us whose mana are provided by nature. Essentially, they are using the mana inside their bodies to move. And the ones that replenish their mana are us Masters, Servants can only use their mana with the mana of their Masters to bring out their power from previous lives"

"But, this way an amateur Master like you can't match those excellent Masters, right? The short-cut, which is pretty obvious solution, is to let a Servant to replenish mana from elsewhere. Since Servants are spiritual bodies. They can replenish nutrients by eating the same thing"


Eating the same thing can replenish nutrients......?

"Same thing, meaning spiritual bodies? But what spiritual bodies can they eat"

"Simple. Natural spirits absorb power from the nature itself. Then what do you think a Servant of human spirit will absorb its power from?"
Very simple
Just like us eating meat, they who have human spirits also----

"Correct. Though the replenishment of mana, provided by Masters assisted by the Holy Grail should be sufficient. But it would be easier to assimilate a large quantity from masses than individual, right? To put it frankly, Masters with no calibers, will let their Servants to eat humans"

"Servants can transfer human emotions and souls to mana. If you want to make your Servant stronger, this is the most efficient way. There must be many Masters, who would kill humans as sacrifices to Servants"

"As sacrifices......does that mean there are unscrupulously Masters, who would go around and kill people to make Servants stronger"
"Yep. But the smart ones wouldn't waste their efforts on this matter"

"Listen, no matter how strong a Servant is, the mana container itself has a limit. Because you can't store any more mana than the maximum, so there's a limit to killing humans can do. And the Association wouldn't leave you alone if you did it too obvious, most importantly, the ability and true identify of a Servant will be figure out easily by other Masters from the death cause of the people. Of course the identify of the Master himself as well. The ones who hide their own identities have an overwhelming advantage in the Holy Grail War, normal Masters wouldn't let their Servants fight easily"

......Is that so
Certainly, as long as you hide the fact that you're a Master, you won't be attacked by other Masters
On the contrary, if you know who is a Master, then you can give a solid ambush
According to this theory, then the guys that let Servants expose their true identities from attacking people shouldn't be that many---

"......That's great. Then there shouldn't be a problem then. As long as the Master didn't give an order, a Servant wouldn't attack humans"

"That's true. For better or worse, they're heroes after all, bad guys that go around killing people, wouldn't be called heroes in the first place---However, you can say that for certain. There are also many instances where murderers are named heroes"

Tohsaka speaks of ominous indifferently
Not intentionally expressing an opposing view or sarcasm, it seems like her true feelings. From this standpoint, doesn't this show her vaguely distorted personality

"Back on topic. So, what are you going to do. Emiya who says he won't kill anybody, wouldn't interfere no matter what other Masters do?"

......I take back my words
This girl has not vaguely, but clearly distorted personality. Push others to this point still speaks with a smile on, she really likes to bully people

"If that's the case then I can only stop him. Once his Servant is defeated, the Master will change for better"
"You really astonish me. You said that you won't go and attack other Masters, but you are going to if others are committing bad things. Emiya, do you know how contradictory this is?"

"Aah, I know this is very selfish. But I haven't thought of any other action directives. This point will not be altered anyhow"

"Hum-ph. There's a problem in your words, may I point it out"

Scheme. That expression of hers is definitely scheming something
But as a man, I have to listen since I made an assertion

"Su, sure. What is it"
"Do you remember the Master from yesterday? That child who said she could kill Emiya and I easily"
How can I forget. That opponent is someone who raid us when we were going home without any warning

"That child, will definitely come to take our lives. I think Emiya should know this as well"
That child is also a Master

Since she knows Tohsaka and I are Masters, she will definitely come to raid some day
Though we don't know whether it's today or tomorrow, but by that time it's the equivalent of sentencing to a death penalty
At least, I can't stop that monster

"The Servant of that child, Berserker is on a different level. A still immature Master such as yourself cannot defeat him. Though you said you are not going to do anything except protecting yourself, but you can't even protect yourself"
"----I am truly sorry. But, you can't win against that guy either Tohsaka, right"

"I can't win in a direct assault. That is the strongest Servant in terms of melee battles. I think even among all the past Servants, there definitely isn't one that can match with him. I won't have any way to escape if I am assaulted by Berserker"

"......Then it's the same for me. If I am assaulted again, I think there won't be a next time"

I press my palm on the abdomen without unconsciously
The wound on my abdomen is healed now
No, this scale can't be called wounds anymore, but the trace of a giant sword that closes to a death on-site
Just from thinking that I have to taste that again, the inescapable urge of vomiting is back again

"This is it. Do you see now? You don't have the option of waiting around doing nothing until the Grail War ends"

"......Aah, I see. But Tohsaka. What were you trying to say. I was a little lost. You're not enjoying me being sentenced a death penalty......Uh, or are you actually happy about that?"

"My personality is not that evil. Seriously, I already say this much you still don't get it? Put it simply, do you want to cooperate with me"

Hm? Hmmmm, hm?
I take the meaning of that sentence of hers literally

"---Uh, Tohsaka and I cooperate!?"
"That's right. My Archer has critical wound, and is now under treatment. Though he will still need some time before completely heal, but he should at least half of the ability to move. And your Servant though has no drawbacks, but her Master is an amateur that will pull her back. See, isn't it perfect to put two and two together"

"Humph. I am not that amateurish"
"As far as I can tell you have nearly died three times already? Surely this is the first time I've seen someone who nearly got killed three times a day?"

"Grr----but, that"
"I at least will contribute something for our alliance. I will forget about Archer been defeated, and I will also teach you knowledge of a Master. Aah, if there's some spare time, I can also check Emiya's Sorcery ability for you, how about that?"

I think, that is certainly a very attractive suggestion
To I who know of nothing, Tohsaka is a reliable senpai

If possible, I don't want to fight with Tohsaka either
Not because she is a girl whom I admired in school
On the contrary, if she's not someone I know of, perhaps I wouldn't feel so unwilling

......The Tohsaka Rin in front of me, is very different from the image of an excellent student in school
But after these talks, Tohsaka is still Tohsaka, just like her appearance
That---Aah in another word, this suggestion is so attractive to the extent that I have to complain that why am I having this conversation with myself

"Emiya? I want to hear answer?"
I am been rushed to answer


......I don't have a choice to begin with
There is too much thing I don't know, and I am not mature enough as a Magus either
If Tohsaka can help me temporarily, I think there shouldn't be a better deal than this

"---I see. Then let's do as you said, Tohsaka. To be honest, this way will give me a lot of helps"

"So it's decided. Then let's shake hands. Anyhow, before taking down Berserker we're on the same side"
"Ah......So that's it. As expected. Though can't help it, but this way is easier to understand"

I hold the hand sticks out by Tohsaka
......A bit bewildered
Tohsaka's hand is very soft, at the instant of holding, I realize that she's a girl
Compare to her hand, my hand that has scars all over from playing around with junks is really unfitted somehow

As I think over this, I withdraw my hand embarrassingly at once

"What, what's wrong? So you don't want to cooperate with me after all?"
"----No, not that. Cooperate with Tohsaka will help me out a lot. What just happened doesn't mean that, don't mind it"

After Tohsaka looking me wonderingly
She suddenly reveals an expression with malicious intentions

"Wh, what. I will discard of this contract if you say something stupid. I really will. I will definitely do it!"
"This is your first time holding a girl's hand, right? What, though you know many people but Shirou is really shy"

"No, no! Not like that, it's just that"
It's just that the one is Tohsaka so I am embarrassed, of course I can't reply with this, and it's true that in the past I have never been so intimated with a girl

......Aah that's not true, Fuji-nee doesn't count
Rather than opposite sex, she is more like someone from the opposite side of galaxy

"---Uh, hm?"

What Tohsaka just said, seems to have some strange point mixed in there......?
"Ahaha, it really shows up on face just like the rumor says. Forget it, I won't keep asking the thing just now. If you start to throw a tantrum because I provoke you too much, I will also be in trouble"

"Then, first thing is deposit. This is for you, as a prove of our cooperation"
Was it hiding there. Tohsaka takes out a book from under the table

Looks like a diary
No title, the cover is in Burgundy
......Somehow it's just like Tohsaka's color

"This a possession of my father, I will give it to you because I don't need it anymore. Though it's something not needed by a mature Master, but I think you need"
Tohsaka rushes me to flip open it with her stares

"......Then, excuse me"
I flip to one page randomly


Though obviously there's nothing written on the book, but strange images are appearing in my head

"??? Tohsaka, what is this"
"The ability chart of each Servant. You already know that Holy Grail has rules, right? Servants have rules as well"

"Firstly, there can be only seven summoned Heroic Spirits. They are able to be summoned because these seven match the default 'classes' made by the Grail. Rather than pull out the original body of a Heroic Spirit, this method is making a class that is close to one particular Heroic Spirit, then from there summons the original body"

"Summon spirits or necromancy, is to let the summoned soul to enter the caster's body, and let him to give some sort of advices, right? That's the same. In order to call out souls from a different era, prepare a 'container' beforehand would be better"

"Classes---Aah, then Saber is a swordsman!"
"That's it. I did say that Heroic Spirits need to hide their real identities, no? So they will never speak of their real names. So naturally their names become the classes they were summoned in"

"And, the classes prepare beforehand are
Berserker, these seven"

"Though apparently a few Wars ago they did change a couple classes, but this is the basic lineup. Generally speaking, the best Servant is Saber. Though these classes have each of their own characteristics, but Servants' own abilities will be changed according to the ranking of the summoned Heroic Spirits, be cautious"

"Ranking of Heroic spirits......meaning how strong they were during their life times?"

"That's also included, but fame is what's supporting their abilities. Though what they've accomplished in life, and what kind of weapons they used will not change, but their basic abilities will be change according to their fame in that era. Because Heroic Spirits are like gods, they are more powerful if they are more worshiped by humans"

"You can call this, raising the concentration of existence. Just as Divine Spirits would be lower to the status of Elementals, heroes forgotten by people wouldn't have too much power either. But, I think whether been forgotten or wasn't well-known in the first place, a very powerful hero can still maintain some level of ability"

"......Then if it's a hero known by many, whose heroic legends in the past are also exceptional----"
"Would definitely be a Rank A Servant. From this perspective, perhaps Berserker is also the strongest. Since however you put it, he is the most famous hero in the Greek Myth. Heroes in the age of gods already had that many special Noble Phantasms, and if the Heroic Spirit itself is powerful too, then he would be invincible"

"......Tohsaka, well, what is a Noble Phantasm"
"The symbols possessed by Heroic Spirits in their previous lives. Heroes and magical swords, holy swords are all in the same group right? Meaning their arms"
"......? Weapon, like that invisible sword of Saber's?"

"More or less. Though I don't know what kind of legend it has, but that sword of Saber's must be a Noble Phantasm without a doubt. I guess I think I don't need to say this, heroes don't just leave their names in legends. They have weapons that are like trademarks. Those are the crystallization of people's fantasies of miracles, they are raised to become a 'Noble Phantasm,' the highest ranking weapon"

"Hm......is it a powerful Sorcery device in simple terms?"

"Right, right. To be frank, Heroic Spirits cannot match with poweful Sorcery, and Mysteries by themselves. But it's another matter if they are with Noble Phantasms. Heroic Spirits that use Noble Phantasms can destroy even Elementals from a couple ranking higher. Because those holy swords, magical swords in the legends, are all objects near the realm of Magic"

"For instance a sword that can slay dragons, the strongest creatures of phantasy, boots that can travel ten thousand miles, even a magical sword that can slay gods. ......Anyhow the Noble Phantasms of Heroic Spirits are so exceptional that they can't be anything except invincible. It's not too far-fetched to say that the battles of Servants are actualy competitions of Noble Phantasms"

"......Which is to say, as a Heroic Spirit, each Servant must possesses a Noble Phantasm"

"Hm. Basically, each Heroic Spirit can only have one Noble Phantasm. Most likely swords, spears and the sort. Doesn't China has the sword of Mountain Breaker, but that's a Sorcery object that can slash open mountains with one swing. I think it's a similar"

"However, Noble Phantasms are miracles that would only activate by using their true names, so they're not used frequently"

"? It will be activated if the name of the weapon is recited, right? The why not use it frequently?"

"If you recite the name of the weapon, then wouldn't others know what hero the Servant is. Since heroes are grouped with the magical swords, if one knows the name of the weapons, naturally one would recognize the possessor. This way all the strengths and weakness will be known, right?"

"I see. That is true"
In fact, Lancer who used his Noble Phantasm, his true identity was seen through by Saber
I remember she mentioned the son of light of Ireland or something

Then, let's flesh out the facts
Servants have different classes, and there are Heroic Spirits that match the classes

They have to hide what heroes they are
And also, even though their weapons are ultimate moves and the last trump cards, but they're not used frequently for fear of true identities being exposed

"Aforementioned are the related lessons to Servants. You will get the details from reading this book, if you have time please flip it through. If you are familiar enough, even without this book you will be able to determine a Servant's class with intuition"
After saying these, Tohsaka stands up from the cushion

"Next, I will be heading back"
"Eh? Aah, thanks for the hard work"
I am still sitting on the cushion, raising my head to look at Tohsaka who is heading back

"Don't be mistaken because of our cooperation relation. You and I will have to fight out one day one way or another. Regardless of whether that final day is after defeating all the other Masters, or when they are still alive, this will fact will not change. So---Don't consider me as a human being will make it easier for you, Emiya"
After clearly stating each other's standing grounds, Tohsaka returns to her place

It's because Tohsaka left, and the tension is gone
My worked up body suddenly feels fatigue, I lie on the floor of living room
As I lying there, endure the urge to vomit that wells up again

In the silent living room, the second hand of the clock is ticking
"......A war among Masters"
I still don't know, what exactly is it
What I can clearly understand is only, I don't have any control over it
If I can have at least a bit of interest in the Holy Grail, perhaps it will feel more realistic----

"Why. I only feel resentment, toward the Holy Grail"
Grail of wish granting
Though not sure what that is, but it is a holy relic that is able to call out those Servants

Even if it can't really grant every wish, for a Magus, it's still overly worthwhile
Even so---I am not interested in that kind of thing
I am also not believing it full heartily because of the lack of a sense of reality, yet in actuality, I consider that kind of shortcut very despicable

"And, the method to choosing its possessor involves fighting is also too dismal"
......However, this is a game of grabbing seats
No matter what kind of ideal you have, you can survive only by defeating your opponent after joining in
And, that method to defeat enemy, will possibly harm unrelated ordinary men


---Be glad, Emiya Shirou

The reason for my fighting is not to be victorious in the Holy Grail War

---Your wish, is finally granted

But to stop those, who would try anything to win

Dizzy again
Of course
Even if the appearance looks the same as before, but my body was cut in half just a few hours ago
A condition like this is impossible to be cured immediately, more like a whole life

However you say, I was nearly killed three times in one day
If people with no abilities want to join the battles, of course they will get hurt
The price I paid for being incompetent is almost lost my life

And her, was wounded for protecting me who is like this

I push my body up in a surge

"Oh yeah, that girl......!"
What am I doing
I completely ignored her because Tohsaka was in the living room
No, actually it's I'm avoid this matter unconsciously
----What a dismal guy
Actually refused to recall, the girl who was wounded for his sake, and bled painfully

"That girl Tohsaka, avoided to mention the most important thing......!"
I pluck up my resting body and stand up
Tohsaka didn't say anything regarding Saber
Though she did say how she and Saber carried me together, but didn't further explain
Just left out whether how was she after wounded by Berserker, the question most deserved to be asked

I endure my dizziness while searching the house
I look through every corner where people can stay---guest rooms, but haven't seen Saber

"That outfit, can be recognized immediately if she is present----"
That courageous suit of armor of Saber's can't be seen anywhere in the house
Though Tohsaka did mention she could be changed into spiritual form, but unfortunately I've never learned a skill like that
No, to begin with----

"......I'm supposed to be the Master, but just which part of me looks like that girl's Master"
What kind of person is Saber, what's the reason for Servant to exist, I know nothing of these
It's like giving a new recruit a tank suddenly

"That's it. Even if you give the newest weapon to someone who only knows how to operate old fashioned arms, he can't possibly know how to operate either"

No, fortunate enough, the tanks came with an auto-pilot system. Even if the beginner is really dumb, the tank will go off to fight by itself"

I am angered by my way of thinking, and hit my head against a pillar

"......How deep am I going to sink, dumbass. That was a very rude and demoralized thinking"
I apologize to the blond girl in my mind
I feel that I can relax only after quickly finding her, and making sure she is fine

"Not here either----"
I went around the whole house
Though this house is as vast as a hotel, but all the hide-and-seeks I played with Fuji-nee when we were little aren't just for look. I have a few tricks to search through the whole efficiently
If I still can't find it here, then the only place left is---

"The yard, the Storehouse, or----"
Though there are many possibilities, but I just won't consider that she's not in this house anymore
She said she is going to protect me
So I don't think she would leave this house then

"----Could it be"
An idea suddenly dawn on me
Not inside the house, nor the yard, nor the Storehouse we met for the first time
Right, isn't there a huge building in this house

"Doubtless. She must be there"
I walks in a fast pace
The destination is the Dojo in the separate building

A bit nervous
If she's not there, then I can only admit that she has vanished already

Then I notice
I don't know anything about her, yet I still hope she's there, I notice this contradiction

No unnecessary objects, a space spread with wooden board
Not for living, a Dojo constructed for the purpose of training oneself
Receiving faint sunshines, that soundless locus

She, just sits naturally

A tranquil space
White sunshines shot in, taintless melted the Dojo and her into one
A straight and decorous posture, not a trace of wavering can be sensed

Just her sitting this way, the atmosphere in the Dojo is tightened up
But not at all feel cold
For that posture is pure enough to let one forget about the cold air of winter

"----, ----"
Even the sounds of breathing, is a nuisance
The girl sitting in a corner of Dojo, is indeed the girl from last night

Under the moon in a dark night, showed up right before I was about to be killed by Lancer, the girl who brandished her sword without hesitation
Vaguely connoted a hint of blue moonlights, the hair same as golden sand, is now melted with the sunshines in one

Then, I truly recall
My feeling when I first met her, was just like this
Her whole body was wrapped around in armor, brandished her sword, forced down the enemy without saying a word

I was not astonished by that unrealistic scene
Disregard of how she looked. I'm afraid even if she was in mud, my feeling would not have changed in the slightest

The thing that moved me once, is now display in front of me like that again

Apparently that's why I keep gazing at her, even forget to breath
Disregard Masters, Holy Grail Way, or what not
In this instant, truly---I accept, everything of the girl named Saber

How much time has passed
Saber opens her eyes as if she wakes up from sleeps


I make a sound as if feeling regretted, echoed in this Dojo loudly
Did she notice that sound, Saber stands up without making any noise

I don't know what should I say, just approach her like this

"You're awake, Shirou"
A calm voice
Her voice is echoing as if soaking the Dojo

"A---aah. I just, woke up"
I reply with an unable to function smoothly brain

"Shirou? Your face is pale, is your body still not recovered after all?"
The blond girl approaches me all of a sudden
"Ah, no, no......! My body is fine, very fine......!"
I step back quickly, keep a distance from Saber

I remove my stares from Saber who tilted her head in confusion, anyhow let's calm down my vigorously beating heart

"......Calm down, what am I so nervous of----!"
I take a deep breath
......But, somehow I feel like I can't calm down immediately, or just can't calm down all together

"......Aah, seriously, why change your clothes, that girl......"
I can't help but being stimulated
Saber's outfit is completely different from yesterday
Opposite of that suit of armor, is a very ordinary clothes
Too unexpected, and too realistic that leads me to confusion

......Anyhow, she is a very beautiful girl
Though I knew it since yesterday, but I truly register it until now

For the armor outfit was too unrealistic, so I wasn't bothered much yesterday
But like this, dressing up like a girl, is very bothersome to a healthy young man

When I meet the eyes of the girl calling me, I know I'm very nervous
But, I didn't look for her to let the two of us sank in silence
Though I'm not adept at facing her, but I wouldn't be able to talk to her in my whole life if I were to stay quiet like this

"You are, Saber, right. This is the first time we talk like this---"
I make up my mind and start the conversation

----At the time

"Shirou. Hold on a minute, I have something to say about yesterday's matter"
Saber interrupts me unhappily, as if the calm from before was all a lie

"---? Sure, what is it"
"It's about yesterday. Shirou is my Master, right. The actions you took would cause me trouble. Fighting is my responsibility, so Shirou should take care of your own duty. If you're going to waste away your life, even I cannot save you"

Saber says resolutely
---And then, the sense of nervous just now has vanished without leaving a trace

"Wh, what! If I didn't do that you would be cut, isn't it!"
"Then only I would have died. Shirou would not be hurt. Allow me to repeat myself one more time, please refrain from that kind of action from now on. You as a Master do not have the necessity of protecting me, and there's no reason to, correct"

The girl utters flatly
Perhaps it is because of her overly calm expression
"Wh---Don't say something silly, what kind of reason do you need to save a girl......!"
I can't help, but express reflectively

Maybe she is shocked by my yelling, a while after Saber becomes stunned, she stares at me with an indescribable dignity

I retreat slightly, when stares by Saber seriously
I feel embarrassed somehow as if I said something very indecent
"Any, anyhow thank you for carrying me home. I have to give my thanks for this"

"Don't mention it. It's only natural for a Servant to protect the Master, but I am still glad for your thanks. Shirou is very polite"
"No. I am not that polite actually"

More importantly, something has to be clear up right now
What I should've asked yesterday after we came back
Is she really my Servant
Are we really---joining this war

"Back to topic, Saber. ......Ah, wait, let me ask again, can I call you Saber"

"Yes. Since I made a contract as a Servant, I become Shirou's sword. Obey your orders, attack the enemy, protect your life"

Saber says without hesitation
Her will is unquestionably pure

"Becomes my sword, huh. Is that for winning the Holy Grail War"
"? Wasn't that the purpose for Shirou to summon me"
"No. The reason I summon you was----"

Was only by chance, this I cannot tell
No, I didn't even do the summoning myself
Saber just appeared during my crisis, and saved me by herself

And now develops into this situation
I became the Master of Saber, and involved in a slaughter namely the Holy Grail War
My will had no control over any of these
I am just an amateur Magus, involved in a far-fetched battle----

"---, So what. ......I am awarded that I can only fight no matter what. How can say anything demoralized now"

I shake my head slightly, push down the meaningless demoralized words
---This is the final
As a man, I have already gave my words to fight
Then there's no way I can run away
And this is also the last time I intend to say anything demoralized
For no matter what shape or form it takes, I have already decided to fight

"---No, I am fine. But Saber, there's only a slim chance to win following me. I don't have Tohsaka's knowledge or ability, it's quite possible the same thing as yesterday will happen again soon enough. Is that still fine with you"

"Are you say, you don't have the will to fight"
"I do have the will to fight. Only because that I don't have chance of winning, so I want to ask you if it's fine with you. However, since I am the one who decided to start the war. So---"

I think it's wrong, let another to be injured in my stead is wrong
Even if I let Saber to fight because of my incompetence
I still can't stand, let that kind of----

Let that kind of scene, to be realized again

"My Master would be you, Shirou. This face will remain unchanged no matter what. For a Servant does not have the freedom to choose his Master"

That's true
So, that's why Saber became my Servant
Then, I can only try not to bring Saber any trouble, within my ability

"......I see. Then I am your Master, is that OK, Saber"
"Yes. But Shirou, I will not allow my Master to be defeated. If you don't have a chance to win then I will make it happen. I will use any possible method, to let you obtain the Grail. Because this is what we reply to the summoning for"

In order to obtain the Grail, huh
Tohsaka mentioned that Servants also have wishes want to be granted
Saber shouldn't be an exception
That's why she can be this untroubled

"......Wait a minute Saber. You said any possible method. Is that saying you will do anything to win. For instance, attack humans in order to obtain power, and the, sort----"

I can't finish my sentence
Saber is staring at me as if looking at an enemy

"Shirou. That's not a possible method. I only take the actions that I admit. Betray myself, to me is impossible. Hurting people with no arms, will violate the oath of knights"

"However, if it's Master's order I can only obey. By that time, as a price of stepping on my dignity, you will have to use one command spell"
I am been suppressed by Saber's voice which carries anger

Yet I am relieved and slap my chest lightly
Though she has an image of a sturdy fighting machine that knows no hesitant, but I know Saber isn't a cold-blooded murderer

"----Aah, I will absolutely not let you do that kind of thing. Saber is right, we can only think of a way out of possible choices. ......I'm truly sorry. For unintentionally, insulted you"

"Ah......Not at all, it's me who made absurd assumptions without knowing Master's intention. Shirou has not done anything wrong, can you raise your head......?"

"Eh? Aah, I apologize unknowingly"
I raise my face
Not sure whether Saber found something funny, the corner of her mouth eases

Forget it, smiling is an expression of happiness, then I won't ask any more question

"......Oh, I forgot to mention. I said I will think of a way out of possible choices. And part of it, is to cooperate with Tohsaka temporarily. She's was together with us yesterday, the Master of Archer"

"Is it Rin? ......True, that's indeed a wise decision. Before Shirou becomes a mature Master, there are matters that need to be taught by her"

Once Saber agrees to it, I can cooperate with Tohsaka assuredly
Next, the question that I have to ask or else I wouldn't be relieved, which is----

----After all, is about that clothes

"Right Saber. I have a question"
"Yes, what is it?"
"What's with the clothes. It's completely different from yesterday, I was astonished just then"
Now that I think about it, I am still in shock

"This clothes is prepared by Rin. Since I cannot revert back to spiritual form, at least I should avoid unwanted attentions"
"----I see. So that's it"

"No, erm, just"
I wanted to say it suits you well, but then change my idea
If I say something like that, my face will turn red like tomato

"Ah......No, that, just, this, the armor from yesterday! Right, I was thinking what happened to yesterday's armor"

"Please do not worry. My arms can be equipped freely, I took them off when I wore this clothes. That armor is something I conjured with mana. I can summon it when in time of need"


I can only admire
......Forget it, it's also a reality that wearing a suit of armor will attract attentions
So if Saber is dressing like now, I can pass her off as Kiritugu's relative to the neighbors
......Er, I can only do that

At this time
From the direction of the entrance, comes the sound of some heavy object landed
I turn my head confusingly

The one in the entrance is
Tohsaka who has a very large carrier bag besides her foot

My train of thoughts stop
Tohsaka who should be back is here at the Dojo, in leisure wear, and why is she carrying that kind of baggage----?

"......Hmmm? What are you doing coming here, Tohsaka?"
"What do mean what I am doing, I went home to pick up the baggage. Since I am going to be living here starting today, this is beyond all question"

"Huh......!!!!? Tohsaka is going to live in my house............!!!?"

"Isn't this what cooperation is. ......Hey, what did you take the conversation before for?"
Obviously if I don't oppose now, things will get really ugly, but my brain just can function normally

"Where's my room? I will pick it myself if you didn't prepare"
But this intruder keeps going on and on mercilessly
"Ah----this is wrong, hold on, that's----"
Isn't this against some kind of moral

Tohsaka is an idol in school, is this OK? I will be beyond panic if this kind of person stay in my house, I might go nuts if I let her live here, or kill by Fuji-nee, she is not planning to drive me nuts to take down one Master, right......!?

"Ah, should you prepare her room as well? Saber is different from my Archer, she takes up space, so you need to give a place to rest. However, if you say you're going to sleep with her then that would be taken care of"
Sleep together is, that......sleep under the same quilt, right

"How, how is that possible, idiot! What are you saying, nobody else is saying that! I can't possibly do that, Saber is a girl......!"
"---You're missing the point, but forget it. However, Saber. Apparently Shirou doesn't like to stay in the same room with a girl"

Saber is right beside me, shows a rather perplexed face

"That's very troublesome, Shirou. Servants are ones that have to protect Masters. We need to be on guard especially during sleeps, I am unable to protect you if we're not in the same room"
"I will be more in more trouble if we do what you said! What are you thinking, can you still count as female!"

Why do you choose at this moment watching me silently, you two

"......Humph. Servants are Servants, there's no need to treat them like humans. But Shirou is not going to listen to this anyway"

I intended to oppose, but halt
The awkwardness from when I talked to Tohsaka in the living room is awoke again

---I should say
I realize the source of that awkwardness

"......Hold on, Tohsaka. Since when did you drop honorifics when dressing me"
"Eh, is that so? I didn't notice, it is so since a long time ago, isn't it?"
".........It is so. I got this feeling a long time ago"

"I see. I will be careful if you don't like it, Shirou doesn't like it?"
Tohsaka says very naturally, completely unaware of my feelings
......Seriously, you were right Issei
This person, Tohsaka Rin, really is a evil woman

"......Whatever, it's up to you. Anything Tohsaka is fine with"
"Really? Then this is it"
"Rin, I hope you don't interrupt the topic. The matter regarding Shirou's and my room, has not settled yet"

"Ah, is that so, is that so. But by the look of it, it's really hard to share a room with Shirou. Though it's not a good thing to treat Servants as human, but why don't you give up if Shirou says he hates the idea?"
"No. Shirou only said he would be troubled, he didn't say he hates it"
"But. Shirou, what are you going to do?"

Just hold on a minute
Why are they calling Shirou, Shirou like some cat they picked up, after only one day
......Aah no, that's not the issue here, it's Saber's room

"Shirou, I will ask you again. To be on guard during sleeps is the duty of a Servant. I think you already understand your standpoint as a Master"
Uuh......even if you stare at me like that, still no can do

"......No. I will prepare another room for Saber. Erm, I will prepare the closest possible room, so give me a break"
"E, even you threaten me it's still no! Anyway, as a man I will not step down at this point, Saber you should think about your standpoint too......!"

"? So, I am intending to protect my Master from a Servant's a standpoint----"
"Not that, think of yourself too......! Aah seriously, forget it if you don't know what I'm talking about! If this continues I will make you listen even at the expense of one command spell......!"
I threaten Saber

"......It is very troublesome to cast command spells for this matter. I've never seen anyone cast the command that only have three chances on something like don't protect oneself"

"That too. A Master like this, Shirou must be the first and the last of his kind"
Don't spew nonsense. I don't want to cast a command spell for this either

"......I see, I will follow the Master's instructions. But what should we do if the enemy assault. Assassin can approach the target without giving away its presence. At times like that, is Shirou going to protect yourself before I rush in"

I can't just say that I will think of a way to protect myself by that time
Though it went well when I was up against Lancer, but that kind of chance wouldn't come twice

"That's not possible. A Field that would sound an alarm in times of enemy invasion is set up in this house. Though an assault is unavoidable, but it can detect ambushed. This way you can make it before Shirou is assaulted, Saber can just stand by in the room to your liking, right?"

"......That, certainly is the case, but"
"Then wouldn't stay next to Shirou's room be fine. It's fine as long as you're not in the same room, right, Emiya?"
Tohsaka glares at me, stresses 'Emiya' intentionally

"Tohsaka, what you said is fallacy"
"I said it for your sake therefore it's verity. And next, where can be my room-"
Tohsaka takes up her baggage and walks toward the house, as if saying enough talking
Looking from her silhouette, she's happy like a student picking a room in her graduation trip

Is it because that's just way too self-centered
Saber and I can't help but stare at her absently as she walks away

We left the Dojo and returned to inside of the house
Anyhow, I have to first introduce the inside of this house to Saber, and also to let Saber chooses the room to her liking

"Here is the Japanese-style room. To the other side are living room, bathroom, and such sharing utilities, go along the hallway straight to the separate building and you will reach the quest rooms. ......Tohsaka seems to be heading that way"

I walk as I explain
Not sure if Saber is listening, she just follows me without nods

"A tour to the house is not needed. Where's Shirou's room?"
"My room is over there. It's really deep inside"

"Then please take me there. I have some words to tell that have to be kept confidential"
"Words that have to be kept confidential......?"
That is to say, she doesn't want Tohsaka to hear it
Though I think Tohsaka is already in the separate building
In order to avoid eavesdrops, hallway surely isn't a place to exchange secrets

"Come. This is my room"
"What---is this Shirou's, room?"
Upon entering the room, Saber opens her eyes wide and in shock

"What? I don't think there's anything that can frighten Saber who is calm all the time"
"No, rather than saying there isn't anything that can frighten people, isn't there nothing here. Is here truly your room, Shirou"

"I have nothing to gain from lying to Saber. This is only a place for me to come back and sleep, of course there is nothing"
"......Is that so. I am very surprised, I thought there should more all kings of things in Shirou's room"

Saber walks into the Japanese-style room, put her hands on walls or the sliding door to confirm the touch
That delicate movement, is as if she can be affected by its memories just from touching the objects

"......Good. Though this is a pretty empty room, but it isn't been taken care of sluggishly. The view is bad, but this is a warm place"
"What? ......Aah, that's true. It's because of the structure of the house, this room is warm during winters and cool during summers. Dad also praised me for choosing a nice room"

"Nn. Rooms are the innermost worlds of everyone. I was agitated by Shirou's state of mind, but after looking at this too, my previous impression shouldn't change too much"
Saber utters as if she's relieved, yet I can't understand what she's trying to say

"And then? What are the words that have to be kept confidential, Saber"
"Two things. I hope both are only known by Shirou and I, can you do it?"

"? It's OK if this is what Saber want, but if possible can you talk about the content first. I can't tell whether they're good or bad news"

"Both are bad news. At least, I hope the other Masters won't find out"
Judging from Saber's expression, the bad news should be about our shortcomings

"......Is that so, I see what you mean. I will pay attention and listen, go ahead"
"Yes. Then first thing, I hope you can forgive me, for not performing the first ever duty of a summoned Servant"
"? The first ever duty of a Servant?"
"Which is to tell the Master who you are. Didn't Rin tell you that?"
"Tell Master who you are----Aah, in another word, you mean Saber's real name"

Servants are Heroic Spirits
Whose true identities are the infamous heroes in many eras
They use class names to hide their true identities, also their ultimate moves
The true name of a Servant cannot be known

However, that at the same time must be told to the Master
For, it's impossible to tell the exact capability without knowing the true identity of a Heroic Spirit
Master and Servant share one mind and one body
If one hides secrets from the other, then they can't fight normally

----But, that's an usual Master's case
Even if I learn the true name of Saber, I can't manipulate her, more importantly I'm not interested in her true name

"Hm. That's fine, but why?"
"This is my conclusion after thinking over. Even if Shirou doesn't tell, there are still ways to take Shirou's knowledge by force. Since Shirou's magic resistance isn't very high, if the enemy is an excellent spell-user he would be able to invade Shirou's mind easily. In order to prevent this kind of situation, I hope my true name isn't in Shirou's knowledge"

"I see, that's true. It would be bad if I'm hypnotized. All right, then you can keep the secret"

"That'd be great. ......However, I myself isn't a famous figure. A few ranks lower than Berserker, so it won't help even if you know it"

Saber says regrettably
......I'm a little surprise. Saber also has parts that resembles human, feels regrettable because as a hero she can't match up to Berserker

"Isn't this OK too? A trump card is called a trump because it's hidden. Since your Master is a guy like me, I can understand Saber needs to put up some efforts. ......And that Berserker, that can already be counted as a foul play. Saber doesn't need to be upset, and---from my point of view, Saber didn't lose at all. Didn't you fight him face to face with that kind of wound?"

"That's true. I was defeated yesterday, but perhaps the outcome will be difference once my wounds are healed"

"Right. OK, then first thing is finished. What about the second one?"

"Erm, about that......I'm afraid, it's not something we can take care of. We Servants maintain out bodies through the mana provided by Masters. Therefore Servants need Masters, however----"

"......Sine I am an immature Master, so I don't even have the necessary mana for maintaining Saber's body?"

"No. Even with a bare amount, it should be fine as long as there's mana flowing from the Master. But, Shirou does not provide any mana at all. The spiritual vein that should be connected is broken"

That, which means
I as the gasoline, is not providing fuel for Saber who is the engine

"Saber, that is to say"
"This is not Shirou yourself's defect. I'm afraid there was some problem during the summoning. Perhaps something didn't go right, caused the line that should've been connected didn't"

"----Some problem during the summoning"
Calling out Saber, wasn't summoning at all
That was only an accident
Surely, under that kind of summoning, it'd only be weird if there's nothing wrong with Saber

"......Wait a minute. Then what will happen. If you can't recover mana, will Saber vanish immediately"
"Nn. If I used up all my mana, then I can't stay in this world"

"I have already engaged in three battles since summoning. My heal ability is also a reviving Sorcery, so injuries will only accelerate the rate of mana consumption. ......Right, until last night, I consumed about the mana of ten mature Magi"

I'm in astonished
She would lost mana in every battle, yet Saber doesn't have any way to recover mana
Since she already consumed so much mana, then how long can Saber stay here like this---

"Do you understand, Master. For this, I have to decrease the consumption of mana as much as possible. If I'm without supply, then I can only rely on sleeping to decrease the mana consumption"
"Sleeping......That, do your mana recover from sleeping?"

"......I do not know. But at least, I won't spend mana while sleeping. So, from now on please allow me to sleep as much as possible. Though I might not be able to protect Shirou, but this is also for the victory, I hope you can accept"

I take a deep breath and tap my chest
......Good. If sleeping can solve the problem, I will accept however much

"That's a given. If Saber's tired just take a rest. If you can stay a while longer, that'd be great"

"Then, I will often sleep from now on, please do not leave the house during that time. When Shirou's under attack faraway, I wouldn't be able to be there immediately"

"It's another matter if I can jump space, however it's rare for Servants to have that kind of ability. If you want to summon me from afar, you will need the assistant of a command spell. Therefore, please do not separate from me as much as possible"

I really do want to follow, but can't agree easily
I can't imagine to keep living together with Saber, more importantly, I have my business to attend to as well

"......I will try my best. But is it really fine? Only sleeping, that----"
"I should be fine. Though I can't say for sure in this time around's situation, but last time the total number of battles were not even up to seven. Even if I don't attack, number of Servants will still decrease because of other Servants"

"That so. In another word, you don't necessarily have to fight each member once. If everything goes well, we can end this war rather easily"

The only guys I'm going to defeat are the ones stray from the righteous way
It can't be that all seven of them are that kind of guys
Tohsaka really wants to win too, but that girl should follow the rules of Magus certainly

So the rest five people---if all the rest are normal Magi then we wouldn't have to fight
Saber also said that last time there weren't even up to seven battles, this time too----

Wait a minute
Last time, not up to, seven times?

"Wait a minute, Saber. Erm, were you a swordsman last time too? Wait, not this, did you join the previous Holy Grail War......!?"

"This is the second I join the Holy Grail War. I was a swordsman then. Though some Heroic Spirits have more than one classes, but I only conform to swordsmen"

Tohsaka said once
Out of the seven Servants, Saber is the most exceptional
That is to say, this girl who won twice consecutively

"Then last time, erm......Did you stay, until the end"
"Of course. There wasn't any restriction last time, I did not lose to any other Servants"

Saber says matter-of-factly
And, I find out at last
In my hands, is bestowed with an overly unsuitable sword

"......I'm beat. Then you would be dissatisfied, Saber. A Master like me"
"I am only executing the duties given to me. If I can obtain the Holy Grail, I wouldn't be dissatisfied with the Master"

"That so. That is very good, but----"
She didn't know what losing is in the past, but she has already been wounded twice this time around

Under the circumstance where her mana can't recover, she has to pay attention to the storage of mana as she fights
The end result of this restrained, shackled battle is

That scene when she's tainted with fresh red blood

That picture is still floating around in my head
The image of a girl smaller than me, injured painfully

"Shirou. That regret, is unnecessary"
I turn my head back because of Saber's voice
I raise my head, and meet Saber's serious expression

"I am not unaware of loses. I become your Servant like this, because I didn't win in the past. I am already accustomed to pains, so you don't need to be remorseful"

"Accustomed to......Are you accustomed to that kind of near death heavy injuries as well"
"Hm. You can be hurt once you pick up a sword. You are the same, right. I don't think it make sense if only I'm not hurt"

"That---is true without a doubt. Then you're saying it's OK to be hurt, Saber"
"As long as it's not a heavy injury that would take my life. Since I can't protect the Master if I'm dead"
"......What do you mean. Are you saying that it's okay to be hurt in order to protect the Master"

"Because that is the duty of a Servant. ......What Rin said was correct. There's no need to treat Servants as human. We are tools that protect the Masters. You should grasp the meaning correctly of this as well"

Leaving this line behind, Saber steps to the sliding door
On the other side of the sliding door is the room next door
Because I only need this much of space, so I never used the other room

"I am going to sleep. I will be up when dinner is served, please tell me if you're going out"
A Sss sound, Saber closes the sliding door quietly

---We are tools to protect the Masters
You should grasp the meaning of this correctly as well----

"......What's up with that"
Somehow I am really fired up
But I did not speak up, just stood by myself, pondering on Saber's words

I sit on the hallway, raise my head and stare absently into the blue sky
Though I'm not like Saber who has to sleep since morning, but I also need rests

......The urge to vomit has gone, but my physical condition is still pretty bad
More over, one after another unexpected developments, put a lot of pressures on my shoulders all of a sudden

Take a deep breath, I stare blankly into the yard
Though I've finally asked the questions I should be asking at last, but the situation of knowing nothing has not yet changed
And my senpai in Sorcery, a regular Master, Tohsaka is

"Heh, do you have extra cushions? And beakers and protractors"

As such, busy with checking out my furnitures, no time to attend to anything else

"......You can take the cushions from the guest room next door. But normal household wouldn't have beakers and protractors"
"Ah? I can't believe this, shouldn't a Magus at least have some experimental equipments?"
Tohsaka complains as she return to the separate building, as if she's very busy

"......Aren't you serious, Tohsaka"
I take another deep breath
Tohsaka seems to be determined to live in my house
When I went to the guest room in the separate building just now, I saw on the door of the best room hung

'Undergo Remodeling, do not enter'

this sort of ridiculous sign

"......Hn. Separate building is pretty far, it should be fine"
I am nervous just from the presence of Saber, if even Tohsaka is besides me then I will never calm down

The separate building is in a distance, even though there's a hallway connected we're still just like neighbors, there's shouldn't be any problem as long as I don't come close to it

......Ah, but we'll meet up during meals
And bathroom is only available here also, I need to properly tell her to let her use it. Wait, now that I think about it Saber is also a girl, so----

"Dumbass, what am I thinking......!"

I shake my head violently, then lie down on the corridor

Not sure how many deep breaths I took today already, I stare absently into the sky
Perhaps I'm tired, I feel like sleeping right after I lying down

"Aah, it's already----"

Que sera, sera, I shut my eyes irresponsibly

......Did my irresponsible attitude take effect
I fall asleep altogether, as I shut my eyes close

When I come to, sun is already setting, Saber, Tohsaka and I gather in the living room
I just woke up
Not sure how long have Saber been in the living room
Tohsaka seems to be just finish remodeling her room

On a side note
This is what the guest room of my house looked like a few hours ago
"Shirou, how do you use this air conditioner-?"
I who was summoned here with a question that even Fuji-nee wouldn't ask, in my eyes
Is this

How should I put this, maybe I made a cooperation pact with a very dangerous someone

......I can't calm down
These two are utterly weirdos
Because there are rarely any guests come to visit in this house, so I feel especially unnatural

The appearances of these two just can't fit in a Japanese-style building in the first place

And it's seven at night
Though everyone is in the living room, yet nothing is done and none of us talk, this is really bad for our spirit

"You two, I want to talk about our future"
"Wait a minute. Before that I want to decide on something, can I do that"

"Uuh---Sure, what is it"
"What's for dinner. Shirou, you've always been living by yourself right?"
"......? Yeah that's true"
"Then you cook for yourself right?"
"Of course. If I don't cook I will starve"

"I see. Then I have a suggestion, let's take turn to make dinner, all right? We're going to be living together from now on, this way is better, right?"
"......Hmm. That's true. Though I want to live just like before, but since Tohsaka is living in my house then you're like my family. Cooking is only natural, I can be more relaxed too"

"It's decided then. Shirou will make today's dinner. It's already at this hour, let's have the strategic conference after dinner"
"?? Wait, I'm fine with taking turn to make dinner, but what about breakfast. Do we take turn to make breakfast as well"

"Ah, breakfast is not needed. I don't eat"
"---What, don't speak nonsense. You won't grow up without eating breakfast"

"Don't butt in other's life style. ......Anyway Shirou will make today's dinner! I won't talk if you don't take out some decent meal"
I'm not sure what bothers her, Tohsaka is staring at me as if she's in a bad mood

"......I get it. I will go make dinner, does Saber want to eat too?"
"If possible, please definitely prepare my share. Because food is an important source of energy"
"Understood. Then you two behave yourselves"

I pick up my apron and walk to the kitchen
Fortunately, there are still enough ingredients for three in the fridge
Rice was done when I woke up, I should be able to make in another thirty minutes

I peak at Saber and Tohsaka from the kitchen
No matter how I look those faces seem to prefer Western-style meal
Put Tohsaka aside, it's a wonder whether Saber can even tell the taste of tofu from Natto

"Wait, Saber probably don't know how to use chopsticks"
I think about it for a while, but there's no use in minding this either
One way or another, I can only do so much with these ingredients

Anyhow there is some leftover tofu
I plan in my head roughly, first is fried tofu. For soup, I will use kelp and miso
Chicken is already prepared, I will soak it with soy sauce and cooking wine, then bake it as main dish

Dry the moisture in tofu, season the chicken beforehand, meanwhile cut up the carrots for salad. Grate the carrots and make them into sauce by stir fry appropriately----

"Have you decided on the future guide lines, Rin"
"Who knows? I can't say much since there isn't enough intelligence, anyway we need to seek out the other Masters. There are four Masters left. Though I hope to find out who the opponents are without revealing my identity, but it didn't go well as expected"

I already told you to behave yourselves, why are you still discussing those dangerous business
Can't you see that I'm working hard to prepare dinner for three---they really are not looking

"Tohsaka! Not four, isn't it five. The only Masters we know are you and I!"
I raise my voice as I take out the large pan for frying tofu

"What are you talking about. Shirou and I, plus Illyasviel is three. Have you forgotten about Berserker already?"

......Right, that girl is also a Master
I forgot her because I had such a strong impression of Berserker, but---who thought that such a small girl is a Master, and intended to kill us mercilessly

"Hey, you never did take Illyasviel as an enemy, right. Stop butt in and concentrate on making meals. I will be troubled if I don't know the true caliber of Shirou"

I'm not sure how not knowing my cooking skills would trouble Tohsaka, but she is right
Preparation is almost completed, then I will finish it off in one swift strike

"Illyasviel......she is the Master of Berserker. It seems Rin knew about her"
"......More or less, at least her name. Because Einzbern is a Magus clan that have almost seized the Holy Grail several times

"......In another word, they are very experienced regarding the Holy Grail War"
"Supposedly. Though I don't about the others, but take Illyasviel as the largest obstacle can't be wrong. The class Berserker is originally intended to strengthen weaker heroes. Though you can use rationality to exchange for the strengthen of Heroic Spirits, but controlling the 'berserking heroes' require a large sum of mana. If you become a Berserker----"

"Ten I wouldn't be able to talk like this. Berserker is to exclude all assistant functions, only strengthen fighting ability. It's like to make a wounded lion obey. Normal Magi can't control it at all"

"That's true. Even if other weaker Heroic Spirits become Berserker, normal Master wouldn't be able to dominate it. However Illyasviel summoned a Heroic Spirit of first class among first classes, let he became a Berserker and dominated him completely. ......Regrettably, that girl's ability as a Master is on a different level from mine as well"

"......Agree. Our present predicament, is been marked by that opponent on a different level"
"Nn. My Archer has not recovered to the point of able to fight. How about Saber? Have your injuries recovered yet?"

"......Usual fights should be fine, but I haven't recovered to the point of on par with the Berserker. Even though the wounds from fighting with Berserker have completely healed, but the injury made by Lancer's penetration through chest seems to require much time"

"That so. Then for now, we can only observe the situation"
"About that I have a suggestion. Allegedly Archer's eyes are sharp like hawks. How about let him guard the surrounding of the house"

"That was my intention as well. If I let him guard on the roof, we can know immediately if there's any suspicious people come near. This house also set up Field against invaders, defense can be considered complete. ......However, if Berserker assaults here, we can only escape"

Tohsaka and Saber toss me aside in the kitchen and talk among themselves
Somehow, I'm not enjoying this
Someone is cooking seriously, and what's with the toss-him-aside-and-talk-among-yourselves attitude

And that girl Tohsaka, is acting too familiar with Saber
......No, since I can't talk to Saber that familiarly, so let Tohsaka and Saber consult with each other would be quicker, but----

My face which is reflected on the glass of tableware cabinet, is knitting unhappily
......So strange. Why am I angry

Tableware for three is ready, and place the meal in dishes
Then take the dinner to living room

"Seriously. Don't talk over these danger sou things during dinner"

Doh, I put down the rice bowl in front of Tohsaka

"? What are you angry about Shirou. Ah, should I help you with taking out dinner?"
"I'm not angry. Didn't Tohsaka say you're not used to it"
I stare at her leeringly

Tohsaka widens her eyes confusingly
Then, she reveals a smile that makes one's hair standing on end

"We're only deciding the way to cooperate. Relax, I'm not snapping away your Saber"
I know my face is burning red at once
After Tohsaka pointing out, I realize what I was angry about

"You, you, you----"
"Eh is that not it? Then it's my bad, Emiya"
"You, you.......whatever you said!"
I take the rest of the meal and retreat to the kitchen

......Aww, I was totally beat
Tohsaka is still smiling maliciously
......Eh. I'm really agitated now, can I continue to save my face in the future......

And then we start to have dinner
I keep remain silence
Because of what happened earlier, I don't feel like talking to Tohsaka now, and I'm embarrassed when I meet Saber's eyes, so I decide not to make a sound

Saber eating quietly
That act is quite elegant, others will not believe this girl brandishes sword

And, how should I put this

"......Hmm. ......Hmm, hmm"

Every time Saber tastes a new dish she hasn't tried before, she would give plenty nods
That action is a bit funny
I suppose that means she enjoys it
On a side note, Saber takes up chopsticks just fine

Tohsaka on the other side
"Very good, I can win against this......!"
Like so, she holds her fists after one bite

"Humph humph, looking forward to tomorrow, Emiya Shirou......!"
Tohsaka tighten her fists while trembling


Oh my god
What did I screw up again

"Let me say something about that topic just now"
Both of raise their heads simultaneously

Hold on a minute. Hold ooooon just a minute
It makes me nervous with just one person, what do you expect me to speak with both of you react simultaneously

"The topic just now, what topic"
"......The guide lines from now on. You were talking about it when I was cooking"
"Seeking out other Masters first, that one?"
"That one. I'm trying to figure out how exactly do we do that"

"Nothing special, we can only go looking for them literally. Ah, by the way. Shirou, can you sense the presence of a Magus? That would make it faster"

"Not at all. I stay at the school for nearly two years, and I never knew that Tohsaka is a Magus"
"So just as expected. ......Forget it, that's fine. Others will cut off their presence anyway, starting with Magi's presences doesn't seem to be a plausible way. How about Saber? I heard Servants can sense the existence of other Servants"

"I can do it more or less, but only when the opponent is using his ability in close proximity. I can grasp at around two hundred meters radius"
"I see. Then we can only await the enemy attack, and search for suspicious locations. If a Master has some actions he's bound to leave traits. It's those traits we're looking for"

"---In another word, we're investigating in the town?"
"No, it's better if we don't do that. The opponents are also raising their awareness, whoever does it would immediately expose his identity as a Master"

"Anyhow, let's not take any risk before we're fully recovered. Live our lives like before and not let anyone discover we're Masters. Hide the command spells on your hand so as to not anyone see it. Try not to go anywhere with nobody around. Come home immediately follow by sunset. Well, and......"

"Take the Servant with you when you're heading out. Can Archer protect Rin?"
"He should be able to do this simple task. I can turn him into spiritual form to stand by with no problem. The problem is---"
"Is it my Master"

"Right. Hey, Shirou are you listening? You have to take Saber with you when you're out. Though not attracting any attention is our principle, but who knows maybe some idiots will assault in the morning. To prevent that kind of situation, you have to stay with Saber"

"----I know, I will do my best"
I answer unwillingly
Though I can understand what she said, but I am a little reluctant regarding staying with Saber all the time

Though I also feel nervous when talking to Tohsaka, but even more so with Saber
......No, not exactly nervous
Anyhow I'm just not good at talking to Saber

"What's the matter?"
"----Nothing. Do you want one more, give me your bowl"
"No, there's no need. Shirou, this dish is really delicious"

I shift my eye unconsciously
......I can't even face her properly, how is it possible to stay together all the time

"Ah, but that won't do. Saber can't turn into spiritual form, so she can't follow to school"
"School......? Is Shirou a student?"

"Yeah......ah, right. Since Saber is not a student, so you can't go to school. ......So while I'm in school, you can only stand by at home"
"......Can you not go to school, Shirou"

"Can't help it. Since we have to live like usual, we can't not go school. Plus school wouldn't be dangerous. Not many places have so many people like there"

"No problem Saber. I am also in school, as the situation demands I will give him a hand"
"There isn't going to be any situation"
I say affirmatively

"......I understand. I will obey if my Master says so"
Saber though reluctantly, still gives a nod

Night is going deeper
Tohsaka apparently has already heated up the water and went to take a bath while I was washing dishes
Seriously, she's so casual already in the first day

"......For future's sake, I should take the leading role of this house sooner......"
Though this is what I'm thinking, but I feel that it would be very difficult to take back the leading role from that girl

"......Sigh. Speaking of difficulty, there's one more person that makes my aches......"
No, I should say that person is the main reason
Tohsaka would understand if I talk to her, but she won't necessarily agree even if I talk

"......Saber, huh. Though I know she isn't a bad guy"
Saber returns to her room
Tohsaka should be resting in the guest room of the separate building presently

I'm the only one in the living room
There is still some time before going to bed, I should talk to Saber for a bit right now
......Honestly, if I don't take care of my problem of not good at talking to Saber, it'd be a disaster in the future

And, Servant or whatnot, she is still a girl younger than me
We can know each other more by more talking, and more importantly

"......If I don't get used to it soon, Tohsaka will keep mocking of me......"
Nn, that would be awful
Since it'd be very awful, so I have to talk to Saber as casually as possible

I return to my room
Next to this room, on the other side of the door is Saber's room

"......Saber, are you awake?"
"Awake. What's the matter, Master"
Saber pulls the door open lightly

Once Saber shows up in front of me, my heart is suddenly taking a seizure
......Calm down. I am only here to ask her some business as a Master

"Shirou? Your face doesn't look well, did the wound open?"
"Ah---No, not like that. My body is fine. I should be the one asking Saber"

"I'm fine. Though there's still some times from my present state to complete recovery, but I already reached the average value. I should be on par to any opponent besides Berserker"

Saber confirms clearly
There's no boast or confidence in her words
She's just, tellings the facts that's all

I can't reply to her
What Saber said was very reliable to a Master, however I---don't want such a small girl to fight

"Erm, let me ask one thing. Does Saber has any other purpose except fighting? You hardly ever come to modern days, you should have something you want to do"

"Other, purpose......? There's no such thing. Servants are people been called out for the sole purpose of fighting. All the other purposes would be unnecessary. What Shirou said was utterly illogical"

What I did was like telling a guy who was summoned for the sole purpose of fighting, to stop fighting
I don't want to say this either
But, how should I put this---Saber lacks the atmosphere of a human
There's nothing wrong with wanting to fight, but she's certainly appearing in front me of as a human

Then there can't be just fighting
Since Saber is staying here, then I think it's a lie to say she doesn't have any way to have fun

"So Saber. Servants are heroes from the past. Then----"
Though I want to ask what kind of person was Saber, but then I stop again

'---I can't tell you my true name'

During the day, Saber said this secret shared by only us
Then even if I inquire her past, Saber wouldn't possibly answer

"Shirou? It's not a good thing to stop talking in the middle of your sentence. If it a necessary question then I would answer"
"---No, forget about what I said. It's just that I almost brought up something stupid"

I swift my eye, trying to change the subject
......Really is stupid
I shouldn't haven any interest in Saber's true identity, and Saber also didn't tell me because she can't
If I bring out this again, then we're only going to repeated the same boring conversation, and prove that I'm a horrible Master and that's it

But, other than this is what else is there to talk about?
Since I can't ask about Saber herself, the rest of the topics are only about me
......That's really even more meaningless

Let's just give up on myself
Since I can't ask anything about Saber's true identity, then I will just ask what Saber like, or what breakfast does she want and the sort of meaningless questions that would make Saber stare at me---

"Shirou. If you don't have any question, may I ask"
"Eh---Sure, what is it"

"About last night. Shirou intended to rescue me, but was cut in halves by Berserker. You should remember?"

"I do remember......What, do you want to continue what we started this morning? I know that was a very reckless move, don't make me remember it again. I would feel like vomiting"

"It's the same for me. But I think this is a question to know you better. Shirou. Why did you confront Berserker. Didn't Shirou know what would happen if you approached him?"


I knew about that
I knew I would be killed if I went near

......But I just, wanted to save Saber

I didn't care what happen afterward
At that time, Emiya Shirou's priority, was to save Saber

......I'm afraid
In that instant, the feat of 'I can't save ' Saber in my mind, had far surpassed the feat of 'being killed'

"............Sorry, I forget. It was in a flash, I don't know what I was thinking. I must be really confused. Otherwise I wouldn't do something like that"

Perhaps Saber's expression is too serious
I didn't tell her my real thoughts, just dodge the question clumsily trying to pass it off

"......In another word. You just naturally, intended to rescue me"
"---Not naturally. I said I was just confused. If the same thing happens again, I will definitely be trembling non-stop"

"That's true. That's a normal person. No one can ignore his own life and help others. Perhaps even the people who are called heroes are no exceptions"

"So---If someone like that does exist, there's definitely some defect in that man's mind. If one move on holding that defect, there's only tragedy awaits in the future"
It's as if the deep green pupil of Saber is telling something

"---You're long-winded Saber, I said I was only confused for a moment. I'm afraid of dying as well, not that kind of saints. ......If the same thing happens next time, I will definitely take care of myself first"

Against my will, I try my hardest to avoid what Saber's pupils are trying to tell me

"That's great then. There'd be no problem if I thought wrong. Nn, Shirou is indeed cowardly. If you don't stray from your path, you can definitely be a normal Magus"
"Humph. What, do I look cowardly"

"Nn, very cowardly. Especially the part that tries hard to accept your present situation. This wise act, is sometimes called cowardly. It's the same principle that you can't become a wise man without knowing fears"

Is she relieved
Saber says while smiling

Because that motion was really cute, and overly elegant
I didn't even think about what to say, just sit in that insipid room with Saber and let the time flows

......Into the midnight
I didn't talk to Saber, nor did I talk to Tohsaka in the separate building, then it's time for bed

It's eleven at night
I switch off the light of the house, the inhabitant lying on the ground is going the land of dreams to prepare for tomorrow


"--------I can't fall asleep"
I open my eyes as I lie down
Though this is the same room I'm used to sleep in, but today is different from the past

"......Damn it. Why, is this----"
It's obviously very quiet, yet I can hear Saber's sound of breathing in the next door
Aah that's wrong, I can hear the sounds from next door because it is so quiet, and because I can hear the sounds so my brain just starts to fantasize Saber's sleeping face

"......Aah, shit......! How do I go to sleep like this......!"
I don't want to restless like this
Be careful not to wake up Saber I crawl out of my bed, and escape to my old place

"......Safe. I thought Saber would notice, didn't think that she'd be this blunt"
Or perhaps Saber is the type that sleeps really deep
Though I doubt that can protect the Master, but right now there isn't any danger at all
If Servants are connected with the Masters mutually, then she'd wake up instantaneously as the Master got in troubles

"Tohsaka......seems to be sleeping"
The lights in the separate building are already switched off
Is she really that bold, or just good at adapting originally
Tohsaka seems to only spend merely a day, to be accustomed to the atmosphere of my house

"......But, actually her presence, really helps me out a lot"
Nn, though she's a lot of troubles, but also many helps
Among those, is the bondage wrapped on my hand

"To conceal command spells, huh. I never noticed before she mentioned it"
The command spells of a Master will appear somewhere on his hands
Mine is on the back of my left hand
Since I can't hide it with clothes, so I can only wrap bondages around it to hide it unnaturally

"......It's winter after all. I should be able to pass it off by wearing clothes with longer sleeves"
Tohsaka is the opposite of me, apparently it's in the middle of her right arm
Every Master's command spell has different shapes, supposedly I haven't seen Tohsaka's command spells

The Storehouse is back to quiescent
This is where Lancer tried to kill me
And where Saber emerged

The entrance is still open, the darkness inside is as if rejecting outsiders

To me, that darkness is also very familiar
The playground of my childhood, the ancient building that is the real room to Emiya Shirou, stands under the night of winter silently

......Come to inside
Shut off the door to block out the air outside, light up the antique stove

"That's true. I intended to rest today, nevertheless let's not do that. Dad will lecture me for resting two days consecutively"

I sit in the middle of the Storehouse, take in a deep breath
......Training is something you do continually without a break
For Sorcery to me is nothing but mental training, so I can't slack off the slightest

......I adjust my breathing evenly and start the training
In my head is the usual image
The shape of a sword emerges in my vast and empty mind

I disregard of that image, and make my thoughts more transparent
After mana flowing through my entire body, I'm proceeding the Sorcery 'enhance'

Yesterday, feels like years ago, the enhance Sorcery I succeed under the assault of Lancer
It'd too much of a shame if I don't practice repeatedly until there's some result before forgetting that sensation

"----Trace, on"

I half close my eyes, breath out the air in my lungs

----There's only this one thing on my mind

Things about the Holy Grail War, about Saber, about Tohsaka, they are all swallowed up and vanished by this construction
If I can make my thoughts become clear enough to be oblivious to all the immature perplexity, perhaps I can have a good night sleep naturally---
